I ask because it suddenly seems to be much harder for my might toon, Liberty, to get nemesis missions. She stomps the folding chairs behind the Until building until they pop up glowies, snags the glowies and draws aggro from her nemesis's cowpoke minions, pounds them into a sticky paste and... nothing.
Or, at least, nearly nothing. Every once in a while, they'll drop an item- not a nemesis clue. In the last three weeks, I've gotten exactly two nemesis clues.
Is there a new trick? Has the timer been (significantly) extended? Have they decided that minions spawned from lawn furniture no longer count? Or is my toon simply bugging out?
Many in game swear it's guranteed that if you do the chairs the nemeis will show and they will drop a clue.
The problem is I know first hand that it's not guranteed. Spent more than two hours once killing chairs with nothing besides twice at the hour and a half mark, but they immediatly disappeared. And then again at the 2 hour mark but again they appeared and immediately dissappeared. Then spent another hour killing chairs nothing.
It's been three months+ plus for some toons seeing thier nemesis. Some never seen the minions again after the first mission, killing chairs for hours and nothing.
And two get the minions to spawn pretty often but they keep immediately despawning. Thus they havent been able to pick up clues.
I'm starting to think it might be a toon related bug.
Like two of my toons with nemesis, the minions appear fairly often no problems and drop clues like normally stated. The rest seem to have various issues one way or another. As mentioned two get the minions to spawn on the regular but they immediately despawn, and the others the minions just dont spawn at all and the few times they do (only works using the chair trick) they immediatley despawn.
Many in game swear it's guranteed that if you do the chairs the nemeis will show and they will drop a clue.
The problem is I know first hand that it's not guranteed. Spent more than two hours once killing chairs with nothing besides twice at the hour and a half mark, but they immediatly disappeared. And then again at the 2 hour mark but again they appeared and immediately dissappeared. Then spent another hour killing chairs nothing.
It's been three months+ plus for some toons seeing thier nemesis. Some never seen the minions again after the first mission, killing chairs for hours and nothing.
And two get the minions to spawn pretty often but they keep immediately despawning. Thus they havent been able to pick up clues.
I'm starting to think it might be a toon related bug.
Like two of my toons with nemesis, the minions appear fairly often no problems and drop clues like normally stated. The rest seem to have various issues one way or another. As mentioned two get the minions to spawn on the regular but they immediately despawn, and the others the minions just dont spawn at all and the few times they do (only works using the chair trick) they immediatley despawn.
You probably need to check the mail on those toons, or go see defender in ren center. There are points where nem minions won't drop clues because the mission is available through other means.
You probably need to check the mail on those toons, or go see defender in ren center. There are points where nem minions won't drop clues because the mission is available through other means.
Yeah- probably should have added that the toon's only L26; checked the mail, the crime computer, even went and visited Defender and Martin; still nothing. I've leveled enough toons to 40 that I'm fairly certain it's nothing I'm doing. I appreciate the confirmation that this isn't just happening to me; and, fantasycharacter, thanks for trying to help- sometimes I do overlook things.
Yeah- probably should have added that the toon's only L26
The mission that's going to be given to you next isn't determined when you get the drop, but as soon as you complete the previous mission. If the next mission will send you into a zone that you aren't high enough level to enter, the item just won't drop.
_________________________________________________ @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
The mission that's going to be given to you next isn't determined when you get the drop, but as soon as you complete the previous mission. If the next mission will send you into a zone that you aren't high enough level to enter, the item just won't drop.
Hm. Interesting- never really paid that much attention to it before. So... do they rotate the missions even if you don't get one? Or do you have to level up in order to get another (any other) mission if you're underlevelled for a zone?
You have to wait until you're high enough level. The next mission is selected on COMPLETION of the current one, so if you can't complete it yet, you don't get the next one.
_________________________________________________ @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
You have to wait until you're high enough level. The next mission is selected on COMPLETION of the current one, so if you can't complete it yet, you don't get the next one.
