-- something's got them all stirred up down here. Whatever they're up to, it's --
-- I think they're tracking our comms. Tribunal Actual, be advised, safehouses may be compromised --
-- what? Give me resources from Carolingian or Clockwork! Don't tell me that there's not enough for --
-- start evacuating. I don't care, they can go to Columbus or Indianapolis. This isn't just going to go away, and unlike the Qularr, they're already here --
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
Interesting..... OK, you have my attention, now dare you keep it?
"We don't have time to negotiate in a civilized way... Destroy them!"
"Captains log: I can take up a holding pattern while engineering locates the source of this malfunction, but this area is known to be a frequent destination of pirates. If we are detected by enemy ships, we won't be able to defend ourselves."
At a guess something to do with either Mechanon, Eurostar, or both?
"We don't have time to negotiate in a civilized way... Destroy them!"
"Captains log: I can take up a holding pattern while engineering locates the source of this malfunction, but this area is known to be a frequent destination of pirates. If we are detected by enemy ships, we won't be able to defend ourselves."
It is very Cryptic, isn't it.
There was a video which may or may not be about the event up, on a Youtube channel called*ERROR*.
May or may not be in *ERROR*.
May or may not involve dri-*sound of water drowning my voice*
I wish it were mechanon but I wont hold my breath. But I look forward to whatever they have planned.
One can dream no? I have anxiously awaited some mechanon action for a while now, and had to settle for doing him in PnPRPG until he surfaces.
"We don't have time to negotiate in a civilized way... Destroy them!"
"Captains log: I can take up a holding pattern while engineering locates the source of this malfunction, but this area is known to be a frequent destination of pirates. If we are detected by enemy ships, we won't be able to defend ourselves."
Smacking Mechanon around would feel good. VEEEEERRRRRY good.
Also given that the concept for two of my main characters is that they work for UNTIL (one IS an Agent), I'd like to say thank you for addressing me, although technically she's a Lance Corporal... just.
-- something's got them all stirred up down here. Whatever they're up to, it's --
-- I think they're tracking our comms. Tribunal Actual, be advised, safehouses may be compromised --
-- what? Give me resources from Carolingian or Clockwork! Don't tell me that there's not enough for --
-- start evacuating. I don't care, they can go to Columbus or Indianapolis. This isn't just going to go away, and unlike the Qularr, they're already here --
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
alpha potocol? so its going to be an amazing game but all the critics will hate it? anyhow, this plus todays update and that unattributed youtube id seems to indicate the bleak ones.
Well, finally looks like something is coming. Now, I will say this:
The Mega-D event, I understand why it was tossed. I still would like to see you guys find a way to integrate Nighthawk's story mission and this into CO permanently. It's really hard for me to call this 'content' when it's only temporary. I would much rather see you guys work toward making a new Comic Series or Adventure Pack, because in the end- even the Nighthawk event was just a glorified alert.
As far as 'who' this is- my money says it's a Lemurian Invasion. Considering that something is 'stirring them up down here' and 'they're already here' tells me that, coupled with that whole 'secret project' video.
I still would like to see you guys find a way to integrate Nighthawk's story mission and this into CO permanently. It's really hard for me to call this 'content' when it's only temporary. I would much rather see you guys work toward making a new Comic Series or Adventure Pack, because in the end- even the Nighthawk event was just a glorified alert.
Yeah, kind of my feeling. Even turning the Nighthawk event missions and story arc into, say, a mini-adventure pack would be pretty spiffy. Strip out the Nighthawk Event reward and put in standard Adventure Pack rewards or whatever is appropriate.
I'm not fond of flash in the pan, one-shot events where it's obvious that the devs have put a lot of work into designing this thing... and we hardly get to see it. This is doubly true for those of us who have busy lives, and don't have the time to log in at Time X to see Cool Thing Y. Like I have a friend who works retail who barely got to see the Winter Event.
Now if this event's missions are similar to a comic series, where you release one mission at a time and when it's over it all gets bundled into a Comic Pack that we can run at our leisure and on our own schedule? I think that'd be a fantastic thing for all of us, and would rather please us noisy unwashed masses.
Ofcourse it's tested. Not that few 'Whoopsies' won't slip thru the comb.
That's true in anything. There's always something people miss, or for some reason the code decides to behave differently on Live than in Test, just because that's how life works. It's always fun in programming when you hear the programmers go "Never seen it do that before."
It's that thing they've been working on forever, right? The Kraken/Cthulhu Rampage featuring the winners from the design a villain contest, right? Sweet.
Well, finally looks like something is coming. Now, I will say this:
The Mega-D event, I understand why it was tossed. I still would like to see you guys find a way to integrate Nighthawk's story mission and this into CO permanently. It's really hard for me to call this 'content' when it's only temporary. I would much rather see you guys work toward making a new Comic Series or Adventure Pack, because in the end- even the Nighthawk event was just a glorified alert.
