I'm running a Doc Doom inspired toon at the moment and could do with some advice/feedback on the build. It's working well for solo PvE at the moment but I don't feel it's exactly optimised. I'm currently L23 and the build plan at the moment is:
PowerHouse (Link to this build)Name:Archetype: FreeformSuper Stats:Level 6: Ego (Primary)Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary)Level 15: Recovery (Secondary)Talents:Level 1: The InvincibleLevel 6:Level 9:Level 12:Level 15:Level 18:Level 21:Powers:Level 1: Electric BoltLevel 1: Lightning Arc (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 6: Ionic ReverberationLevel 8: Sparkstorm (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 11: Invulnerability (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 14: ConcentrationLevel 17: Bionic Shielding (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 20: Force Shield (Force Sheathe)Level 23: Electric SheathLevel 26: Gigabolt (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 29: Circle of Primal DominionLevel 32:Level 35:Level 38:Travel Powers:Level 6: FlightLevel 35: TeleportationSpecializations:Ego: Force of Will (2/2)Ego: Insight (3/3)Ego: Follow Through (2/3)Ego: Sixth Sense (3/3)Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)Guardian: Tenacious (2/2)Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)Vindicator: Focused Strikes (1/3)Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)Vindicator: Offensive Expertise (2/2)Mastery: Vindicator Mastery (1/1)
The three open powers are going to be primarily for theme, although I'm aware that I don't have a burst heal in there. Not feeling the lack generally.
I went Ego as a primary stat as all damage is ranged and I like the spec tree. Int is there for cost reduction (and theme) and Rec to boost the energy return from Ionic Reverb. I'm open to alternate suggestions.
Playstyle is stand in one place with defenses up and blast away - Doom runs from nothing.

He feels kinda tanky so I can't help feel that Con ought to be in there somewhere.
All comments welcome - this is my first build that's not been based on someone else's.
Make sure you buy a Primary Defense gear piece that has an Avoid bonus and put a Gamblers Gem into it for that Dodge bonus.
Lightning Storm is an awesome Electric power, you should play with it and see if you like it. Lightning Storm is to area damage what Lightning Arc is to single target damage.
I don't think much of Sparkstorm, but it does have an Advantage (Electric Personality) that can make it a toggle, meaning you can turn it on and still activate other powers. I understand you have probably chosen Sparkstorm to deal with melee range attackers. Consider Energy Wave from Power Armor or Force Eruption or even Roomsweeper from Might. I don't really know much about Dr. Doom.
You seem to have a decent start. I might add Munition Bots or Support Drones. Maybe Orbital Cannon. Sonic Device would be a thematic on-next-hit DPS boost. Perhaps a Sigil power for additional DPS or defense. Unbreakable would be a thematic Power Armor active defense.
I would reconsider Vindicator Mastery, as you have no melee powers to take advantage of EGO's bonus to melee. That might be an opening to add in a melee power, however. If you elect to go that route, I would consider Burning Chi Fist for theme. Otherwise, EGO Mastery isn't terrible, but it's not great either. Guardian Mastery is useless to you without a blast attack.
A difficult task you have.
Some nice suggestions in there. I might drop Gigabolt and make up the additional DPS with with Sonic Device as GB doesn't quite feel right. I considered bots but I hate the way pets work in CO. I might still pick them up for theme, or maybe the Arcane Construct summon as that looks pretty techy. A sigil would work thematically and fit the playstyle so I'll definitely pick one up.
A thought - would Guardian Mastery work with Gigabolt? That counts as a blast, doesn't it?
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder