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Lifetime Sub New Perk?

voiceoftemprusvoiceoftemprus Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2012 in Champions Online Discussion
Will CO Lifers get the new Perk that the STO Lifetime Subs get tomorrow: Instant Vet Rewards?

Not that it affects me, I hit 1k days weeks ago. :cool:
Good-bye, DevSlayer title, you will be missed.
Still Waiting on: Archer and the Ultimate Ninja!
Any chance we can finally get the vibro sword laser sword skin?
"CO once had devs, but they all fled to STO and NW because they feared Caliga." -matixzon
Post edited by voiceoftemprus on


  • thesithkiller360thesithkiller360 Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    a Bit more Info Would Help!
    I mean, Is that basically, for the new ppl joining CO?
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Wow, that's pretty cool. I can imagine some people would go lifetime just because of that perk.

    So many people want that damn bird costume! :biggrin:
  • thesithkiller360thesithkiller360 Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    ok.... So basically, They are making the New players have the 1000 day Rewards as soon as u Buy LTS?
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Yup. Which makes sense in a way. You are obviously going to be around from here on out until you get said rewards.

    On the flip side though, why isn't CO getting these features too? And the Lifetime sub sale?
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  • ethanmorriganethanmorrigan Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ok.... So basically, They are making the New players have the 1000 day Rewards as soon as u Buy LTS?

    Sounds fair since you payed already to be able to play 1000 days and more.

    /signed to bring this to CO aswell!

    Formerly known as Rei_Kisagi

    Join Date: 19 June 2011
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    We had our sale and didn't happen..or did we...
    And isn't this what we, the people, have been asking since...forever?
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
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  • kharma23kharma23 Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Will CO Lifers get the new Perk that the STO Lifetime Subs get tomorrow: Instant Vet Rewards?

    Make it so, Numba One!

    You're a lunatic with a mad man's dream of a milk proof robot!

  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,633 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I would welcome newer lifetimers to get the same rewards right away. They show dedication with money right here and now so they should get all the rewards with it.
  • neuraldamageneuraldamage Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    Maybe that has something to do with it not being offered in CO? LOLOLOL.

    People are broken. - Lum the Mad
  • chikahirochikahiro Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm going to guess they're waiting to see how the overall reaction is (ie, actual sales, not just forum praise/criticisms). Cryptic can use one game to test ideas for the other, yeah?

    My blog! Zen|Dilithium tracking on Thursdays
    As a lifetime member of STO, I officially became a financial liability as of April 2012 when compared to a subscriber.
  • klittyklitty Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I wish they could pay the bills with our witty forums posts! :D

    =^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ok.... So basically, They are making the New players have the 1000 day Rewards as soon as u Buy LTS?

    annoying bold text and caps just because.

    And the shorter heroic ren LOL I have epic cooldown reduction that will be like having and extra heal powah :D

    >_> This is new patch then this Thursday ...damit I aint back till Monday :/
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm honestly not sure how i feel about this. I've been a lifer well passed the 1100 days here and 996 days on STO and frankly this kind of makes it feel "pay 2 win" to me. Vet rewards are supposed to be a thank you for sticking with the game for so long, not give me 300 and i'll give you some goodies. Especially since there won't be any more vet rewards, it just makes it all the more Pay to win. It kind of seems insulting to those who already have the 1000+ days as well as those who still pay monthly but won't be getting the vet rewards all at once.

    It just strikes me as both disrespectful to the long term players/fans as well as a cheap cash grab.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    "Pay to win"? What competitive advantage is granted by vet benefits? And in what way would that then be more "pay to win" than waiting it out? Either way, the LTS has paid $300 US...
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • lokikinlokikin Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    "Pay to win"? What competitive advantage is granted by vet benefits? And in what way would that then be more "pay to win" than waiting it out? Either way, the LTS has paid $300 US...

    Yeah, pay to win what? A costume contest?


    Let me add my voice to the "Bring it to CO!" crowd...


    M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt

    Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.

    Laws yes!
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Personally, I can see both sides of the argument.

