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Mecha Teddy's Attribute and Passive Scaling Thread

raediyaraediya Posts: 38 Arc User
edited August 2013 in Power Discussion
Updates: Currently busy. Thread may not be updated for some time.

Responses: I will respond to the latest inquiries here rather than flood the thread with replies.

Date: 2012.08.24
Patch Version: FC.30.20120820.4


The purpose of this thread is to give players a general guideline as to what specific attributes do, as well as how they scale, to allow players to better plan their characters. The goal is to provide every player an understanding of how each attribute affects their character, while also providing numbers for players who wish to plan their characters in greater detail.

The majority of the values given are approximations. Base values are ignored and the numbers only include scale factors with attributes. (Until Cryptic releases their actual formulas, use the information given with discretion.)
  1. Significant Figures: Most tool tips only display up to two significant figures. This causes certain results to appear as step functions as the values increase due to small scale factors.
  2. Rounding/Truncation: The game rounds many tool tips or truncates the values to display integer values, when in fact the numbers are not integers. This is most easily seen on gear, as attributes from talents are as close to true as can be observed.
  3. Computation: Many of the statistics in the game's effects are calculated using Cryptic's formulas that are not quite intuitive at first glance. If an attribute scales linearly, it does not necessarily mean that its effect does not have diminishing returns.
There are other factors that affect the results as well, but those are just a few. Most attributes have been constrained while testing. All values are for a level 40 champion.

Thanks to the following players for their assistance:
segma, Kardokis, Kurabian, Pantagruel, serju, Falchoin, Zardbooster
(Please let me know if I missed you.)
Post edited by raediya on


