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Release Notes, December 6, 2012

trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 2,291 Perfect World Employee
edited December 2012 in Release Notes
Release notes for Champions Online, December 6, 2012.

*Collections Agents have been added to the Canadian Wilderness, The Southwest Desert, Vibora Bay, Monster Island, and Lemuria.

*Viper Science Kits at the Qularr crash site in the Southwest Desert now require a Science Skill of 100.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I dont want to sound ungrateful...but is that it?

    No bug fixes?...

    No new costume sets to buy?...

    No new Travel Power to buy?...

    Thanks for what we got at least.
    **oh and it is awesome that you guys listened to the feedback and moved the collection guy to Lemuria, great job on that :D
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • amarillonmcamarillonmc Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    bwdares wrote: »
    I dont want to sound ungrateful...but is that it?

    No bug fixes?...

    No new costume sets to buy?...

    No new Travel Power to buy?...

    Thanks for what we got at least.
    **oh and it is awesome that you guys listened to the feedback and moved the collection guy to Lemuria, great job on that :D

    I don't know what scope CO's development is on, but nevertheless I sense something really big is coming underway... call it a developer's instinct or something.

    ...Or none of the devs are working on stuff, which is less likely to be real.

    ...the ultimate Contrast Moe (or not).
  • lokikinlokikin Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I don't know what scope CO's development is on,

    Vacation or drugs would be my guesses...


    M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt

    Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.

    Laws yes!
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,780 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I am waiting until the close of the quarter to cast judgement.

    If there is no announcement at least of a stable and strong development path, then things will turn grim.

    A wave has come, but like all waves, will come to pass.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • serendipitynowserendipitynow Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    **oh and it is awesome that you guys listened to the feedback and moved the collection guy to Lemuria, great job on that :D

    added not moved.

    The annoyingly placed and totally pointless new npc in millenium city is still there
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Bummer. I was kind of hoping the CO Christmas stuff would start at the same STO's did (today). Oh well. Give me more time in STO, I guess. :biggrin:
    When XP earnings during a Double-XP Weekend still feel like I'm underperforming,
    there's something terribly wrong with the reward system...

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Original Join Date: Feb 2010.
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    added not moved.

    The annoyingly placed and totally pointless new npc in millenium city is still there

    Oh...well...I heard the conversations by Defender were getting stale, maybe the new guy will liven up the crowd?
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I don't know what scope CO's development is on, but nevertheless I sense something really big is coming underway... call it a developer's instinct or something.

    ...Or none of the devs are working on stuff, which is less likely to be real.

    Honestly I hope this is true that they are working on something big..perhaps Clarance and Mega D attack? Or something to do with my beloved Telepathy and Phase 2...
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Anything sneaky patched?

    Like the cylinder attack fixes earlier.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • skcarkskcark Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    FINALLY, I've been waiting for ever for a reason to visit canada or desert again. now they finally gave it new additions...

    Nah, seriously, this patch by far is the biggest joke of all time. No patch at all would have been smarter than adding a measly Collection agent next to pre-existing Vendors. You didn't even place them in optimal locations, no, you just stick them at the start of the map, where we already have NPC's to vendor our junk to.

    And the fact this has come directly after making a post to encourage players to vote for CO clearly shows how serious you aren't.
  • twg042370twg042370 Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    Anything sneaky patched?

    Like the cylinder attack fixes earlier.
    All Q box rewards have been replaced with Hovertank lockboxes.
    Wait? Whaaaa..?
  • nivjinivji Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I don't know what scope CO's development is on, but nevertheless I sense something really big is coming underway...
  • wimpazoidwimpazoid Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    What's the ETA on grav bikes? Will it be this year? Christmas? We needed to do Christmas shopping earlier otherwise we have no monies for them anymore.
  • scorpagorscorpagor Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm sincerely happy with the skill node fix.

    That is all.
  • vitalityprimevitalityprime Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Please make Pick Up and Throw a top priority.


    "Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    -Abraham Lincoln-
  • thelastsonofzodthelastsonofzod Posts: 658 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    bwdares wrote: »
    I dont want to sound ungrateful...but is that it?

