I haven't played champions for a while now and I'm curious if something has been done to revive it's pvp. From the numerous amount of positive threads it seems so. Would anyone mind giving me a brief run down on the changes? Thank you in advanced
I don't think there's anything been done to improve PVP. Not ever since the On-Alert anyway. At least they brought back the old devices that everyone loved which can be beneficial in PvPs. Although, I don't really like the idea of using devices on PvP.
maybe the devs just ran out of ideas on how to improve pvp?
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
I haven't played champions for a while now and I'm curious if something has been done to revive it's pvp. From the numerous amount of positive threads it seems so. Would anyone mind giving me a brief run down on the changes? Thank you in advanced
Devices: NPG, Necrullitic Elixir, Teleiosaur Pheremones, Omicron Induced Strength, Eruption and a bunch of others are the HOT legacy devices needed to compete in PvP for SOME PvPers.
Powers - Two Gun Mojo, AoPM, Ebon Ruin, Concentration, Manipulator, Smoke Grenade, Smoke Bomb, Super-Awesome-Ninja-rangs (aka Boomerang abilities), Night Warrior Passive with Shadow Strike, Force Geyser, Stun proccing powers and Ego Sleep <--all seem to be quite the rage amongst PvPers build wise anyway.
Stats - Popular combos such as STR/CON/INT, INT/EGO/CON or anything with INT in it along with respective specs are also very popular.
Gearing - Dodging and Avoidance mechanics are ever helpful both in and out of PvP, so gearing for that is very useful.
Development wise - ...not much has been done..who am I kidding..nothing has been done to revitalise PvP in this game..the introduction of buffed powers, new strong powers and devices seems to have tipped the scale of balance (understatement of the century I know ). There are some PvP gears which help to see through stealth..which by and large is very useful if up against stealth builds
You generally won't see theme builds running around (by theme I mean concept) You will see a high percentage of NPG/UR/Ebon Ruin/AoPM builds around though.
I personally don't PvP, as everyone seems to be unkillable these days..sort of sucks the fun out of going into it.
Devices: NPG, Necrullitic Elixir, Teleiosaur Pheremones, Omicron Induced Strength, Eruption and a bunch of others are the HOT legacy devices needed to compete in PvP for SOME PvPers.
You forgot ice grenades -_- Tele's are much better for pve in my opinion because I can strafing run all of them at once.
Powers - Two Gun Mojo, AoPM, Ebon Ruin, Concentration, Manipulator, Smoke Grenade, Smoke Bomb, Super-Awesome-Ninja-rangs (aka Boomerang abilities), Night Warrior Passive with Shadow Strike, Force Geyser, Stun proccing powers and Ego Sleep <--all seem to be quite the rage amongst PvPers build wise anyway.
You put in so many powers that are not really overused compared to powers that are. The powers that are very used: Concentration / Enrage / UR / TGM / ER / AoPM / your right the boomerang abilities with the stupid exploit / Force Geyser / sonic device / conviction / EM / Teleport / Dark speed or acrobatics depending on melee NPG spam or ranged / quarry is overused imo / oh and I almost forgot Strafing run
Stats - Popular combos such as STR/CON/INT, INT/EGO/CON or anything with INT in it along with respective specs are also very popular.
This is because everyone uses MSA which scales off int, also many people have stealth sight. Oh and lastly it reduces power cost meaning that endurance and recovery are un needed with int and MSA. Con and int are a must have with vindicator and warden / guardian. Then pick and choose your primary, they all have their ups and downs.
Gearing - Dodging and Avoidance mechanics are ever helpful both in and out of PvP, so gearing for that is very useful.
Yes, when gearing get dodge and avoidance on your breastplate. Get crit chance and severity usually on your gloves, although you can also get healing if you really think you need it. And then get malvan emblem with a perception core or get full recharge speed helmet.
I personally don't PvP, as everyone seems to be unkillable these days..sort of sucks the fun out of going into it.
