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I.M.P.'s PvP Build - IF // SR // Controller

implinimplin Posts: 243 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Power Discussion

I thought I may as well just give my build out. This was an original build made by me, it?s sort of like a mix of a SS build and an AoPM SR build. The idea of the build is to boost the damage of strafing run as far as it can go. I started off by seeing how high damage I can get with strafing run. It turns out that once you almost reach 150% critical severity with loads of damage buffs on you it can hit 4x 8-9k?s on the dummies which I thought was crazy. Saying this it also turned out that in doing this I actually had nothing other than skills to buff the damage of strafing run and conviction also I would rely on a 40% critical chance to be able to hit this damage so I had to change. (saying that I may try doing something like it again maybe)

Usually when you build a pvp these days you would start by making yourself un killable and then you add one of the set number of OP skills and device to hit your damage for you. This ends up making pvp much more boring than it should be, duels that last for up to 30 minutes (trust me I?ve been in one before lol) or BASH matches ending in a draw because no one can kill eachother. (this has also happened many times) So basically I made a build starting from that stupid crazy dps and then I started to bring it back, adding more defence. Ego primary gives more defence than dexterity but you will lose about 18% crit severity. However you?ll also get a bit better CC resistance and your force geyser will be more effective, not to mention your SR?s base damage will be slightly more.
So enough talk about the origins, here?s the exact build that I am currently using in champions right now:

PowerHouse (Link to this build)

Name: I.M.P. Ice Form SR 02

Archetype: Freeform

Super Stats:
Level 6: Dexterity (Primary)
Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary)
Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)

Level 1: The Glacier
Level 6: Enduring
Level 9: Brilliant
Level 12: Agile
Level 15: Healthy Mind
Level 18: Coordinated
Level 21: Acrobat

Level 1: Ice Shards
Level 1: Ice Form (Rank 2, Rank 3)

Ice form increases damage done by elemental damage, many people just think that ice form only upgrades ice damage but it also makes fire and toxic damage hit more. Strafing run hits fire damage and so it increases it?s damage just as electric form is one of the only things that increases the damage of unleashed rage.

Level 6: Ice Cage (Sub-Zero Cellblock, Crippling Challenge)

You basic root, also useful for building manipulator really quick. It is your crippling challenge as well as an interrupt which I have never really tested but I?m sure I have kind of interrupted people before... ;) Maybe, maybe not. The other skill that you could use is entangling mesh for an AOE root that they can?t use EM on to escape although you would miss out on crippling challenge.

Level 8: Conviction (Rank 2, Rank 3)

Basic heal, spam as much as possible as it isn?t just a heal but a source of energy with high int and MSA. I have it bound to my smoke grenade and force geyser.

Level 11: Molecular Self-Assembly

With such high intelligence your energy should keep up enough for you not to really worry about it and not even need to use your energy builder.

Level 14: Manipulator

Manipulator increases damage by about half that of concentration although it is MUCH easier for me to build as I have no maintained attacks and it gives a decent buff to my CC making my ego sleep hard to escape from. To build it easy spam ice cage and you?ll have 8 stacks in under 4 seconds.

Level 17: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)

Gives ego to increase damage of SR along with the basic 42% increased damage. Along with this you get nimble mind that scales on your con. The higher you get your con,, the more crit chance you?ll get while ego surge is up.

Level 20: Force Geyser (Hard Landing, Accelerated Metabolism, Nailed to the Ground)

Used to rotate with the CC resistances, also used as a snare and TP removal.

Level 23: Ego Sleep (Plagued by Nightmares)

A very important skill. Make sure you don?t attack people while you have the slept until you hit them with your strafing run, by having your energy builder hitting them you?ll help them get out of the sleep before you can use SR. It not only sleeps people but it puts fear and makes your targets disoriented. Both together puts on a -20% damage debuff and a -20% movement speed debuff which is really useful for surviving heavy dps bursts and getting away from people before they kill you.