As far as 'who' this is- my money says it's a Lemurian Invasion. Considering that something is 'stirring them up down here' and 'they're already here' tells me that, coupled with that whole 'secret project' video.
Whilst I am happy to see a flurry of activity, I really hope its not temporary content like Nighthawk was. Frankly I don't see the point of temporary missions, unless they are tied to specific events such as Xmas. Nighthawk should have been a permanent feature like the heli defense. I also hope it is not just another alert, as I personally think they are killing the game. I too am hoping it is another comic series or adventure pack.
My vote is for Mechanon or Eurostar as well, BUT, I hope they do them justice and another alert would be a waste IMHO.
The first part of the event coming next week must be an in zone random mob thing with minor rewards since its not on test. Nothing else had to be tested when it involved in zone stuff like that, except for the Hi Pan stuff because tradable items were involved.
It's that thing they've been working on forever, right? The Kraken/Cthulhu Rampage featuring the winners from the design a villain contest, right? Sweet.
What? You mean the FridgeMan and Fierycrotch?
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
My guess is that Cryptic is trying to get a minimum threshold of events so they can put them into a rotation.
See that would be kinda nice, I imagine the reason these events are temporary to begin with is that they need to free up the spawn points the random mooks are at in MC, it would be kinda cool if they would at least cycle them, Nighthawk one month, then maybe the Destroids or this new one the next and so on.
See that would be kinda nice, I imagine the reason these events are temporary to begin with is that they need to free up the spawn points the random mooks are at in MC, it would be kinda cool if they would at least cycle them, Nighthawk one month, then maybe the Destroids or this new one the next and so on.
There are plenty of places to add permenent content, and they could do adventure packs/comic series
They just dont get it that this game NEEDS MORE PERMENENT CONTENT it hasnt had any in a WHOLE YEAR and very little since launch, when it had very little to begin with
My guess is that Cryptic is trying to get a minimum threshold of events so they can put them into a rotation.
Now that's an interesting possibility.
Okay - so a particular event isn't something you can do all the time. But if you have 3-4 of them and you do them in rotation - like, say - once a month for 2-3 weeks at a time?
Say - just as a hypothetical example -
Nighthawk event in the first 3 weeks of February, then a week off. Then "Protocol Alpha" in the first 3 weeks of March. take another week off. Then (insert new event here - Mechanon?) in the first 3 weeks of April. Take a week off, then in the first 3 weeks of May, go back to Nighthawk.
Wash, rinse, repeat, etc.
THAT would be an acceptable compromise between permanent content that's always there and temporary events. You could even have the special gear drops during the events and not even have to change that code to regular gear, because you maintain some of the uniqueness and rarity of it.
IF - and it's a BIG "IF" - this is where Cryptic is heading with these events, then I'd be happy with them. It'd be similar to the featured episodes in STO.
I'm not actually optimistic about this, mind you. I somehow think they're going to drop the ball or leave this aspect incomplete as they keep pulling Devs away from CO and the work gets abandoned (like what happened with Tumerboy and the Hideouts.).
Just a note that he's asking to draw resources from Carolingian and Clockwork meaning it doesn't involve those two departments, he needs more for his own.
Why cant there be a contact that lets you trigger the events?
Or give players the ability to trigger the events after meeting certain criteria?
Then make it so only event can trigger at a time so that players don't stack them.
PVP is starving without rewards
1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
You, um, didn't take V'ger's post seriously, did you? Just checking...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Thanks for posting this, TT. We need a morale boost, even a small one, right now.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
"Captains log: I can take up a holding pattern while engineering locates the source of this malfunction, but this area is known to be a frequent destination of pirates. If we are detected by enemy ships, we won't be able to defend ourselves."
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
"Captains log: I can take up a holding pattern while engineering locates the source of this malfunction, but this area is known to be a frequent destination of pirates. If we are detected by enemy ships, we won't be able to defend ourselves."
There was a video which may or may not be about the event up, on a Youtube channel called*ERROR*.
May or may not be in *ERROR*.
May or may not involve dri-*sound of water drowning my voice*
I wish it were mechanon but I wont hold my breath. But I look forward to whatever they have planned.
One can dream no? I have anxiously awaited some mechanon action for a while now, and had to settle for doing him in PnPRPG until he surfaces.
"Captains log: I can take up a holding pattern while engineering locates the source of this malfunction, but this area is known to be a frequent destination of pirates. If we are detected by enemy ships, we won't be able to defend ourselves."
Also given that the concept for two of my main characters is that they work for UNTIL (one IS an Agent), I'd like to say thank you for addressing me, although technically she's a Lance Corporal... just.
Darn swashbucklers.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
What could it be?
Deliciously nutritious!
If people want a spoiler, check the thumbnail on the news page.
Brick_McDuggins in game.
Dominus Drake Primus Database ,Also @Pyromasher ingame
Also, Grav Bikes.
