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New Lifetimer with a list of suggestions...

markfalconemarkfalcone Posts: 4
Been wanting to do this for a while, but wanted to wait until I was a paid member before saying anything (just doesn't feel right trying to make suggestions for a game I'm not paying for).

As someone who wasn't here for crafting (and being a guy who loves that kind of thing), I was disappointed that there was no option at all for those who might have liked crafting to begin with; no way to be one of those who can still gather an build if they want to. Any chance this could be implemented?

Also the vehicle weapons don't drop fast enough to fuse without paying big bucks in keys or buying them in the stores. Any chance that fusion requirements specifically for weapons could be dropped down?

And on that note, let's talk about...

The Exchange
In STO, the Exchange ended up eventually breaking down into lots and lots of sublevels to keep up with the sheer amount of various stuff in STO. CO is at that point and needs this as well. My suggestion for mods: Allow for a search function seperation for AT LEAST personal mods vs. vehicle mods, then from vehicle mods to seperate out into Weapons, Defense, and Support. Yes, personal mods could be seperated as well into Arms, Science, Mysticism, etc.

I also notice here is no category for Vehicles in the Exchange and that there does not seem to be a way to search outside the automated level parameter, making it extremely difficult to find just about anything.

The Good
I should throw in a praise as well. STO's missions are linear, meaning for the most part you move through area after area. CO, though, I've noticed, is not. You can start off in the city, for example, but then be split in missions between the city, the desert, and Canada. NICE!

The Unknowns
Haven't tried the Foundry yet, so these may be moot points, however here are some things I hope for: Being able to use a player's nemesis. Other locations aside from those on the current map such as the Moon (since you offer it as a base possibility), outside a space station, or a "random natural environment" (tropical but not island, temperate, mountainous). Also, being able to use the assorted lairs, as in creating an attack on the base, could be fun.

Have not seen anywhere a way to change vehicle colors or vehicle weapon colors (again, I could be wrong).

Would love to see a central base for super groups, not just a lair for individuals. Could see it easily implemented, yet so far is not. You could even "cheat" and make it use of one of the already existing lairs, though, as the current generation says, I would hope they would be more "epic" for entire super groups. Each player would be able to access their vehicles and shared bank slots in one location and be able to move in and out and meet and party all in one location without a specific player being there to Guest them all in. Would also love to be able to quit in the lair or central base and return there when logging back in. As it is now, we return to where we zipped to the hideout from.

With vehicles being bound per account, would be great for the lairs to have a "garage", a separate "shared bank" in a literal garage or bay to check in and check out vehicles. Just start out with one slot with more being available by purchase. That's fair. And with that, HIGHLY recommend giving Silver members Mom's Basement, to be available for change out with one of the four lairs upon movement up to Gold. This would also be a win-win for you since it would better entice Silver members to pay Zen for better accomodations as well as more shared bank slots. On the other hand, if you implemented the SG central base, you wouldn't need this at all. Each SG would have their base and each individual would have to pay for their own parking spots or shared bank slots.

That's it for now. I'm sure I'll have more later as I remember them :-D
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  • kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,325 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Vehicle weapon mods can be fused?...
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  • markfalconemarkfalcone Posts: 4
    edited February 2013
    Vehicle weapon mods can be fused?...

    I'd assume so since there are Mk II weapons and they are all slotted mods.
  • kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,325 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'd assume so since there are Mk II weapons and they are all slotted mods.

    We were told at the beginning that the weapons come in MKI and MKII varieties with MKIII coming later and that they cannot be fused.


    Did this change or are you assuming since they have different levels they function like other mods? I don't touch the vehicle system in this game (yet) so I'm asking to see what's what.
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  • markfalconemarkfalcone Posts: 4
    edited February 2013
    We were told at the beginning that the weapons come in MKI and MKII varieties with MKIII coming later and that they cannot be fused.


    Did this change or are you assuming since they have different levels they function like other mods? I don't touch the vehicle system in this game (yet) so I'm asking to see what's what.

    Didn't read that. Thanks for the clarification. Though it is strange that they wouldn't allow for fusing up to at least III since they are mods and I assume that PWE wants money :-D Would definitely be an easy way to get money.