    Some people won't like the idea of having the rewards available to those who paid for a LTS up front. Which is understandable, since it is a 'Veteran' reward.

    However there are also those who really like the idea, and perhaps have put off the thought of an LTS since they had doubts they would be able to get the 500+ day subscription time.

    Personally, I like the idea because I'm one that would benefit from it. Had I known about Champs during its beta and release I would have gladly picked up a LTS back then, however I had not. But, I am also perfectly fine with having to wait for a time before gaining said rewards. I have other things in the game, and elsewhere, to occupy my time until I am able to use the rewards.

    I think it is a neat idea, in that it entices a LTS rather then a monthly, but it can understandably feel like a bit of a shank to those who bought it long ago.

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Because the 1000 day reward for Sto (since this is still Sto only at the moment) is a new ship with abilities and such that make it a pretty decent ship for things like pvp or pve so it was more in regard of it being "give us money we give you x" instead of "you've supported us this long so here's a little thank you" although here going from f2p it would also give you the extra powers, bonus xp, heroic resonances and such so it's pay to win because instead of playing for 1000 days you instantly get it by tossing money at cryptic.
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    there's less of an advantage to subscribe in STO than the advantage we get as gold here.
    but i fully the same for us. /signed
    more reason to buy lifetime
    and most lifetimers spend money
    i spend at least $10 dollars a month, just go to target and buy a card
    the nice thing about lifetimers, even if they leave they come back

    also: this is a good incentive for CoX players to buy lifetime.
    they lost everything , this would be a way to feel they didnt have to completely start over.
    all in all i support anything that would help keep players in this game.
    i would like to see it last as long as CoX did, and the MMO market is far more competitive today than then
  • nazacanazaca Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Will CO Lifers get the new Perk that the STO Lifetime Subs get tomorrow: Instant Vet Rewards?

    Not that it affects me, I hit 1k days weeks ago. :cool:

    Allow me to ask a question in return: Does CO have access to the Foundry?

    The answer to my question will be the answer to your question; and for much the same reasons.
    There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you aren't paying for it, you aren't the customer; you are the product being sold.

    Dollar, dollar, bill, yo. Cash rules everything around you and me.
  • klittyklitty Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    "Pay to win"? What competitive advantage is granted by vet benefits? And in what way would that then be more "pay to win" than waiting it out? Either way, the LTS has paid $300 US...

    Looking prettier doesn't count? :cool:

    =^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
  • lokikinlokikin Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Because the 1000 day reward for Sto (since this is still Sto only at the moment) is a new ship with abilities and such that make it a pretty decent ship for things like pvp or pve so it was more in regard of it being "give us money we give you x" instead of "you've supported us this long so here's a little thank you" although here going from f2p it would also give you the extra powers, bonus xp, heroic resonances and such so it's pay to win because instead of playing for 1000 days you instantly get it by tossing money at cryptic.

    So, you're saying that someone paying a monthly subscription up to 1000 days is OK, but someone paying for an LTS and getting the perks up front is Pay 2 Win? Even though they get the exact same stuff?

    Your definition of Pay 2 Win is drastically different from mine...

    By the way, any subscriber gets "extra powers". So is the simple act of subscribing Pay 2 Win under your definition?

    Just curious...

    M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt

    Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.

    Laws yes!
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i'm using it in terms of buying something that was initially only available if you'd earned it. It would be like being able to buy max level in the C-store. What used to be a thank you for being a veteran in now available for whomever has the money.

    It's pay to win in terms of some one earned it because it wasn't something you could buy so it's unfair to suddenly be able to buy it. It's an unfair advantage in terms of getting it instantly with money rather than being the long time player of the game as well as being unfair to those who still ARE paying for the game without a LTS.

    Admittedly the inclusion of the power sets are a bad example since yes you CAN buy them in the C-store as is or get them "free" with the purchase of the LTS, if you're going to troll, please just don't. it's rude.

    I'm just saying it's unfair to those who've actually been around the 1000 days as well as the Gold members that aren't LTS. It's pay to win because you're paying to get something instantly that wasn't for sale unless you put in the time to earn it. What used to be a thank you for long term players is now just a gimmick for more money.

