I'm approaching 35th level with my first char and starting to think about how to retcon him to fix the learning mistakes I've made along the way. Here's what I think will work, but I'm looking for input from those who've been-there-and-done-that already. I'm especially interested in knowing if my reasoning is correct as I can apply lessons learned there to my other characters in the future
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Without further adieu...
POWERS: L01 Shadow Bolt L01 Shadow Blast (BLAST) L06 Grasping Shadows -
(2) Unyielding Agony L06 Teleportation L08 Seraphim -
(2) Seraphim (Rank 2), (2) Balance L11 Spirit Reverberation L14 Lifedrain -
(2) Lifedrain (Rank 2), (2) Vampiric Sympathy L17 Ebon Ruin -
(2) Ebon Ruin (Rank 2), (2) Paranormal Paranoia L20 Dark Transfusion -
(2) Dark Transfusion (Rank 2), (2) Blood Sacrifice L23 Shadow Shroud -
(2) Shadow Shroud (Rank 2), (2) Terrifying Visage L26 Skarn's Bane -
(2) Skarn's Bane (Rank 2), (2) Skarn's Bane (Rank 3) L29 Rebirth -
(2) Rebirth (Rank 2), (2) Rebirth (Rank 3) L32 Immolation -
(2) Immolation (Rank 2) L35 Shadow Form -
(2) Shadow Form (Rank 2), (2) Shadow Form (Rank 3) L35 Flight L38 Concentration
STATS: STR: 10 DEX: 13 CON: 73 (Secondary Super Stat) INT: 73 (Secondary Super Stat) EGO: 10 PRE: 10 REC: 10 END: 113 (Primary Super Stat)
TALENTS: The Glacier ( +10 Con, +10 End, + 5 Str, + 8 Dex, +10 Int, + 5 Ego, + 5 Pre, + 5 Rec ) Investigator ( + 5 End, + 5 Int ) Boundless Reserves ( + 5 Con, + 5 End ) Healthy Mind ( + 5 Con, + 5 Int ) Energetic ( + 8 End ) Enduring ( + 8 Con ) Brilliant ( + 8 Int )
MASTERY SPEC: Endurance Mastery 1
VINDICATOR SPECS: Aggressive Stance 2 The Rush of Battle 3 Offensive Expertise 2 Mass Destruction 3
AVENGER SPECS: Anguish 2 Round 'Em Up 3 Relentless Assault 3 Offensive Expertise 2
ENDURANCE SPECS: Readiness 3 Withstand 2 Outburst 3 Power Overwhelming 2
My reasoning:
END - more energy is goodness and I like the spec tree better than CON which was my other consideration for PSS
CON - life. Life is good. Also, my Spirit Reverb scales with CON so more CON is more energy goodness.
INT - lower power costs means more powers per energy returned. I'd considered either EGO or REC here instead, but INT ultimately won out.
Innate and Talents
Chosen to boost my PSS and SSS.
PowersShadow Bolt & Blast - Basic darkness with chance to apply Fear
Grasping Shadows - group paralyze + Unyielding Agony to help feed Spirit Reverb
Seraphim - Right now I have regen instead. With Seraphim's damage boost it seems like a better choice. The healing is nice, but I figure Life Drain will mainly fill the healing role. Added Balance to plink at nearby Feared targets for more Spirit Reverb energy. (I should point out that I mostly stay in the Hybrid role.)
Spirit Reverb - Energy Unlock that plays off all of my fear adders
Lifedrain - Damage + healing is useful. Added Vampiric Sympathy for the On Alerts and other group times.
Ebon Ruin - My primary ST ranged attack.
Dark Transfusion - because I never have enough energy
Shadow Shroud - AO booster + hold breaking. Terrifying Visage for the Fear to play with Spirit Reverb.
Skarn's Bane - Because I like removing buffs from bosses, the damage seems good, and it plays well with my boosters like Seraphim
Rebirth - Because sometimes I'm defeated and shadow's should just come back
Immolation - Secondary AO. I almost took Ego Surge for the +Ego instead, but the cost reduction from Immo won out
Shadow Form - Because sometimes I want to switch to Ranged role and Seraphim doesn't work then.
Concentration - For the damage boost. My alternate here was Support Drones which are completely wrong thematically but are oh-so-useful.
Spec Trees Endurance - PSS required.
Avenger - For the ranged boosts and faster AO recharge times.
Vindicator - Rush of Battle seemed like a winner plus more AO recharge reduction and increased AoE crit chance since I believe I'm light on critting.
I'm just using whatever random stuff I picked up that seemed good at the time. I believe I should be looking for crit boosting (either via Dex or direct crit boost), Ego boost (for ranged damage increase, but that has diminishing returns after 70, I think I read), and anything that improves energy efficiency (via cost reduction, INT bonus, whatever). More research into this area is on my to-do list. If anyone has a pointer to a site with a good listing already, I'd be much obliged.
Thanks for any feedback.