    If you do get a vehicle and are interested in a weapon you haven't found yet, let me know in game and I'll see what our SG has. We're stockpiling as we open more and more lockboxes.
  • kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,325 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Didn't read that. Thanks for the clarification. Though it is strange that they wouldn't allow for fusing up to at least III since they are mods and I assume that PWE wants money :-D Would definitely be an easy way to get money.

    If you do get a vehicle and are interested in a weapon you haven't found yet, let me know in game and I'll see what our SG has. We're stockpiling as we open more and more lockboxes.

    Good deal, thanks for the offer. I might get one when I can get one for direct purchase. My luck with the boxes on this side has been nill but since it hasn't cost me anything I can't complain about RNG hating me...too much. :biggrin:
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  • stoopidmestoopidme Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The Unknowns
    Haven't tried the Foundry yet, so these may be moot points, however here are some things I hope for: Being able to use a player's nemesis. Other locations aside from those on the current map such as the Moon (since you offer it as a base possibility), outside a space station, or a "random natural environment" (tropical but not island, temperate, mountainous). Also, being able to use the assorted lairs, as in creating an attack on the base, could be fun.

    Sorry to say we don't have Foundry here, despite our pleading for that to change.

    Brick_McDuggins in game.
  • markfalconemarkfalcone Posts: 4
    edited February 2013
    stoopidme wrote: »
    Sorry to say we don't have Foundry here, despite our pleading for that to change.

    Wait... so we can't create any new content? Then what's the point?
  • kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,325 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wait... so we can't create any new content? Then what's the point?

    Exactly. There is no player generated content in CO currently.
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  • zahinderzahinder Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You thought there was CO foundry and got LTS?


    You're trolling, surely.
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Vehicle weapons can't be fused. The other vehicle mods can be, but for some reason the skill level required is ludicrously higher than for other mods (Happifun has a Science skill of around 150 or so; this gives it a base 61% chance to fuse a stack of level 5 mods).
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • markfalconemarkfalcone Posts: 4
    edited February 2013
    zahinder wrote: »
    You thought there was CO foundry and got LTS?


    You're trolling, surely.

    Wasn't the reason for getting LTS, but yes. The reason for getting LTS is my boy loves the game and I'm trying out everything to see if I want to get it for him for his birthday. That and I don't like spending on monthlies and he free Zen per month isn't bad either.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    and despite what the offence/defence and utility mods you get from recognition say

    You CAN'T fuse them

    as for the crafting skills- I remmeber being told by a lot of people not to bother, they weren't any use and not to bother. I did anyway and when we swapped to mods/fusions I had mine levelled the easy way.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • markfalconemarkfalcone Posts: 4
    edited March 2013
    chaelk wrote: »
    and despite what the offence/defence and utility mods you get from recognition say

    You CAN'T fuse them

    as for the crafting skills- I remmeber being told by a lot of people not to bother, they weren't any use and not to bother. I did anyway and when we swapped to mods/fusions I had mine levelled the easy way.

    LOL Still, from what I see in legacy things you can't get anymore, looked like at least some of those things were useful.
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A lot of the high level costumes, action figures and crafted travel powers were extremely tedious to get.

    oh look nothing's changed, except now the former easier to get ones are now tedious too:tongue: (or not available at all anymore:frown:).
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It was the get to level 11,21,31. breakdown a bag full of gear, make a few items. thats my 100 pts skill done.
    it didn't get hard till 300
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Been wanting to do this for a while, but wanted to wait until I was a paid member before saying anything (just doesn't feel right trying to make suggestions for a game I'm not paying for).

    Cryptic doesn't care if you are paying.
    Cryptic doesn't care if you are silver, gold or lifetimer.
    Cryptic doesn't care at all!
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    First let me say welcome to the LTS community, the smarter customers who understand that you get your money's worth more if you invest more up front. LTS are also by nature of taking a risk for such a large long-term investment more loyal to the game.

    It's a good thing.

    That said, I would make a few critiques/recommendations to make you a more effective at persuading about suggestions:
    • Suggestion topics are more correct to be created in the Suggestions forum :wink:
    • Suggestion topics, for all video game forums, are best if they are about specific suggestions instead of a broad collage of random thoughts. The more the topic is distilled down to one central suggestion idea per topic, the better it functions at getting your point across. This is a writing structure critique.
    • This is the second or third time I've seen you post misinformation (looking at your post history). I realize it was unintentional, simply not knowing; but you'll find you're more persuasive if you're well versed on a topic and you let your expertise speak for you. I never made a single powerset change suggestion for almost an entire year since I started playing. Started with simple stuff, like people asking what are ways to get stacks of enrage quickly or how to pull agro/threat better.