    And no, it's not P2W just to sub since as i've mentioned it's not what you're getting but how that gives you the advantage. Subbers still have to wait 1000 days which is unfair to them since STO is saying "the more money you give us, the better stuff you have"
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I really hope they do bring this feature to CO's LTS program.

    I am already a 957 Day LTS Subscriber in STO, so I'm "only" getting the last prize about 6 weeks early. If I had reason to play, I would still be pretty happy about that.

    Here in CO, adding this feature would be a noticeable new feature. I'm only a 545 Day LTSer for CO, so I have over a year to wait for all the goodies.

    You bet I'd love to get 'em now!

    /vote +1

    When XP earnings during a Double-XP Weekend still feel like I'm underperforming,
    there's something terribly wrong with the reward system...

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Original Join Date: Feb 2010.
  • dwanlighterdwanlighter Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think this comes down to what are veteran rewards rewards for? Are they rewards for being loyal, long time players of the game or for having paid to support the game for a long period of time?

    Personally, I think it makes more sense to think of it as a reward for paying to support the game for a period of time, otherwise veteran rewards should be given out to Silvers.

    If veteran rewards are for paying to support the game, there is an argument that they should be given out to lifetimers immediately because they have paid to support the game long term. The reason that they can't be given out to normal gold members is that no-one knows how long they will stay in the game for, so they cannot be given out until they have reached the time.

    I understand that some people don't like this idea because they had to patiently wait for them. To a certain extent I understand - if I spent 1000 days waiting for something and then after finally receiving it learnt that other people could get it at the click of mouse, I would be feeling some negative emotions.

    The trouble is, 'you have to wait because I had to wait' is not an argument, just jeaously of someone else not having to go through the hurdles you did. (In fact, given that 1000 day rewards are a fairly recent development, I doubt anyone has been waiting that long for that particular reward.)

    Someone did make an argument that having to wait for the rewards makes you appreciate them more. I have found this is true for the Z-store, as not being able to afford every costume with my stipend actually made me value my stipend more than I would have if all costumes been given out for free. However, with veteran rewards I find that these are things which I am mostly not thinking about. I do not value veteran rewards because nothing I can do can makes them come sooner, nor am I forced choose between the reward or something else, nor must I even play the game to receive them. They are pretty much non-issues until I suddenly find that I now have them. There is very little value to them because I didn't have to do anything to earn them - they just suddenly appeared.

    That being said, there is one reward which should only be given out based on time played and no amount of money should be able to buy - veteran reward titles. People like to use titles to show how long they have been around. The titles really are rewards for how long you have been around, not how long you have supported the game and should not be treated as such.
  • ktm1ktm1 Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think this comes down to what are veteran rewards rewards for? Are they rewards for being loyal, long time players of the game or for having paid to support the game for a long period of time?

    Personally, I think it makes more sense to think of it as a reward for paying to support the game for a period of time, otherwise veteran rewards should be given out to Silvers.

    If veteran rewards are for paying to support the game, there is an argument that they should be given out to lifetimers immediately because they have paid to support the game long term. The reason that they can't be given out to normal gold members is that no-one knows how long they will stay in the game for, so they cannot be given out until they have reached the time.

    I understand that some people don't like this idea because they had to patiently wait for them. To a certain extent I understand - if I spent 1000 days waiting for something and then after finally receiving it learnt that other people could get it at the click of mouse, I would be feeling some negative emotions.

    The trouble is, 'you have to wait because I had to wait' is not an argument, just jeaously of someone else not having to go through the hurdles you did. (In fact, given that 1000 day rewards are a fairly recent development, I doubt anyone has been waiting that long for that particular reward.)

    Someone did make an argument that having to wait for the rewards makes you appreciate them more. I have found this is true for the Z-store, as not being able to afford every costume with my stipend actually made me value my stipend more than I would have if all costumes been given out for free. However, with veteran rewards I find that these are things which I am mostly not thinking about. I do not value veteran rewards because nothing I can do can makes them come sooner, nor am I forced choose between the reward or something else, nor must I even play the game to receive them. They are pretty much non-issues until I suddenly find that I now have them. There is very little value to them because I didn't have to do anything to earn them - they just suddenly appeared.

