flamingbunnyman wrote: » Two thumbs up for the horrible Crypt Keeper style puns.
flamingbunnyman wrote: » I'm not sure if I should applaud, or run away.
scorpagor wrote: » That was a fun read.
johnbattle wrote: » Do you have any others?
Originally Posted by johnbattle Do you have any others? Listen, thanks for the excuse for the free promo here. Yes, I put them at: http://co-comics.webs.com/ I do feel like posting some of them here, so players don't have to leave the forums. Also, nice work on your Future Guardian's series.
Originally Posted by johnbattle Do you have any others?
tigerofcachtice wrote: » Bumping this for those who didn't see it before as a new Blood Moon rises. I'm in the process of making a new Halloween comic.
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More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
Twi thumbs up for the horrible Crypt Keeper style puns.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Amazing work, do make some more comics if you have the time and insparation ^_^
Good stuff.
Battlerock Comics
I posted this late last night, so I was too tired to comment.
Let me make that up to you as your feedback was so interesting.
:biggrin: And that was precisely how this comic came to be.
(The Crypt Keeper was the host of a horror TV show.)
I loved the Crypt Keeper, and of course he started out in comics.
So I just wanted to make something like him, a horror host.
And, well, a horror host needed some horror to host, so...voila.
It's not even much of a story. Just zombies, zombies everywhere.
:eek: And this is what I learned when I was making this!
The horror host format is like the industry standard in horror. It's the Rules.
The Crypt Keeper introduces the tale, makes bad jokes, and plays us out.
But why? Check out Wikipedia, this bookending's a long tradition.
Doesn't that bad humor dilute the horror? Take us out of the experience?
When I made this, I found out the answer to both is "YES." And it works.
The bad jokes lowers your defenses, it makes you less prepared for the horror.
Then, by taking you out of the experience, it gives you some distance from it.
Result - it feels scarier, but you feel safer, so you don't turn away.
And I broke that trope with the last page. Neither you nor the host is safe.
Man, when I read your comments, it was the pay-off. I was like, "Gotcha."
Man, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was just throwing fun ideas at each other.
You know how you like to make alts? All these characters were like alts.
I just threw them together in a hideout and let it play out like a sitcom.
Of course, I had a secret character that made it all work, made it fun.
That secret character...is YOU, the reader. You made it fun.
The horror host invited you to Red Manor, you to turn the pages of the Tome.
And it was you that Zombie Defender and Zombie Ironclad attacked in the end.
It's not my story, it's your story, the whole COmmunity's story on a Blood Moon.
(Zombie Ironclad designed and wrote himself. That was scary...for me.)
Yes, I put them at: http://co-comics.webs.com/
I do feel like posting some of them here, so players don't have to leave the forums.
Also, nice work on your Future Guardian's series.
More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
THANK YOU! I also work with a group of other creators and I'll be doing a quick promo for the MMO Comic Index shortly, so I hope you'll check it out.
Battlerock Comics
I'm in the process of making a new Halloween comic.
More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
Looking forward to reading it!
Battlerock Comics