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Offline Chat Client

gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Controls and Interface
I've tried hella clients..

Can someone tell me how to get one that works on Mac OS and allows me to chat on the champions online client?

I know hella people use this (rather than logging in) to keep in touch with players. I'd love the chance to keep up with my in-game friends.

If it's possible, post the deets and I'd appreciate it ..
Post edited by gamehobo on


  • kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,634 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    You can use Trillian - it's free.

    1. Download Trillian from the App Store, install it, and create your Trillian account.
    2. Click on Preferences and go to the Accounts tab. There should be a small + sign at the bottom left of that window. Click it to add a new account.
    3. You will be prompted to enter in account details. Those will be:
    - JID: username@domain.com (gamehobo@crypticspace.com)
    - password: account pw (the password you use to log into the CO client)
    4. Done.

    [sent from a phone]
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I can't get in.. I keep timing out.

    is it my cryptic name or my pwe name or .. grrr
  • vrtesseractvrtesseract Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    the system works with any IM that runs XMPP/Jabber though some seem to be a good deal more difficult to set up than others. Ive used Trillian, Pidgin(on laptop), IM+(iphone) i have a friend with an android that used Xabber.

    Pidgin is the best and easiest there are instructions on how to set it up on the sto-wiki
    but there is no pidgin on the iphone so I use IM+ since the pro was cheaper than trillian.

    neither trillian(iphone app) or IM+(iphone app) will run the chats just the friends list. but i can not make chats run on any phone im. I don't know if trillian will run the chats on non iphone platforms,

    if Yourusername@Crypticspace.com isnt working try Yourusername alone and put crypticspace.com in the domain field. the port should be whatever is default. I found altering priority and SSL settings have helped me connect on the phone IM.

    yourusername is the name you log into this forum and STO or CO with. it shouldnt matter if its cryptic or PerfectWorld if you have both id use the perfectworld name since that is more current.

    you CAN be logged into the game at the same time as the IM so thats a good way to test it out cause if you type into a chat youll see your resource@Globalname: whatever you typed in game

    You do need to be GOLD membership for this to work for champions or sto.

    now i will note fleet chats have been not working reliably on any chat programs but the champion sg chats have been fine, since they started doing gateway tribble testing I am hoping that will clear up soon.
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,234 Cryptic Developer
    edited January 2013
    neither trillian or IM+ will run the chats just the friends list. but i can not make chats run on any phone im.

    That's incorrect, Trillian runs chats just fine.
  • vrtesseractvrtesseract Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    what platform are you running trillian on is it PRO or free version and if it is a phone version please give us a walk through on how to set up a chat on trillian.
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,234 Cryptic Developer
    edited January 2013
    what platform are you running trillian on is it PRO or free version and if it is a phone version please give us a walk through on how to set up a chat on trillian.

    I can't comment on the phone version (I'm primitive and don't own a phone that supports anything beyond making calls). But on free/pro trillian versions you can enter chatrooms.

    I prefer trillian over pidgin since it handles my email accounts as well.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    You do need to be GOLD membership for this to work for champions or sto.

    There it is. Bye to my in-game friends.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    what platform are you running trillian on is it PRO or free version and if it is a phone version please give us a walk through on how to set up a chat on trillian.

    To this day I've tried many chat clients for iOS, and most of them work for Champs, but none of them work for joining custom in-game channels.

    For what it's worth, hobo, at my work Mac I'm using Adium.
  • viceadmiralblackviceadmiralblack Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I've tried three different IM apps (IM+, Trillian and one other) for my iPhone and can't get any of them working. I just think it isn't meant for me to keep in contact with friends when offline.
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