I gave up on Mechanon after my question in the last state of game. So this is the first time I can say I am actually hopeful he shows up.
Telepathy now
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
The Mega-D event, I understand why it was tossed. I still would like to see you guys find a way to integrate Nighthawk's story mission and this into CO permanently. It's really hard for me to call this 'content' when it's only temporary. I would much rather see you guys work toward making a new Comic Series or Adventure Pack, because in the end- even the Nighthawk event was just a glorified alert.
As far as 'who' this is- my money says it's a Lemurian Invasion. Considering that something is 'stirring them up down here' and 'they're already here' tells me that, coupled with that whole 'secret project' video.
Yeah, kind of my feeling. Even turning the Nighthawk event missions and story arc into, say, a mini-adventure pack would be pretty spiffy. Strip out the Nighthawk Event reward and put in standard Adventure Pack rewards or whatever is appropriate.
I'm not fond of flash in the pan, one-shot events where it's obvious that the devs have put a lot of work into designing this thing... and we hardly get to see it. This is doubly true for those of us who have busy lives, and don't have the time to log in at Time X to see Cool Thing Y. Like I have a friend who works retail who barely got to see the Winter Event.
Now if this event's missions are similar to a comic series, where you release one mission at a time and when it's over it all gets bundled into a Comic Pack that we can run at our leisure and on our own schedule? I think that'd be a fantastic thing for all of us, and would rather please us noisy unwashed masses.
Has any of this content been tested?
I mean I am probably the most supportive of Cryptic left on the forums, and yeesh, testing it might be a good idea...
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
That's true in anything. There's always something people miss, or for some reason the code decides to behave differently on Live than in Test, just because that's how life works. It's always fun in programming when you hear the programmers go "Never seen it do that before."
Whilst I am happy to see a flurry of activity, I really hope its not temporary content like Nighthawk was. Frankly I don't see the point of temporary missions, unless they are tied to specific events such as Xmas. Nighthawk should have been a permanent feature like the heli defense. I also hope it is not just another alert, as I personally think they are killing the game. I too am hoping it is another comic series or adventure pack.
My vote is for Mechanon or Eurostar as well, BUT, I hope they do them justice and another alert would be a waste IMHO.
What? You mean the FridgeMan and Fierycrotch?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I don't know. I can't tell if the thumbnail is Lemuria or the Moon. Woohoo, some news at last, thanks a bunch TT.
See that would be kinda nice, I imagine the reason these events are temporary to begin with is that they need to free up the spawn points the random mooks are at in MC, it would be kinda cool if they would at least cycle them, Nighthawk one month, then maybe the Destroids or this new one the next and so on.
Pretty Please? :biggrin:
There are plenty of places to add permenent content, and they could do adventure packs/comic series
They just dont get it that this game NEEDS MORE PERMENENT CONTENT it hasnt had any in a WHOLE YEAR and very little since launch, when it had very little to begin with
Now that's an interesting possibility.
Okay - so a particular event isn't something you can do all the time. But if you have 3-4 of them and you do them in rotation - like, say - once a month for 2-3 weeks at a time?
Say - just as a hypothetical example -
Nighthawk event in the first 3 weeks of February, then a week off. Then "Protocol Alpha" in the first 3 weeks of March. take another week off. Then (insert new event here - Mechanon?) in the first 3 weeks of April. Take a week off, then in the first 3 weeks of May, go back to Nighthawk.
Wash, rinse, repeat, etc.
THAT would be an acceptable compromise between permanent content that's always there and temporary events. You could even have the special gear drops during the events and not even have to change that code to regular gear, because you maintain some of the uniqueness and rarity of it.
IF - and it's a BIG "IF" - this is where Cryptic is heading with these events, then I'd be happy with them. It'd be similar to the featured episodes in STO.
I'm not actually optimistic about this, mind you. I somehow think they're going to drop the ball or leave this aspect incomplete as they keep pulling Devs away from CO and the work gets abandoned (like what happened with Tumerboy and the Hideouts.).
But maybe. Just... maybe...
So not Eurostar or Mechanon, sadly.
Likely Lemurians, maybe Roin'esh
Lets say they want to make 12 world events then cycle them one a month.
So at any one time 1/12th of it is available
Of they put that effort into permenent content, at anyone time its all available, or in otherwords 12 times as much.
Or give players the ability to trigger the events after meeting certain criteria?
Then make it so only event can trigger at a time so that players don't stack them.
PVP is starving without rewards
1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
Confirmed: Cosmic Keys to be phased out. UNTIL Decryption Keys coming soon to the Z-Store.
Also if I can't run this because telepathy has not been released by the time it goes live I will be livid.
Telepathy Now
MALVANS!?!?!? :eek:
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
That is something to be livid about.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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This is the Internet. Everything is SRS BZNIS all the time. There are no jokes here. :mad:
(except for mine