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Different kind of Healer

sidreussidreus Posts: 48 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Power Discussion
I want to build a support toon with a concept which shouldn't use any direct heals/buffs but somehow can support a team.

My concept is an evil witch whose trapped inside a robotic body. As my current heroes themed around repentant characters, she decides to become a hero. Trick is she doesn't know any benevolent magic, only curses, dark magic and some elemental magic.

So here is where I stuck with this build. I know some powers I want to use but don't know how can I make them more efficient in a complete build.

I want her have some heals. Her two heals will come from two advantages: Life Drain/Vampirci Sympathy and Fissure/Reconstruct. They both work for healing your team mates.

As I don't like fx of Aura of Ebon Destruction I will get AoPM as passive.

For sigils I opted for Sigil of Ebon Weakness.

Rest? I can't be sure. Which Energy unlock to use, which stats provide more benefit(Does Presence make those undirect heals better?), how can I make Life Drain team heal work 100% everytime.

Only power from Celestial tree I am looking warm is illumination as it ain't a direct heal too.

Thanks for your help and time before hand.

Highest Regards.
Post edited by sidreus on


  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,784 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    What about bubbles? They provide protection, and Mindful Reinforcement can end up doing some healing.

    Also, there are specializations that heal your allies. There is one that's an aura, and a couple that have a percent chance to heal you and/or allies in certain situations.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • sidreussidreus Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I think this one will be a live and learn build for me. So many unknown, like does presence/support role boost healing of those powers. How some advantages works with said powers, like Healing share advantages from Forms.

    I will try it out with following build and see what will happen.

    PowerHouse (Link to this build)


    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Recovery (Primary)
    Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary)
    Level 15: Presence (Secondary)

    Level 1: The Grimoire
    Level 6: Acrobat
    Level 9: Coordinated
    Level 12: Shrug It Off
    Level 15: Quick Recovery
    Level 18: Diplomatic
    Level 21: Negotiator

    Level 1: Shadow Bolt
    Level 1: Ebon Void (Voracious Darkness)
    Level 6: Shadow Shroud (Terrifying Visage)
    Level 8: Aura of Primal Majesty (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 11: Lifedrain (Rank 2, Vampiric Sympathy)
    Level 14: Overdrive
    Level 17: Conviction (Rank 2, Reverence)
    Level 20: Fissure (Rank 2, Reconstruct)
    Level 23: Form of the Tempest (Gifts of the Storm)
    Level 26: Sigils of Ebon Weakness (Rank 2)
    Level 29: Skarn's Bane (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 32: Illumination (Rank 2, Brilliance)
    Level 35: Masterful Dodge
    Level 38: Resurrection Serum (Rank 2, Rank 3)

    Travel Powers:
    Level 6: Scarab Flight
    Level 35: Scarab Tunneling

    Recovery: Withstand (2/2)
    Recovery: Rapid Recovery (3/3)
    Recovery: Efficient (3/3)
    Recovery: Second Wind (2/2)
    Sentry: Precise (3/3)
    Sentry: Sentry Aura (3/3)
    Sentry: Fortify (2/2)
    Sentry: Reinforce (2/2)
  • cyronecyrone Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Presence, support role and Seraphim passive all boost the heal from Life Drain. Also, with using Vampiric Sympathy you will want a power that applies fear to your target of Life Drain. A feared target will cause Vampiric Sympathy to heal allies for the same amount that Life Drain heals you. Toss in some crit chance/severity and you can make it a fairly powerful indirect heal. I use this combination on my melee healer.
    "There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
  • sidreussidreus Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hmm... That is very promising.

    I was thinking Fissure for melee toons and Life Drain for ranged ones but when I visualize it, team members don't usually stick closely at range so that will be wasted. Started to think tank(melee)/healer will be more viable option for that kind of build.
  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    sidreus wrote: »
    I want to build a support toon with a concept which shouldn't use any direct heals/buffs but somehow can support a team.

    This is easily plausible, but you might want to change the title. One can run a support character without having a single heal - albeit expect to get some flack from randoms who hardly understand the game dynamics or mechanics.

    Since you'd be focused on buffs/debuffs, you actually have a number of options depending on what you can work into your theme.

    I personally do like ebon destruction, but it only shines when members of the team have solid crit chance.

    AoRP or AoPM are both solid choices depending on what you need more.

    I would strongly suggest Ebon Ruin, the 50% heal debuff is wonderful, so much its common in pvp.

    Skarn's is an effective aoe maintain and the debuffing power is nice when the boss isn't made immune (*cough* Gravitar).

    NEVER take rec as a primary by choice. Of 16 40s, my main has it as primary because its forced. None of my freeforms would use rec as a primary, all the other stats have a better spec tree.

    If you're concerned about energy, INT is a great primary and works wonders with MSA and something to proc it. Conviction alone will proc it, and your end/rec would already be solid from aopm. If you want it to be even more reliable, throwing in force geyser would be ideal, offering a knock up (a mez in its own way) and the possibility to snare if you take the advantage. You could also work than in as being a "magical attack" thematically if you really wanted. Also, INT's spec tree synergizes well with aopm, offering up to a 30% bonus for non-super stat benefits and 20% for superstats.

