I thought it would be interesting to write down the encountered bugs from a play session and just keep a tally of their occurrence.
Here are the bugs:
- 7 times I used up a device and it left a "-1" in the device slot after it was used.
- 4 times encountered a bug that was beneficial to the player that I won't list here.
- 2 Times after completed a mission (at least through "search for emergencies") it still shows the option to turn in the mission with a blank text box. Not sure if this is a bug.
- 3 Times I switched my character, and my Cryptic login name was shown (& saved) instead of my PWE. This one really irks me. I wish it would just take you back to the character select when you log out, but I understand that it's done for security.
- I was kicked out of an alert ("leaving in 30 secs") in the middle of it. It looks like it was removed from rotation and the instance aborted.
- Hrodgeir's art doesn't show up in the info/que screen for "a day at the mall." It's just a white box.
- Destroying the cop cars in "a day at the mall" leaves behind the decals and siren lights.
- A friend received the "leaving in 10 sec" notice upon entering the gravitar alert and was booted.
- A friend soloed whiteout and was returned to the first map instead of getting credit for completing it. When I solo'ed it a while ago I also wasn't able to get credit for completing it.
- Not technically from today, but one of the minions for Deadman Walkin' is named "Master Villain Default."
- Radiation rumble still shows the same hero twice in the ending cutscene.
I dunno if this helps at all. I just thought it would be interesting to do.