Everyone seems to just be unkillable, they have no skill they don't have to actually literally dodge out the way of hits or get more than a certain ft away to survive or use CC to survive. They can stand there and not die.. My build has everything put into making strafing run hit super high damage so I can kill these people.
I was in BASH a few days ago. You wouldn't believe it but there was 8 people in there... It's funny because only one other person died other than me. You may think that it was because I was getting mobbed? Oh no... I have aphrodite in there. He got 10-0 I got 0-9. The one guy who died had 2 other people who tagged him enough for the kill then the other people in the bash had 0-0... It was pretty much me verse aphrodite and if you know anything about pvp you will know his build counters my build in every way... I mean EVERY way. I even can't see him when you teleports while he can see me, he has devices that he uses on me to stop me from doing much as I have no CC resistance plus force gyser to juggle me with my super amazing 10 strength. He has TGM that kills me in seconds as I don't have much healing or anything. The oddest one that only aphrodite uses is con primary with very high con... This means that he can have stupidly high resistances to both my CC and my knocks, ultimately countering my build. Along with how hard it is for me to kill him with SR and no trauma. There are a few other areas he counters me in but I think you get the idea...
Now if for example atleast one of those other people actually had some dps on them they could have helped me stop aphrodite.. But that wasn't the case. 10-0's in bash are never fun...
PvP was on a bit of a comeback a week ago but now there never seems to be anyone on. I don't know what it is, maybe because of neverwinter. But literally no one is on anymore. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to ban lucidity... Still though, we can't give up! :<
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
You forgot ice grenades -_- Tele's are much better for pve in my opinion because I can strafing run all of them at once.
You put in so many powers that are not really overused compared to powers that are. The powers that are very used: Concentration / Enrage / UR / TGM / ER / AoPM / your right the boomerang abilities with the stupid exploit / Force Geyser / sonic device / conviction / EM / Teleport / Dark speed or acrobatics depending on melee NPG spam or ranged / quarry is overused imo / oh and I almost forgot Strafing run
This is because everyone uses MSA which scales off int, also many people have stealth sight. Oh and lastly it reduces power cost meaning that endurance and recovery are un needed with int and MSA. Con and int are a must have with vindicator and warden / guardian. Then pick and choose your primary, they all have their ups and downs.
Yes, when gearing get dodge and avoidance on your breastplate. Get crit chance and severity usually on your gloves, although you can also get healing if you really think you need it. And then get malvan emblem with a perception core or get full recharge speed helmet.
Everyone seems to just be unkillable, they have no skill they don't have to actually literally dodge out the way of hits or get more than a certain ft away to survive or use CC to survive. They can stand there and not die.. My build has everything put into making strafing run hit super high damage so I can kill these people.
I was in BASH a few days ago. You wouldn't believe it but there was 8 people in there... It's funny because only one other person died other than me. You may think that it was because I was getting mobbed? Oh no... I have aphrodite in there. He got 10-0 I got 0-9. The one guy who died had 2 other people who tagged him enough for the kill then the other people in the bash had 0-0... It was pretty much me verse aphrodite and if you know anything about pvp you will know his build counters my build in every way... I mean EVERY way. I even can't see him when you teleports while he can see me, he has devices that he uses on me to stop me from doing much as I have no CC resistance plus force gyser to juggle me with my super amazing 10 strength. He has TGM that kills me in seconds as I don't have much healing or anything. The oddest one that only aphrodite uses is con primary with very high con... This means that he can have stupidly high resistances to both my CC and my knocks, ultimately countering my build. Along with how hard it is for me to kill him with SR and no trauma. There are a few other areas he counters me in but I think you get the idea...
Now if for example atleast one of those other people actually had some dps on them they could have helped me stop aphrodite.. But that wasn't the case. 10-0's in bash are never fun...