    If you want to focus on more a damage/debuff type, dex as a primary works, since it not only scales your form of the tempest, but more importantly offers a significant buff to crit sev, something that can only be found elsewhere in strength and ego.

    However, gifts of the storm isn't too reliable as you're coming to notice. It's dependent on teammate placement for it to serve its purpose and you never know how they'll be spread out.
  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,106 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Take SLEEP + Nightmare adv. It hits up 7 on a full charge and they are all FEARed. That, and it seems CURSEy enough.

    I use that combo on my DR WEIRD healer.

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • joybuzzerxjoybuzzerx Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    warcanch wrote: »
    Take SLEEP + Nightmare adv. It hits up 7 on a full charge and they are all FEARed. That, and it seems CURSEy enough.

    I use that combo on my DR WEIRD healer.

    Hmmm...I'm trying to come up with a bit of a support character, who currently uses Seraphrim and Compassion, and has Life Drain, and I was trying to find a way to reliably FEAR targets, as I didn't care for Shadow Embrace (believe that's the darkness AOE attack) myself.

    How effective is Ego Sleep + Nightmare?
  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,106 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    joybuzzerx wrote: »
    Hmmm...I'm trying to come up with a bit of a support character, who currently uses Seraphrim and Compassion, and has Life Drain, and I was trying to find a way to reliably FEAR targets, as I didn't care for Shadow Embrace (believe that's the darkness AOE attack) myself.

    How effective is Ego Sleep + Nightmare?

    Sleep can be tapped (single target) or charged (~2 sec + 7 targets). Using the advantage means that, even if in full combat and the targets are awakened immediately or never get to SLEEP, they are still FEARED. So, this works wonderfully well with Life Drain + VS.

    Also, I use Compassion (duh) and it stacks fast after I sleep a group. Especially w/ the skill tree final advantage that gives all friendlies 2% health back on any CC'd NPC (I think it's Sentinel Mastery?).

    So, in a group, I'm usually always at 8 stacks of Compassion. Plus, I can MOVE and heal friendlies (without targeting them) WHILE I'm doing damage to enemies w/ Life Drain. Nuthin' but AWESOME in that!

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • sidreussidreus Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Thanks for all the great info guys.

    I felt like I should make a choice between Ebon Ruin and Skarn's. Overdrive is a nice energy unlock power and will help greatly with Life Drain spam I picked Skarn's.

    As they are not direct heals, I included Support Drones to the build. I imagined they are summoned parts of witch's robot body. While they look like technological things they are actually magical. I wish I could change their default green beams.

    Anyway enough yapping. Here is the final build.

    PowerHouse (Link to this build)


    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Intelligence (Primary)
    Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
    Level 15: Presence (Secondary)

    Level 1: The Grimoire
    Level 6: Negotiator
    Level 9: Academics
    Level 12: Quick Recovery
    Level 15: Ascetic
    Level 18: Showmanship
    Level 21: Lasting Impression

    Level 1: Shadow Bolt
    Level 1: Ebon Void (Voracious Darkness)
    Level 6: Shadow Shroud (Terrifying Visage)
    Level 8: Aura of Primal Majesty (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 11: Ego Sleep (Plagued by Nightmares)
    Level 14: Lifedrain (Rank 2, Vampiric Sympathy)
    Level 17: Illumination (Brilliance)
    Level 20: Fissure (Rank 2, Reconstruct)
    Level 23: Skarn's Bane (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 26: Sigils of Ebon Weakness (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 29: Inertial Dampening Field (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 32: Masterful Dodge
    Level 35: Support Drones (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 38: Overdrive

    Travel Powers:
    Level 6: Flight (Rank 2)
    Level 35: Ooze Tunneling

    Intelligence: Enlightened (3/3)
    Intelligence: Tactician (2/2)
    Intelligence: Battle of Wits (3/3)
    Intelligence: Expertise (2/2)
    Sentinel: Eternal Spring (1/2)
    Sentinel: Caregiver (3/3)
    Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
    Sentinel: Moment of Need (3/3)
    Sentry: Fortified Gear (3/3)
    Sentry: Precise (3/3)
    Sentry: Sentry Aura (3/3)
    Sentry: Persevere (1/2)
    Mastery: Sentinel Mastery (1/1)
  • xeirosxeiros Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Have you actually bothered to try any of these powers fully geared in a Team Setting where a Healer would be beneficial before you committed? You've chosen some of the worst healing powers in the game. Taking healing powers that either require cooperation from other players or are just incredibly weak won't get you very far. Perhaps effectiveness wasn't your goal.

    First you have Vampiric Symphony. Do you have any idea how hard is to get your teammates to not run around and do their own thing? All I'm going to say is in actual use in a real team scenario good luck getting your teammates to huddle with 15 feet of you all the time. Most of the time you wont even know all their locations relative to yours.