Well, that's irritating. Not insurmountable, though. Just means I'll have to abandon my leveling experiment with a few characters. Thanks for the advice!
well in my case, already check my mail on those characters, and visited defender and the nemesis police guy in person. They had nothing for me. The toons are high enough level as they are 35+, two is 40. There is nothing in email either.
The same go for the ones where the nemeis minions appear and immediately dissappear.
Basically, lets make this clear I checked the basics, the obvious. The chiars, the level, the dwefender/police contact the emails, waited way more than six hours, of course collected orbs, and the usual stuff. And forgot to add, this problem isnt new, I thought I added that to my last post but must of forgot that, and thus of course did the usual stuff especially checked mail and defender/the original police contact. Even went back to the nem kiosk to make sure somehow the nemesis didnt magically get deleted or inactive or something after completing the first intro mish.
Given that I checked the usual stuff, how about any unusual suggestions?
Another thought, and the one that got me last time: Do ypu already have a Nemesis mission?
Most of the "indoors" Nemesis missions automatically give you a follow-up mission, no need to hunt minions. If you don't know this (or forget!) and your mission log is fairly full, it can be easy to miss. Or, more common for me: Do one then log off, and forget you have the follow-up when you lig back in.
_________________________________________________ @flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Nemesis minions have been bugged for a while now, they seem to come in groups of four or 5 and the ones who attack in melee range seem to simply vanish once they come near, but the others attack as normal.
Personally they tend to appear when I walk over an Open World Upgrade, that sound it makes usually draws them to me (most likely a coincidence but it happens 8/10 times).
They are most likely to attack if it has been a while since you had a nemesis mission OR if you are holding onto a nemesis mission.
Chairs tend to not spawn my nemesis minions as much as going out in the open world and fighting stuff does.
Then again on the other end of the spectrum, Nemesis minions can continually come in droves and not stop attacking.
It got to the point one time, a crowd of civilians, myself and The Toy Master were fending off constantly spawning minions.
It's a random bug, and sadly, you can do nothing with it.
I have it on one character - she has great difficulties with getting nemesis missions and could not be able to drop clues from destroying objects.
No other characters had this problem. Now, this toon still can't drop nemesis clues from destroyed objects, but at least now it can be forced from killing manimals, especially rats.
This problem seems to be character based and is more often on newer characters - they can't trigger nemesis clues from objects, but it works in a normal way with mobs (i.e. - when nemesis minions are spawned from orbs dropped by creatures).
It's a very Cryptic thing, it may be a bug, or fix preventing players from damagin objects, but not fully working on all characters. It may be anything.
Another thought, and the one that got me last time: Do ypu already have a Nemesis mission?
Most of the "indoors" Nemesis missions automatically give you a follow-up mission, no need to hunt minions. If you don't know this (or forget!) and your mission log is fairly full, it can be easy to miss. Or, more common for me: Do one then log off, and forget you have the follow-up when you lig back in.
nope that is not the case. Remember when searching email for the defender/nemesis police clue and going back to defender/nememsis orignal police contact, I thought it was assumed that checking for the missions was also checked because I had to check for their clue in the invent. and of course check the mission list which I never allow to get over 13, always a spot or two just in case I stumble across an interestign contact and the mission list is easy to search it's numbered and usually nemesis clue missions never con above white from what I seen. By 25, I do not do white missions unless its nemesis mish or special mish that I missed and could use the gear drop. Thus a nemesis mish alway stick out like a sore thumb among red/orange missions. But of course I checked again, no nemesis mission no email from defender ,no emai lfrom the police, nemesis is still active, it's been more than six hours each toon, defeated plenty of chairs, objects, tables, in Ren center and the place where the Mayor speaks, yes a nemesis exists, yes the nemesis is active according to the kiosk thing, yes of ocurse I defeat the nememis minions when they appear when they do appear and if they dotn immediately despawn. Yes again, I checked the mission log, checked the email, checked the mission log again, check defender again ,checked mission log again, checked with the nemesis police thing ,defeated chairs, logged out logged in, killed thousands of rats that drop orbs like crazy even got the 5000 manimal kill on many fo thosde toons. Like I said I did the obvious usual stuff.