    No bug fixes?...

    No new costume sets to buy?...

    No new Travel Power to buy?...

    Thanks for what we got at least.
    **oh and it is awesome that you guys listened to the feedback and moved the collection guy to Lemuria, great job on that :D

    Devs have said that they won't post C-store additions to the release notes anymore.

    That said, it Has been freaking quiet around here....When is the Xmas event showing up?
  • caycepollardcaycepollard Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    lokikin wrote: »
    Vacation or drugs would be my guesses...


    Well, it's nearing The Annual Holiday Season... If nothing comes soon, I'd say nothing's coming until next year.:redface:
  • gaelyn1gaelyn1 Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    - A new big content will be release very soon in gw2
    - A new planet (map) wil be release in swtor soon. And they have already released content the last month with HK51, more than CO give to his players in more than 6 months)
    - Rift release an expansion.
    - Dcuo will release their hideouts + more playable content in their next update. Strange, when Co has released their hideouts, we hadn't new playable content with it. We had to wait 4 months later (hideouts in july, whiteout in november).
    - Even Sto had new content last month.

    And Co almost have no new content (only one or two update by year, when this isn't an update without any new playable content but a 15mns content and just vehicules to gamble in store) And weekly patches of one paragraph.
    How are doing the other dev teams to do what you can't do, hum ?
    But it's true that when you hire peoples, even those who have worked on a superhero game before (parangon dev for exemple) you affect them on Sto or Nw then...

    Don't be surprised if there is only 5MC channels now.
    Your game lose again his population. Even some new cox players aren't enough to be able to help the game to maintain his population.
    You made the same mistake since 3 years. Create content on your another games and let CO dying.
    Until you understand that if you don't create content on CO (and just create a pathetic update every 6 months to try to up the population just for 2 or 3 months, before it down again two months later) the game will never grow and you will be forced to shutdown sooner than later. But i think you know it already, you have internal meetings.

    If you want help Co to survive, come on, and create new playable content.
    If not, let him die as NC soft doing with cox. But take a choice.
    Seeing the until field reports and never see other things than fluff and anorexic patches is demoralizing. Really.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    They'd better be releasing a lot of stuff in GW2 soon - from what I've been hearing from its players, they're even more disaffected than we are.

    And the release of a new planet map in SWTOR might be more interesting, were it not for the sneaking suspicion I have that it'll be another place you can only go if you have a subscription (or buy enough Cartel Coins). I downloaded that the other day, to see if it might be something I'd play occasionally. I can only say "very occasionally" - the immediate turnoff of being forced into one of four classes, then having to pay if you want to play more than two races (human and Zabrek), then having to pay again if you want to learn how to run, and you can only loot one corpse after a fight, and...


    Compared to that, CO is a playground of joy and fluffy bunnies.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • merleburgermerleburger Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    No use continuing to pay for this as a nearly 1200-day member
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    No use continuing to pay for this as a nearly 1200-day member

    Im in the same place. I have reduced to 1 toon and she's nearly fully geared. I'd love to buy things for my friends in game.. can't. I'd love to pay for actual developers to this game.. but every cent I've given to this game seems to have gone elsewhere in the company.

    Zero consumer confidence here.
  • sagewithbubblessagewithbubbles Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    They'd better be releasing a lot of stuff in GW2 soon - from what I've been hearing from its players, they're even more disaffected than we are.

    And the release of a new planet map in SWTOR might be more interesting, were it not for the sneaking suspicion I have that it'll be another place you can only go if you have a subscription (or buy enough Cartel Coins). I downloaded that the other day, to see if it might be something I'd play occasionally. I can only say "very occasionally" - the immediate turnoff of being forced into one of four classes, then having to pay if you want to play more than two races (human and Zabrek), then having to pay again if you want to learn how to run, and you can only loot one corpse after a fight, and...


    Compared to that, CO is a playground of joy and fluffy bunnies.

    As a GW2 player...I think it's going to get more new stuff in December (a scant few months after launch) than we'll have gotten in like six.

    I'm just taking a break from it now because Necro's basic staff attack has a super-annoying sound effect.

