Does therakiel's blade actually exist i cant find anything on the wiki, If a dev could confirm this it would be great because im wanting to make another character but cant decide on heavy or single blade because of this.
Heres a pic i found of the duel wield therakiel's blade:
but can it be used in single blade?
If you go to the Therakiel's page on the wiki it list the items that he drops and one of them is Therakiel's Sword.
As it is listed as a Heavy Weapon Skin, it is probably a heavy blade.
A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
Therakiel's Sword never had this problem because they wanted heavy weapons to have a 'unique' unlock that didn't suck....
Then they made resistance and that axe is 10 times better than any other heavy weapon you will ever use(except therakiel's sword...sorta..)
I can confirm that Therakiel's BLADE drops, as I just had one drop for me this past weekend.
From what I've heard, Therakiel's SWORD is the heavy weapon skin ONLY.
The BLADE unlocks the Martial Arts weapon skin (it does NOT unlock the Heavy Weapons skin), which includes both single and dual blades.