  • raediyaraediya Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2012
  • raediyaraediya Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2012
  • raediyaraediya Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    • Power Dependencies
      • Strength
        • Power: Enraged! (Enrage, Aspect of the Bestial) (+0.033% Melee Damage per point of strength. +0.016% Ranged Damage per point of strength. +0.1 Energy per point of strength.)
        • Power: Way of the Warrior (All ranks: +0.075 energy per point of strength on enemy dodge.)
      • Dexterity
        • Power: Focus (Form of the Master/Swordsman/Tempest/Tiger) (+0.033% Melee Damage per point of dexterity. +0.016% Ranged Damage per point of dexterity. +0.1 Energy per point of dexterity.)
        • Power: Elusive Monk (Parry) (+0.33 Dodge/Avoidance Rating per point of dexterity.)
        • Power: Rush (Dragon's Bite/Claw/Wrath, Dragon Kick/Uppercut) (Mismatch from tooltip description, energy return does not scale with dexterity.)
        • Power: Way of the Warrior (All ranks: +0.075 energy per point of dexterity on enemy dodge.)
      • Constitution
      • Intelligence
      • Ego
        • Power: Concentration (Concentration, Aspect of the Infernal) (+0.033% Ranged Damage per point of ego. +0.016% Melee Damage per point of ego. +0.1 Energy per point of ego. Scales with higher value between ego and intelligence.)
        • Power: Killer Instinct (+0.1 Energy per point of ego.)
        • Power: Hunter's Instinct (+0.1 Energy per point of ego.)
        • Power: Ego Reverberation (+0.1 Energy per point of ego.)
        • Power: Telepathic Reverberation (Tooltip mismatch; power scales with presence and recovery.)
        • Power: Telekinesis (Increases ability to pick up and throw larger objects. Not tested.)
        • Power: Mind Link (Maximum damage: Rank 1: 4 * ego. Rank 2: 5 * ego. Rank 3: 6 * ego.)
      • Presence
        • Power: Compassion (Compassion) (+0.033% Healing Bonus and Shield Strength per point of presence. +0.016% Damage per point of presence. +0.1 Energy per point of presence. Scales with higher value between presence and recovery.)
        • Power: Manipulator (Manipulator) (+0.033% Hold Magnitude per point of presence. +0.016% Damage per point of presence. +0.1 Energy per point of presence. Scales with higher value between presence and intelligence.)
        • Power: Telepathic Reverberation (+0.1 Energy per point of presence.)
        • Power: Aura of Arcane Clarity (Hybrid) (Self bonus: All ranks: +0.016% Charge Speed per point of presence. Team bonus: Rank 1: +0.022% Power Cost Discount and Power Recharge Speed per point of presence. Rank 2: +0.028% Power Cost Discount and Power Recharge Speed per point of presence. Rank 3: +0.032% Power Cost Discount and Power Recharge Speed per point of presence. Mismatch from tooltip description, Charge Speed does not scale with presence but with super stats.)
        • Power: Aura of Arcane Clarity (Support) (Self bonus: All ranks: +0.019% Charge Speed per point of presence.Team bonus: Rank 1: +0.062% Power Cost Discount and Power Recharge Speed per point of presence. Rank 2: +0.073% Power Cost Discount and Power Recharge Speed per point of presence. Rank 3: +0.087% Power Cost Discount and Power Recharge Speed per point of presence. Mismatch from tooltip description, Charge Speed does not scale with presence but with super stats.)
        • Power: Aura of Ebon Destruction (Hybrid) (Team bonus: Rank 1: +0.020% damage per point of presence. Rank 2: +0.024% damage per point of presence. Rank 3: +0.029% damage per point of presence.)
        • Power: Aura of Ebon Destruction (Support) (Team bonus: Rank 1: +0.076% damage per point of presence. Rank 2: +0.091% damage per point of presence. Rank 3: +0.11% damage per point of presence.)
        • Power: Aura of Primal Majesty (Hybrid) (Team bonus: Rank 1: +0.023 all stats per point of presence. Rank 2: +0.026 all stats per point of presence. Rank 3: +0.031 all stats per point of presence.)
        • Power: Aura of Primal Majesty (Support) (Team bonus: Rank 1: +0.057 all stats per point of presence. Rank 2: +0.07 all stats per point of presence. Rank 3: +0.084 all stats per point of presence.)
        • Power: Aura of Radiant Protection (Hybrid) (Team bonus: Rank 1: +0.067% resistance to all damage per point of presence. Rank 2: +0.081% resistance to all damage per point of presence. Rank 3: +0.096% resistance to all damage per point of presence.)