PvP was on a bit of a comeback a week ago but now there never seems to be anyone on. I don't know what it is, maybe because of neverwinter. But literally no one is on anymore. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to ban lucidity... Still though, we can't give up! :<
Why is PVP dead... well everything in this thread is why. it's annoying and most people don't want to be bothered with it. However I know some people are competitive and that's what PVP is for. i respect that. At one point I wanted to get into it but ll the arrogant loud mouth douche bags killed it for most people. I know not all pvper are like this and please do not be offended by it. My post is not directed to any of you.. but more towards the people who talk trash and miss behave in pvp (like a certain delusional loudmouth who used to terrorize these forums. (Throws up flame shield) :redface:
Why is PVP dead... well everything in this thread is why. it's annoying and most people don't want to be bothered with it. However I know some people are competitive and that's what PVP is for. i respect that. At one point I wanted to get into it but ll the arrogant loud mouth douche bags killed it for most people. I know not all pvper are like this and please do not be offended by it. My post is not directed to any of you.. but more towards the people who talk trash and miss behave in pvp (like a certain delusional loudmouth who used to terrorize these forums. (Throws up flame shield) :redface:
(surrounds her flame shield with a protective force field:biggrin:)
To be totally honest, I've met some really really nice PvPers, I was genuinely suprised, the forum image was totally misconstrued regarding most PvPers behaviour, I went into a BASH match with just Mentella (who currently has Psi Lash, Manipulator and Empathic Healing) and was expecting to get mowed down and when I didnt fight back, they just moved onto someone else :eek:!
It ended up with us sitting on the pipes dancing and talking about PvP in general then watching some one on ones, having a laugh, then the more serious, hardcore, we-don't-care-we-are-gonna-end-yew style PvPers came on and we just were like craaaaap and ran lol.
A personal favorite of mine are duels, with no boundries, I usually do them with a friend and he joins a team and they decline and we both accept then run around MC knocking each other through buildings etc its pretty darn funny. Also dueling with No PvP advantages is always fun, allows you to fight device free and the way you built your toon, I always have hated block disable on my PFF toon..
I have enjoyed numerous Stronghold instances, teaming with Ironclad to defend the hero side as Mentella, allowing him to do most of the work while I lock down my enemies. Or going head to head with Sapphire in Stronghold as ForceGirl..now that was fun!
Why is PVP dead... well everything in this thread is why. it's annoying and most people don't want to be bothered with it. However I know some people are competitive and that's what PVP is for. i respect that. At one point I wanted to get into it but ll the arrogant loud mouth douche bags killed it for most people. I know not all pvper are like this and please do not be offended by it. My post is not directed to any of you.. but more towards the people who talk trash and miss behave in pvp (like a certain delusional loudmouth who used to terrorize these forums. (Throws up flame shield) :redface:
This is exactly the problem. I have tried to talk to them but some of them are impossible to talk down from being such ignorant douches. Although you said about the entire lucidity business.. Yes he does talk lots of BS although I have said it before and I'll say it again, he isn't the worst. He was actually keeping pvp alive, as soon as he got banned, along with the release of NW pvp has totally become a place of ghosts. There's only a few tanks that ever go into bash. A few weeks ago we actually were doing things other than bash. People were going into UTC and SH, and we even did KOTH a few times. ZA was popping all the time and bash was up for atleast 10 hours of a day.
I have told people to stop being such bad winners and loosers. That entire thing I told you about aphrodite, you would have expected him to say 'gg' as I did to him. But no... He walked over to me and simply said 'noob' as if he personally has something against me after he killed me 9 times. I have met plenty of nice pvpers and some pvpers even stop being so ignorant after you have a talk with them.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
Now I won't start playing the victim/cool guy/PvP savior, even though it's easy...
Thing is, PvP is not about being a good person, or trying to make others have fun. PvP is all about fulfilling your egotistical and competitive self....accept it or not, it is just that.
Now, what are you expecting? Is it balanced? No.