It's beyond that now, anything unusual that is not obvious or covered above? Sounds like it's a strange bug with no one knows the solution to it. Love the idea of a nemesis system but it seems cant really enjoy it much. Which is sad because the missions as old as they are probably will only hold attention for not much. Played COX for years was hoping to do that here but the lack of updates PERMANENT CONTENT UPDATES, and the bugs basically blocking the nejoyment of certain features, kind of pigeon hole this game. I see maybe being here a year total with the game as is. Already having trouble coming up with new toons, and it's gettign to the point where it's feeling "dang, have to fight Poe again, for the thousand time." and not want to create new toons but the toons that complete the content have nothing to do as I'm not into farming for nothing or for anything for that matter, and thus with no new toons and nothing new to do with the most interesting feature that is not in most game is buggy all to hell, between the minions not spawning spawning and immediately despawning, the jail break mish on the fritz alot, hell I'm startign to question why do I invest so much into it. I guess hoping they will finally fix the bugs or do something.
Cant even get the clues in many cases remember the ones that do appear-immediately dissappear.
The other, nemesis never appeared. Meaning after the first into mueseum heist mish, no more nemesis.
Not to mention I usually do the nemesis missions, well thus far always do them as soon as they drop. One, the 6 hour limit. No point in logging six hours or more then log in complete mission, then have to wait another six hours before getting another clue which make it about one nemesis mish every two days and make it riskier as you said to lose it. I dont do that. Not to mention on the the charcter that get the nemesis to spawn, I wanted to keep it rolling and made sure to do the missions as quickly and often as possible. Although the jail break mish bugged up of a dozen times (another thread).
(Beyond the bugs of nemesis system) Heard about that new studio. I'll wait a bit and see what they do and continue to spend good money here, on Zen and other crazy stuff, but after a while if they is no improvement, then there is nothing more than I can do. I stated the problems, so it's known, I waited, I spent money, what else can a person do besides play until the game is no longer fun and worth the time and just leave and spend their money elsewhere? Not many super hero games out there and sad to see the few either shut down or treated as side project not deserving of attention. Hell even tech support and the mods dont give a crap. Kind of hard to keep caring about this game and hoping things will change and succeed when the people that work "for" the game dont seem to give a hoot about it. Besides one or two. One I can off the top the other is just in case I missed one. But I'll go with it for a little while longer that way when it ends, no one, I mean NO ONE can say I didnt give it a fair chance to change. Some been here longer for years and from what they say the way it is is the way it's been for years.
It got to the point one time, a crowd of civilians, myself and The Toy Master were fending off constantly spawning minions.
I wish I had that problem.
Actually even the toons where the nemesis spawns only do so because of fighting chairs. Never ever in the wild fightign thingsand picking up orbs. And she and the others picked up many of them especially in MI.
And not sure what constitute a while I assumed months was way long enough and they still spawn and despawn immediately even the range ones. The melee ones dotn bother ot get within range literally, they span and fade out, they dont even make a move, if they show up at all, and again no mission, checked defender, checked nemesis original police contact, checked all the usual obvious stuff.
Switched nemesis minions? I think Ice Demons were ones on me who vanished.
Not getting clues in a certain level? Level up, try again.
After lvl 30?-35? you get 1 clue per level or something like that.
And yes. Nemesis System is buggered as heck. One Big Reason i took a "break" and still on it.
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Switched nemesis minions? I think Ice Demons were ones on me who vanished.
Not getting clues in a certain level? Level up, try again.
