It seems that now we have this fancy "help! I'm down button", misleads new people into thinking that there is actually a way to get close of them, and click a "help fallen hero".
There are lots of missions where we have to help fallen cops, firefighters, primus, until and so forth npcs, why can't we get the same system? A Help Fallen Hero button!!
It should be horrible compared to the resuscitation powers, not full health, long to cast, interruptable, but at least is better than nothing. Maybe make the resuscitation powers more effective!!
Maybe something in the Recognition vendors, something similar as the Triumphant Recoveries.
Or in the Z-store...(BAD IDEA! BAD IDEA!)
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Consolidate currency!
Munitions additions
Petition to take in game report spam function out
Why not to do surveys and free offers
1. Helping someone w/o using a rez power only revives them at like 10% health and they suffer temporary disorientation.
2. Using a rez power to revive a player eliminates the loss of stars for that death, there's no disorientation, and they are revived at much greater health. I would also grant a rezzed character a 3-second immunity to all damage, (if they were rezzed w/ a dedicated rez power).
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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And Revive consumabes dont make rez powers obselete...Like selfrezzez don't.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
If theres a long 'interact' bar to go with making non-res much riskier to do there'd still be a lot of value to the res power.
While she has been rescued
what diabolical mastermind
was behind the devious brain-napping of
the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
SWTOR has a revive button. And it also has revive powers.
1. Call for Help!
2. Self-Rez
3. Triumphant Recovery
4. Revive Powers