No one would retrieve their items and they would simply just spam their worthless items for stupid prices from the get go. Preventing the stupidly high price from the start is better than the other option.
What the AH needs is better implementation of item rarity, an increased search cap and temporaries banned from being posted in there.
CoX market system was simply awesome. I like how the questionite exchange is basically the same thing. I wish the normal auction house followed it as well.
As title states. The AH fee would be better as a retrieval fee for items not sold in the time allowed, or removed by seller.
The original purpose of applying this fee as I recall it was to stop folks from spamming AH slots with gear at high prices (9999999).
By applying a fee only to retrieve an item not sold or removed from the AH, the original intent will be fulfilled + make trading via the AH easier.
It's a global sink. If they were to make some adjustments (interface/filters) and lift the silver gold cap or give silvers an option to pay to lift it, the ah would get more. The global sink is definitely requires, so little of them in game, in fact the AH is probably the only one that makes a significant impact.
The main problem lies in the report system and/or lack of moderation due to a femur crew (I seriously refuse to call it a full skeleton) running CO lately. So people are constantly affected by scammers that found a workaround to cheat others of their hard earned possessions, be it resources or items. Using the Auction House for trading is the ideal way to do so. I never used STO's market (The Exchange) but I doubt it has silver vs gold limitations. If someone knows please post how it works. Seems like we're far past that already since you guys (Cryptic PWE) went with annoyance boxes as your main income rather than encouraging subs. [Note: I understand this is based on research and thus why many others MMOs are following this trend, just don't forget to feed the rest of us, impulsive people won't stay for the long run as we will/would]
The Auction House is the one secure way to make high quality trading that is also visually available to everyone that checks in. We have resorted on using custom channels and do our own set of reporting, but that's all moot in the long run. Some of us are so distrustful that we just avoid trading altogether, or only do it with people we trust. I guess what I'm trying to say is, lift the silver limitation in globals (that's pointless now) and do what the OP suggested or something with a similar result.
I'm only saying lift the globals limitation on silvers, not the AH limitation of time these items are posted or how many you can post at a time. That keeps encouraging subs or at the very least the 10 slot thing from the store. I would say add a seller feedback but that's more pointless than online stores feedback.
If you don't feel like reading everything I wrote, just read this:
Since there's no trading moderation please lift globals restriction so that everyone can use the Auction House as the one true secure way of trading.
If you don't feel like reading everything I wrote, just read this:
Since there's no trading moderation please lift globals restriction so that everyone can use the Auction House as the one true secure way of trading.
They'll only do that if they see profit in it. And there is. STO has where you can buy incremental increases to your cap if you're a free-to-play player, why not here too? +100g increments, sold for Zen in the Z-Store. This has been stated many times. Yet STILL no action.
They'll only do that if they see profit in it. And there is. STO has where you can buy incremental increases to your cap if you're a free-to-play player, why not here too? +100g increments, sold for Zen in the Z-Store. This has been stated many times. Yet STILL no action.
I really don't think it matters after this patch....
Bt 100g increments are too low - look at how they price FF slots or catalysts.
What the AH needs is better implementation of item rarity, an increased search cap and temporaries banned from being posted in there.
It's a global sink. If they were to make some adjustments (interface/filters) and lift the silver gold cap or give silvers an option to pay to lift it, the ah would get more. The global sink is definitely requires, so little of them in game, in fact the AH is probably the only one that makes a significant impact.
The Auction House is the one secure way to make high quality trading that is also visually available to everyone that checks in. We have resorted on using custom channels and do our own set of reporting, but that's all moot in the long run. Some of us are so distrustful that we just avoid trading altogether, or only do it with people we trust. I guess what I'm trying to say is, lift the silver limitation in globals (that's pointless now) and do what the OP suggested or something with a similar result.
I'm only saying lift the globals limitation on silvers, not the AH limitation of time these items are posted or how many you can post at a time. That keeps encouraging subs or at the very least the 10 slot thing from the store. I would say add a seller feedback but that's more pointless than online stores feedback.
If you don't feel like reading everything I wrote, just read this:
Since there's no trading moderation please lift globals restriction so that everyone can use the Auction House as the one true secure way of trading.
vote no
Exactly. You're forgetting that people would grief such a system L1ghtstar, or simply be too lazy to bother removing their items.
They'll only do that if they see profit in it. And there is. STO has where you can buy incremental increases to your cap if you're a free-to-play player, why not here too? +100g increments, sold for Zen in the Z-Store. This has been stated many times. Yet STILL no action.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
I really don't think it matters after this patch....
Bt 100g increments are too low - look at how they price FF slots or catalysts.
+100g for 100 Zen? Fine then +250g for 250 Zen :biggrin:
It's not important what exactly, and I can see people easily spending $7.50 to get access to 1000g items.
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)