I've been thinking that a 3-second delay from the completion of a PUG to the beginning of an Alert would be helpful. If this is what's causing this problem in the Gravitar Rampage, then it might help with that as well.
You mean with people who as soon as they load in charge at Gravitar thereby locking out the people with slow HDD's?
It's not a matter of a slow computer or hardware - the q system sucks. I still find myself locked out on occasion, or constantly resetting the leave map option because it's kicked me off the map because it added me only to realize it didn't want me to be there afterall.
You mean with people who as soon as they load in charge at Gravitar thereby locking out the people with slow HDD's?
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It's not a matter of a slow computer or hardware - the q system sucks. I still find myself locked out on occasion, or constantly resetting the leave map option because it's kicked me off the map because it added me only to realize it didn't want me to be there afterall.