        • Power: Aura of Radiant Protection (Support) (Team bonus: Rank 1: +0.12% resistance to all damage per point of presence. Rank 2: +0.14% resistance to all damage per point of presence. Rank 3: +0.17% resistance to all damage per point of presence.)
        • Power: Medical Nanites (Hybrid) (Team bonus: Rank 1: +X health points per 3 seconds. Rank 2: +X health points per 3 seconds. Rank 3: +X health points per 3 seconds.)
        • Power: Medical Nanites (Support) (Team bonus: Rank 1: +X health points per 3 seconds. Rank 2: +X health points per 3 seconds. Rank 3: +X health points per 3 seconds.)
        • Power: Imbue (Increases Critical Severity; scaling identical to constitution scaling, using the higher attribute.)
        • Power: Sigils of Radiant Sanctuary (Increases healing, damage/Hold/Knock resistance per sigil. Values not all displayed in tool tip.)
        • Power: Sigils of Ebon Weakness (Increases damage reduction per sigil. Value not displayed in tool tip.)
  • raediyaraediya Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2012
  • raediyaraediya Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2012
  • raediyaraediya Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    • Specialization Dependencies
      • Strength
        • Specialization: Swole (+1/2/3 Maximum Health Points per point of strength.)
        • Specialization: Physical Peak (+X% Melee Cost Discount.)
        • Specialization: Quick Recovery (+0.1/0.2 Health Points per 3 seconds per point of recovery.)
        • Specialization: Brutality (+X% Critical Severity.)
        • Specialization: Juggernaut (+0.1/0.2/0.3 Defense per point of constitution.)
        • Specialization: Overpower (+X% Melee Critical Chance.)
      • Dexterity
        • Specialization: Combat Training (+0.05/0.10/0.15 Critical Strike rating per point of offense.)
        • Specialization: Evasion (+0.03/0.06/0.09 Avoidance rating per point of secondary SS.)
        • Specialization: Deadly Aim (+X% Critical Severity.)
        • Specialization: Quick Reflexes (+0.05/0.10/0.15 Dodge Chance rating per point of dexterity.)
      • Constitution
        • Specialization: Unyielding (+0.084/0.168% Hold Resistance per point of constitution.)
        • Specialization: Tough (+0.5/1.0/1.5 Maximum Health Points per point of secondary SS.)
        • Specialization: Resilient (+0.2/0.4% resistance to all Knock per point of constitution.)
        • Specialization: Deflection (+0.1/0.2/0.3 Dodge Chance rating per point of dexterity.)
        • Specialization: Quick Healing (+0.05/0.10/0.15 Health Points per 3 seconds per point of secondary SS.)
      • Intelligence
        • Specialization: Preparation (+0.12/.24 Energy Equilibrium per point of endurance.)
        • Specialization: Tactician (+0.05/0.10 Offense per point of secondary SS.)
        • Specialization: Battle of Wits (+0.04/0.08/0.12 Hold Strength per point of intelligence.)
        • Specialization: Detect Vulnerability (-0.03/0.06/0.09% target Resistance Bonus per point of intelligence.)
      • Ego
      • Presence
        • Specialization: Repurpose (+0.1/0.2/0.3% Bonus Healing per point of offense.)
        • Specialization: Grandeur (+0.1/0.2/0.3 Offense per point of presence.)
        • Specialization: Moment of Glory (+X% Critical Chance.)
        • Specialization: Force of Will (+0.05/0.1 Defense per point of secondary SS.)
      • Recovery
        • Specialization: Withstand (+0.05/0.10 Crowd Control Resistance rating per point of secondary SS.)
        • Specialization: Rapid Recovery (+0.1/0.2/0.3 Health Points per 3 seconds per point of recovery.)
        • Specialization: Staying Power (+0.0625/0.125 Maximum Energy per point of recovery.)
        • Specialization: Well Rounded (+1/2 Maximum Health Points and +0.1/0.2 Maximum Energy per point of non-SS attribute.)
        • Specialization: Second Wind (+0.0187/0.0375% Power Recharge Speed per point of secondary SS.)
      • Endurance
        • Specialization: Readiness (+0.05/0.10/0.15 Energy Equilibrium per point of endurance.)
        • Specialization: Withstand (+0.05/0.10 Crowd Control Resistance per point of secondary SS.)
        • Specialization: Quick Recovery (+0.1/0.2 Health Points per 3 seconds per point of recovery.)
        • Specialization: Power Overwhelming (+0.05/0.10/0.15 Offense per point of secondary SS.)
        • Specialization: Hardened (+2/4 Maximum Health Points per point of endurance.)
      • Protector
  • raediyaraediya Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Graphs still in progress. Non-attribute-scaling bonuses not included.