    That being said, there is one reward which should only be given out based on time played and no amount of money should be able to buy - veteran reward titles. People like to use titles to show how long they have been around. The titles really are rewards for how long you have been around, not how long you have supported the game and should not be treated as such.

    now THIS guy hits the nail on the head. i 110% agree with him
    space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence
  • lokikinlokikin Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i'm using it in terms of buying something that was initially only available if you'd earned it. It would be like being able to buy max level in the C-store. What used to be a thank you for being a veteran in now available for whomever has the money.

    It's pay to win in terms of some one earned it because it wasn't something you could buy so it's unfair to suddenly be able to buy it. It's an unfair advantage in terms of getting it instantly with money rather than being the long time player of the game as well as being unfair to those who still ARE paying for the game without a LTS.

    Admittedly the inclusion of the power sets are a bad example since yes you CAN buy them in the C-store as is or get them "free" with the purchase of the LTS, if you're going to troll, please just don't. it's rude.

    I'm just saying it's unfair to those who've actually been around the 1000 days as well as the Gold members that aren't LTS. It's pay to win because you're paying to get something instantly that wasn't for sale unless you put in the time to earn it. What used to be a thank you for long term players is now just a gimmick for more money.

    And no, it's not P2W just to sub since as i've mentioned it's not what you're getting but how that gives you the advantage. Subbers still have to wait 1000 days which is unfair to them since STO is saying "the more money you give us, the better stuff you have"

    I'm sorry if you thought I was trolling. I was honestly curious if your inclusion of extra powers extended to subscribers. You explained that it was a bad example. I agree. Done and done...

    And yes, it certainly seems that your definition of Pay 2 Win is vastly different from mine...

    My questions are answered, my suspisions were confirmed, and we can agree to disagree. You're a 1100+ day LTS that says No, I'm a 1100+ day LTS that says Yes. Sounds like a wash to me...

    M-O-O-N, that spells @Rhyatt

    Originally Posted by mijjestic: Ultimately, though, MMO players throwing stones at each other in this fashion is basically one nerd pointing and laughing at another nerd whose glasses are thicker.

    Laws yes!
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    To be honest i'd much rather they gave the vet rewards to silvers because that's fair across the board. It doesn't take away from the Veteran aspect, plus it's something EVERYONE can get without just tossing money at it. It shouldn't be about how much money people are going to give cryptic at once, but it should remain a "hey, thank you for standing with us for so long".
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i wouldn't care if silvers got the rewards too
    i want the bird set, if everyone has it it doesn't make me want it any less.
    just dont give everyone the millennium flight, it will burn holes into my monitor.
    better yet maybe silvers could buy the rewards.
  • neuraldamageneuraldamage Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    lokikin wrote: »
    By the way, any subscriber gets "extra powers". So is the simple act of subscribing Pay 2 Win under your definition?

    Ooh. Excellent question. :smile:

    People are broken. - Lum the Mad
  • nazacanazaca Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i'm using it in terms of buying something that was initially only available if you'd earned it. It would be like being able to buy max level in the C-store. What used to be a thank you for being a veteran in now available for whomever has the money.

    It's pay to win in terms of some one earned it because it wasn't something you could buy so it's unfair to suddenly be able to buy it. It's an unfair advantage in terms of getting it instantly with money rather than being the long time player of the game as well as being unfair to those who still ARE paying for the game without a LTS.

    Admittedly the inclusion of the power sets are a bad example since yes you CAN buy them in the C-store as is or get them "free" with the purchase of the LTS, if you're going to troll, please just don't. it's rude.

    I'm just saying it's unfair to those who've actually been around the 1000 days as well as the Gold members that aren't LTS. It's pay to win because you're paying to get something instantly that wasn't for sale unless you put in the time to earn it. What used to be a thank you for long term players is now just a gimmick for more money.

