Say what?
Well, some of you might remember The Cannonball, from Havoc Stomp.
Deals crushing damage to nearby targets
Chance to knockback targets
Chance to apply or refresh Enraged. Enraged increases all damage dealt for a short time.
Increases damage and energy cost for the Tap effect
100% chance to knockback targets when charged over 90%
This allows your Havoc Stomp to be activated in mid-air. The resulting attack deals damage based on how far you fall.
Advantage Points: 2
The not so working Cannonball. It went something like this: Superjump straight up, click Havoc Stomp while in the air send you smashing to the ground. For 1K falldamage to...yourself.
It was removed April 2010.
Make it as a power for Might. You jump high and come down like a ...cannonball.
Or something like, add to your travelpowers...You know, flying high and CANNONBALL!!!
Call it Tier CANNONBALL!
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber

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Let's do the CANNONBALL!
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
If you land on an enemy below Master Villain level, they will be instantly defeated. If the enemy is Master Villain or above, they will take heavy Crushing damage.