CO freeform toons are nowhere near God Mode, more like the first issue that CoH used to have.. Heroes in diapers.
Try beating a legendary of the same level as your toon on your own within a minute, better yet 30 minutes.
In fact the mechanic that eventually, after a long trek to the top level and harvesting worthwhile gear, which there are none, that can send a toon's power to such levels even remotely worthy of a title of a "demi" god should be in CO.
Freeform just means you can mix and match powers that are all crap from different crap powersets that will never be as strong as any NPC legendary class supervillain,
No offense but you are mistaken. People have been creating freeform characters than can not only solo walk all over Legendaries, but Cosmics as well since shortly after the game launched.
The fact that most people choose not to do so is not a reflection on the freeform system.
it's enjoyable to have that "free" dom, but it only lasts for a second or two when you realize that no matter how you scrammble that egg, its still just an egg. Freeform is just an omelet, but essentially still an egg food.
I think the Devs actually look down on Freeform, finding ways to prevent your "freeform" toon to ever be any good, like be a toon like "Gravitar", that chick is a mad Tank DPS Crowd Controlling machine, no freeform toon will ever get near that kind of powerset.
Freeform building has produced characters that are tougher than Gravitar, have every bit as much ability to control other character, and do truly insane amounts of damage for years.
simply "Weak"
Paragon studios have wised up and created the Incarnate system to try and vault the infantile heroes into worthwhile potent heroes.
SOE at least let you keep attaining skill points beyond your standard leveling capacity with feats.
As for Cryptic's CO , well they are simply gotten lazy and been living off the PR of "Freeform" which is actually only allowing the player to choose the look and feel of their prison of an avatar over the silver players that has to sit in a cell avatar not of their own design.
Nothing special about CO, they are just Lazy.
Geeze at least make the champions world truly open world.
Ultimately all three superhero games are still gimping their superheroes due to their advocation of the "Trinity" system, and the Trinity system reveals the fraudulence of CO's so called Freeform.
Otherwise you can make a toon just like Gravitar and take her down on your lonesome and actually surmount her after a long battle, granted you didn't make any mistake in your strategy. As of yet, the only strategy to beat someone like Gravitar or Hi Pan or any other Legendary, is with a Zerg tactic and even then, you need the right roled characters to be present to have any chance.
Your understanding of the full potential of CO's freeform system seems somewhat lacking.
1- The Freeform system does allow for some INSANE builds that can flatten the hell out of people in PvP (Which is why I avoid it like it's made of Hitler's butthole). Some of these builds are flat-out nonsense, and they've completely destroyed the point of PvP for some, including myself.
2- However, if, say, you want a munitions build and focus on that as a theme: You're not going to do well. Any sort of build that has a theme is VERY likely to be worthless in PvP. To say one has no 'skill' makes no difference at all when you're being one-shotted for 15k damage. It's like saying a Formula 1 racer is slow and sucks because an F-16 just outran it.
So, yes- there are some INSANE builds. But should you be able to solo a legendary? No. It's an MMORPG, and it requires teamwork.
What makes CO different for me? Honestly?
The Character Creation. Sometimes, I see other creations and I say 'Holy Crap! That's friggin' amazing!'
I tried 'the other Superhero games'. They fell far, far short of what I wanted.
CoX is outdated, and it has a LOT of content (I think, I didn't go too far into it) but Champs's graphics and character creation spoiled me. CoX was just fugly in comparison. Make all the excuses you want, but the toons in that game look like they've been beaten down with a sock full of hot nickels after a bad breakup. You can tell me how much more 'missions and content and features' a stack of cat turds has, but in the end- it looks like I'm playing with cat turds and I don't want it.
CO could take a note from this game with its mountains of content, but keep in mind that Champs is much younger.
DCUO was pretty, I will give it that and won't deny it at all. But when making a character, I wasn't too impressed with the options.
CO could take another note from this one, and give us time with their heroes- it'd take a whole rewrite of the game, but some characters would make sense working with specific champions.
In short, CO promised to let me be 'the hero I want to be'. I get to do that. The ONLY way I'd turn my back on it is if someone made a fantasy AND sci-fi MMORPG with the same degree of CO's character customization- and even then, I like superheroes better than Swords or Space Ships.
Your understanding of the full potential of CO's freeform system seems somewhat lacking.
Perhaps but I dispute your claims on freeform toons that can solo a legendary of the same level and in the least a cosmic, how about proof.
and even if there is such a thing, it is highly probable that only one kind of build maximized specifically for such a feat and far from a themed toon. It's not "freeform" if you are forced to take only the powers that are effective for a singular purpose in maximization to an end. Say goodbye to your so called freeform because you have just been forced to create a toon into a specific configuration just to beat a legendary or worst PVP.
My knowledge of CO is of my experience, i like to build themed and story based toons, but the fact that i can mix and match powers is as far as I give credit to Freeform. It's useless, it's not true Freeform. It's still bound by the holy trinity.
