Hey all, I'm
@Epsicon in both Champions Online and City of Heroes. Long time CoX subscriber and Virtue resident, role player and - I guess - writer. Nothing professional, mostly fan fiction or blogs.
Came here and subscribed immediately after NCSoft announced the closure, as that's a fight you can't win. Been finding it amazing; the team has really polished the game since the last time I tried it... well, back when it was under Atari.
I've been keeping a blog of my adventures here, but it will also soon encompass other games too. I welcome readers and feedback, as I'm sure things I interpret one way in the game actually function entirely different
We have an established and long standing channel for all those from City of Heroes who are still trying to find refugees who might have fled through the dimensional portal. This channel is called CoX. To enter it just right click the chat tab, then go to the channel tab and enter CoX in the box and click the join button.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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The only difficulty I'm having now is putting a finger on exactly which free form combination is going to be my first of many 40's.
| ME | A "Guide" Book" | | I, have a "DREAM! | ( Member since Feb 2008 ) ... ?
Glad to have you on board ^^.
PS: wow... that blog post was really good, you really got talent there. I enjoyed a lot reading it.
Edit: Yeah, bookmarking that blog, read all the posts and found it quite entertaining. FYI you can buy the nighthawk grab bags for 2,000 Q from the Q-Store, if you feel like gambling.
Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
I've mentioned on another thread that everyone's been great so far in-game, and I'm really enjoying the chat on the "CoX" channel. See you around the city!
Thanks for the kind words! Trying to update it once a day, barring r/l issues.