    Also double exp weekend here, and I missed you guys. Okay, some of you guys/gals.

    The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
  • nivjinivji Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Need Content !
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Please make Pick Up and Throw a top priority.



    Also.. Lemuria is HELLA broken.
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    They'd better be releasing a lot of stuff in GW2 soon - from what I've been hearing from its players, they're even more disaffected than we are.

    This hasn't been my experience, but every game will have people that are upset about something.

    Even GW2 does seem to have a robust release schedule.

    I am playing both games (the original intention behind my LTS here was the ability to play both GW2 and CO without a sub fee) with varying degrees of frequency.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • rapierwhiprapierwhip Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    and you can only loot one corpse after a fight, and...

    I think if you check your settings, that you have area loot (or group loot or whatever it is called) enabled. It is by default. If you are looting one corpse and all the loot signals from the other disappear, it is because you are looting all of them at the same time. As opposed to here where you have to loot everything individually.

    ETA: I by the way, am having a blast in SWTOR. I even subbed because I liked it so much. Hear, that Cryptic? They are getting the money you could have had if you had bothered to... well... do almost anything except blatant money grabs.

    The Forumite formerly known as Galeforce.

    If you want my money, there is a fairly simple way to get it since I am fairly free with how I spend it. First, produce something I consider to be worth buying. Second, offer it up for sale. Don't lock it behind a gambling scam. If I want something, I am perfectly happy to pay for it. But I will not purchase a CHANCE to get it, When I pay money, I have a perfectly logical right to expect to get what I want.
  • pugdaddypugdaddy Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    bwdares wrote: »
    I dont want to sound ungrateful...but is that it?

    No bug fixes?...

    No new costume sets to buy?...

    No new Travel Power to buy?...

    Thanks for what we got at least.
    **oh and it is awesome that you guys listened to the feedback and moved the collection guy to Lemuria, great job on that :D

    They probably got stuff coming out with the Holiday event later this month.
    This game loves the cheesy pop-culture stuff, so I'm guessing a 2012 apocalypse event of some kind.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yea, rampaging giant mechanical bear digging hugs but prefers smashing more. (probably ends up with somekind of broken mechanic and is shutted down after 2 days)
    Maybe even the loots will be updated.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
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  • serendipitynowserendipitynow Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    They probably got stuff coming out with the Holiday event later this month.
    This game loves the cheesy pop-culture stuff, so I'm guessing a 2012 apocalypse event of some kind.

    They USE to, back when we had a dev team actually making content, but that was well over a year ago
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    Yea, rampaging giant mechanical bear digging hugs but prefers smashing more. (probably ends up with somekind of broken mechanic and is shutted down after 2 days)
    Maybe even the loots will be updated.

    Clarence can already utilize Evasive Maneuvers and smoke bomb so...:confused::confused::biggrin:
  • gaelyn1gaelyn1 Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    They'd better be releasing a lot of stuff in GW2 soon - from what I've been hearing from its players, they're even more disaffected than we are.
    Lol. Gw2 isn't my cup of tea and i don't like it enough to play with it frequently, but there is more population than the co population. Far from we have here. Very far. Very very far.
    Hear what the poeple says is sometimes ok, sometimes not.
    See by yourself(myself) is a lot better. This is why i don't give a lot of importance from what is it said on forums.
    jonsills wrote: »
    And the release of a new planet map in SWTOR might be more interesting, were it not for the sneaking suspicion I have that it'll be another place you can only go if you have a subscription (or buy enough Cartel Coins). I downloaded that the other day, to see if it might be something I'd play occasionally. I can only say "very occasionally" - the immediate turnoff of being forced into one of four classes, then having to pay if you want to play more than two races (human and Zabrek), then having to pay again if you want to learn how to run, and you can only loot one corpse after a fight, and...


    Compared to that, CO is a playground of joy and fluffy bunnies.

