So, vehicles... I was going to have many questions about this new update, but the first thing I checked was whether or not I could finally move the power icons in the power tray.
I can't, so I stopped right there, anything else is just an afterthought and no longer of importance to me. Vehicles and become devices in general are still far too clunky *for me* to use because of this one issue.
I won't pretend that this is a big issue for the game's population, I guess if it was, it would have been addressed, but I still wanted to stand up and be counted as it were. I would love to throw some money at you Cryptic, but I won't until this issue gets addressed.
On a more positive note, from the vehicles that I have seen flying about, the art team has done an awesome job, they look fantastic.
*Knocks on wood*
Ashlocke was my original forum name but was unable to keep it during the PW forum migration. *Shakes Fist*
Just a simple Sig
Why is it so hard to make it interesting?
Ashlocke was my original forum name but was unable to keep it during the PW forum migration. *Shakes Fist*