    And no, it's not P2W just to sub since as i've mentioned it's not what you're getting but how that gives you the advantage. Subbers still have to wait 1000 days which is unfair to them since STO is saying "the more money you give us, the better stuff you have"

    You appear to be very confused. (You also keep babbling about "fair" as if it means anything, but we'll leave that to the side for the moment.)

    They are in the business of making money. They have a functioning cash shop. (It happens to be poorly monetized, most especially in Champions Online, but it exists.) "The more money you give us, the better stuff you have" is exactly and precisely what they are in the business of selling.

    I have a lifetime account with STO. I admit to not knowing how old it is, but thats' more because I don't care to check than because its' not aged. I quite likely qualify for the 1000+ days veteran reward even without the change they are making to the lifetime accounts over there.

    I can't think of any (non-troll, non-selfish, non-jerk) reason to deny other lifetime accounts the same features. Note: "But I had to wait, so they should have to wait too!" isn't a good reason. Its' called progress. Things change, usually for the better. Thinking that because you had to suffer for something, that others must suffer as well to get it? Pfft. Talk about your small minded, selfish and spiteful behavior.
    There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you aren't paying for it, you aren't the customer; you are the product being sold.

    Dollar, dollar, bill, yo. Cash rules everything around you and me.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    nazaca wrote: »
    You appear to be very confused. (You also keep babbling about "fair" as if it means anything, but we'll leave that to the side for the moment.)

    They are in the business of making money. They have a functioning cash shop. (It happens to be poorly monetized, most especially in Champions Online, but it exists.) "The more money you give us, the better stuff you have" is exactly and precisely what they are in the business of selling.

    I have a lifetime account with STO. I admit to not knowing how old it is, but thats' more because I don't care to check than because its' not aged. I quite likely qualify for the 1000+ days veteran reward even without the change they are making to the lifetime accounts over there.

    I can't think of any (non-troll, non-selfish, non-jerk) reason to deny other lifetime accounts the same features. Note: "But I had to wait, so they should have to wait too!" isn't a good reason. Its' called progress. Things change, usually for the better. Thinking that because you had to suffer for something, that others must suffer as well to get it? Pfft. Talk about your small minded, selfish and spiteful behavior.

    True, they are a business and therefore should try to make money. But no one said anything about suffering. No one said life timers shouldn't get what others are getting. but as a business they should also be mindful of the customers. Instead of petty cash grabs they should focus on what people want. Give the people what they want and they give you money. Give them quality content and they will give even more of it. Things like this just show how bad Cryptic has become lately in terms of short term planning when they should be working towards long term investment.

    Things change, but in STO's case it's not always for the better. As for the small minded, selfish, and spiteful behavior comment i don't really see how that applies seeing how i've been saying here and over at the STO forums that it would have been better to give it to everyone rather than just those willing to drop the money for it. No one is talking about denying any one anything, I just think it should be there for silvers as well as gold and lifers who have genuinely been enjoying the game for whatever period of time its been rather than just putting it all for sale to those that want to spend the money on it. I didn't realise that wanting equality for all, (even when i've got the upper hand) meant that i was a small minded, selfish, and spiteful person.

    business wise its too short term, sure you get all that for 300 now, but in the long run that's less people paying monthly. that's less people buying respecs or character slots, bases, power sets, archetypes, costume slots, experience boosts, as well as giving them $5 worth of zen a month as well as doubling how much free zen they can earn all while alienating the long term fans.

    I just feel that as a Veteran Reward it should remain as such, not the "you gave us a bunch of money" reward.
  • darqauradarqaura Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The vet rewards going to lifetime subs at once is fine. I don't see any pay 2 win issues at all.

    They should bring it here to CO.

    If there had never been a COH there would never have been a CO. :cool:
  • mainscrizzmainscrizz Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    they should keep it as is. lol
    I've spent well over $300 on this game, yet I don't get rewards for that :wink:
    If they're going to make it a "you paid x amount. here are your rewards" type thing. Golds/Silvers that have spent past $300 should get them too. :rolleyes: :tongue:

    That or keep it as is. Vet rewards are for time spent. Its called a Veteran reward for a reason...

