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RP reasons for CoX to CO transition

cptpatriotcptpatriot Posts: 7 Arc User
edited December 2012 in Champions Online Discussion
What are your roleplayed reasons for how your characters came over from the City of Heroes universe?
Post edited by cptpatriot on


  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Portal Corp accident; portal blew up and transported me to Millennium City.
  • bellesorcierebellesorciere Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I don't really bother, I just remake the characters in the context of the CO milieux.

    I do have nods to CoH, though.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm on a infinite loop at the Atlas Park's Architect Entertainment building in a program called Champions and can't never get out. Never.
    Everything in Champions is been created in my mind.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • valasquavalasqua Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My mains didn't translate well, so I just gave up and created new characters.

    I like the Portal Corp accident, though.
  • baroness1980baroness1980 Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Recreated them to fit this universe.

    After all, most of my chars were created to fit Freedom Force at first, only 2 of them were created FOR City... and they have translated reasonably well to fit Champs universe.

    I do have nods to City here and there, but I do not think it is fair for the Roleplayers here to have to account for a background they do not know when dealing with my characters, hence my decision of rebooting them in this universe.
  • reirakureiraku Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    You punched reality so hard that it shattered.
  • malvoumalvou Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Reptile was one of Recluse's top dogs. Recluse sends him on missions to other dimensions through the Project D.E.S.T.I.N.Y portal in hopes of conquering them. He one day lands in Millennium City the instant the Qularr shield goes up, it causes a malfunction with his transponder and he can't transfer back.

    He then decides to play hero, gain trust and detailed info on heroes and villains so one day when he can find a way back, he can back stab everyone for a quick takeover.

    Just so happens that the reveal of Harmon's Interdimensional Teleportal was just what he needed. So he snuck in, activated the portal and went home.

    He learned that the endgame was coming, he decided to convince as many people he knew to come over to this universe in the time that he had. Then on the dawn of the endgame, he dashed back here.

    Now he doesn't know what do to. Go Rogue or stay a Hero in this new permanent home of his.

    Okay now that's just silly. It's the only reason I can muster. :biggrin:
  • kuroihonoukuroihonou Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Rantus after losing his wife and daughter in an attack from his NEMESIS; Vulgarian Noise caused his grasp on reality to began to slip. Haunted by nightmares of their deaths every time he closed his eyes, it started gradual at first seeing phantom images of them in the middle of crowds on the street, hearing his daughter call "Daddy" from the living room only to find no one there it was long before he snapped. After an incident in which he broke into the prison holding his nemesis and nearly murdering him in cold blood he was taken down by a group of his closets friends and placed under heavy sedation in a rehabilitative facility. During his time there his mind unable to handle the loss of his wife shut him off to the world around him, rending him in an almost vegetative state for over a year.

    During that time he lived a fantasy life within his mind in a wonderous city called Paragon City. In this dream he met his wife fell in love all over again had his family all over again. His wife and daughter in the dream world had powers of their own, and for a time living in this dream he felt happy before he was brought back to this world and to his senses by the help of his Close friend Reiraku and Witchcraft. They together were able to pull him from his fantasy world by channeling the Souls of his departed love ones into him for a few brief moments. In those moments he was able to find peace and say his goodbyes to those he loved.

    Returning to a world that was so unlike the one he remembered from his dreams was difficult for him to process but with the support of Reiraku and his friend Capital Justice Rantus was able to step into the world with a new focus. Protect Millenium City from the horrors of the world so no one would ever have to lose their family like he had.

    so yah if you read through that nonsense i'm sorry the short of it he lost his family and lost his $*&% and everything that happened in the COH universe is a bittersweet but remembered dream.
  • edited December 2012
    This content has been removed.
  • lunakitty42lunakitty42 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Well, a few of my toons are transplants from Primal (CoH) Earth- having escaped the end of their universe when the Portal Corps technology punched one hole too many in the fabric of their universe- kinda like the explanation for why you don't go above Warp 7 on ST:TNG only demonstrated.