    As co is. You must have a sub (to see no new content, when swtor have more new playable content frequently, and a lot more) or buy enough Z points.
    How is it different of co even without subs ? Without sub, you have 2 characters on CO (info: swtor will have 6 characters slots very soon without spend any money), and you have to buy on co every new costume set in the store (sub or f2p), every new travel power (sub or f2p) every hideout but one (hideouts/Ships in swtor are free), every vehicules (sub or f2p), every lockboxes to have the fluff they can "eventually" give (sub or free), you have to buy the exact inventory slots and banks, ah slots, respec must be buy here but free in swtor, etc...

    You have all the fonctions unlocked in the swtor f2p for 2x35 euros. Just stands the credits cap and a limitation of lairs and bg you can buy in store. For 240 pts. 1,20 euro every week for a pass. less than a costume set here. But with 6 characters, even without buy a pass or spend any money (but one time the 4 euros to be a premium player) you can do 18 lairs, and 30 bgs every week for free. 72 lairs and 120 bg every month. It's correct.

    If you want unlocked all the things in the CO'store, 6 characters with all the bank slots, inventory slots, etc, you have to spend a lot more money than 70 euros. Much more. Only 2x2 characters slots to have 6 is 2x14=28 euros. Then with the inventory, etc, for each of the 6 characters, make the calcul. Much more.

    And you can loot all the corpses after a fight simulteanously, you don't have understand how this is works. What you say is false. After reading you, perhaps someone will say in the future on a forum, i've been hearing from X/Y that it is not possible to.... or there is less people than on co.... etc.
    You see, this is why i don't give a lot of importance at what is it said on forums. Most of the people posts are bad informations. :wink:

    Ok, there is no freeform there. But playing a mmo with a good craft, a pvp alive, and a lot of Playable content and with a lot of challenge, this is cool. Sure, there, nobody will doing an operation or a flashpoint on level 6, or with a "concept" character who don't do nothing, or this is a wipe for the entire team. The consequence is that players's gameplay is overall a lot better and no players do nothing but leeching those who can finish the alert solo, because it's not possible to finish solo a flaspoint, and this isn't a bad thing.
    Like Rapierwhip says, this a blast for me and my old co's friends too.

    Me, i'm a lifetimer then i will return if there is some new content, i want to say REAL new content, not fluff in the store... or perhaps when swtor will have a maintenance or when i have no much time to play but 5 or 10 mns.
    But others won't return here. Never. After waiting since 3 years to have content, this time is finished.
    And this isn't some collections agents which will change this statement. Lol.

    Lose players who are able to pay subs for many years in the future, is bad for the money (and for the futire content of course) but this isn't the first time we says at cryptic we need content. If they don't want to do it...
    it's not our problem anymore.

    Have a good play time in co and see you in the next update or big patch. (the exact same winter event than the two last years, and will last for 10 days, isn't what i mean content).
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Okay, Gaelyn, your grammar's a little rough, so I didn't make it through all of that, but one thing caught my eye in particular - inventory slots.

    In CO, you get a fairly large inventory, in the starter bag; you can also purchase another bag, of up to 22 slots, for in-game resources, that is to say for free. (You get resources by selling stuff to vendors, or on the AH, after all.)

    In SWTOR, you get a smaller starting pack, and if you want to add to that, you need Cartel Coins. So far, there are exactly two ways to get Cartel Coins - subscribe, and get a stipend (much like CO, but with Zen), or spend real-world cash. There is no other way to get Cartel Coins.

    You also need Cartel Coins if you want to learn to run. There is a form of rapid transit available as you start, but it has a two-hour cooldown between uses if you're F2P (and thirty minutes if you sub!). Other than that, if you want to actually play for free, you're walking.

    In CO, on the other paw, you get a travel power as soon as you leave the Tutorial (or as soon as you skip the Tutorial, if that's your preference); you can choose from five (IIRC) for free, without dropping a single penny. And running is the default movement speed - you need to use a special instruction to walk.

    Maybe it's got God's own PvP; I'll never know, because I hate PvP. If that's what you're into, by all means, go play SWTOR, or WoW, or something. I'll stick to CO. It provides me with more fun, even for free.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • gaelyn1gaelyn1 Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    Okay, Gaelyn, your grammar's a little rough, so I didn't make it through all of that, but one thing caught my eye in particular - inventory slots.