    Damage Types:
    Physical: Crushing, Piercing, Slashing
    Elemental: Cold, Fire, Toxic
    Particle: Electric, Particle, Sonic
    Paranormal: Dimensional, Ego, Magic
    (All values are per point of SS, unless otherwise noted.)
    • Passive Powers
      • Energy Projector
        • Power: Electric Form (Rank 1: +0.068% Energy Damage, +0.016% Energy Damage Resistance, +0.064% Electrical Damage Resistance. Rank 2: +0.081% Energy Damage, +0.019% Energy Damage Resistance, +0.076% Electrical Damage Resistance. Rank 3: +0.097% Energy Damage, +0.021% Energy Damage Resistance, +0.091% Electrical Damage Resistance. Not tested: +X Energy from receiving Electrical Damage.)
        • Power: Fiery Form (Rank 1: +0.068% Elemental Damage, +0.016% Elemental Damage Resistance, +0.064% Fire Damage Resistance. Rank 2: +0.081% Elemental Damage, +0.019% Elemental Damage Resistance, +0.076% Fire Damage Resistance. Rank 3: +0.097% Elemental Damage, +0.021% Elemental Damage Resistance, +0.091% Fire Damage Resistance. Not tested: +X Energy from receiving Fire Damage, +X Fire Damage every 2 sec.)
        • Power: Kinetic Manipulation (Rank 1: +0.068% Ranged Physical Damage, +0.011% Physical Damage Resistance, +0.048% Ranged Physical Damage Resistance. Rank 2: +0.081% Ranged Physical Damage, +0.014% Physical Damage Resistance, +0.058% Ranged Physical Damage Resistance. Rank 3: +0.097% Ranged Physical Damage, +0.016% Physical Damage Resistance, +0.069% Ranged Physical Damage Resistance. Not tested: +X Energy from receiving Physical Damage.)
        • Power: Personal Force Field (Rank 1: 5.63 Shield Strength. Rank 2: 6.76 Shield Strength. Rank 3: 8.11 Shield Strength. +X Shield Points every 3 sec. Note: Shield Strength benefits from +X% Shield Strength bonuses.)
        • Power: Ice Form (Rank 1: +0.068% Elemental Damage, +0.016% Elemental Damage Resistance, +0.064% Ice Damage Resistance. Rank 2: +0.081% Elemental Damage, +0.019% Elemental Damage Resistance, +0.076% Ice Damage Resistance. Rank 3: +0.097% Elemental Damage, +0.021% Elemental Damage Resistance, +0.091% Ice Damage Resistance. Not tested: +X Energy from receiving Ice Damage.)
        • Power: Stormbringer (Rank 1: +0.068% Crushing, Cold, and Electrical Damage, +0.038% Crushing, Cold, and Electrical Damage Resistance. Rank 2: +0.081% Crushing, Cold, and Electrical Damage, +0.045% Crushing, Cold, and Electrical Damage Resistance. Rank 3: +0.097% Crushing, Cold, and Electrical Damage, +0.055% Crushing, Cold, and Electrical Damage Resistance. Not tested: +X Energy from receiving Crushing, Cold and Electrical Damage.)
      • Technology
        • Power: Quarry (Rank 1: +0.055% Physical Damage, +0.027% Non-Physical Damage, Audacity: +0.07 points of intelligence and ego per point of intelligence. Rank 2: +0.065% Physical Damage, +0.032% Non-Physical Damage, Audacity: +0.086 points of intelligence and ego per point of intelligence. Rank 3: +0.078% Physical Damage, +0.039 % Non-Physical Damage, Audacity: +0.099 points of intelligence and ego per point of intelligence. Audacity: Hard capped at +30 intelligence and ego for all ranks.)
        • Power: Medical Nanites (Hybrid) (Self bonus: +X Health every 3 sec. Team bonus: +X Health every 3 sec.)
        • Power: Medical Nanites (Support) (Self bonus: +X Health every 3 sec. Team bonus: +X Health every 3 sec.)
        • Power: Targeting Computer (Rank 1: +0.055% Ranged Technology Damage, Lock On: +0.011% resistance to all damage. Rank 2: +0.065% Ranged Technology Damage, Lock On: +0.013% resistance to all damage. Rank 3: +0.078% Ranged Technology Damage, Lock On: +0.015% resistance to all damage.)
        • Power: Invulnerability (Rank 1: +0.032% resistance to all damage. Rank 2: +0.039% resistance to all damage. Rank 3: +0.046% resistance to all damage. +X Damage Absorption.)
      • Martial Arts
        • Power: Way of the Warrior (Rank 1: +0.068% Physical and Bleed Damage, +0.068% Non-Physical Melee Damage, +0.034% Non-Melee Physical Damage, +0.092 Dodge and Avoidance Rating. Rank 2: +0.081% Physical and Bleed Damage, +0.081% Non-Physical Melee Damage, +0.04% Non-Melee Physical Damage, +0.11 Dodge and Avoidance Rating. Rank 3: +0.097% Physical and Bleed Damage, +0.098% Non-Physical Melee Damage, +0.049% Non-Melee Physical Damage, +0.13 Dodge and Avoidance Rating.)
        • Power: Lightning Reflexes (Rank 1: +0.42 Dodge and Avoidance rating, +0.38% resistance versus damage over time effects. Rank 2: +0.5 Dodge and Avoidance rating, +0.45% resistance versus damage over time effects. Rank 3: +0.6 Dodge and Avoidance rating, +0.53% resistance versus damage over time effects.)
        • Power: Night Warrior (Rank 1: +0.04% Damage, +0.01% Charge Speed, +0.031 Dodge and Avoidance Rating. Rank 2: +0.049% Damage, +0.011% Charge Speed, +0.037 Dodge and Avoidance Rating. Rank 3: +0.058% Damage, +0.013% Charge Speed, +0.044 Dodge and Avoidance Rating.)
  • raediyaraediya Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Reserved: 2.
  • raediyaraediya Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Reserved: 3.
  • raediyaraediya Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Reserved: 4.
  • raediyaraediya Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Reserved: 5. Done!
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This looks like the start of a handy reference guide, thank you for putting in the work on this and hopefully it can continue to stay current months & years down the road. :smile:
  • s3rjus3rju Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    thank you radia, after all this time you still posted it :cool:

