With the last patch, Gadgeteering on-next-hit (Sonic Device/Toxic Nanites/Miniaturization Drive) is no longer consumed by Energy Builders.
I know some people do not to use it with the energy builder but there's many gageteers who use it with sonic blaster (/w refraction of sound).
As a gadgeeteer, now I find it very hard to use my on next-hit buff because a number of gadgeteer powers does not consume the on-next-hit buff as well, namely, particle mine, orbital cannon, gas pellets, strafing run (to make it worse, the gas pellets and strafing run actually do consume the buff and cause you to take damage, stun, shrink instead of the enemy).
To solve the problem, I suggest giving the sonic blaster/particle rifle a zero advantage point option:
Tinker: This power now consume Gadgeteering on-next-hit (Sonic Device/Toxic Nanites/Miniaturization Drive).
In addition, please make strafing run, gas pellets consume the buff and affect the enemy like all other powers (or at least totally not consume the buff like orbital mine. It's quite hillarious when I killed myself with my own toxic nanites).
G.Crush please give gadgeteering some love.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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