And no, MMO need not be forced co-op. MMO should just mean exactly that.. Massively Multiplayer Online.. it doesn't say Forced Co-op online doesn't it. Just because all MMOs that have come so far has treated it that way, doesn't necessitate that's the only color stripe a tiger can have.
And as for soloing a Legendary, that is of course subjective and all dependent of what kind of MMO concept you subscribe to, I for one think there should be a boundary that players should be allowed to surmount and cross the threshold of junior superheroes to becoming a legendary themselves and essentially to be able to take on a legendary mano a mano. Now the same goes for cosmic, but i can accept it if they keep the cosmic threshold off limits to players.
And if you consider your statement carefully, i think it is you who is lacking the understanding of the "full" potential of the freeform system. You choose the shackles of Cryptic over true freeform potential.
Have a good day Junior superheroes, say hello to Arthur for me.
Perhaps but I dispute your claims on freeform toons that can solo a cosmic, how about proof.
and even if there is such a thing, that only one kind of build maximized specifically for such a feat.
My knowledge of CO is of my experience, i like to build themed and story based toons, but the fact that i can mix and match powers is as far as I give credit to Freeform. It's useless, it's not true Freeform. It's still bound by the holy trinity.
And no, MMO need not be forced co-op. MMO should just mean exactly that.. Massively Multiplayer Online.. it doesn't say Forced Co-op online doesn't it. Just because all MMOs that have come so far has treated it that way, doesn't necessitate that's the only color stripe a tiger can have.
Uhhh, there are multiple builds that can solo cosmic level critters. Considering I have, despite I keep telling myself no more, solo'd Gravitar down, with multiple witnesses, and I know others have to, as well as solo'd Teleiosaurus, Qwyjibo, Kigatilik and putzed around with Grond, the fact that people can solo cosmics is not and has not been anything new.
But, that is my personal bone to pick on the matter that things of that level can be solo'd when they shouldn't be able to be solo'd. Personally I hope that the cosmics get buffed up to at minimal Gravitar level strength, because they are a fairly big joke right now.
Perhaps but I dispute your claims on freeform toons that can solo a cosmic, how about proof.
Which cosmic are you talking about, my heavy weapons tank has only lost to gravitar, and that was when the rest of the team all died. And I think she is also very much possible to solo (also for non 'devour essence tanks'), I'd just need to make a few unwanted changes.
Uhhh, there are multiple builds that can solo cosmic level critters. Considering I have, despite I keep telling myself no more, solo'd Gravitar down, with multiple witnesses, and I know others have to, as well as solo'd Teleiosaurus, Qwyjibo, Kigatilik and putzed around with Grond, the fact that people can solo cosmics is not and has not been anything new.
But, that is my personal bone to pick on the matter that things of that level can be solo'd when they shouldn't be able to be solo'd. Personally I hope that the cosmics get buffed up to at minimal Gravitar level strength, because they are a fairly big joke right now.
still no proof, all I see is bragging. if you've done it before, do it again, and frap it. and you have to be the same level of each of the legendary.
Which cosmic are you talking about, my heavy weapons tank has only lost to gravitar, and that was when the rest of the team all died. And I think she is also very much possible to solo (also for non 'devour essence tanks'), I'd just need to make a few unwanted changes.
Exactly my point, the active word is "unwanted", yes you can min max the helll out of your toon, but is it really the toon that you want it to look and play like? Maybe if your just a hard core elitist min maxer, that's exactly what you want, but you're the minority.
Can you solo a cosmic with a Regen passive? doubt it.
Can you be a full blaster and solo a legendary or a cosmic, the only theme build that if even possible and make such a thing probable is a maximized theme. woah look at that, 90 percent of pvpers these days are sporting
Aura of Primal Majesty, yeay for the cloned boxers.
The Freeform is broken, not because you can make a godmode character (what patch are yall living in?), but because all the powers that boast free form isn't really free form, and you can't make a godmode character just like that, you have to be a particular character build to be a godmode, if you call that godmode, that's only godmode to pvpers, God mode is when you can walk all over a cosmic in under a minute, solo.
Godmode? puhhhlease.
But definitely , character creation in this game is by far its only virtue that no other superhero game can ever match, in fact it sets the bar on all other character creation systems, even Eve's for now is inferior, because you will never see your avatar other than the lounge and a mugshot.
Perhaps but I dispute your claims on freeform toons that can solo a cosmic, how about proof.
Certainly, as soon as you prove that its not possible to solo them. Ive seen successful efforts in this regard (and have done so myself). Pretty boring after the first time, really.
and even if there is such a thing, that only one kind of build maximized specifically for such a feat.
No, not really. Plenty of builds that can do it. Depends on the specific cosmic though. Not really going to comment much on the legendaries since they are readily soloed by so many builds.
My knowledge of CO is of my experience,
i like to build themed and story based toons, but the fact that i can mix and match powers is as far as I give credit to Freeform. It's useless, it's not true Freeform. It's still bound by the holy trinity.
CO's freeform system is not at all bound by Trinity play. Of course you can choose to use trinity play mechanics and tactics, but nothing requires it. Ive played through every single bit of content in the game (except the Whiteout Comic Series) successfully without trinity play.
