After trying out the Hawkwing jets in the Nighthawk mission chain, you can get a permanent version for yourself in one of two ways. You can either win one of the three variants (randomly chosen) through the Nighthawk Belt Grab Bag (along with special Nighthawk devices and more), or you can get your choice of the three vehicles a la cart for 1500 ZEN.
Get more info in the blog post.
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I am @RavenForce in game
Personally I think this is a fabulous way to release "big ticket" items. Put a straight-up set price on how much they cost, but offer a gamble-method for those into that sort of thing. I wish they'd do this with the STO Lock-Box items. I'm always the former type, myself.
Regardless, I don't plan on buying the vehicles. I don't care for Become Devices in general, and my heroes can all travel/fight on their own. So I don't really get the point of Champion Vehicles anyway.... I mean, I suppose there are those "Batman"-type themed toons that want their Bat Jets and Bat Mobiles, and I say, God Bless 'em. Maybe when the whole new "system" comes out, I'll reconsider, but again, Become Devices do nothing for me.
When XP earnings during a Double-XP Weekend still feel like I'm underperforming,
there's something terribly wrong with the reward system...
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Original Join Date: Feb 2010.
At least the final part of the Nighthawk mission was pretty cool, just a shame all I got for it was a one time use Bola.
I have a few "Batman" type characters, so vehicles would work wonders for me, but as become devices with no customization they are basically useless. I'll hold off for a month or two to see if Cryptic implements the vehicle system they said they would before I give up on it completely.
Deliciously nutritious!
Can i say : i told you so ? And your answer was :
On the first hand -
I love vehicles, just in general; aircraft particularly are a passion of mine. I've also got a lot of characters who can make use of them. I also think the general playstyle is interesting, albeit different enough compared to basic CO that I had to do some learning on the fly (and failed the mission my first time through... we'll see if I can beat it later)
On the other hand -
I really have no desire to fork out 15 bucks for something that isn't customizable. The hawk jets are neat, but only work for one of my characters; and I figure with her I'll just keep doing the daily to try to get her one that way. I realize this is the prototype stage, so I'm not angry or upset or even surprised - I just want it to be understood that the reason my money isn't forthcoming is because for me, there's not a lot of point until I can customize them and get my mitts on the full system.
Don't consider that 'lack of interest' merely prudent purchasing from someone with limited income. (If I had heaps of cash lying around, I'd probably go ahead and buy em; but I don't so...)
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Which my answer still stands.
My main character is Blackflight
Then why say that your " interest has been thrown right out of the window" ?
If it is still "new content" for you then be happy you can now "play" this new content
My interest went out of the window because I was fully expecting some sort of customization like the devs stated we would get, they also stated the become device state was temporary. I also never stated that one should be happy about it, only that it is indeed either way you look at it new content, so yes beldiny old chap, my answer still stands.
Why can't we just have ONE vehicle,seeing as the content will become vehicle only soon,we need to have one for it.:mad:
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The content will not become "vehicle only". It was also announced that these are "prototype vehicles" - there is the intention to create a more refined vehicle system that will have a greater degree of customizeability.
I'm not at my PC ATM - can someone clarify for me - is the Nighthawk mission chain a daily given by Defender? Does completing this chain *always* award one of the Nighthawk belt grab bags?
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When I tried the thing,it only took me a little bit,I had to switch zones a bit to get to the specific sightings,then grind a couple mobs to get circumstantial evidence,then go through about 3 groups before beating Stone,and when we did,we got the grab bag,but honestly,the one major issue I have with this,is why give it so much attention,I've not met hardly anyone that has a conceptual build that would need vehicles,only non-super powered heroes would use it,and 1500 zen for that or grab bag farming?
its not that worth it....not worth it at all.....
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Lotar, if none of your characters wants a jet, by all means, don't run the Daily or purchase one from the Z-Store. It's not necessary, any more than, say, the Mountain pieces were for 99% of the populace. It's just a fun little bit of frippery. I want a Fast Attack Jet for Spider-Bat, and maybe one of the support jets for HandyMan, but I don't think any of my others need/want aircraft.
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The fight vs Stone was all but fun to play. And this is this kind of content what we'll have the next months.
I don't know how to say what i think of this new feature without risk to hurt someone...
I assume we should wait for the devs finish to work on the vehicles "content", to have the chance to see another kind of content in a few months/next year. Sigh.
It has a low chance of giving a vehicle and then a 1/3 chance of getting the one you want
My main character is Blackflight
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I hope very wholeheartedly that these will become a build or costume because right now it really does not appeal to me. It appears not to appeal to most people at this point. They look like a hawk...yay. They shoot supped up version of the power armor powers...yay again.
These would sell, even at the ridiculous cost of $15US, if:
- You could customize their hull appearance to at least some degree
- You could customize the weapons (tech, fire, ice, wind, electricity, toxic, psionic, magic, ETC) appearance
- It was an account-wide item at least when purchased and not a device you have to trade around... (heck the dumb pre-order hover boots are available account-wide though the bonus screen, why not these!?!)
- There was more content to support vehicles
As I see it right now I would never buy into this. The only reason I have the interceptor jet is because my brother gifted me some zen specifically to buy one.
I am pretty disappointed really. I hope they refine this pretty quick because it could be pretty great if they do. Otherwise it is a massive waste of zen.
"Saying 'Everything is fine as is.' in the MMO world is like holding your breath. Eventually you die from lack of common sense."