Can it be? No. Will the top PvPers let Imp win? No.
It's as simple as that, we are few still keeping at it,
so the best get cocky, the good ones team to beat the best, the average ones give HG a try once in a while only to get roflstomped and either quit or become better and the bad ones just kill ATs in HG or duel PVE/theme builds in Ren Cen.
There are people like Skullkrusher (not saying his handle but i'll let you guess) that have no abilities, skills, brains or anything but they have gears. It's those people that get enraged at theme builders for not giving them easy kills and swear at people that beat them, saying things that they have no idea what might mean for someone else.
It's those people that make me lose interest in PvP, and since they seem to be getting more and more, I after abusing everything this game had to offer, quit PvP and will try to find some interest in PvE or some other game.
Thank you all for the great times we've had.
Especially thanks to the guys BASHing with me today, and an apology for using the exploit(as imp sais XD) but I wanted to get one (or two;) last wins while having everyone target me. Sorry for acting weird as well hehe.
Also thank you Ravenforce for teaching me that it's not all about winning, and showing me the theme aspects of Freeform building(alsothanksforthe150gi'llneverreturnmouahaha).
Now I won't start playing the victim/cool guy/PvP savior, even though it's easy...
Thing is, PvP is not about being a good person, or trying to make others have fun. PvP is all about fulfilling your egotistical and competitive self....accept it or not, it is just that.
Now, what are you expecting? Is it balanced? No.
Can it be? No. Will the top PvPers let Imp win? No.
It's as simple as that, we are few still keeping at it,
so the best get cocky, the good ones team to beat the best, the average ones give HG a try once in a while only to get roflstomped and either quit or become better and the bad ones just kill ATs in HG or duel PVE/theme builds in Ren Cen.
There are people like Skullkrusher (not saying his handle but i'll let you guess) that have no abilities, skills, brains or anything but they have gears. It's those people that get enraged at theme builders for not giving them easy kills and swear at people that beat them, saying things that they have no idea what might mean for someone else.
It's those people that make me lose interest in PvP, and since they seem to be getting more and more, I after abusing everything this game had to offer, quit PvP and will try to find some interest in PvE or some other game.
Thank you all for the great times we've had.
Especially thanks to the guys BASHing with me today, and an apology for using the exploit(as imp sais XD) but I wanted to get one (or two;) last wins while having everyone target me. Sorry for acting weird as well hehe.
Also thank you Ravenforce for teaching me that it's not all about winning, and showing me the theme aspects of Freeform building(alsothanksforthe150gi'llneverreturnmouahaha).
See you all guys...
You better not stay like that because you were awful... Eruption spam with the exploit and then trolling copvp in the EXACT sort of talking really ironic way.
By the way good luck we thinking your better than me or anyone just because you cheat to win. Your wrong about pvp.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
Hey,hey relax, no one said i'm better than you, that sort of arguments are just stupid to say the least between pvpers that know what they're doing. I just said that Aphrodite will most probably keep on getting 10-0s in BASH, coz pps are too afraid to target her.
Now, I didn't embarrass or verbally assault anyone, as I said I just wanted to get many people to target me and win, undoubtedly anyone with 5 eruptions and the blades exploit could have done it, still it brought a smile to my face seeing 10 people or so getting into Bash, even for ganking...
If it makes you feel any better, grats you are better than me, and also grats on getting the Copvper temperament and reaction, I never made it.
Hey,hey relax, no one said i'm better than you, that sort of arguments are just stupid to say the least between pvpers that know what they're doing. I just said that Aphrodite will most probably keep on getting 10-0s in BASH, coz pps are too afraid to target her.
Now, I didn't embarrass or verbally assault anyone, as I said I just wanted to get many people to target me and win, undoubtedly anyone with 5 eruptions and the blades exploit could have done it, still it brought a smile to my face seeing 10 people or so getting into Bash, even for ganking...