    I've also done a couple of reboots- and in one infamous case, a CoX refugee (Mystic Paladin) has become aware of his Millennium City counterpart (Arithon Kerson) in very interesting ways- they have yet to meet, but as they are on two different accounts it will happen eventually. There are one or two who have yet to come onto the stage- they are just waiting til their time...

    So been having a little fun with the situation- I've even written what I call a 'mindfrak' story about it...(the timeline splits apart into several branches- in some Paragon City is saved, in some it's destroyed, and in one case, nothing happens because of celestial intervention...) If you guys want, I can repost it here. It is a bit weird, though.
  • rianfrostrianfrost Posts: 578 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    They beat back batallion, but their various organizations they worked for old them of a new place with a metahuman crisis. has happened before, will happen again. one villain is taking her time hoping we get plant powers.
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    I'm on a infinite loop at the Atlas Park's Architect Entertainment building in a program called Champions and can't never get out. Never.
    Everything in Champions is been created in my mind.

    This explains so much.
    So very, very much.
    We don't need Bug Fixes.
    We need to Medicate Finn.
    Runs to get the Thorazine Hose......

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • rexcelestisrexcelestis Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My two mains are ports from CoH I brought over a few years ago. One settled in this universe after a teleportation accident and years of looking for a way back to Paragon. I retconned the history of the other to have him fighting crime in Chicago as a teen and arriving in MC as an adult.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I went from CoH to CO due to an argument with my brother . I actually worked this into my RP XD
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • fiskerhofnfiskerhofn Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Stupid time machine...
  • lokikinlokikin Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    I'm on a infinite loop at the Atlas Park's Architect Entertainment building in a program called Champions and can't never get out. Never.
    Everything in Champions is been created in my mind.

    <slips Finn some acid and holds on for the ride>


    M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt

    Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.

    Laws yes!
  • epeleskerepelesker Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm not really opting to do any blatantly direct ports, but trying to just rework things for the Champions setting for now. I have one character based off of the general idea of my CoH main, and another that's closer to what he was, but it's still not the same character in either case.
    Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,780 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The CoH Brou and CO Brou are the same person, but not by origin.

    The CoH Brou was a conjuration by a powerful reality warping girl who could impart focus from her mind to make things be, but spread herself so thin that she fell into a coma and her creations ran free. She had modeled Brou after the actual Brou of the allien planet Kroma.

    The character is a perfect replica, but has different life experiences. CoH Brou learned that he had a doppleganger when he tried to get a plane ticket and was turned down for lack of proper ID. When he registered for ID, he was denied because there were pre-existing records of a Brou.

    And now they clash! Prepare for some major confusion.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Posts: 5,491 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Well, Paragon City was in Rhode Island, and there was little U.S. Army presence, (other than a force in the Rikti Warzone), so it is perfectly plausible that Paragon City and Millennium City exist in the same universe - it could be that neither PRIMUS nor UNTIL got directly involved in the military activities there because Statesman had a certain degree of pull and wanted to keep things a certain way in "his" city.

    Heck, what if Crey and ARGENT had a mutual noncompetition agreement, but shared info about metahuman activies? Dr. Vahzilok could have been the one behind the zombies in that Aftershock flashback segment. Perhaps the Circle of Thorns and the DEMON cultists serve the same gods. Tsoo and the Cult of the Red Banner are very similar, etc... Perhaps they're all different "branches" of the same parent organizations...

    Figuring out a way to tie things together isn't hard.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
    Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
  • target1onetarget1one Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    As far as my characters are concerned, there was a battle with a cosmic-level archvillain (one of those mega-crossover events you seem to see every couple of years in the DC and Marvel comics). This villain, at the brink of defeat, set off a doomsday weapon as the ultimate scorched-Earth strategy. The weapon triggered a reality-inversion wave, starting at the core of the galaxy and working outwards at faster-than-light speeds.

    The wave literally caused reality itself to unravel, and would ultimately destroy the entire universe of Primal Earth, as well as several other dimensions (Praetorian Earth, the Shadow Shard, Pocket D) that were inexorably linked to it. No technological or magical means could be found to stop it.