Level 26: Strafing Run (Rank 2, Rank 3)

Pretty much the main skill, and technically the only real attack skill apart from devices. Use it when you have them under a sleep, try to keep the screen still when you cast it to make it easy for you to hit them although be careful about standing still too long when using it as you can open yourself up to a counter attack.

Level 29: Masterful Dodge

Active defence... Don?t know what more to say. ;) Just use it when your attack has used ego surge and is about to go in for a heavy burst before trying to escape.

Level 32: Evasive Maneuvers (Sleight of Mind)

Dodge chance increase and stealth. Works very well with teleport to make yourself impossible to be seen by almost anyone for a little while. You can use it in mid air while your target is under you to give yourself a boost into the air ready to come down on their heads and surprise them. When people tab target they can only target the people on their screens, it?s very hard to look up while looking around you at the same time so coming in from above can really catch the other player out sometimes.

Level 35: Nanobot Swarm

For use with strafing run and if you have them ice grenades. It is also useful for all your other skills such as recharging ego sleep again in bash to sleep someone and escape from some dangerous damage.

Level 38: Smoke Grenade (Escape Artist)

I added this when I changed from ego to dex as I died so easy as soon as the other player would attack me and so many people could see the stealth of evasive manoeuvres anyway while the smoke grenades basic use can be used with EM to give me some great stealth before using teleport if in bash and disappearing. Escape artist makes you unable to be seen for a while by anyone even if the have stealth sight. It is REALLY useful in bash as you can also use it while CC?d. But also for duels if you use it at the start, even if you get knocked up when you use it the smoke grenade will still do its thing.

Travel Powers:
Level 6: Athletics (Rank 2, Rank 3, Versatility)

Basic PvP travel power, doesn't need much explanation.

Level 35: Teleportation (Rank 2, Rank 3)

I know this looks stupid with teleport levelled to rank 3 but I have found that for bash this is a must have for me personally. I have some people who really don?t like me and know that their two gun mojo builds counter my build and with teleport on rank 3 it really helps escape from people when sometimes you don?t actually want to attack them because the person on 9-0 has tagged them already.

Dexterity: Gear Utilization (3/3)
Dexterity: Brush It Off (2/2)
Dexterity: Deadly Aim (3/3)
Dexterity: Expose Weakness (2/2)
Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
Guardian: Find the Mark (2/3)
Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
Vindicator: Mass Destruction (3/3)
Mastery: Dexterity Mastery (1/1)

As you can see I have gone purely for damage by not picking up either of the dodge or avoidance buffs in the dex tree, the most important part of this tree is ?deadly aim? which boosts your critical severity massively as long as you put all your stats into your secondary super stats. The basic vindicator / guardian combo was used for high crit chance and severity as well as providing me with enough defence to survive a few hits. The only attacks that are not so great against me are any that are elemental damage, so ice grenades don?t kill me that easy and neither does strafing run when used against me although I won?t lie to you, I do die against an unleashed rage crit if all the right buffs and debuffs are on in one hit.


First counter is knocks. Knocks will hurt you bad as you?ll only have 10 strength. If you do get knocked there is not really a lot you can do unlike when under CC (which will also be really hard for you to deal with as you only have 10 ego too -_- but you have smoke grenade which can be used while in CC that can help massively as well as masterful dodge) Too be honest the best way to fight against knocks is positioning, stay out of melee range of the UR builds so you don?t get knocked about the place. Force geyser though can be a big problem, although this is mainly when used with two gun mojo...

...which just so happens to be the ultimate in counters of this build. The entire idea of fighting someone who uses two gun mojo is to stay more than 50ft away, the problem is that force geyser allows them to easily get within 50ft ready to ego surge and kill you in a few seconds. The only hope that you?ll have is that you are able to get away in time. As soon as you get knocked, prepare to use various get away skills to escape when you hit the ground. These consist of smoke grenade + evasive manoeuvres, ego sleep without hitting them after (just ego sleep them and leave them to deal with it before getting away and healing up) and in bash, only in bash please we don?t want people teleporting in duels too much, use teleport to get away. Although saying that, some players have things that stop teleport from being able to fly, that alongside stealth sight will make your get away much harder.