When I make/respec a toon, if it is dps-oriented, I always start with PSS DEX and then consider how another PSS could be more beneficial as I go. Ranged dps have EGO as an option and melee have STR. But if this is your first 40, I would definitely stick with DEX as it is pretty foolproof. As for the specs, just take the generic gear boosts, crit boost, and crit severity options and you will be golden.
Darkness is kind of an oddball set since its energy unlock is based on Con, instead of an actual energy stat. Another reason is that there is another power that is linked to another stat, Dark Transfusion is better based on End, making ss choices pretty tight.
Your form, which should always be taken asap, not at 38, also plays a major role in your ss choices. Concentration goes off Ego or Int. I would always go Ego in this case because at 40 with all the energy management options, no toon should ever be energy starved, especially this one with Dark Transfusion added to the mix.
For Darkness toons, I tend to go EGO Con/End to get the max benefit from all of the options. I would still spec as much as possible and gear as much as I could for crit chance though.
As for spec trees, Vindicator is a no-brainer, however, the choice of Warden/Guardian is sometimes overlooked. While levelling, the "gain a stack of offense when you maintain/get hit/do something" seem like the way to go, and they might be for the most part, but at 40, when your gear starts adding up, the spec "The Best Defense" from Warden or Guardian is a much better option only because that bonus is ALWAYS on your toon, there are no stipulations or situations where you won't benefit from it.
Something you should be aware of though, is that most any build can do great things with the correct use of superstats and specializations.
I won't go into detail on your build, but I will say this: If you want to take 2 passives, they should be R3 (I don't usually condone 2 passives though...) And, to me, the whole reason to run Darkness would be to take Summon Shadows...that power is just awesome.
Remember: Half the people you know are below average...
Do not correct a fool, for he will hate you for it. Correct a wise man, for he will appreciate you for it.
Don't be like the Qularr. They would not last one round in the Interstellar Galactic Arena...
Handle @brayv
For anyone else going down this path, these two threads have been a good read:
I also learned today what all the vets probably know ... I don't have to take Shadow Blast if I retcon (even at level 6 right after the tutorial). I mention it here in case any other new players are reading and haven't discovered it yet. Bye-bye Shadow Blast, hello almost-anything-else.
Last night I started playing with a dark/tech idea to see how I like it "on paper". It looks promising, but I'll still have to try it out before I decide.
A few specific comments...
I think I did take it a bit late with this guy (20 or 23), but here it's just slotted at 38 as this was a retcon build. I wasn't paying much attention to ordering except as it needed to meet prerequisites.
I was really on the fence about that myself. I'm seriously considering dropping one or the other. It's something I'll have to try out in the training rooms when the time comes and see which I find better.
Yeah, I looked at that one, but there was nothing I wanted to give up enough to take it :S
I almost went that route, but with no clear idea what the top level gear looks like (stat/bonus wise), I wasn't sure how useful it'd be. I'll be sure to revisit the choice. If I went both Guardian and Warden, does two applications of "The Best Defense" stack? 198% OFF sounds like a nice boost.
If you get crazy lucky down the line, you can pop some cool things in there, like power cooldown reductions, and avoidance/dodge chance. Don't ultimately count on those until later on, though. Build shrewdly. You may even want to slot some con, until later levels when you can replace it with other things.
But yeah, the thing that stands out the most is Dex not being super-statted. As someone said - don't underestimate the power of crits.
Darkness might be the only set that I wouldn't take Dex in, only because it spreads its stats too thin...if you want to make full use of Dark Transfusion, which you most likely do.
EGO: The alternative superstat to Dex in Darkness. Buffs Concentration and ranged powers. Also provides crit/crit severity options in specializations.
Con: HP boost and scales with Spirit Reverberation Energy Unlock. Also provides the buffer needed to use Dark Transfusion on cooldown.
End: With DT on a short cooldown, gives the toon a near endless supply of energy to spam attacks
Honestly, I could "almost" guarantee this is the ideal setup for Darkness dps, giving a really solid balance between damage and energy management.
At 40, you pretty much get to design your gear the way you want. This is what to look for:
Offense: Crit Rating
Defense: Dodge/Avoidance
Utility: Cost Reduction
You should be aiming for around 40% crit rating and 100% severity.
Just a quick note on Rec for this build: Dark Transfusion + End will provide everything needed for a full alpha strike so it's not needed at all.
Yes, 2 different applications of "The Best Defense" does stack, but you will hit diminishing returns very quickly that way, so usually, dps should take 1 spec tree that has it, and then Vindicator...because Vindicator has a 15% crit severity boost, not the normal 10% that the other trees have.
Remember: Half the people you know are below average...
Do not correct a fool, for he will hate you for it. Correct a wise man, for he will appreciate you for it.
Don't be like the Qularr. They would not last one round in the Interstellar Galactic Arena...
Handle @brayv
I managed to hit 38 last night so 40 is in sight. I'll be trying this out soon enough.
Thanks again to both of you for feedback.