    But, rather than giving up entirely, the powers of Earth (as well as the rest of the galaxy) embarked on a massive effort to save as much of the population as possible. By combining all their talents and resources, they quickly built massive portals that could send the populace to a alternate dimension of their choosing. Researchers had long been studying these parallel planes, and had built a catalog of possible destinations.

    While the bulk of the civilian population was sent away well in advance of the wave's calculated arrival date, a large contingent of super-powered beings chose to remain as long as possible. Some to bravely protect and maintain order for the members of the populace who had decided not to leave... some to loot and plunder... and some merely to reflect and remember what had been.

    My characters were among those who stayed until the very last possible minute... some fighting the good fight, some merely gathered with other like-minded "capes" to share the final moment. Just as the reality-inversion wave was about to strike, most leaped through the nearest portal, sent to whatever predetermined destination they had previously chosen...

    ... and here we are.


    "ENOUGH!!! You are ALL of you BENEATH me! I am a GOD, you dull creature, and I will NOT be BULLIED by--" -- Loki

    *SMASH* *SMASH* *SMASH* <pause> *SMASHSMASH* "... puny god..." -- Hulk
  • malvoumalvou Posts: 484 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    bioshrike wrote: »
    Well, Paragon City was in Rhode Island, and there was little U.S. Army presence, (other than a force in the Rikti Warzone), so it is perfectly plausible that Paragon City and Millennium City exist in the same universe - it could be that neither PRIMUS nor UNTIL got directly involved in the military activities there because Statesman had a certain degree of pull and wanted to keep things a certain way in "his" city.

    Heck, what if Crey and ARGENT had a mutual noncompetition agreement, but shared info about metahuman activies? Dr. Vahzilok could have been the one behind the zombies in that Aftershock flashback segment. Perhaps the Circle of Thorns and the DEMON cultists serve the same gods. Tsoo and the Cult of the Red Banner are very similar, etc... Perhaps they're all different "branches" of the same parent organizations...

    Figuring out a way to tie things together isn't hard.

    Well, CoX was loosely based off of the Champions Universe from what I remember reading. So there are those connections.
  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    bioshrike wrote: »
    Well, Paragon City was in Rhode Island, and there was little U.S. Army presence, (other than a force in the Rikti Warzone), so it is perfectly plausible that Paragon City and Millennium City exist in the same universe - it could be that neither PRIMUS nor UNTIL got directly involved in the military activities there because Statesman had a certain degree of pull and wanted to keep things a certain way in "his" city.

    Not really. For those that don't know the Champions lore, Millennium City is a real city in the US that was renamed. In the lat 90's Doctor Destroyer setup a very elaborate worldwide plan. I won't get into detail or spoilers. But Doctor Destroyer lived up to his name by annihilating a good chunk of Detroit, Michigan (aka Millennium City) with an orbit particle cannon.
  • lotusabstractlotusabstract Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    How do I get my peacebringer and warshade ported over?
  • koriel8koriel8 Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My character is a dimensional traveller who has mastery of the primordial Darkness that lies between the planes of the multiverse. She has journeyed through the Darkness to visit many worlds and locations.

    In her travels, she has lived as:
    a Defiler in Norrath
    a Shadow Priest on Azeroth,
    a dark/dark Defender in Paragon City,
    a dark/dark Corruptor in the Etoile Islands,
    and as a sorceress of Darkness in Millennium City.
  • theevisceratresstheevisceratress Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I don't really need an IC reason as Felix has always been going between "Rhode Island" and "Detroit" ICly for a long time, since I was at CO first.

    However, her reasons will for not going back to Detroit will forever be "because Desdemona's butt finally enveloped and consumed Paragon." :biggrin:
  • ironmastodonironmastodon Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    How do I get my peacebringer and warshade ported over?

    Dark and Celestial Powers should help out... ;P

    On Topic, I have a few I brought over: Gun Blue, Airspeed, Violet Spider, Cut-Throat, Iocon, Strong Box, And Halloween Havoc.

    Gun Blue(Hero): Is simply this universes version of the CoX one, and I assume the other was consumed in "The Event".

