I am long a fan of things like helmets, hairs, beards, etc. And there's a ton of customization and hairstyles in this game, many more than some of the competitors. However, there's something I'd really like to see with the hairstyles. Three things, really, and I'll get to each of them in time.
First off, how about some of that awesome energy hair that Champions Online's Medusa has? Even a little of the glow would be awesome, DBZ jokes aside, and both myself, my friends, and the CO communities I've been in have wanted hair like hers as an option for a long time.
That said, another thing I'd like to see? Longer hair! You have so many hair options, but for men and women both, the longest we get is maybe a little past their shoulders. That's cool and long enough, but take a gander at
this, eh? And
another example from comics, or even the
most famous locks in folklore. And I'd be very amiss not to introduce the patron saint of long hair in comics,
the Lady Medusa herself.
Longer hair in this game would be awesome. There could be some issues with costumes and clipping, I get that, as well as how it would move. You could futz around and give the hair cape physics, I suppose, or stick with having it as a solid mass.
Something else to consider would be the beards. Y'all have a lot of beards, and it is
awesome. No lie. But what about them
dwarfy types? The
rugged dudes who take
supreme pride in their facial fuzz and want to
share it with the world, or maybe just
tuck it into their belts? Some longer, bigger beards would be awesome.
What is this all leading to? Well, look at this. We have chains everywhere in costumes. We have chain powers for Might (That are kinda lame, tbh, but that's neither here nor there), we have tentacles in costumes. We have ropes, and an enemy with a lasso grab power.
We need a powerset geared towards tentacles, whips, chains, and maybe long hair. How to handle the differences in looks? Well, swords, guns, and bows all have different skins. Just make hair, chains, whips, ropes, and tentacle skins. Most of these are already in the game in some way or another. And selecting a chest, head, or hands emanation point, like many of the energy projection powers have, would allow people to say they were whipping you with their beard, slinging chain necklaces at you, or whatever.
What would this powerset entail? A melee/mid-range DPS possibility with lots of CC. You can fill it with binds, snares, roots, and stuns.
If you assumed most of it was Crushing damage, it could work like...
Swift Lash: Energy builder. You attack them with a lash of your hair/tentacles/weapons.
50 Lashes: Tier 0 click attack. Repeated lashes. Possible snare?
Bouncy Shield: Shield ability. Spirals tentacle/hair/chains in front of user or on user's arm, reflects a small amount of damage.
Tight bindings: Tier 1 maintain. Paralyzes close-range opponent. Advantage offers crush damage for duration of the attack.
Distance spear: Tier 1 Tap. Hurl the chain/tentacle/whip out in a straight line. Possible stun.
Rapid Swing: Tier 1 Click/Charge. Character swings weapon overhead before lashing out with an earth-cracking overhead swing.
Attack that's pretty much identical to Might's Iron Cyclone: No need to alter it much, other than buff the damage. Tier 1 Maintain. Swing it overhead, each swing does more damage.
Close the Gap: Tier 1 click. Actually, Iron Lariat or the Robot Cowboy's lariat would be pretty good too. Knock toward attack, possible advantage to add crushing damage and a maintain? Snare or root.
Entangling Smash: Tier 2 Maintain. Character snatches opponent up and smashes them against the ground repeatedly. Stun.
I started this post last night and ended up sleeping on it and forgetting half the power ideas I had. Brilliant of me, I know. I could probably state these more clearly, but I'm sort of staring at them, at a loss for what to do.
Just give me some regular longer and/or fuller beards.
Agree too on the hairstyles.