Despite all the complains, there's actually end game in CO. However too little focus are actually place on end-game to make them play-worthy. Here?s 2 areas that I think end game can be improved:
1) Bad end game loots make people farm for specific costumes, devices (or questionite boxes in the case of nemesis confrontation) instead of completing the whole raid. Killing the last boss should give significant drops compared to the rest of the mission (like rank 6 mods, 1000 questionites or 5 silver champion recognition or even unique mods).
2) Currently AT don't want the game to be too difficult while FF finds it not challenging. For me, I don't care if very hard is too easy, as long as elite give me some real challenge. Difficulty slider is there to cater to both group and should have an impact to every part of the game including alert, nemesis confrontation, etc. Each player will be que based on difficulty they set. The final difficulty will be the average of all the difficulty of the team (rounded down) so that pub queing is not affected while player looking for challenge can find like-minded player to form a team to have elite alert. Difficulty will be that of the team leader when team queing.
Elite difficulty also should provide more challenge for lair. It gives motivation to get better gear. Reward should also scale to challenge level. eg. 3%/5%/7%/10%/safeguard catalyst and Rank 2/3/4/5/6 mods drops for normal/difficult/hard/very hard/elite. Costumes and gear drop rate should also scale with difficulty.
Here's a list of end game content and how specific they can be improved to make it more challenging, fun and rewarding:
Nemesis Confrontation: This lair is everybody's favourite but everyone just do Q-run instead of trying to beat shadow destroyer which is actually quite well designed. To "encourage" everyone to fight shadow destroyer, please improve the drop of shadow destroyer (2 silver champion recognition for the long fight is really not worth the effort).
Therakiel's Temple: Best designed lair with some good mix of puzzle and fighting. The boss fights are not as monotonous as most other fight and requires good strategy. We should have more of such content. Defeating Therakiel only drop Therakiel's Sword, which only rewards heavy weapon user. He should really drop better reward (perhaps a chance for his 3 faced costume along with 5 silver champion recognition would entice more player to complete it).
Bloodmoon: Everyone is just killing the undead hero but few people actually enter the crypt because the crypts drops are old gear and there's nothing to gain besides action figures. My suggestions are to make the crypt a little more challenging and at the end of it give it a chance to drop the corresponding device.
Nighthawk Event: The collection of evidence was rather boring but the plane fight was quite enjoyable. The engineer healing and the laser drones requires some strategy. I would like to see it come back some day.
Rampage Gravitar: Relatively well designed with good challenge. This ultimate challenge is not designed for character less than level 40. Can we make this a level 40 only alert. Players should be allowed to form a team size of 10. Squishies just can't survive her shots. Let her "random gravity cascades" target toons with higher aggro more often. So at least tanks and off-tanks can keep glass cannon/healer alive. The bubbles are fine because they are telegraphed and can be blocked/avoided.
Cosmics Teliosaur, Quijibo, Grond, and Kigitilic: Hunting cosmics used to be the SG activity that I always look forward to. With the new gear and specialization, they are no longer challenging. Please make them more challenging like good old days. Make them rampage boss like gravitar for queing. Make them drop their old devices in addition to questionite. We can have more rotation for rampage so we won't get sick of seeing Gravitar. I don't like overland cosmic because the strategy is usually either a zergling rush (or plane rush now with the implementation of planes). Overland version may still be there for cosmetic reason (with shorter respawn time and crappy loot so that people don't exploit them with planes instead of queing rampage).
Andrithal: Vikorin and Hyrg are so weak after all the specialization upgrades that players have. They are both dead before I can even see what they do. Please upgrade their damage and HP to make the fight a little more challenging. Alternatively, let them have more powerful mobs reinforcement that does significant damage. Along with that make the reward a little better too.
Hi-Pan Fury of the Dragon: Quite challenging and interesting use ying/yang, bell/fire interaction. Good costumes, mods and device drops. Best of the special alert. All special alerts should be of this standard. The timing allowed is too long and doesn't provide any challenge even to AT.