    In CO, you get a fairly large inventory, in the starter bag; you can also purchase another bag, of up to 22 slots, for in-game resources, that is to say for free. (You get resources by selling stuff to vendors, or on the AH, after all.)

    In SWTOR, you get a smaller starting pack, and if you want to add to that, you need Cartel Coins. So far, there are exactly two ways to get Cartel Coins - subscribe, and get a stipend (much like CO, but with Zen), or spend real-world cash. There is no other way to get Cartel Coins.

    You also need Cartel Coins if you want to learn to run. There is a form of rapid transit available as you start, but it has a two-hour cooldown between uses if you're F2P (and thirty minutes if you sub!). Other than that, if you want to actually play for free, you're walking.

    In CO, on the other paw, you get a travel power as soon as you leave the Tutorial (or as soon as you skip the Tutorial, if that's your preference); you can choose from five (IIRC) for free, without dropping a single penny. And running is the default movement speed - you need to use a special instruction to walk.

    Maybe it's got God's own PvP; I'll never know, because I hate PvP. If that's what you're into, by all means, go play SWTOR, or WoW, or something. I'll stick to CO. It provides me with more fun, even for free.

    Sorry, english isn't my language and my grammar could be perfect if i could speaking in my language but cryptic had taken the decisions with f2p that i couldn't write in another language in the forums now. Then, i do what i can, i'm sorry. (you can be sure i spend many times in edit to read my texts and try to correct some mistakes when i can).

    edit: Cryptic wants no language but english language but they don't like the euro symbol too. When you see a ? this is probably the euro symbol (or a question :p). I won't do corrections this time, it's time to quit the forums).

    2 characters in F2P.
    - 2 x 2 characters = 28000 zen = 28 euros to have 6 characters.
    - 6x 4 bank slots to have 5 slots (as a sub) x 400 zen= 24 x 400= 9600 zen = 96 euros.
    with just that, 28+96 euros = 124 euros
    and you can add:
    - inventory slots
    - ah slots
    And finally you don't have freeform or color changes. And no new content.

    Swtor: (4 euros to become premium players)
    6 characters slots in f2P premium
    - 4 bank slots to buy to have the same stockage than a sub = 4x 1050 points = 4200 points for the account, for the 6 characters, even for the 18 characters if you will buy some new characters slots.
    - inventory bags: 5 x 390 points= 1950 points for the account
    1950 + 4200 = 6150 points.
    For 35 euros you have 5500 points.
    To have 6150 points, this is less of 40 euros.

    Can i say other than that. The numbers speak by themselves.

    I have a LTS for 70 euros on swtor. With 70 euros i can unlock all the unlocks. all.
    And when the 6 character slots will be live (perhaps tomorrow. If not, before end of december for sure), i will just have to buy some pass when i want play more than 18 lairs or 30 bg every week.
    Or to buy new content definitely, as the Hk51 update of the last month, for 600 points= 4 euros.

    Here a sub or a lts pays 15 euros monthly for no new content, or a lts 240 euros to have the same content, almost nothing new, and pays a second time for fluff the cryptic devs do. Even when they can't give content for this money, they can't give this fluff without ask us to buy this as we were f2p players who don't give already money every months.
    And for the f2p players, it's not better, they quit when they finished the content because there is almost no new content.

    I'm sorry but before i have to spend 240 (co lts) - 70 (swtor lts) = 170 euros of passes or new PLAYABLE content unlock in swtor, I have some difficulty to find where co have an advantage.
    170 euros /1,50 by week= 113 weeks = 26 months, more than 2 years.

    But when i see the 1.5 patch content (one end game lair + new missions) the last month and the 1.6 patch content tomorrow (12 new space missions + new bg) and i see what we have in co since last april, or even since 3 years, i think my money will be (well spend?).
    This is what we wanted to have here, and asked to cryptic, content !
    Here, what we have, weekly patches with collections agents and in some weeks the same winter event with two or three new rewards to hope the players will grind them again. And even if they add some new content to do in this event, the event last 10 or 15 days maximum. And the entire year we are starved of content. This is a mistake.