    sorry for all the nagging again :redface:

    love you :)

    My build directory (work in progress)
    Guide list
    Freeform Builds

    In loving memory of AngelofCaine.
  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Amazing work, Radia. :biggrin:
    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • angelofcaineangelofcaine Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    TY (again) raediya ! :wink:
    | ME | A "Guide" Book" | | I, have a "DREAM! | ( Member since Feb 2008 ) ... ?
    Were there any specific reason for that personal attack other than that your opinion differs from mine?
  • williamkonywilliamkony Posts: 582 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    This is the most beautiful thread I have ever seen.

    Thanks a ton for all this great info! I've saved eeevery chart onto my computer for future reference. XD Should be of great use!
    Dasher@Tool-box, donning his armor to prance into battle and blitz the enemy! No joke!
    Cupid@Tool-box, stunningly radiant stag ready to play matchmaker between villain and arrow!
    Vixon@Tool-box, frighteningly eager to summon despair for his adversaries!
    Jebin Zedalu@Tool-box, elementalist weaponmaster. ...One of these things is not like the others!
  • beastmagbeastmag Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    thanks for that
  • dukeofheredukeofhere Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The mighty peace hits again!
    Thanks to Seraph for this handy guide.
  • williamkonywilliamkony Posts: 582 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hm... The effects of Recovery on Circle of Arcane Power is off, in writing. XD The chart shows that 220 Recovery would grant about 30 energy per second, but when using the calculation in the actual post, it shows it as granting 151.8 energy per second, instead.

    Also a little disbelieving on how much Intelligence and Endurance scale with Overdrive. The calculation means 220 in the stat would come out to about 6.5 energy every three seconds, which doesn't sound quite right. XD

    Still absolutely loving the thread. :P I've been going on a total calculation spree because of it!

    EDIT: Unless the formula changes at level 40, Presence's Force Of Will specialization gives 0.05/0.1 per Secondary Superstat, not 0.5/1.0. D:
    Dasher@Tool-box, donning his armor to prance into battle and blitz the enemy! No joke!
    Cupid@Tool-box, stunningly radiant stag ready to play matchmaker between villain and arrow!
    Vixon@Tool-box, frighteningly eager to summon despair for his adversaries!
    Jebin Zedalu@Tool-box, elementalist weaponmaster. ...One of these things is not like the others!
  • ayonachanayonachan Posts: 557 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Hm... The effects of Recovery on Circle of Arcane Power is off, in writing. XD The chart shows that 220 Recovery would grant about 30 energy per second, but when using the calculation in the actual post, it shows it as granting 151.8 energy per second, instead.

    Also a little disbelieving on how much Intelligence and Endurance scale with Overdrive. The calculation means 220 in the stat would come out to about 6.5 energy every three seconds, which doesn't sound quite right. XD

    Still absolutely loving the thread. :P I've been going on a total calculation spree because of it!

    EDIT: Unless the formula changes at level 40, Presence's Force Of Will specialization gives 0.05/0.1 per Secondary Superstat, not 0.5/1.0. D:
    raediya wrote: »
    The majority of the values given are approximations. Base values are ignored and the numbers only include scale factors with attributes. (Until Cryptic releases their actual formulas, use the information given with discretion.)