If it makes you feel any better, grats you are better than me, and also grats on getting the Copvper temperament and reaction, I never made it.
Lol taking the moral high ground. -_- or are you? There's no question you still took 5 eruptions and an exploit build into bash just to get your daily dose of ego. Aphrodite wont get any 10-0's in bash if the right people are in there. As I said it was only a bunch of tanks that couldn't do anything. I don't even know why they showed up because it was a duel between me and aphro who has everything to counter me.
I don't want to be the best, I don't care for that. I just don't want trolls like you to keep putting people off pvp so that the community goes from just enough people to none at all.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
There are at least 4 people going into HG because I convinced them to.
Pointing out a bug and letting people know it didn't really boost my ego.
Ofc i'm a troll.
Someone pokes their head in to see if anything good is happening with pvp, a bunch of people say no, and then some people start fighting.
Is this an internet forum or an irish family reunion?
Haha we are fighting about stuff that happens in the game not things that have been said on the forums so much really.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
Yeah well, whatever these forums are just stinking dead corpses of what they once where....we've proved that today.
Keep it up, seems stupid spending all that time examining the remains of a dead community.
Yeah well, whatever these forums are just stinking dead corpses of what they once where....we've proved that today.
Keep it up, seems stupid spending all that time examining the remains of a dead community.
You sound so much like lucidity it made me laugh.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
I was just talking about this game with a coworker and decided to scope out the forums to see what's been fixed in PvP, and it looks like the same old complaints. Broken CC chaining, and FoTM exploits.
Some things never change .
Also, lost my forum acct and had to create a new one, but still said my name was taken?!?
Sigh... a few weeks ago people were queuing for HG for a simple reason. We followed a code of conduct which made the whole experience fun. Then some people came along and decided that farming others 10-0 is more fun. That drove everyone else away from the game. That's fine, let these people go to BASH and get 10-0 with themselves. They ruin the game for everyone and for themselves. I stop calling people to queue for HG and I left hero game because I know there is nothing you can do to convince these people to put down their ego and learn to have fun and let others have fun as well.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
maybe the devs just ran out of ideas on how to improve pvp?
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
Devices: NPG, Necrullitic Elixir, Teleiosaur Pheremones, Omicron Induced Strength, Eruption and a bunch of others are the HOT legacy devices needed to compete in PvP for SOME PvPers.
Powers - Two Gun Mojo, AoPM, Ebon Ruin, Concentration, Manipulator, Smoke Grenade, Smoke Bomb, Super-Awesome-Ninja-rangs (aka Boomerang abilities), Night Warrior Passive with Shadow Strike, Force Geyser, Stun proccing powers and Ego Sleep <--all seem to be quite the rage amongst PvPers build wise anyway.
Stats - Popular combos such as STR/CON/INT, INT/EGO/CON or anything with INT in it along with respective specs are also very popular.
Gearing - Dodging and Avoidance mechanics are ever helpful both in and out of PvP, so gearing for that is very useful.
Development wise - ...not much has been done..who am I kidding..nothing has been done to revitalise PvP in this game..the introduction of buffed powers, new strong powers and devices seems to have tipped the scale of balance (understatement of the century I know
You generally won't see theme builds running around (by theme I mean concept) You will see a high percentage of NPG/UR/Ebon Ruin/AoPM builds around though.
I personally don't PvP, as everyone seems to be unkillable these days..sort of sucks the fun out of going into it.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
@Pallih in game
You forgot ice grenades -_- Tele's are much better for pve in my opinion because I can strafing run all of them at once.
You put in so many powers that are not really overused compared to powers that are. The powers that are very used: Concentration / Enrage / UR / TGM / ER / AoPM / your right the boomerang abilities with the stupid exploit / Force Geyser / sonic device / conviction / EM / Teleport / Dark speed or acrobatics depending on melee NPG spam or ranged / quarry is overused imo / oh and I almost forgot Strafing run
This is because everyone uses MSA which scales off int, also many people have stealth sight. Oh and lastly it reduces power cost meaning that endurance and recovery are un needed with int and MSA. Con and int are a must have with vindicator and warden / guardian. Then pick and choose your primary, they all have their ups and downs.