    2) The sprint, the quick run, you're speaking in swtor is unlocked at level 1 when you become premium. The same 4 euros whick unlock the trade, the 80 bank slot, the quick run, and soon the 2 to 6 characters slots.
    When you buy the firts 35? of the 70, you are premium without buy 4 euros on top, your first buy, whatever the mountant, is your premium unlock.
    Sure for 0? you don't run at the same speed (until the level 15 where you can have it with ig credits).
    But here, on co, when you're f2p and don't buy some Z point, have you the millenium flight or every premium travel ? If you're sub you don't have them then a 0$ F2p players. Lol.
    Have you a jet vehicule on co which have more speed than the characters with 0$ ?
    You will say me, you can grind questionite. Ok.
    With two characters, can you have enough questionite to have 1800 zen before the level 15 ? Level where you can buy the sprint for a few credits ig you can farm in 30 mns in swtor ? you know this isn't possible.

    3) The starting pack, you know that from my 11000 points in the cartel market, i don't have spend any of these points today because i'm not blocked ig by inventory or bank slots. My 30 inventory are sufficient for the moment because i can say to my pet to sell my drops when i continue my fight against mobs. I'm waiting to be blocked to spend my points. they will surely do sales at the end of the year.

    4) pvp. I love pvp and i love pve. But a pve game, what's are swotor and co, which have pvp is a game with more content. This isn't because you don't like pvp, that this is a reason to excuse the fact that cryptic have killed his pvp and do nothing to update him.
    And when doing a copy/paste of the questionite rewards of alerts missions, and add the gear we had before on alert with just some modifications on the database to give at this gear the same stats than the new pve gear is sufficient.
    It's certainly less work than the epic vehicules fail.

    Conclusion: i understand you like co, i understand you try to protect and defend co, but please don't say false affirmation on the other games as gw2 or swtor or any others, when you don't know theses games, don't have try them more than 10 mns and don't have understood the system or economic model or just because someone say anything (false) to you.

    I'm quit. Good night (afternoon/evening for you) Jon Sills.
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    pugdaddy wrote: »
    They probably got stuff coming out with the Holiday event later this month.
    This game loves the cheesy pop-culture stuff, so I'm guessing a 2012 apocalypse event of some kind.

    Only thing new about the Holiday event is new Steampunk costume pieces...oh well, maybe next year we can look forward to something new...probably in the summer.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • skcarkskcark Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    bwdares wrote: »
    Only thing new about the Holiday event is new Steampunk costume pieces...oh well, maybe next year we can look forward to something new...probably in the summer.

    Next year they might give us the NEW Halloween event mission they promised, you know, one that was gonna be in vibora or something. Nah, let's not get our hopes up.
  • pikabko1000pikabko1000 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    After the death of City of Heroes the only thing left is Champions Online and man its a China knock off. its so cheesey its crap. I want to downoload a mod for City of Heores
    fpr these Functions
    A_) archive my City of Heroes Freedom files and burn/rip to a DVD-R or DVD+R to be used as a bootable installing discs due to the fact installing from fresh intalled O.S. there is no download updates and patches all what I have that is what I need to archive
    B)able to travel all zones do allthe missions
    C)due to level 50 is not strong enough to fight giant monsters. level to to 500 not 50 in order to complate these types of missions Oh the Enhacements must follow though of the elvels 50 is not good enough solo
    D)PVP is a problem when there is a off line mode. so SO how about adding elete Bosses to be counted at PVP kills

    City of Heroes is a much better game. I am trying to save what is on my computer and make used of what I had paid for. I payed for it and I will do what I want with it. its my rights to do so
    Leaving Champions Online
    its a joke. cheap China knock off
  • klittyklitty Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    After the death of City of Heroes the only thing left is Champions Online and man its a China knock off. its so cheesey its crap. I want to downoload a mod for City of Heores
    fpr these Functions
    A_) archive my City of Heroes Freedom files and burn/rip to a DVD-R or DVD+R to be used as a bootable installing discs due to the fact installing from fresh intalled O.S. there is no download updates and patches all what I have that is what I need to archive
    B)able to travel all zones do allthe missions
    C)due to level 50 is not strong enough to fight giant monsters. level to to 500 not 50 in order to complate these types of missions Oh the Enhacements must follow though of the elvels 50 is not good enough solo
    D)PVP is a problem when there is a off line mode. so SO how about adding elete Bosses to be counted at PVP kills