    Cut-Throat(Rogue/True Neutral):Holding a "Shifting Stone" he had taken off some random CoT Mage because it looked like it was worth a buck or two. Was defensively shifted to this dimension when he was hit by the energies released in "The Event", burning out the rune. Luckily, he really does not care who or why he fights, as long as he can fight.

    Iocon(Hero): Personal PNP character from 1987. Different times, places, dimensions are nothing new to him. He was spared "The Event" by one of his weapons tinkering accidents; Creating a wormhole, and drawing him here hours before.

    Strong Box(Hero): Another PNP char, but this one was an NPC I ran with a friends company. We rebuilt the pair in CoH, but my friend moved on. I left him last in Portal Corp, so that is a no-brainer.

    Halloween Havoc(Hero): was actually drawn here in October due to the unusual energies Tacoface and his ilk were putting out. The Blood-Moon drew his attention away from Paragon, which had seemingly lost all of it's Mystic alignments this season and its supernatural footprint shrank.

    Airspeed(Vigilante): Attempting to flee "The Event" she was consumed in the shock-wave, shorting out her suits systems, and fusing circuits together into a crude dimensional warp sending her spiraling aimlessly across dimensional barriers and right into an alien invasion. A swift repair job got her up and running, and she has been improving her armor ever since.

    Violet Spider(Hero): Witness to "The Event", on a mission with Fusionette against the Rikti. Fusionette was struck by an energy beam and began to overload, erupting in a violent explosion that ruptured the power core of the alien mother-ship; Fusing into a cataclysmic Nega-Blast that neutralized the entire universe in a sudden infinite burst. Snatched away at the last second by Prometheus, She was shown a crystal with every facet showing another universe: One in another time but galaxies away, Another in a land of fantasy and mythology. Worlds she never dreamed existed; sometimes funny, sometimes grim. One called to her though, a world not unlike her own, with people who could soar through the skies, and generate energy from thin air. This world had pain, and she could feel its need. Suddenly she was there, and she immediately understood that this was her new home now. She cracked her knuckles and decided it was time to get to work. Good thing too, because it seemed that an alien invasion was underway...

    ^Just those. :)
    "We don't have time to negotiate in a civilized way... Destroy them!"

    "Captains log: I can take up a holding pattern while engineering locates the source of this malfunction, but this area is known to be a frequent destination of pirates. If we are detected by enemy ships, we won't be able to defend ourselves."
  • vizzonevizzone Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I intend to remake my 'reformed' Council soldier (faking it so he wouldn't get thrown in the Zig and so he could spy on heroes for the Center), a Martial Arts/Super Reflexes scrapper here on CO. When his rather naive superheroine partner discovered he was lying the whole time, he tries to escape to a dimension where the Council reigns supreme. In his haste to get away from the crazy, fire-flinging blonde, he pushed a wrong button on the Portal Corps destination input. The Council Empire, this ain't.

    So he's back to pretending to be a hero until he can gather enough intel to return to his own dimension and/or the Empire. Either suits him.

    His Nemesis will be another of my villains. A Fifth Columnist whose ascension into Vampyrhood was ruined by the Center taking over, he's kind of got a burning hatred for any Council soldiers. He expresses that hate by ripping their throats out with his underdeveloped claws. And their livers, and hearts, and lungs...

    How'd he get here? He's psychic, he doesn't have to explain himself to a filthy mongrel like you!

    Turns out, if you run through one of the portals in Oranbega as fast as possible fleeing from an army of Succubi and screaming like a little girl while using all your psychic powers, it leads to Millennium City. Who knew?

    I probably won't make the others here. I played villains primarily, and the other ones aren't good at pretending they aren't (respectively), pyromaniacal, omnicidal, genocidal, suicidally depressing to speak with, a sociopathic kleptomaniac, or a Nemesis Automaton. And playing heroic missions on any of them would just feel wrong.
  • lotusabstractlotusabstract Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Dark and Celestial Powers should help out... ;P

    Do those allow cloudy looking alien creatures?
  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Do those allow cloudy looking alien creatures?

