So - just thinking out-loud here -
There used to be a fairly active client-side mod community in COH. And I think briefly there was one for CO as well. In COH and in this game as well, it was and is possible to set up a data folder for client-side replacement of certain textures. I've used it before just for personal yuks to dink around with certain costume bits on my end. Superman or Batman symbol chest emblem replacement. Texture mods, minor stuff like that. And it's client-side only. You'd never see it. It's only on my end and doesn't modify the client at all.
But I'm wondering. Cryptic isn't doing anything on their end to provide for costume fixes. But what if some bright souls out there might work together to put together some publicly accessible client-side patches that could fix some of the costume bugs that have accumulated? Like the cloth-only Malvan gladiator helmet (most recently).
Caveat - I'm not a modder myself, I've just had fun with other, more talented folks works. But I've seen what's possible to achieve and sometimes it's pretty impressive.
So - just wondering if some people with client-side modding skills could put together a "community patch" that'd be publicly available to fix some of the costume bugs? I don't think modding for geometry fixes is possible without modding the client (Big no-no). But simple texture replacement and addition should be possible. Might not be possible to do multiple textures - the above mentioned Cloth-only Gladiator helmet could be changed via client-mod to metal, but it would likely be ONLY metal, and nothing else. But that's not exactly a huge loss, and if you didn't like it, you could just remove the client mod.
Just thought I'd toss the idea out and see what people made of it.