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Freeform character suggestions

brokensaintvxbrokensaintvx Posts: 4 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Power Discussion
Hi everyone, I'm slightly stumped on a build I've been working on, and I wanted to get some constructive critisim based upon what I've come up with thus far. The powers listed won't be brought onto the character in the order listed, I just rattled them off as I saw the ones I ideally want to utilize.

Ok, character concept: Gravity manipulating gunslinger, or, as most people would know it as, a biotic. I've long had great love for the "space mages" from Mass Effect, and with this build I want to attempt to pay homage to them. Specifically when I say "Them" I mean, Vanguards. SO, here goes.

Super stats:

2 gun mojo (close the gap)
void shift (for appearance mostly, but the +fear is also a plus)
shadow form
Force Snap/breakaway shot (hard landing or Microfilament wire respectively)
Force Geyser
Field Surge
Force Eruption
Lead Tempest
Molecular Self-Assembly
bullet beatdown (not without incident, break the trigger) or Telekinesis (this is mostly because I want to throw trucks at people)
Telekinetic Maelstrom

Dodge isn't my largest concern, but being able to utilize it is definitely a plus. Also crippling defenses, and lowering attack damage are also big pluses. But the idea behind the build is to be a high risk, high reward spectacle fight juggler:

Force Geyser, Void shift, bullet beatdown, force eruption, Force Snap, Two-Gun

Yes, I want this toon mostly to look cool while fighting. I do think I need to rethink a lot of the skill base because of redundancies, but for now it's kinda what I'm working with at the moment. Feed back please!
Post edited by brokensaintvx on


  • carrionbaggagecarrionbaggage Posts: 736 Community Moderator
    edited July 2013
    Your main attack powers deal ranged physical damage, but Shadow Form only increases paranormal damage. Quarry would be a better choice for an offensive passive, especially with superstatted INT.
  • foosnarkfoosnark Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I don't want to go too far into criticism of the build because you're trying for a concept, and I like that. But I:

    -- would take Quarry. DEX/INT/EGO and don't gear too heavily for EGO, or else DEX/INT/CON and gear for EGO somewhat.

    -- would try to resolve the conflict between wanting enemies close and wanting them far away. You probably don't want both knockback and knockto/shift. You probably don't want one AOE power that sends enemies flying and another that wants them nice and close. You probably don't want Bullet Beatdown/Break the Trigger unless you're building around melee damage.

    (And as an aside, please consider the effect of knockback on other players in Alerts; they can lower team DPS by knocking enemies away from meleers/circles/AOE damage/turrets. Nothing more annoying than charging up a good melee attack only to have it fail because somebody knocked the boss away from you.)

    -- wouldn't take that many attack powers. (One maintainable/spammable staple single-target attack, plus one on a timer to proc MSA and interrupt. One staple AOE attack and maybe another if it had some utility.)

    -- with Quarry, I would stick with physical attacks, so not Maelstrom.

    -- would have some kind of self-heal. (I love Conviction; easy MSA trigger, self-heal in combat or after, and absorbs at least part of one hit.)

    -- wouldn't take Field Surge for a defensive passive, since half of what it does is strictly for PFF. (If you want something similar in style, Protection Field or Mindful Reinforcement are good.)
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