This may or may not have been mentioned in the past, but after the forum purge I figure it's a good time to bring this up now.
Last year or so I purchased some become devices and that's when I found out how horrible they ended up being for me in terms of actually using them.
Don't get me wrong, I love the the whole concept of them, and now the become vehicle devices I also love that idea as well.
The powers are locked into the power trays, I can't drag them around to place them and more importantly group them in the power tray to make them easier for me to use. Ideally, this feature should be added as well as the game remembering where you placed the icons so that each time you use a become device you don't have to stop to organize your tray each time.
This becomes even more important with the new vehicles because those seem like devices that will see a lot more use than the older become devices that were more gimmicky and seemed to see much less use.
The ideal solution is for it to "just work", the less than ideal solution is to find some crazy workaround involving binds and scripts loaded, etc. Not that I don't like those things, but this should be fixed for everyone that plays, not just for those that go the extra mile to figure out how to write binds and scripts.
I will not be purchasing anymore become devices until such a time as the power tray issues get addressed and a reasonable fix is in place.
Thanks for reading.
Ashlocke was my original forum name but was unable to keep it during the PW forum migration. *Shakes Fist*
Considering most of them don't even have a properly scaling passive after all this time... I wouldn't expect to make any more purchases under those restrictions.