    Think of it this way: Most of the values are represented by a skew line, if you wanted to see the plot points then follow the skew line and min/max your way to them. (e.g.)
  • williamkonywilliamkony Posts: 582 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Oh, I'm well aware that the values aren't going to be perfect! But if I can help contribute, I'm going to attempt to do so. XD
    Dasher@Tool-box, donning his armor to prance into battle and blitz the enemy! No joke!
    Cupid@Tool-box, stunningly radiant stag ready to play matchmaker between villain and arrow!
    Vixon@Tool-box, frighteningly eager to summon despair for his adversaries!
    Jebin Zedalu@Tool-box, elementalist weaponmaster. ...One of these things is not like the others!
  • mijjesticmijjestic Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I say keep it up. :biggrin:
  • sidreussidreus Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Thanks. That is very helpfull theard for saving lives of my heroes. :smile:
  • angelofcaineangelofcaine Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Does anyone know if there is a DR cap on "ALL DMG. STR." +%'s?
    (such as granted from "Super Stats", "Offense", and "Active Offenses"?)
    | ME | A "Guide" Book" | | I, have a "DREAM! | ( Member since Feb 2008 ) ... ?
    Were there any specific reason for that personal attack other than that your opinion differs from mine?
  • ayonachanayonachan Posts: 557 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Does anyone know if there is a DR cap on "ALL DMG. STR." +%'s?
    (such as granted from "Super Stats", "Offense", and "Active Offenses"?)

    Yes there is DR for +All Damage as well as +Resistance to All damage

    But you will always do/mitigate more damage but the result will be a misplaced effort...(Meaning that the 150 extra w/e you just added would have been better added to XXX)

    All and all once you reach +100% resistance/damage you have reached the highpoint in mitigation/damage so the ADs/AOs are used mainly for their added effects...or to give you more of a mitigation that you lack..

    A good example for mitigation is Defiance v Invulnerability. Sure people say that Defiance takes spikes better but in reality the amount of damage needed to make defiance 'better' than invul surpasses almost everything PvE so the only real point in defiance is the energy gain..even then you still have to stack con/rec to raise it..

    Anyway to sum up everything,

    Yes...but don't worry about it in the long run just play the way you want to so you don't end up like marebear!
  • angelofcaineangelofcaine Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I'm currently running +92 "ALL DMG BONUS" with 111 offense, and Cycling 3 AO's at base (+42) with 19 sec CD's.

    I wasn't seeing much difference in dmg., but now that i know i was capping at +100 (instead of +134), now i know why :rolleyes:

    I'm considering boosting Offense to 200 (which will raise the +ADB to 100), and dropping 2 AO's.

    Now i have the info. to work with :wink:
    | ME | A "Guide" Book" | | I, have a "DREAM! | ( Member since Feb 2008 ) ... ?
    Were there any specific reason for that personal attack other than that your opinion differs from mine?
  • atatassaultatatassault Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Could you post the formulae (or best fit approximations) for those graphs? Thanks a bunch, regardless.
  • leongsterleongster Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hi Mecha Teddy,

    1) I'm trying to min-max the total superstats bonus damage.
    Eg. If you already have 400 primary superstats, is it better to have another primary stats mods or secondary stats mods based on superstats bonus damage alone (ignoring other benefits of stats).

    Can you share the excel file (or google doc) so I can look at numerical values?

    2) From my visual inspection of the graph, I think the optimal number of primary stats mods to secondary stats mods for silver champion recognition gear (6 mods in total) are as follow:

    Hybrids/Tank: 2 mods each super stats
    Damage/Support: 4 mods for primary super stats, 1 mods for each secondary super stats

    Reason: Hybrids (and to a lesser extent tank) benefit more from secondary stats than damage/support role.
  • leongsterleongster Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Also I'm running a defiance tank.
    I would like to know what is the number required for constitution to get 19% damage resistance per stack and is it possible to get 20%?
    Thanks :smile:
  • williamkonywilliamkony Posts: 582 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    leongster wrote: »
    Also I'm running a defiance tank.
    I would like to know what is the number required for constitution to get 19% damage resistance per stack and is it possible to get 20%?
    Thanks :smile:

    Can't answer the post before the one I'm quoting, and I can't give an exact number on when you hit 19% per stack, but I currently have 20% per stack at 511 Constitution. I have seen Ayonachan say that you get to the 20% point at 490 Constitution.

