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Legion Gear Stats

cptmillenniumcptmillennium Posts: 450 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Items and Crafting
I'm curious what numbers people have been able to hit with Legion Gear. What crit chance with two Gambler's Lucky Gems and no other bonuses, same for dodge or avoidance.
The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
Post edited by cptmillennium on


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    ayonachanayonachan Posts: 557 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Old Non-Legion

    "Base" critical chance is 0 BUT because you MUST have 10 dex it turns into 0.13%
    47 Critical Strike grants 3.9%
    95 Critical Strike grants 11.2%
    103 Critical Strike grants 12.7%
    198 Critical Strike grants 27%
    245 Critical Strike grants 32.2%

    Base Severity is 50%
    4.6 Severity grants 61.3%
    8.9 Severity grants 65.6%

    370 Cooldown Speed along with 10 int('lowest' amount of int you will ever idle with) turns:

    5.9 seconds into 2.9 seconds
    15 seconds into 7.2 seconds
    30 seconds into 15 seconds
    1 minute 29 seconds into 43 seconds
    1 minute 58 seconds into 58 seconds
    236 minutes 27 seconds into 115 minutes 50 seconds


    Base Dodge is 10%
    Base Avoidance is 20%
    153 dodge grants 42.5%
    139 avoidance grants 58.7%
    292 dodge grants 54.5%
    241 avoidance grants 69.5%
    306 Dodge Chance grants 55.3%
    445 Dodge Chance grants 61.7%
    102 Avoidance grants 52.5%
    353 avoidance grants 76.3%
    374 Avoidance grants 77.2%

    Base Offense(0) grants 0%
    67.6 Offense grants 15%
    120 Offense grants 22%
    135.2 Offense grants 24%
    209.1 Offense grants 31%
    263.9 Offense grants 34%
    340.5 Offense grants 38%
    433.4 Offense grants 41%
    472 Offense grants 42%
    563.8 Offense grants 44%
    702.7 Offense grants 47%
    739.7 Offense grants 47%
    829.5 Offense grants 48%
    851.2 Offense grants 49%
    881.1 Offense grants 49%
    1040.7 Offense grants 50%
    1066.7 Offense grants 51%
    1188.6 Offense grants 51%
    1288.6 Offense grants 52%

    Base Defense(0) grants 0%
    50.4 Defense grants 12%
    111.9 Defense grants 26%
    153 Defense grants 36%
    173.8 Defense grants 41%
    196.2 Defense grants 46%
    200.2 Defense grants 47%
    278.8 Defense grants 66%
    298 Defense grants 70%
    311.7 Defense grants 73%
    369.4 Defense grants 87%
    418.7 Defense grants 99%
    477.5 Defense grants 112%
    499.1 Defense grants 117%
    529 Defense grants 124%
    585.5 Defense grants 138%
    615.4 Defense grants 145%

    482 Cooldown Reduction and 10 int makes 1 minute 58 seconds into 50 seconds

    I have many many more things but they aren't relevant. I haven't done a legion critical strike/severity yet..nor do I really care to

    Edit: Oh, and you can't obtain most of the higher numbers for defense and offense on legion gear alone but I left them all in since it isn't truly that big of a deal.
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    cptmillenniumcptmillennium Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    That's very helpful. Thanks!
    The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
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    lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Wait...so is there diminishing returns on defense after 100 plus%?
    I have a lot of toons with at least 420 defense. I'm wondering is that a waste of time and gear to have that be as high as it is... And would it be smarter to put points elsewhere?

    380-390 seems like it wouldn't make that much of a difference.
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    ayonachanayonachan Posts: 557 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Defense doesn't get any worst than it does at .5 but offense takes the biggest dump on all the values 200+.

    At level 40 50.4 defense is 12% damage reduction and 615.4 Defense is 145% damage reduction.

    (615.4/50.4)*12 = 146.524

    Compare 145%(actual) to 146.524%('estimated')

    (111.9/50.4)*12 = 26.643%('estimated') 26%(actual)
    (200.2/50.4)*12 =47.667% ('estimated') 47%(actual)
    (298/50.4)*12 = 70.952%('estimated') 70%(actual)

    The difference between 380 and 390 is 10. 10 defense is virtually the same no matter where you have it BUT what it took to get that 10 defense will determine if it is 'worth' it.

    Edit: I'll just drop this here because the question will occur in the future and I'd like to be ready for it:
    1. (Base Damage * (1 + (AdditiveDamageBonus% - AdditiveDamageDebuff%)))
    2. * (1 + (MultiplicativeDamageBonus - MultiplicativeDamageDebuff??%))
    3. / (1 + RedirectedForce%)
    4. * ((100% - Avoidance%) - AvoidancePenetration??%)
    5. (If negative then * otherwise /) (1 + ((Defense% + Block%) - (DefensePenetration%+ NegativeResistanceDebuff%)))
    6. - Flat Damage Reduction
    7. = Solution

    1. Calculate Additive Damage Bonus
    2. Calculate Multiplicative Damage Bonus
    3. Newest Addition to CO and it takes a large strain out of the user to keep up but it is useful to say the least.
    4. Dodge Roll. Calculate Avoidance mitigation.
    5. Defense. Calculate Defense mitigation. Resistance is permitted to go below zero if and only if defense penetration is enough to bypass defense+block%. Defense penetration alone will only nullify not decrease. Negative resistance debuffs is what determines if you gain bonus damage or not.
    6. Flat Damage Reduction is not permitted to go below 1.
    7. This is the solution after all of the above has been calculated. In CO there is a max variance of ~30% most powers have either 10% or 15%

    Shield - Solution = DamageHpTakes(If your shield has enough durability remaining this should be 0)

    If PFF then:
    Solution *0.1 = DamageHpTakes

    Damage Debuffs only apply to the attacker.
    Resistance Debuffs only apply to the defender.
    For now, there is no avoidance penetration nor any multiplicative damage debuffs.
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    lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ok. Good to know. Thank you very much.

    This helps me understand what the heck is going on with my crazy numbers.
    So...really my offense being over 600 plus isn't really a benefit to me?
    Hmm...I have got to change some things up, although with my tree set-up, the more offense I have the more defense I get.

    Got some work to do to make these numbers work for me. Diminishing returns suck. I knew there was some DR going on, I just didn't know how much.
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    ayonachanayonachan Posts: 557 Arc User
    edited July 2013
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    secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Wish I had seen this earlier =)
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