    City of Heroes is a much better game. I am trying to save what is on my computer and make used of what I had paid for. I payed for it and I will do what I want with it. its my rights to do so
    Leaving Champions Online
    its a joke. cheap China knock off

    I'm trully sorry for your loss, but this is not the place to put a baiting comment and get flammed out of the forums by calling our beloved CO a "China knock off". It really shows the little, next to nothing, you know about this game.

    Have a good one,

    =^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
  • kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,325 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    After the death of City of Heroes the only thing left is Champions Online and man its a China knock off. its so cheesey its crap. I want to downoload a mod for City of Heores
    fpr these Functions
    A_) archive my City of Heroes Freedom files and burn/rip to a DVD-R or DVD+R to be used as a bootable installing discs due to the fact installing from fresh intalled O.S. there is no download updates and patches all what I have that is what I need to archive
    B)able to travel all zones do allthe missions
    C)due to level 50 is not strong enough to fight giant monsters. level to to 500 not 50 in order to complate these types of missions Oh the Enhacements must follow though of the elvels 50 is not good enough solo
    D)PVP is a problem when there is a off line mode. so SO how about adding elete Bosses to be counted at PVP kills

    City of Heroes is a much better game. I am trying to save what is on my computer and make used of what I had paid for. I payed for it and I will do what I want with it. its my rights to do so
    Leaving Champions Online
    its a joke. cheap China knock off

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  • amarillonmcamarillonmc Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Oh ho ho.
    China Knock Off you said?
    As someone who knows exactly the business model of some Chinese knock offs of games and such, I'll promise one thing.
    As long as people pay, a Chinese knock off version of CO will definitely better than this game at this time, seriously.

    It will be a Free2Play + Pay2Win model (because most Chinese like free stuff while more Chinese like to pay to be better than others), without lockboxes (because Chinese government forbid these since 2010), and with developers that actually respond to people (because Chinese players were very hard to please, trust me) nicely.

    The only reason why Chinese won't give a knock off on CO is because superheroes aren't big in China, they could made more money doing Japanese style anime RPGs, so why bother.

    Not to said that CO is a bad game, actually it's awesome in a lot of ways and it's sure promising. I'm just pointing out the sheer irony that someone claim CO to be a Chinese knock off when real Chinese won't even copy off games like these.

    Which is exactly why it's dead wrong of using Chinese tactics and business models on CO, look at this PW.
    Oh and also: stop with the stupid region lock anyways!

    Oh, and that guy's claim of the game it's copying from? It's by the same company no less. self copying?

    But again, that guy would be a troll, and yeah, I have no intentions of feeding him, though I may just did that.

    ...the ultimate Contrast Moe (or not).
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    After the death of City of Heroes the only thing left is Champions Online and man its a China knock off. its so cheesey its crap. I want to downoload a mod for City of Heores
    fpr these Functions
    A_) archive my City of Heroes Freedom files and burn/rip to a DVD-R or DVD+R to be used as a bootable installing discs due to the fact installing from fresh intalled O.S. there is no download updates and patches all what I have that is what I need to archive
    B)able to travel all zones do allthe missions
    C)due to level 50 is not strong enough to fight giant monsters. level to to 500 not 50 in order to complate these types of missions Oh the Enhacements must follow though of the elvels 50 is not good enough solo
    D)PVP is a problem when there is a off line mode. so SO how about adding elete Bosses to be counted at PVP kills

    City of Heroes is a much better game. I am trying to save what is on my computer and make used of what I had paid for. I payed for it and I will do what I want with it. its my rights to do so
    Leaving Champions Online
    its a joke. cheap China knock off

    Careful, your ignorance is showing.
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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

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  • skcarkskcark Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I just thought he meant cheap knock off as in, it looks like it works untill you buy, then it crumbles when you use it. or are all those bugs in the game working as intended.
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