    Granted, If you keep it as is, noone will complain b/c of the change. :cool:
    @Scrizz :biggrin:
  • taintedmesstaintedmess Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    /signed cant see what harm it can do to give people what there going to get any ways.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I think this comes down to what are veteran rewards rewards for? Are they rewards for being loyal, long time players of the game or for having paid to support the game for a long period of time?

    Personally, I think it makes more sense to think of it as a reward for paying to support the game for a period of time, otherwise veteran rewards should be given out to Silvers.

    If veteran rewards are for paying to support the game, there is an argument that they should be given out to lifetimers immediately because they have paid to support the game long term. The reason that they can't be given out to normal gold members is that no-one knows how long they will stay in the game for, so they cannot be given out until they have reached the time.

    I understand that some people don't like this idea because they had to patiently wait for them. To a certain extent I understand - if I spent 1000 days waiting for something and then after finally receiving it learnt that other people could get it at the click of mouse, I would be feeling some negative emotions.

    The trouble is, 'you have to wait because I had to wait' is not an argument, just jeaously of someone else not having to go through the hurdles you did. (In fact, given that 1000 day rewards are a fairly recent development, I doubt anyone has been waiting that long for that particular reward.)

    Someone did make an argument that having to wait for the rewards makes you appreciate them more. I have found this is true for the Z-store, as not being able to afford every costume with my stipend actually made me value my stipend more than I would have if all costumes been given out for free. However, with veteran rewards I find that these are things which I am mostly not thinking about. I do not value veteran rewards because nothing I can do can makes them come sooner, nor am I forced choose between the reward or something else, nor must I even play the game to receive them. They are pretty much non-issues until I suddenly find that I now have them. There is very little value to them because I didn't have to do anything to earn them - they just suddenly appeared.

    That being said, there is one reward which should only be given out based on time played and no amount of money should be able to buy - veteran reward titles. People like to use titles to show how long they have been around. The titles really are rewards for how long you have been around, not how long you have supported the game and should not be treated as such.

    Wow, this is very well said. Even though I feel negatively about this on the STO side, I can also see how those recently joining the LTS club or long-termers tired of waiting can feel really happy about this. Your statement sir appears to capture all of the sentiments better than any I have read so far.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i'm using it in terms of buying something that was initially only available if you'd earned it. It would be like being able to buy max level in the C-store. What used to be a thank you for being a veteran in now available for whomever has the money.

    It's pay to win in terms of some one earned it because it wasn't something you could buy so it's unfair to suddenly be able to buy it. It's an unfair advantage in terms of getting it instantly with money rather than being the long time player of the game as well as being unfair to those who still ARE paying for the game without a LTS.

    Admittedly the inclusion of the power sets are a bad example since yes you CAN buy them in the C-store as is or get them "free" with the purchase of the LTS, if you're going to troll, please just don't. it's rude.

    I'm just saying it's unfair to those who've actually been around the 1000 days as well as the Gold members that aren't LTS. It's pay to win because you're paying to get something instantly that wasn't for sale unless you put in the time to earn it. What used to be a thank you for long term players is now just a gimmick for more money.

    And no, it's not P2W just to sub since as i've mentioned it's not what you're getting but how that gives you the advantage. Subbers still have to wait 1000 days which is unfair to them since STO is saying "the more money you give us, the better stuff you have"

    And this quote right here captures why so many players are incensed regarding this change after having put in the time or wait(yes, you could walk away and come back at day 1,000) for the time in real life hours to get the rewards. Me, after regarding all the great debate over this am not so much in the camp of this should not have happened anymore.

    So, how long until I can get a CO LTS sub for $99? When's the next sale? I need some new costumes.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    chikahiro wrote: »
    I'm going to guess they're waiting to see how the overall reaction is (ie, actual sales, not just forum praise/criticisms). Cryptic can use one game to test ideas for the other, yeah?