    For the 19% stack... I have 19% at 398 Constitution, and 18% at 371. So the changing point is somewhere in that range.
    Dasher@Tool-box, donning his armor to prance into battle and blitz the enemy! No joke!
    Cupid@Tool-box, stunningly radiant stag ready to play matchmaker between villain and arrow!
    Vixon@Tool-box, frighteningly eager to summon despair for his adversaries!
    Jebin Zedalu@Tool-box, elementalist weaponmaster. ...One of these things is not like the others!
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Wow! :eek:

    This thread/info is so amazing. I can't even fathom the amount of work it took to test, collate, assemble, and then post all this info.

    So full of win!

    Thank you!!!

    When XP earnings during a Double-XP Weekend still feel like I'm underperforming,
    there's something terribly wrong with the reward system...

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Original Join Date: Feb 2010.
  • monsterdaddymonsterdaddy Posts: 795 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So for energy unlocks it seems the base energy is 15. I can't test atm but what is base energy for a Form? i.e. Concentration.

    Awesome thread btw.
  • kelbornxkelbornx Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It seems to be ~10 for Concentration and Enrage, and ~9.5 for FotT. May be some other factors in play though.

    You can find this out easily by multiplying the scaling stat by 0.1, then subtracting the number in the tooltip from what your calc gives you.
  • secondalksecondalk Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I did some more testing on Invulnerability vs Defiance.

    Firstly, I ran some stats to determine just how much mitigation Invulnerability gives you. It isn't much. By 600SS, you're at roughly -150. By 700SS you are at -160. It suffers horrible diminishing returns with the critical point near 180SS, -80, before the returns start to throttle.

    Following Assumptions Made:
    1. Proper DR formula is [Damage Taken] = (Total Damage) * 100/(100+R), where R is the cumulative Damage Resistance
    2. Superstats are at 200. R'-Defiance=90, R'-Invuln=67 (-150)
    3. Defiance locked at max stacks (6)

    The critical threshold is ~1400 damage, or when Invulnerability's mitigation approaches ~10% of damage taken.

    Past this point, Defiance begins to see improving returns over Invulnerability. This stretches to ~100 difference by 2500 damage, ~200 by 4000 damage, up to ~345 by 6000 damage.

    Rounding up average estimate places Invulnerability taking ~100hp/1000dmg after the 2000 damage mark until another critical point at ~7500, when Invulnerability's mitigation reaches .02 of damage taken. By an 8000 damage spike, Invulnerability is suffering ~500 more damage than it's counterpart. Beyond here, we are at the point where Invulnerability's mitigation is near statistically insignificant and the difference becomes a static 23 point gulf in R' value. For reference: At 10k, Invulnerability is eating ~635 more damage than it's counterpart.

    [Inertial Dampening Field]

    IDF scales with Superstats, peaking at ~120 reaching the assumptions above (up to 128 at 700 SS. The returns see a hard throttle near 110, reached at ~400 SS).

    Overall, IDF heavily favors Defiance if for no other reason than minimal impact on energy building. Function-wise, it raises the floor of the critical threshold to ~1700 much in Invulnerability's favor.

    IDF can significantly mitigate the low-scale damage that seems to be the bane of Defiance builds. IDF ontop of Invulnerability...You may as well just not play the game. Seriously. With a measly 20hp/3sec regen, it will take the powerhouse 5-man hardmode roughly half an hour to kill you depending on how many critical hits bleed through.

    [Also Consider: Aura of Radiant Protection ]

    AoRP trades Invulnerability's mitigation for a far more significant resistance scaling, reaching 80 by 600SS and also extends a base 13% to the rest of the party in Hybrid (scales to what looks like +10%/100Pre). Moreon, it doesn't have a visible effect unless you take the 0-cost advantage.

    ...This is deceptive, though.

    The graph for R places a critical point near 150R (roughly 60% mitigation). Value is significantly lost below that point and will decrease above that point as it approaches infinity.

    Average builds hovering around 200 defense will hover around 40R (just under 30% mitigation). If you can't make a serious dent in that 110-point gap, then you aren't going to make a serious dent in the survival of your party. This is only really something that works well if you can push Pre to roughly 200. The values virtually reverse in support role, netting the easy 60R to close the gap to full 1/2 damage for the party.