I do like the force field animation on the heavy fighter jets *-*.....Is it a sign that AoE shielding is possible?:eek:..oh wait it already is..except it is called an Alert Bubble T_T..
Anyway back to jets issues..
I am getting an odd error when in the final mission however...when I am fully loaded on a jet with 150/150 energy..and try to use 26-29k blast of doom...I get to half charge and it shorts out...and tells me I havent got enough energy...
I am not sure whether this just happens to fast attack and heavy jets but it's irritating...
I do like how the scoring system works now
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
As far as the 'I don't use vehicles' people, if your concept is all that restricts you from playing- this is not Cryptic's fault. You can't refuse to eat and claim you're being starved. If you don't like it, don't do it. Simple as that.
I like the speed on these things, to be honest. It's a hell of a break from Acrobatics and Swinging TP's.
I noticed that on my run too. Watching the energy bar you can sometimes see it drop down by one, and then fill back up to 150. Whatever is making it do that seems to be screwing up the charging for it.
Deliciously nutritious!
The "vehicles" felt less like vehicles and more like an interactive travel power. The three dimensional movement made the experience lack luster. A permanent auto-run or at least a few simple movement commands would make it feel more "vehicle-like." The jet played more like a helicopter than a jet.
-Take Off
-Auto-move with selectable move speed increases (cruise, 1/2 speed, full speed)
I have to agree with pariahoyama in the account wide unlocks, similar to the hideouts. I wouldn't mind spending 1500 zen on something like that.
I can't wait to see a finished product, regardless of what it is going to be like.
Also, being able to see my vehicle at my hideout would be sweet.
I'm not really saying this to anyone in particular, call me a whiner, complainer, QQ'er, whatever, I don't care. If there a chance someone important might see this, then this is the feedback they are looking for.
My biggest problem is that these will be needed to access some content in the future. So we may need to fork over 15 bucks to get greater access to the game. Who wants to make a bet pool right now that it WON'T be a part of gold privileges? I bought the 3 month sub from the sale. If things don't clear up by November, I'm gone... May return at some point, may not. The ball is in Cryptic's court now.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
From the testing of myself and my friends I believe I know the cause of the issue. It's forms. If you have a form on before you get into the jet you cannot turn it off without exiting the jet(or being murdered which will turn it off). The slight cost increase of the form is what we believe to be causing the issue. While you do not build stacks it appears to be still "on" because sometimes you can see the icon pop up for a brief second. Bug reports have been made but, please, feel free to make more...many...many more. :biggrin:
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
That being said, it still -does- irritate me that I spent a good hour or two trying to finish that mission (Stone is a cheesewad to beat) and tried the final part a good 4-5 times before finally completing it, only to be given Drifter salvage. Not even a useful amount. I can agree that THAT needs to stop happening.
Formerly known as kittyclawz.
In-game handle: @Miss.Kittyclawz
A super hero wouldn't let another down if he was worth his weight. So choke up on your pride and get in that vehicle. I mean, you use the SUPER JET to get to other places right?
You win. I wonder if anyone else has ever stopped to give this a thought.
Formerly known as kittyclawz.
In-game handle: @Miss.Kittyclawz
Yeah, pass.
RIP Caine
Yeah,I really don't see why they're priced beyond 1,150,they are just becomes with a speed boost,the jets can't really "work" their role like us,for example,invul is all you need to be more effective than a tank jet,and a taunt,come to think of it,I'm not sure if they are even worth 1,150,at least regular becomes can perform their roles somewhat well.
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With PFF's current'd go down just as easily without it...I was suprised that the support jet doesnt have some kind of block or any of them really..
I thought the force shield animation was a shield of some kind but it is just a very cool looking block..
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Not that anything is wrong with that.
Here's hoping the money you guys spend on this leads to more free to play development!
It would be an issue if you HAD TO have it to be effective. Thankfully it's not pay-to-win right now, and it must NEVER become pay-to-win! Mark my words.
Logic wins again! :biggrin:
People want their "I win" button, as I predicted.
Also the heavy fighter does echo in my mind as being similar to the PyroGX's design, which is kind of cool. I might get one just for show.
A fair point, although the complaints are about it being out-of-theme for their character, which will undoubtable change in time.
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Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
End Result: Yawn-worthy item if vehicles ever receive promised additional attention. OR yawn-worthy bygone reminder of what 'could have been' of vehicle system that was abandoned for the yawn-worthy idea that it was.
My response: *yawn* No thanks...(to purchase anyway)
In any case, if others enjoy, good for them. Be ye enchanted and fulfilled with the wonders you have received.
Won't really hold my breath for the 'full implementation' but I am not immune to being impressed later. I hope I am ultimately. But it'll take quite a bit of customization to happen, as 5000 of these clone hawkwings flying around was old the day they hit.
Still, it reminded me of some old stand-up arcade games I used to play back in the 80s, which was fun then, but cheesy now.
I understand these were prototype vehicles, but I was really underwhelmed.
However little interest I might have had in these "Become Devices" is gone. We'll see what the non-prototype vehicle system brings...
When XP earnings during a Double-XP Weekend still feel like I'm underperforming,
there's something terribly wrong with the reward system...
You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Original Join Date: Feb 2010.
I really do hope that the "full/final" version of the vehicle system comes soon though, the mere thought of being able to customize jets/tanks/etc (and thinking of matching hero concepts) is already exciting enough, I'm sure doing it for real would be much more fun :biggrin:
And yup, I do think that the mission is quite good as well, except for the fact that the jets are sometimes incapable of firing the "full blast" attack
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