    Looks that way. I wonder if this will affect the options we may get for Neverwinter Nights, since it is another Cryptic/PWE game?
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I payed mah monies I want mah sparkle flight :O
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,633 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I should start posting things that I want in CO in the STO forums. I'm starting to see a pattern of when a Cryptic player base wants something, they give it to the other game instead.
  • voiceoftemprusvoiceoftemprus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    nepht wrote: »
    I payed mah monies I want mah sparkle flight :O
    Hmm, I had not thought of that. I hereby revoke my support of Lifers Getting Instant Vet Rewards because I do not wish to contribute to the (possibly) permanent blindness and/or seizures this will cause to others!. :wink:
    Good-bye, DevSlayer title, you will be missed.
    Still Waiting on: Archer and the Ultimate Ninja!
    Any chance we can finally get the vibro sword laser sword skin?
    "CO once had devs, but they all fled to STO and NW because they feared Caliga." -matixzon
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    True, they are a business and therefore should try to make money. But no one said anything about suffering. No one said life timers shouldn't get what others are getting. but as a business they should also be mindful of the customers. Instead of petty cash grabs they should focus on what people want. Give the people what they want and they give you money. Give them quality content and they will give even more of it. Things like this just show how bad Cryptic has become lately in terms of short term planning when they should be working towards long term investment.

    A new LTS perk such as this, which seems unlikely to require much effort from the content and powers development teams, should not impact what you are asking for there.

    I am not sure of your point in this particular case because changing the date at which LTSers get access to the various tiers of veteran reward do not detract from what you claim to want. In fact, if it generates additional revenue (without much in the way of cost to develop), it could increase Cryptic's ability to produce new content that people want.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • ktm1ktm1 Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    To be honest i'd much rather they gave the vet rewards to silvers because that's fair across the board. It doesn't take away from the Veteran aspect, plus it's something EVERYONE can get without just tossing money at it. It shouldn't be about how much money people are going to give cryptic at once, but it should remain a "hey, thank you for standing with us for so long".

    since the vet rewards are intended as a reward for financially supporting cryptic i would on the face of this disagree.....

    however saying that i could understand silvers possibly unlocking vet rewards at certain financial milestones/after purchasing x amount of dollars of c-store points..

    that way they would be rewarded for support of the game same as subs are, however just to willy nilly give every silver these sought after rewards based on time is ridiculous.
    space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ashensnow wrote: »
    A new LTS perk such as this, which seems unlikely to require much effort from the content and powers development teams, should not impact what you are asking for there.

    I am not sure of your point in this particular case because changing the date at which LTSers get access to the various tiers of veteran reward do not detract from what you claim to want. In fact, if it generates additional revenue (without much in the way of cost to develop), it could increase Cryptic's ability to produce new content that people want.

    it's a short term business goal that might end up doing more damage in the long run as i posted earlier. It completely defeats the point of having a veteran reward system at all, it's unfair to the gold members that are still paying monthly and have to wait. While i'd prefer it stayed a time based reward system i've also stated that it should be for everyone including silvers, as well as stating making it fair for everyone, not just those with the money to spend on it. I've been voicing an opinion about how it's disrespectful to the long time players as well as supporting the negative moniker of Pay to Win by allowing you to instantly have something for a high monetary value that was strictly something that had to be earned through investing time. With all the time based incentives now available instantly for a one time fee, it almost seems like cryptic is no better than the gold spammers. pay us and we'll put in the time you don't want to.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Just hand over the Vet Rewards when ever someone buys the LT. No biggie.

    Just giving 1000 day "veteran" Silvers the Vet Rewards gets big HELL NO!
    Making them pay moneys for them, sure why not. Golds pay money for them.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • cptvanorcptvanor Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It completely defeats the point of having a veteran reward system at all

    I hardly think that's true. By signing up for a life time subscription you're now effectively gold until the game shuts down. You can't really cancel your billing at this point. So why should they wait until X time has gone past to get the rewards they'll get anyway, assuming the game stays open for another 1000 days, and the person buying it has 0 days subscribed...
    it's unfair to the gold members that are still paying monthly and have to wait.