If you wish to spend your global?s on devices and you don?t know what goes well with this build, ice grenades work the best with the build as not only do they hit ice damage which ice form buffs but they root, which manipulator buffs. I personally have two of them. Nerultic pulse generator kind of can work with the build although it isn?t really great, I personally had one left over from when I was melee and so I use it still. I use it to get rid of melees that are all over my back in bash while I?m going for the top scorer. The good thing about it is that you don?t need to target anyone to use it on them so you can keep one target and just blast someone away with it while hitting them for decent damage. Omicron induced strength and psionic surge may also be fairly useful for the build.


Primary offense: Get crit rating and crit severity, legions is all the better but will cost slightly more.

Primary defence: Get avoidance and dodge rating, again legions will be better but the legions for this is really expensive. I personally actually have a legions breastplate of defence really randomly so as you?ll see stats later on, my dodge chance is not as high as it should be.

Primary utility: Get a malvan emblem with a perception core in it. I only use a perception 4 as I gave my 5 to my brother. -_- But it doesn?t really make too much difference really.

Secondary?s: Get secondary?s that give int mainly. Although the questionite ones that would give you dex will lower your crit severity they would still give an increase in base damage as well as a higher chance so it would sort of balance out the pros and cons. The perception secondary can be a big help if people are using r3 teleport but they are not a must have at all, it?s just nice to be able to see everyone even when they teleport and EM stack.

My exact stats at the moment.


Yeah my int is stupidly high randomly, I have done this at the moment because I found that when I came to using strafing run I would have to wait sometimes as my MSA wasn?t giving enough and the skills cost more energy. I also use to not be able to see some people still for some reason so I changed some more con for int. These stats are with mainly 5?s but also 6?s and 7?s. I suggest you personally play around to see what balance of stats works best for you but I have 3 con mods and 3 int mods on my primary?s.

Video to show the basic skill combo

Ofc ourse there is lots more to the build such as positional and that, if you feel you need some more information message me, I will usually be happy to give some guidance. I must warn you though, although this build one hit kills almost all people when done right, you can die very easily if you get caught. Make sure you are constantly moving, you can do this by jumping when using charged skills to move while charging them. Also remember the ranges that your opponent has, try to get too far away for them to be able to hit you with their skills before coming into the distance and CC?ing them before they have a chance to hit you. Good luck. :D

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.

I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
Post edited by implin on


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    implinimplin Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Here is my alternative (old) build that uses ego and doesn't have smoke grenade and that.

    PowerHouse (Link to this build)

    Name: I.M.P. Ice Form SR 01

    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Ego (Primary)
    Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary)
    Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)

    Level 1: The Glacier
    Level 6: Enduring
    Level 9: Brilliant
    Level 12: Indomitable
    Level 15: Healthy Mind
    Level 18: Ascetic
    Level 21: Academics

    Level 1: Ice Shards
    Level 1: Ice Form (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 6: Ice Cage (Sub-Zero Cellblock, Crippling Challenge)
    Level 8: Conviction (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 11: Molecular Self-Assembly
    Level 14: Manipulator
    Level 17: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)
    Level 20: Force Geyser (Hard Landing, Nailed to the Ground)
    Level 23: Ego Sleep (Plagued by Nightmares)
    Level 26: Strafing Run (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 29: Masterful Dodge
    Level 32: Evasive Maneuvers (Sleight of Mind)
    Level 35: Nanobot Swarm (Rank 2)
    Level 38: Miniaturization Drive (Reciprocating Gizmo)

    Travel Powers:
    Level 6: Athletics (Rank 2, Rank 3, Versatility)
    Level 35: Teleportation (Rank 2)

    Ego: Force of Will (2/2)
    Ego: Insight (3/3)
    Ego: Follow Through (3/3)
    Ego: Sixth Sense (2/3)
    Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
    Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
    Guardian: Tenacious (1/2)
    Guardian: Find the Mark (1/3)
    Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)
    Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
    Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
    Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
    Vindicator: Mass Destruction (3/3)
    Mastery: Ego Mastery (1/1)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.

