I've been aiming to collect the last couple of costume drops from Gravitar so I have run a couple of dozen Alerts in the last week or so.
I know of the existence of the lockout bug, where if someone runs forward it can sometimes lock people in the start area near the ambulance. But in the lst few days I've seen a few weird sort of WTF? moments.
There is probably some bug but it seems that some times when someone charges in and whacks Gravitar before the cut scene starts, she doesn't attack at all. Anyone else had this happen?
If you load very fast and rush towards gravitar very very fast then the AI won't get downloaded into her brain so she just sits there and idles until she dies.
Very hard to do and risky but some people don't care.
Of the other things slightly 'off' in this certain 'alert' there is the whole refreshing immunity to knock resists that one can get from taking 2 force cascades whose primary target was somewhere behind you. Though the only way to keep refreshing this immunity is to get either force cascaded or get hit with any of her bubbles(not including her hold)
Another fun little tid-bit is that she has a chance to do a....quick and 'penetrating' attack after her gravity well. It shows up as the small pbaoe and does damage equal to her biggest blue bubbles and upwards depending on her hp mark at the time.
There are other things, too, but they aren't as major as the others("TtTMtBL" "PerfectGuard" "SecondChance" Etc)
Edit: Eh why not explain what the other ones are...
TtTmTBL is teleport to team member to bypass lockout. Using a teleport-to-team will work in the gravitar instance so you don't have to spam that damn HALP! button...(if you have a ttt device that is...and they are unlimited...)
SecondChance is when you either:
A- Are the last person alive and threat wipe yourself causing gravitar to return to the position which she spawned in and she regenerates hp towards the milestone that you got her down to(3/3 2/3 1/3)
B- Everyone dies and you get the gameover screen, gravitar generates hp equal to the milestone that you got her down to and you get the "CHOOSE YOUR INSTANCE" ui. You rez yourself and begin the fight again but are constantly annoyed by the "CHOOSE YOUR INSTANCE" ui until you either win or give in.
Very hard to do and risky but some people don't care.
Of the other things slightly 'off' in this certain 'alert' there is the whole refreshing immunity to knock resists that one can get from taking 2 force cascades whose primary target was somewhere behind you. Though the only way to keep refreshing this immunity is to get either force cascaded or get hit with any of her bubbles(not including her hold)
Another fun little tid-bit is that she has a chance to do a....quick and 'penetrating' attack after her gravity well. It shows up as the small pbaoe and does damage equal to her biggest blue bubbles and upwards depending on her hp mark at the time.
There are other things, too, but they aren't as major as the others("TtTMtBL" "PerfectGuard" "SecondChance" Etc)
Edit: Eh why not explain what the other ones are...
TtTmTBL is teleport to team member to bypass lockout. Using a teleport-to-team will work in the gravitar instance so you don't have to spam that damn HALP! button...(if you have a ttt device that is...and they are unlimited...)
SecondChance is when you either:
A- Are the last person alive and threat wipe yourself causing gravitar to return to the position which she spawned in and she regenerates hp towards the milestone that you got her down to(3/3 2/3 1/3)
B- Everyone dies and you get the gameover screen, gravitar generates hp equal to the milestone that you got her down to and you get the "CHOOSE YOUR INSTANCE" ui. You rez yourself and begin the fight again but are constantly annoyed by the "CHOOSE YOUR INSTANCE" ui until you either win or give in.