    No. But Dark allows you do make a very good approximation of a Human form Warshade. Celestial allows the glowy effects and Force for KB crazy Peacebringers.
  • akirasanbeerakirasanbeer Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I always find the Final Fantasy Cid approach works; related in name only, but re-purposed for champs IP. Well that's how I thought 3 years ago in beta...
  • ussnighthawkussnighthawk Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    For some reason that I haven't drummed up yet (seeing as there's no lore reason why Paragon City is no more, that I know of), my heroes (and villains - thank you Nemesis System, and possibly The Foundry) had to evacuate Paragon/Rogue Isles and found themselves here in Millennium City.

    Here's how they look now (not a perfect transition, but pretty close):



    Golden Owl

    GeeForce (I know, needs to be a darker blue)

    And Texas Star (yes, a Capt. America homage)

    There's two more I intend to add as villains (one's Night'Hawk's nemesis, the other I will likely make Dark'Falcon's nemesis), so if this thread isn't dead by then, I'll post'em up later.

    No relation to "the" Nighthawk.

    Refugee from Paragon City. :(

  • danquellerdanqueller Posts: 463 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My character was sent through Portal Corporation to Millenium City on a scouting expedition. When it was discovered the Hamidon was to return and destroy Praetoria, some within Vanguard surmised it might discover the gateways to Paragon and extend its wrath there. A mission was sent to covertly scout for a new world to evacuate to, and Shellfire was one of those selected for the effort.

    Now, all contact has been lost to Portal Corportation, and the gateway Shellfire had used to travel between worlds has ceased functioning. He can only assume the worst, though quite a few others from Paragon have appeared throughout Millenium City, so it is obvious some form of evacuation or other missions were underway. Until contact is restored, he continues his mission, knowing this might be a permanent assignment, and his last as a member of Vanguard.
  • obsidiangeogloobsidiangeoglo Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The evil MANsoft attempted to destroy Paragon City... and did. (Or did they? Stay tuned of course.)

    Geo Glo in the final moments of Paragon's existence logged out in the portal at Data in Atlas Park when Geo had another idea.

    'Did I see a blue police box in Nightward?' Geo thought.

    With a moment's decision and nothing to loose, Geo logged right back in then headed for Nightward and found the blue police box where stealthily in the night Geo found the door open. Geo entered the police box.

    Rumor has it Geo Glo has been sighted in London signing autographs with some guy with questionable fashion sense. Mysteriously, records of Geo seem to appear throughout time. People still try to interpret the 10,000 year old words, "Rikti! Stay off my planet!"

    Geo's last known words: "Doctor eh? Do you know the way to Millennium City?"

    Geo could be some time before he actually arrives in Millennium City. Or... maybe he arrived yesterday.

    Geo Glo - Obsidian Operations, Founder
    Heroes 7 years in the making. Heroes Forever.
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    For some reason that I haven't drummed up yet (seeing as there's no lore reason why Paragon City is no more, that I know of), my heroes (and villains - thank you Nemesis System, and possibly The Foundry) had to evacuate Paragon/Rogue Isles and found themselves here in Millennium City.

    Here's how they look now (not a perfect transition, but pretty close):



    Golden Owl

    GeeForce (I know, needs to be a darker blue)

    And Texas Star (yes, a Capt. America homage)

    There's two more I intend to add as villains (one's Night'Hawk's nemesis, the other I will likely make Dark'Falcon's nemesis), so if this thread isn't dead by then, I'll post'em up later.

    I like the looks, good work.

    Mine I remade in BETA here and just rebooted them and they are unrelated to their CoX counter parts since non of my friends there came here.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • iamruneiamrune Posts: 969 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    ..this whole thing makes me want to go ahead with that plan to make a refugee from the SAS-verse, trapped here after the Reality Storm....


    I love Silver Age Sentinels so much I took it's name and concepts for my RP SG here in CO.

    All my characters are new, or i one case, a new version specifically made for the Champions Setting.
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,078 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm going with the parallel universe route.

    Earth 1 - City of Heroes

    Earth 2 - Champions Online

    As simple as that.
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