After lvl 30?-35? you get 1 clue per level or something like that.
And yes. Nemesis System is buggered as heck. One Big Reason i took a "break" and still on it.
Well with some of them there is no other levels to be had, 40, and the rest are level 35 and up already including the ones where the nemesis minions immediately vanish. Only one use ice demons. And ironically that is on the toon that have the minions show up fairly often lol.
And the ones that had the problem of nemesis nopt showing up at all, been having the problem since 25. The lowest leve l of that group is now level 36. ABout 9 levels of the nemesis minions not showing up.
I did switch the nemesis on some of them and neither made a difference in the the nemesis never showed up regardless of what they were.
Might try it on a level 36 that have the problem of the nemesis showing up but immediately vanishing and see what happens. While I tried swiotching minions on the ones where they never show and ran through the gamut of them (only have 4 level 40s and would have had more if I didnt spend so much time and hours trying to figure out what is up with the nemesis system), never tried it on the ones that have them show up but immediately dissappear. This should see if they stick around. I might switch them to the ice demons since the only toon that had not a blip with the nemesis mission drops besides the dozen times the jail break mission bugged, have ice demons. Then if it works may try it on the other toons where the minions show up and immediately vanish. although if it works it will suck having them all with ice demons regardless of the actual theme. But f-it as long as it works.
Thanks for that answer, one that is outside the usual obvious stuff that anyone that dealt with this more than once would have tried already.
The only character I use to actively seek out Nem missions is a Might Tank. She can usually pull a Nem minion group within a minute of two at the chairs where Harmon is. Occasionally they'll despawn, even while in mid-attack. Not a biggie, Havoc Stomp does a good job of taking out multiple chairs and Unleashed Rage does great (but has a fairly long recharge).
Maybe I've been lucky with my results so far. But I can say that I always make sure every character has a GOOD aoe attack, and enough energy and recovery to use it. That certainly speeds up the process.
Many in game swear it's guranteed that if you do the chairs the nemeis will show and they will drop a clue.
The problem is I know first hand that it's not guranteed. Spent more than two hours once killing chairs with nothing besides twice at the hour and a half mark, but they immediatly disappeared. And then again at the 2 hour mark but again they appeared and immediately dissappeared. Then spent another hour killing chairs nothing.
It's been three months+ plus for some toons seeing thier nemesis. Some never seen the minions again after the first mission, killing chairs for hours and nothing.
And two get the minions to spawn pretty often but they keep immediately despawning. Thus they havent been able to pick up clues.
I'm starting to think it might be a toon related bug.
Like two of my toons with nemesis, the minions appear fairly often no problems and drop clues like normally stated. The rest seem to have various issues one way or another. As mentioned two get the minions to spawn on the regular but they immediately despawn, and the others the minions just dont spawn at all and the few times they do (only works using the chair trick) they immediatley despawn.
You probably need to check the mail on those toons, or go see defender in ren center. There are points where nem minions won't drop clues because the mission is available through other means.
Yeah- probably should have added that the toon's only L26; checked the mail, the crime computer, even went and visited Defender and Martin; still nothing. I've leveled enough toons to 40 that I'm fairly certain it's nothing I'm doing. I appreciate the confirmation that this isn't just happening to me; and, fantasycharacter, thanks for trying to help- sometimes I do overlook things.
The mission that's going to be given to you next isn't determined when you get the drop, but as soon as you complete the previous mission. If the next mission will send you into a zone that you aren't high enough level to enter, the item just won't drop.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Hm. Interesting- never really paid that much attention to it before. So... do they rotate the missions even if you don't get one? Or do you have to level up in order to get another (any other) mission if you're underlevelled for a zone?
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Well, that's irritating. Not insurmountable, though. Just means I'll have to abandon my leveling experiment with a few characters. Thanks for the advice!
The same go for the ones where the nemeis minions appear and immediately dissappear.