    How is it unfair to them? They have the same option as everyone else. They can buy a LTS and get same rewards. There is nothing unfair about this what so ever. Unfair is not giving two people the same reward for doing the same thing.
    as well as stating making it fair for everyone, not just those with the money to spend on it.

    Once again your concept of fair is quite off. How is it fair to give people who don't spend a dime on this game the same reward you give those who do? If you were to base Vet Rewards on the amount of money spent... Well that's what they're doing in STO. But you could as was talked about in other threads, come up with a system where every month someone spends $15 on the game, be it buying zen or a subscription, they get credit for those 30 days.

    Giving vet rewards to slivers who may or may not of ever spent a single dime however is far from fair, in fact it would be a prime example of what is unfair to us gold and LTS.
  • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    A. Silvers just got vet rewards at the end of the anniversary event.
    B. I'm a LTSer and i want my glowing tights.

    PVP is starving without rewards

    1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
    2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
  • mainscrizzmainscrizz Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    what I really want is a LTS sale.
    who agrees with me?!
    @Scrizz :biggrin:
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    it's a short term business goal that might end up doing more damage in the long run as i posted earlier. It completely defeats the point of having a veteran reward system at all, it's unfair to the gold members that are still paying monthly and have to wait. While i'd prefer it stayed a time based reward system i've also stated that it should be for everyone including silvers, as well as stating making it fair for everyone, not just those with the money to spend on it. I've been voicing an opinion about how it's disrespectful to the long time players as well as supporting the negative moniker of Pay to Win by allowing you to instantly have something for a high monetary value that was strictly something that had to be earned through investing time. With all the time based incentives now available instantly for a one time fee, it almost seems like cryptic is no better than the gold spammers. pay us and we'll put in the time you don't want to.

    1) It is not pay to win because the benefits do not increase one's chance of winning anything.

    2) It is not unfair because Cryptic allows anyone who plays the game to purchase an LTS. Anyone who does not have an LTS has been provided the option by Cryptic and has refrained for their own reasons. Such does not reflect on Cryptic.

    3) I have been playing since before the game's launch. I have yet to see a single valid example of how it is disrespectful to me for someone else who has spent as much or more money than I to get the same rewards.

    4) If veteran rewards qualified as Pay to Win then they are pay to win no matter how long you have to wait to get them. If they provide an advantage based on payment then gating them behind time as well increases the problem, not lessens it. Restricting something that provides an advantage to an even smaller group is worse than offering it up to everyone.

    5) I agree and disagree that Veteran rewards should be for Silvers as well. I agree that Silvers spending money in the C-Store should accumulate vet rewards based on that expenditure. I disagree that all Silvers, regardless of whether or not they support the game financially, should get vet rewards.

    6) A company selling their product in order to provide employment to (I dont know how many people), make a profit for their investors, and continue to produce the product for those who enjoy it is perfectly reasonable. It is how things are supposed to work. Comparing that to engaging in violations of TOS, breaking the law in some areas, and engaging in account hacking and theft is ludicrous.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It's a time based incentive program that was set up as a thank you for fans who were there for a certain period of time. It's unfair to the non-lifer gold members because in a lot of cases they've spent way more money yet still have to wait as well as keep paying monthly for what will essentially be just 500 Zen a month after they've hit the 1000 days unless they want to put out another $200. That's kind of unfair no matter how you look at it. And to be honest it's unfair even by your own standards there since they have put in the same amount of money (more so really) without getting the same benefit.

    They're not making this based on how much money you've put into it, and i'm not sure how you jumped to that, other wise gold and silvers would be getting the new bonus as well if they've spent the equivalent money already, which would be fair to everyone. What they're doing here is putting a one time price tag on something which give you a better status than others for $200 when it was something that was only available for those who had been supporting the game for a base amount of time regardless of how much time or money you've spent so far. That's kind of the Pay to Win mentality people are so against, yet when dropping $200 gets you all the things of those who've actually earned Veteran status, suddenly people are okay with P2W.
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