Yes, when gearing get dodge and avoidance on your breastplate. Get crit chance and severity usually on your gloves, although you can also get healing if you really think you need it. And then get malvan emblem with a perception core or get full recharge speed helmet.
Everyone seems to just be unkillable, they have no skill they don't have to actually literally dodge out the way of hits or get more than a certain ft away to survive or use CC to survive. They can stand there and not die.. My build has everything put into making strafing run hit super high damage so I can kill these people.
I was in BASH a few days ago. You wouldn't believe it but there was 8 people in there... It's funny because only one other person died other than me. You may think that it was because I was getting mobbed? Oh no... I have aphrodite in there. He got 10-0 I got 0-9. The one guy who died had 2 other people who tagged him enough for the kill then the other people in the bash had 0-0... It was pretty much me verse aphrodite and if you know anything about pvp you will know his build counters my build in every way... I mean EVERY way. I even can't see him when you teleports while he can see me, he has devices that he uses on me to stop me from doing much as I have no CC resistance plus force gyser to juggle me with my super amazing 10 strength. He has TGM that kills me in seconds as I don't have much healing or anything. The oddest one that only aphrodite uses is con primary with very high con... This means that he can have stupidly high resistances to both my CC and my knocks, ultimately countering my build. Along with how hard it is for me to kill him with SR and no trauma. There are a few other areas he counters me in but I think you get the idea...
Now if for example atleast one of those other people actually had some dps on them they could have helped me stop aphrodite.. But that wasn't the case. 10-0's in bash are never fun...
PvP was on a bit of a comeback a week ago but now there never seems to be anyone on. I don't know what it is, maybe because of neverwinter. But literally no one is on anymore. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to ban lucidity...
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
Why is PVP dead... well everything in this thread is why. it's annoying and most people don't want to be bothered with it. However I know some people are competitive and that's what PVP is for. i respect that. At one point I wanted to get into it but ll the arrogant loud mouth douche bags killed it for most people. I know not all pvper are like this and please do not be offended by it. My post is not directed to any of you.. but more towards the people who talk trash and miss behave in pvp (like a certain delusional loudmouth who used to terrorize these forums. (Throws up flame shield) :redface:
(surrounds her flame shield with a protective force field:biggrin:)
To be totally honest, I've met some really really nice PvPers, I was genuinely suprised, the forum image was totally misconstrued regarding most PvPers behaviour, I went into a BASH match with just Mentella (who currently has Psi Lash, Manipulator and Empathic Healing) and was expecting to get mowed down and when I didnt fight back, they just moved onto someone else :eek:!
It ended up with us sitting on the pipes dancing and talking about PvP in general then watching some one on ones, having a laugh, then the more serious, hardcore, we-don't-care-we-are-gonna-end-yew style PvPers came on and we just were like craaaaap and ran lol.
A personal favorite of mine are duels, with no boundries, I usually do them with a friend and he joins a team and they decline and we both accept then run around MC knocking each other through buildings etc its pretty darn funny. Also dueling with No PvP advantages is always fun, allows you to fight device free and the way you built your toon, I always have hated block disable on my PFF toon..
I have enjoyed numerous Stronghold instances, teaming with Ironclad to defend the hero side as Mentella, allowing him to do most of the work while I lock down my enemies. Or going head to head with Sapphire in Stronghold as ForceGirl..now that was fun!