    AoRP is amazing if you run Pre. Stick to Invuln/Defiance if you don't.
  • secondalksecondalk Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    As a side note, this is something that should be added to Int; as the straight reading is very deceptive.

    Recharge time = normal recharge time / (1+ %R)
    Power cost = normal power cost / (1+ %R)

    Where %R is read as the cumulative % value. Those formulas still hold accurate from some rudimentary testing, but verification is always welcome.

    Intelligence tooltip reads +35% recharge. Specialization bonus gives you +21% recharge to active offense/defense cooldown. This gives you a .56 value to %R.

    90 = 90/(1.56) = ~58 second recharge on said active offense/defense. A 250 investment into SS along with 3 points into an appropriate specialization can knock 30 seconds off.

    Compare with cooldown of 10 seconds, which is only reduced to 8 with 250 intelligence.

    Also note that the power cost scaling is equally deceptive. As opposed to, say, ego or strength or presence, intelligence isn't a stat that sees powerful returns from 'dipping'. If you aren't stacking this stat, don't bother with it.
  • tditstdits Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Does anyone know how much absorb Unstoppable gives per point?
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  • ayonachanayonachan Posts: 557 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    tdits wrote: »
    Does anyone know how much absorb Unstoppable gives per point?

    Depends directly on the rank of the passive and how high your superstats are total.

    Rank 1
    000 || 29% 15% 8.8% 0% 0
    175 || 41% 26% 15% 18% 13
    309 || 50% 36% 19% 32% 18
    353 || 53% 39% 21% 37% 20
    446 || 60% 45% 24% 47% 23
    492 || 63% 48% 25% 51% 24
    536 || 66% 51% 27% 56% 25
    580 || 69% 54% 28% 60% 26
    831 || 86% 71% 37% 87% 30

    Rank 2
    000 || 35% 18% 10% 0% 0
    175 || 49% 32% 18% 22% 14
    309 || 60% 43% 23% 39% 20
    353 || 64% 46% 25% 44% 22
    446 || 72% 54% 29% 56% 25
    492 || 75% 58% 31% 62% 26
    536 || 79% 61% 32% 67% 27
    580 || 82% 65% 34% 73% 28
    831 || 103% 85% 44% 104% 32

    Rank 3
    000 || 42% 21% 13% 0% 0
    175 || 59% 38% 21% 26% 16
    309 || 72% 51% 28% 46% 23
    353 || 77% 55% 30% 53% 24
    446 || 86% 65% 34% 67% 27
    492 || 90% 69% 37% 74% 28
    536 || 95% 73% 39% 80% 29
    580 || 99% 78% 41% 87% 30
    831 ||123% 102% 53% 125% 34

    The stuff in orange is the total of all three of your superstats.
    The stuff in red is how much flat damage reduction you receive.
  • tditstdits Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thanks. Wow, that's pretty bad. At 800 stats you're getting about 32 Absorb, does that even do anything? I guess it takes the bite out of bleeds. :/

    It's looking like the only real reason to use unstoppable is the knock resist and and the energy return. Oh well. The energy return is pretty nice.
    That Dork In The Suspenders, signing out.

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  • secondalksecondalk Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    32 points of absorb isn't something you'll notice much of, save some some trash.

    Unstoppable isn't for taking damage, it's for dealing it. It's meant to mitigate harassment from trash and keep you from getting knocked away from your target. It is a very aggressive passive.
  • crabbycabbycrabbycabby Posts: 77 Arc User
    Regarding Ego Surge (Nimble Mind): Does anyone know if this still scales on Con? Thought that it had been changed to just "Super Stats" or some such...​​
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  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,887 Arc User

    Regarding Ego Surge (Nimble Mind): Does anyone know if this still scales on Con? Thought that it had been changed to just "Super Stats" or some such...​​

    Its still the case that NM only scales w/ Con.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • crabbycabbycrabbycabby Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Thanks again Flowcyto.

    You are one of the best.​​
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  • violetnychusvioletnychus Posts: 137 Arc User
    Can anyone make a post on how specializations are calculated? The OP covered stat specializations exclusively.​​
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