I've had a few of them drop. I can't use it from the inventory window like I would with a costume part or box, trying to drag it to the device tray gets a "Only Devices can go here message", Ctrl-clicking it like a mod does nothing... I'm at a total loss! How do I use this?
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly
@Roderick in City of Heroes.
These are actually boost orbs, and are meant to auto-used when you pick them up.
Solution: sell it in the AH to troll people lol
...the ultimate Contrast Moe (or not).
Handle: @drgmstr
"Embrace your dreams"
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You also get them in the starting equipment box that unlocks at certain levels, along with a Damage equivalent.
I found no way to activate them, despite many attempts.
A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
Nice to know this is a bug...something yet to be fixed.
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.