    There is only one reason to take Illumination and you don't have it. All you're getting is more of less one of the weakest HoTs in the game. This will maybe...maybe be enough to deal with the energy builder powers of regular mobs, but most likely not even then. It won't help against tough mobs, or even tough elite mobs.

    Next we have Reconstruct. This is a hoot. Here we have a potential heal in which the main power has a cool down. That's always good. Poor reliability. I love it. Once again we're back to hoping our teammates will all huddle together. What about the healing? Is it good. Well I tested it out on my healer, and it was healing for about 338 every second. This is with around 330 Presence, 68% Bonus healing on gear, Support Role, and compassion which you did not take so your numbers will be lower.

    For your last potential healing power you took Support Drones. Now you may not be aware of this but with on Alert Pets lost 50% of the 75% AoE resistance they received during the Pet Pass. This was placed into a specialization in the commander tree. What does this mean for you? It means that your drones are going to die over and over again to regular Tough alert mobs. I hope you enjoy re-summoning, You'll be doing it a lot.

    I see you took a couple of attacks. That's nice. Are you playing in the support role? Are you slotting bonus healing in Primary and secondary offense? That would be hilarious as it would mean you bothered to take attacks when you are in a role the cuts the super stat damage bonus in half, lack reliability and potency in the critical layer, and are using a toggle that buffs neither your damage nor your healing strength.

    in conclusion you purposely made a build consisting of both terrible support and damage potential, and you honestly expect it to be even remotely decent on any level that actually matters? Good luck.
  • xamikaze01xamikaze01 Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    I personnaly play a Controller, even if I haven't connected sinds a while (sinds I play GW2). My build is a concept build with a mix of Sorcery and Celestial powers. My only direct heals source are Paliate and Conviction and the rest is comming from my Sentinel mastery debuff that allows all my attacks that applies holds (Paralyse, Stun and Disable) to send a debuff that heals everyone that attacks that target every sec for 2% of their heath per target (+ healing power included) for 8sec (diminushed to 4sec on Cosmics).

    Know that my Vengence has a 60sec paralyse on my main target and around 10sec stun up to 4 side targets (it is possible to get more with powers like TK Maelstrom). Wich makes ennemies unable to fight back (unless it is a boss) and give a great support heal to every allies while you DPS. Now there are many possibilities to make a controller build (Shadow builds are very good controllers, I personnaly play a magic one) and everything depends how you want to support your team. I also use Celestial Cleansing to break holds from gravitar on teamates or Brickbuster debuffs (when it works) and I also have a couple of roots and debuffing powers like Skarn Bane to weaken my ennemies. Finnaly my last resort power is Paliate with the threat whipe, this makes you or an ally survive very tough situations and allows DPS toons to deal a lot of damage without worrying to take aggro back from a tank.

    Controller is not easy to play, and people will a lot of time believe you are a healer and not expect they need to change the way they play to stay alive. But when mastered it can turn the edge of a fight without allowing your ennemies to fight back and thats awsome! :cool:
  • kallethenkallethen Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    xeiros wrote: »
    in conclusion you purposely made a build consisting of both terrible support and damage potential, and you honestly expect it to be even remotely decent on any level that actually matters? Good luck.
    It's a concept build, not a min/max build.

    Now as for some advice on the build:
    If you are using Overdrive as your energy unlock, do consider at least dedicating some REC in your gear if you aren't using it as a SS. Overdrive scales mostly off of REC and some off INT. Since you have INT primary, you might want to consider MSA as an alternative energy unlock.

    While I think xeiros is perhaps overly scathing in his post, I will agree with considering how your priorities are going to be as a support character. With wanting indirect heals, I would perhaps try to have the majority of your powers help with damage mitigation and/or crowd control (as wonky as it is).

    For an idea on a build that focuses on defense buffs and enemy debuffs, I would recommend taking a look at Man of Light's Dream Star build. Besides Sentinal Aura, the build uses only one healing power, Iniquity (which is a kick-**** direct heal power). The rest of the build is centered around the concept of making your team harder to damage.
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  • taintedmesstaintedmess Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    xeiros wrote: »

    First you have Vampiric Symphony. Do you have any idea how hard is to get your teammates to not run around and do their own thing? All I'm going to say is in actual use in a real team scenario good luck getting your team mates to huddle with 15 feet of you all the time.

    Personally If members of the team are to stupid to huddle then thats there problem while a support based character is there to support there team mates they should not be expected to run around after them like there a bunch of unruly children.

    I've seen a lot of comments over my time here about CO is bad for teaming and that the devs need to do more to make things team friendly at which point CoH is normally pointed at. well when I played CoH the main type of defenders (there support characters) were empathy, dark and Rad all had AoE heals that required huddling and guess what people huddled like there lives depended on it (which is suppose they did)

    So maybe its about time those that want to run support characters start dictating how there going to support a team
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    xeiros wrote: »
    in conclusion you purposely made a build consisting of both terrible support and damage potential, and you honestly expect it to be even remotely decent on any level that actually matters? Good luck.

    Wow. Calm down, man. Did the TS take a whizz in your cereal or something?
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