Basically, lets make this clear I checked the basics, the obvious. The chiars, the level, the dwefender/police contact the emails, waited way more than six hours, of course collected orbs, and the usual stuff. And forgot to add, this problem isnt new, I thought I added that to my last post but must of forgot that, and thus of course did the usual stuff especially checked mail and defender/the original police contact. Even went back to the nem kiosk to make sure somehow the nemesis didnt magically get deleted or inactive or something after completing the first intro mish.
Given that I checked the usual stuff, how about any unusual suggestions?
Most of the "indoors" Nemesis missions automatically give you a follow-up mission, no need to hunt minions. If you don't know this (or forget!) and your mission log is fairly full, it can be easy to miss. Or, more common for me: Do one then log off, and forget you have the follow-up when you lig back in.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Personally they tend to appear when I walk over an Open World Upgrade, that sound it makes usually draws them to me (most likely a coincidence but it happens 8/10 times).
They are most likely to attack if it has been a while since you had a nemesis mission OR if you are holding onto a nemesis mission.
Chairs tend to not spawn my nemesis minions as much as going out in the open world and fighting stuff does.
Then again on the other end of the spectrum, Nemesis minions can continually come in droves and not stop attacking.
It got to the point one time, a crowd of civilians, myself and The Toy Master were fending off constantly spawning minions.
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I have it on one character - she has great difficulties with getting nemesis missions and could not be able to drop clues from destroying objects.
No other characters had this problem. Now, this toon still can't drop nemesis clues from destroyed objects, but at least now it can be forced from killing manimals, especially rats.
This problem seems to be character based and is more often on newer characters - they can't trigger nemesis clues from objects, but it works in a normal way with mobs (i.e. - when nemesis minions are spawned from orbs dropped by creatures).
It's a very Cryptic thing, it may be a bug, or fix preventing players from damagin objects, but not fully working on all characters. It may be anything.
Yet another sign how much this game is neglected.
nope that is not the case. Remember when searching email for the defender/nemesis police clue and going back to defender/nememsis orignal police contact, I thought it was assumed that checking for the missions was also checked because I had to check for their clue in the invent. and of course check the mission list which I never allow to get over 13, always a spot or two just in case I stumble across an interestign contact and the mission list is easy to search it's numbered and usually nemesis clue missions never con above white from what I seen. By 25, I do not do white missions unless its nemesis mish or special mish that I missed and could use the gear drop. Thus a nemesis mish alway stick out like a sore thumb among red/orange missions. But of course I checked again, no nemesis mission no email from defender ,no emai lfrom the police, nemesis is still active, it's been more than six hours each toon, defeated plenty of chairs, objects, tables, in Ren center and the place where the Mayor speaks, yes a nemesis exists, yes the nemesis is active according to the kiosk thing, yes of ocurse I defeat the nememis minions when they appear when they do appear and if they dotn immediately despawn. Yes again, I checked the mission log, checked the email, checked the mission log again, check defender again ,checked mission log again, checked with the nemesis police thing ,defeated chairs, logged out logged in, killed thousands of rats that drop orbs like crazy even got the 5000 manimal kill on many fo thosde toons. Like I said I did the obvious usual stuff.
It's beyond that now, anything unusual that is not obvious or covered above? Sounds like it's a strange bug with no one knows the solution to it. Love the idea of a nemesis system but it seems cant really enjoy it much. Which is sad because the missions as old as they are probably will only hold attention for not much. Played COX for years was hoping to do that here but the lack of updates PERMANENT CONTENT UPDATES, and the bugs basically blocking the nejoyment of certain features, kind of pigeon hole this game. I see maybe being here a year total with the game as is. Already having trouble coming up with new toons, and it's gettign to the point where it's feeling "dang, have to fight Poe again, for the thousand time." and not want to create new toons but the toons that complete the content have nothing to do as I'm not into farming for nothing or for anything for that matter, and thus with no new toons and nothing new to do with the most interesting feature that is not in most game is buggy all to hell, between the minions not spawning spawning and immediately despawning, the jail break mish on the fritz alot, hell I'm startign to question why do I invest so much into it. I guess hoping they will finally fix the bugs or do something.