    I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
    Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
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    lakamaseleoslakamaseleos Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hello I'm new to CO and want to PvP.
    Your build seems great, I just wanted to ask you or anyone else that can give me an unbiased answer if this build is better than the one Stergiosman describes in the modern PvP builds thread.
    Not talking about the players but about builds here.
    Thanks anyways.
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    notstersnuubsnotstersnuubs Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hello I'm new to CO and want to PvP.
    Your build seems great, I just wanted to ask you or anyone else that can give an unbiased answer if this build is better than the one Stergiosman describes in the modern PvP builds thread.
    Not talking about the players but about builds here.
    Thanks anyways.

    This with a teammate or Sters' with 5 eruptions and 5 ice grenades and 1 trillion devices.
    Hope it helps, I'm a pro I know what I'm talking about!
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    lakamaseleoslakamaseleos Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Anyone with a more serious response than that one? I mean Sters..people tell me you're one of the best but this behavior is...
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    notstersnuubsnotstersnuubs Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Anyone with a more serious response than that one? I mean Sters..people tell me you're one of the best but this behavior is...

    No. Good day.
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    implinimplin Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Anyone with a more serious response than that one? I mean Sters..people tell me you're one of the best but this behavior is...

    I hope you know I'm not being unbiased as I have said the counters to the build in the description.

    It totally depends on the build that I verse when using this and how lucky I get against their dodge rating. Sters knows about the game, but his problem is that he trolls a lot. By the way what (I don't know who that guy was but I'm guessing it's and alt account of sters' (I don't even get why he bothers)) said was about how he took down me with a team mate with those devices. Sters won one single bash by using a recent exploit along side a macro while spamming the device eruption which makes you immune to all damage for a bit. The only reason why he beat everyone like this was because the exploit is AOE and we were not all attacking him as such because of our own aoe.

    On the other hand when he was in bash with only one of two other people with me and tried doing the same thing, I killed him a few times rather easily. I kill him easier on my own because of CC resistances that stack, if lots of players are hitting CC then I can sleep, root or knock him until the resistance die down. Every build has a counter, even exploit build such as his. Sters is a troll, don't take him too seriously.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.

    I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
    Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
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    stergiosmanstergiosman Posts: 717 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Okay to begin with, I will get to haters:
    Believe it or not(I don't give a *****. Imp seriously) I am not that other guy here, my builds do use devices mister notstersnuubs but are not based on them, and do just as good without them if such a thing is agreed before the duel.I don't know where you came from but your attitude is annoying.
    Imp, in the Bash you claim to have killed me easily, I was in a PVE setup, ego-con-int with 0 knock resistance and you got me 4 kills with the ad of rocket. I got you 4 "easy kills" as you say as well. Again, your attitude is annoying, please stop, I trolled you once and stopped PvP . Can you do either of those? Thanks.
    Now, to the serious person talking here, I already pmed you.
    Your guys attitudes are seriously stupid, I don't know where you get it from.
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    lakamaseleoslakamaseleos Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hmmm so for now I have a troll's reply, Ster's and I.M.P.'s reply...
    Btw all that hate towards him...means he is that good?ANYONE OTHER THAN THOSE 3 PLZ REPLYYYYY!
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    theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,087 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Unless you follow the cookie cutter route of AoPM/EverythingelsewhichisFoTM..you are going to be killable unless you are packing devices for survival..
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    lakamaseleoslakamaseleos Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Unless you follow the cookie cutter route of AoPM/EverythingelsewhichisFoTM..you are going to be killable unless you are packing devices for survival..

    So Sters' build?
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    implinimplin Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Unless you follow the cookie cutter route of AoPM/EverythingelsewhichisFoTM..you are going to be killable unless you are packing devices for survival..

    If you use my build you will be killable.

    But there's nothing wrong with being killable, there is something wrong when you can't kill anyone and so you let the duels go on for half an hour. It's all up to personal preference though. Remember that attack is one of your best forms of defense if you have enough of it.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.

    I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
    Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
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    implinimplin Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So I'm back in the game now after 28 days.

    Does anyone know if my build is at all effected by the updates they are doing?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.

    I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
    Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
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