Today I went into Vibora Bay on an alt that has been there many MANY times and has unfogged the entire map, found all of the neighborhoods and respawn points, and history plaques, etc.
And to my befuddlement, the map was completely fogged, and as I ran through neighborhoods I got their "you discovered" popup, and out of curiosity I clicked on some history plaques and received them again, and RE-discovered a spawn point.
I stopped that this point because I didn't really feel like REDOING the entire zone again.
Anyone else encounter this odd map reset bug?
Is this something I can petition for GM help with? I mean will they be able to restore everything as my character had it?
For whatever it's worth, I have 8 characters all of them made within the first 2 weeks of Champions release, they are all lv 40 and all of them have spent a lot of time in EVERY zone in the game. I checked my other alts briefly to see if any others were affected, thankfully it's just this one alt.
Thanks for reading.
Ashlocke was my original forum name but was unable to keep it during the PW forum migration. *Shakes Fist*