Guess I'm a fan of fair 1v1 and team PvPing
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
This is exactly the problem. I have tried to talk to them but some of them are impossible to talk down from being such ignorant douches. Although you said about the entire lucidity business.. Yes he does talk lots of BS although I have said it before and I'll say it again, he isn't the worst. He was actually keeping pvp alive, as soon as he got banned, along with the release of NW pvp has totally become a place of ghosts. There's only a few tanks that ever go into bash. A few weeks ago we actually were doing things other than bash. People were going into UTC and SH, and we even did KOTH a few times. ZA was popping all the time and bash was up for atleast 10 hours of a day.
I have told people to stop being such bad winners and loosers. That entire thing I told you about aphrodite, you would have expected him to say 'gg' as I did to him. But no... He walked over to me and simply said 'noob' as if he personally has something against me after he killed me 9 times. I have met plenty of nice pvpers and some pvpers even stop being so ignorant after you have a talk with them.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
Thing is, PvP is not about being a good person, or trying to make others have fun. PvP is all about fulfilling your egotistical and competitive self....accept it or not, it is just that.
Now, what are you expecting? Is it balanced? No.
Can it be? No. Will the top PvPers let Imp win? No.
It's as simple as that, we are few still keeping at it,
so the best get cocky, the good ones team to beat the best, the average ones give HG a try once in a while only to get roflstomped and either quit or become better and the bad ones just kill ATs in HG or duel PVE/theme builds in Ren Cen.
There are people like Skullkrusher (not saying his handle but i'll let you guess) that have no abilities, skills, brains or anything but they have gears. It's those people that get enraged at theme builders for not giving them easy kills and swear at people that beat them, saying things that they have no idea what might mean for someone else.
It's those people that make me lose interest in PvP, and since they seem to be getting more and more, I after abusing everything this game had to offer, quit PvP and will try to find some interest in PvE or some other game.
Thank you all for the great times we've had.
Especially thanks to the guys BASHing with me today, and an apology for using the exploit(as imp sais XD) but I wanted to get one (or two;) last wins while having everyone target me. Sorry for acting weird as well hehe.
Also thank you Ravenforce for teaching me that it's not all about winning, and showing me the theme aspects of Freeform building(alsothanksforthe150gi'llneverreturnmouahaha).
See you all guys...
You better not stay like that because you were awful... Eruption spam with the exploit and then trolling copvp in the EXACT sort of talking really ironic way.
By the way good luck we thinking your better than me or anyone just because you cheat to win. Your wrong about pvp.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
Now, I didn't embarrass or verbally assault anyone, as I said I just wanted to get many people to target me and win, undoubtedly anyone with 5 eruptions and the blades exploit could have done it, still it brought a smile to my face seeing 10 people or so getting into Bash, even for ganking...
If it makes you feel any better, grats you are better than me, and also grats on getting the Copvper temperament and reaction, I never made it.
Lol taking the moral high ground. -_- or are you? There's no question you still took 5 eruptions and an exploit build into bash just to get your daily dose of ego. Aphrodite wont get any 10-0's in bash if the right people are in there. As I said it was only a bunch of tanks that couldn't do anything. I don't even know why they showed up because it was a duel between me and aphro who has everything to counter me.
I don't want to be the best, I don't care for that. I just don't want trolls like you to keep putting people off pvp so that the community goes from just enough people to none at all.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
Pointing out a bug and letting people know it didn't really boost my ego.
Ofc i'm a troll.
Is this an internet forum or an irish family reunion?
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Haha we are fighting about stuff that happens in the game not things that have been said on the forums so much really.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
Keep it up, seems stupid spending all that time examining the remains of a dead community.
You sound so much like lucidity it made me laugh.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] <- No violence or dark humor here, move on.
I.M.P.@drimp in Champions (Careful that you don't get hit by falling bombs when dueling)
Dr Imp@drimp in Neverwinter (Apparently I use hax and exploits, also I apparently payed to win)
I was just talking about this game with a coworker and decided to scope out the forums to see what's been fixed in PvP, and it looks like the same old complaints. Broken CC chaining, and FoTM exploits.
Some things never change
Also, lost my forum acct and had to create a new one, but still said my name was taken?!?