Harmon Labs: Nicely done. Good challenge with good reward. The Depleted Uranium Core is a super rare drop that has no effect in PVE. It doesn't state that it's a PVP mod so please fix the bug.
GRAB the Money and Run!: The difficulty is really too low and the resource rewards at the end is really crap. Even normal grab alert grant 3G! This special grab should grant at least 10G if not more. I suggest making the 4 boss a little stronger and making the mobs patrols more. Also give everyone a larger aggro range. There should also be a time limit to the map. Bank robbery is not going to take forever. All the boss are tanks and there's very little strategy involved. Perhaps make cheshire cat melee offense with night warrior, bluejay range offense with targeting computer, black diamond tank with defiance and humming bird support role with aura of radiant protection. This will make the targeting prioirty more interesting. The 4 boss looks kind of ugly. They need some face lift and drop some of their new costumes. Please lower the drop rate of GRAB costumes. With such high drop rate they quickly become thrash and not even worth picking up.
Red Winter: Easier than Grab the money and run and really bad reward. The sickle arm, red dawn, white wolf armband costumes should drop at the end. The timing should be reduced to make it more challenging. The final fight has no strategy at all. Please make the Soviet guard, hammer and sickle stronger. Perhaps give hammer and sickle aura of primal majesty + aura of ebon destruction to improve interaction. So players must try to either kill one first or try to separate them.
Red Snake, Green Dragon: Even lower difficulty than Red winter and totally crappy drop. Make the final encounter an ambush. Let his ninjas suddenly rush in from all corners after the cut scene when the player approaches green dragon. Give the green dragon a face lift and let some of his new costume/unique weapon drop.
Please support the post and add in your suggestions to make CO a more awesome game. :cool:
I agree with most of the OP, and the parts I disagree with are really quibbles. In the year that I've had a level 40 character I've only been able to do Kigatilik once, and none of the other cosmics. Anything to make those more possible (w/out having to camp on site) gets my vote
Truth be told, we really don't have anything to do but farm for costume unlocks, questionite, and mods. That's it.
None of the alerts are well-designed (or at least balanced) for end game, including Grav, though it tries and comes relatively close, the key issue being an alert allowing a myriad of player types, and imbalanced teams easily decide victory or defeat.
Pvp is on life-support, barely kept alive by die-hards who do so in a broken system with no reward incentive.
I'll probably update this later, there's a lot I've suggested in the past, (and I know I'm not the only one) it's just hard not to feel indifferent after seeing so much player feedback go ignored.
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
I'm a returning player from a few years ago and was wondering if the end game issues have been addressed yet. In fact, other than queuing for Alerts, how do I get to end game content? I have a fresh, new level 40 and no pointer quests to end game stuff.
Know what'd help? level 40 versions of alerts. Please and thank you. nothing frustrates me more than being forced down to 30 just to run alerts for extra mods or what have you. I get the xp alerts being 30, but grabs or bursts? there's real reason for 40s to want to do em, but I HATE IT because I get nerfed down so hard that my dps is cut in half.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
Truth be told, we really don't have anything to do but farm for costume unlocks, questionite, and mods. That's it.
None of the alerts are well-designed (or at least balanced) for end game, including Grav, though it tries and comes relatively close, the key issue being an alert allowing a myriad of player types, and imbalanced teams easily decide victory or defeat.
Pvp is on life-support, barely kept alive by die-hards who do so in a broken system with no reward incentive.
I'll probably update this later, there's a lot I've suggested in the past, (and I know I'm not the only one) it's just hard not to feel indifferent after seeing so much player feedback go ignored.
I got a number of Questionite boxes from running the Blood moon crypts...
But admittedly, the actual items that drop are indeed junk...
M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt
Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.
Laws yes!
Level 40 Lairs: (At least one player needs to have unlocked the lair mission)
Therakiel's Temple: Need to unlock Vibora Bay. Starting contact: Juryrig
Mandragalore: Starting contact: Vance "Buzz" Bellman
Andrith Ruins: Starting contact: Captain Alexei Fyodovich
Nemesis Confrontation: Starting contact: MCPD Captain Martin
RIP Caine