    A lot of the high level costumes, action figures and crafted travel powers were extremely tedious to get.

    True, and I have Legacy CTP devices to prove it.


    There wasn't the % chance of failure. That's what kills me about the On Alert "crafting" system.

    The powers of base 5 thing is one thing, that you have a bloody 40% success rate to fuse a R6 to an R7 with max-level in skill is bad.

    It's not a recipe where you just have to get enough pieces, it's entirely luck-based. You can get lucky an fuse a R8 mod on the first attempt or blow through 50 Safeguard Catalysts and still not have it fused.

    Luck based crafting is a hideous, disgusting PerfectWorld tactic. Removes the fun & effort, and makes it to where most players never even bother trying to get above R5's. No good reason to for the most part.
  • caycepollardcaycepollard Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    There wasn't the % chance of failure. That's what kills me about the On Alert "crafting" system.

    The powers of base 5 thing is one thing, that you have a bloody 40% success rate to fuse a R6 to an R7 with max-level in skill is bad.

    It's not a recipe where you just have to get enough pieces, it's entirely luck-based. You can get lucky an fuse a R8 mod on the first attempt or blow through 50 Safeguard Catalysts and still not have it fused.

    Luck based crafting is a hideous, disgusting PerfectWorld tactic. Removes the fun & effort, and makes it to where most players never even bother trying to get above R5's. No good reason to for the most part.

    ~applause~ Here is the best summary of the "fusion" (I steadfastly refuse to call it "crafting" since it's not what "crafting" usually is) system that I've read so far. I'm one of those people who actually -likes- crafting things, and looking for crafting materials when I'm bored with nothing else to do, etc., and I don't bother to fuse all that much. If I happen to have a bunch of R5s that aren't in use, then I'll try to make a R6 mod.. But I'm going into the process -expecting to lose- mods, instead of "hoping to win" a new mod (for simplicity's sake & no other reason, I use the terms win/lose), because the "failure percentage" vastly outweighs the success rate.

    Also: OP, congrats on getting your LTS, though I do hope the "Lifetime" of the game is long enough for you to feel you've got your $$$ worth. I've been on the fence a few times about LTSing myself, but as of yet don't feel it'd be worth it. YMMV! :smile:
  • beldinbeldin Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A lot of the high level costumes, action figures and crafted travel powers were extremely tedious to get.

    It was sill better then having no crafting system at all, and no chance to get them at all.

    I have btw. 2 R3 Stormrider, and i made the other 2 at least at R1 when they finally told us
    that we can unlock them as a normal TP with On Alert.

    And fusing Mods is for me no crafting at all. A lot of games have stuff like that but also a
    real crafting system like crafting weapons and armor, and mods just exist to upgrade them.
  • draogndraogn Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    First let me say welcome to the LTS community, the smarter customers who understand that you get your money's worth more if you invest more up front. LTS are also by nature of taking a risk for such a large long-term investment more loyal to the game.

    So those of us who don't see the point of spending $300 on something like CO, with its limited support, aren't smart or aren't as loyal of customers then those who are spending $14.99+ a month?
  • kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,325 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    draogn wrote: »
    So those of us who don't see the point of spending $300 on something like CO, with its limited support, aren't smart or aren't as loyal of customers then those who are spending $14.99+ a month?

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    Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
  • lucyinspacewithdiamondslucyinspacewithdiamonds Posts: 1,594 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I can't believe anyone bothered with lifetime at this point. You better like CO more than I used to. :P
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ~applause~ Here is the best summary of the "fusion" (I steadfastly refuse to call it "crafting" since it's not what "crafting" usually is) system that I've read so far. I'm one of those people who actually -likes- crafting things, and looking for crafting materials when I'm bored with nothing else to do, etc., and I don't bother to fuse all that much. If I happen to have a bunch of R5s that aren't in use, then I'll try to make a R6 mod.. But I'm going into the process -expecting to lose- mods, instead of "hoping to win" a new mod (for simplicity's sake & no other reason, I use the terms win/lose), because the "failure percentage" vastly outweighs the success rate.

    Thank you, and you write in a funny looking font :smile:
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