Cant even get the clues in many cases remember the ones that do appear-immediately dissappear.
The other, nemesis never appeared. Meaning after the first into mueseum heist mish, no more nemesis.
Not to mention I usually do the nemesis missions, well thus far always do them as soon as they drop. One, the 6 hour limit. No point in logging six hours or more then log in complete mission, then have to wait another six hours before getting another clue which make it about one nemesis mish every two days and make it riskier as you said to lose it. I dont do that. Not to mention on the the charcter that get the nemesis to spawn, I wanted to keep it rolling and made sure to do the missions as quickly and often as possible. Although the jail break mish bugged up of a dozen times (another thread).
(Beyond the bugs of nemesis system) Heard about that new studio. I'll wait a bit and see what they do and continue to spend good money here, on Zen and other crazy stuff, but after a while if they is no improvement, then there is nothing more than I can do. I stated the problems, so it's known, I waited, I spent money, what else can a person do besides play until the game is no longer fun and worth the time and just leave and spend their money elsewhere? Not many super hero games out there and sad to see the few either shut down or treated as side project not deserving of attention. Hell even tech support and the mods dont give a crap. Kind of hard to keep caring about this game and hoping things will change and succeed when the people that work "for" the game dont seem to give a hoot about it. Besides one or two. One I can off the top the other is just in case I missed one. But I'll go with it for a little while longer that way when it ends, no one, I mean NO ONE can say I didnt give it a fair chance to change. Some been here longer for years and from what they say the way it is is the way it's been for years.
I wish I had that problem.
Actually even the toons where the nemesis spawns only do so because of fighting chairs. Never ever in the wild fightign thingsand picking up orbs. And she and the others picked up many of them especially in MI.
And not sure what constitute a while I assumed months was way long enough and they still spawn and despawn immediately even the range ones. The melee ones dotn bother ot get within range literally, they span and fade out, they dont even make a move, if they show up at all, and again no mission, checked defender, checked nemesis original police contact, checked all the usual obvious stuff.
Not getting clues in a certain level? Level up, try again.
After lvl 30?-35? you get 1 clue per level or something like that.
And yes. Nemesis System is buggered as heck. One Big Reason i took a "break" and still on it.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Well with some of them there is no other levels to be had, 40, and the rest are level 35 and up already including the ones where the nemesis minions immediately vanish. Only one use ice demons. And ironically that is on the toon that have the minions show up fairly often lol.
And the ones that had the problem of nemesis nopt showing up at all, been having the problem since 25. The lowest leve l of that group is now level 36. ABout 9 levels of the nemesis minions not showing up.
I did switch the nemesis on some of them and neither made a difference in the the nemesis never showed up regardless of what they were.
Might try it on a level 36 that have the problem of the nemesis showing up but immediately vanishing and see what happens. While I tried swiotching minions on the ones where they never show and ran through the gamut of them (only have 4 level 40s and would have had more if I didnt spend so much time and hours trying to figure out what is up with the nemesis system), never tried it on the ones that have them show up but immediately dissappear. This should see if they stick around. I might switch them to the ice demons since the only toon that had not a blip with the nemesis mission drops besides the dozen times the jail break mission bugged, have ice demons. Then if it works may try it on the other toons where the minions show up and immediately vanish. although if it works it will suck having them all with ice demons regardless of the actual theme. But f-it as long as it works.
Thanks for that answer, one that is outside the usual obvious stuff that anyone that dealt with this more than once would have tried already.
Maybe I've been lucky with my results so far. But I can say that I always make sure every character has a GOOD aoe attack, and enough energy and recovery to use it. That certainly speeds up the process.