Not sure if this should be considered a full-on bug; probably doesn't need more than a quick condition added, but this character was offered Canadian Conundrum when I restarted playing her after On Alert started. Initially I chose not to bother, since I'd already done it prior to On Alert, but Defender kept offering it and just wouldn't shut up about it. So I decided, what the hey, I wouldn't mind stomping on exceedingly weak snow demons for awhile and I took the mission.
My mission log says to Take the helicopter to Canada, which makes sense, since that's how the mission always starts, but when I get to the helicopter, it doesn't flash and I don't get the mission dialogue option to travel to Canadian Crisis. I've also tried dropping the mission, but then Defender keeps on thinking it still needs to be done (I guess he didn't notice all those OTHER heroes who've done it...)
I know it's a little thing, but can you either make the option to do the mission go away or let me in so that I can complete it again? I really don't care which, I just want Defender to stop asking me about it.
I second the motion of re-entering a Crisis. I have a Level 40 who somehow missed the "To The Lab!" mission in the Desert which is still being offered by a contact, but nothing I do (teaming, sidekicking, having the Desert Crisis mission shared) will make that durn chopper flash. I was able to pick up "Radioactive Ringleader" as a shared mission, as that one didn't exist when I first made my run through the desert, but I would really like to finish that Crisis proper even if it would be a cakewalk.
I know that old missed missions really don't expire, but I wouldn't be against a Replay system that would allow us to have do-overs that would scale to our current level. Heck, there exists the means in Vibora Bay that should allow us to do just that!
I know that old missed missions really don't expire, but I wouldn't be against a Replay system that would allow us to have do-overs that would scale to our current level. Heck, there exists the means in Vibora Bay that should allow us to do just that!
"Hero, do you have a moment?"
At least, that's how I handle it.
Wait? Whaaaa..?