The fact that you choose to not create characters capable of soloing high end threats is not any indication of a failure of the system. In fact it proves the strength of the system. It proves that the system allows players to approach play in a variety of ways, creating characters of a variety of power levels...according to their choice.
And no, MMO need not be forced co-op. MMO should just mean exactly that.. Massively Multiplayer Online.. it doesn't say Forced Co-op online doesn't it. Just because all MMOs that have come so far has treated it that way, doesn't necessitate that's the only color stripe a tiger can have.
And as for soloing a Legendary, that is of course subjective and all dependent of what kind of MMO concept you subscribe to, I for one think there should be a boundary that players should be allowed to surmount and cross the threshold of junior superheroes to becoming a legendary themselves and essentially to be able to take on a legendary mano a mano. Now the same goes for cosmic, but i can accept it if they keep the cosmic threshold off limits to players.
And if you consider your statement carefully, i think it is you who is lacking the understanding of the "full" potential of the freeform system
Actually I have a very solid understanding of the potential of the CO freeform system. It allows me to play anything from street level vigilante style heroes who are challenged by gang members all the way up to characters that can solo pretty much anything in the game--(the caveat of pretty much being a reference to the fact that some content may require a team regardless of whether or not a given character could solo the combats)--including Legendaries and Cosmics.
It allows me to play without any reliance on Trinity play, or to use Trinity if so desired (I dont care for it myself, but some do).
You choose the shackles of Cryptic over true freeform potential.
Where do you see freeform that allows for more scope of customization and ability to solo even world cosmics intended originally for multiple teams of characters than is the case in CO ?
Have a good day Junior superheroes, say hello to Arthur for me.
still no proof, all I see is bragging. if you've done it before, do it again, and frap it. and you have to be the same level of each of the legendary.
I don't need to frap it. I know what I can do, I know what my build can do. Sorry you don't believe that people have been doing this a very long time, and sorry you think that it's impossible; it isn't. And yea, it might sound like bragging, but hell it's just a plain fact to. If you want proof I can take you to test server if you don't want to see me bother in game. My build is right there on my PRIMUS page, with my stats in fact, and several people have witnessed me doing such things. And I am not the only one in game who can solo cosmics. In fact I can also solo most of the lairs, with the exception being Therakiels since you need multiple people to break the statues.
I am not against being supri"z"ed, try me. But until then, such a reality is beyond my fathoming with respect to all the nerf patches that keeps on coming.
I am not against being supri"z"ed, try me. But until then, such a reality is beyond my fathoming with respect to all the nerf patches that keeps on coming.
Nerfing what power sets? So far they've gotten huge buffs, and the enemies keep getting weaker for it.
I don't need to frap it. I know what I can do, I know what my build can do. Sorry you don't believe that people have been doing this a very long time, and sorry you think that it's impossible; it isn't. And yea, it might sound like bragging, but hell it's just a plain fact to. If you want proof I can take you to test server if you don't want to see me bother in game. My build is right there on my PRIMUS page, with my stats in fact, and several people have witnessed me doing such things. And I am not the only one in game who can solo cosmics. In fact I can also solo most of the lairs, with the exception being Therakiels since you need multiple people to break the statues.
Of course you can. I'm sure your highly "maximized" toon can decimate all the cosmics one on one. You're highly specialized character with your fellow specialized toonsters can run circles around all the content in CO, how about you make another toon using all other powers excluding the ones you have on your Maximized toon? As I mentioned earlier, how about you make a regen toon, since so far these days I don't see anyone sporting that passive at all.
Yes you know what you can do with your maximized toon, I'll give you the benefit of a doubt, but I doubt you can take a regen passive toon and make it GodMode without using any of the powers your using in your current "build".
And yes of course, you don't have to prove it, I know what I know, you know what you know, and perhaps you just really don't give a rat's tush what I think since utlimately from your view you know what you can do.
So perhaps It can be left at that and let me just feel sorry for you that you can't do what you know you can do with any other build but your maximized build. Oh maybe, another maximized build your fellow game geniuses have devised, or do we really want to hasstle the secret society of elite gamers over something so trivial.
But seriously, I know you can probably do it with your maximized toon, because i recognize you, i saw you in an instance of Gravitar, and was quite impressed by your build, it endured for quite sometime after all have fallen, in fact you knocked gravitar's health all the way to the last bar of health. In the least i think that was you, it had silver in the beginning of the name and was also a Bestial, anyway, whatever build you had, was great, but personally I'm not into Bestial builds or melee builds as much as i am for energy builds and range builds.
I can appreciate a maximized build, but that is a build that i can't behind because it's a build you are forced to wear due to the nature of CO mechanics, not because it is a superhero themed toon.
Good day Junior superheroes, say hello to Arthur for me.
Of course you can. I'm sure your highly "maximized" toon can decimate all the cosmics one on one. You're highly specialized character with your fellow specialized toonsters can run circles around all the content in CO, how about you make another toon using all other powers excluding the ones you have on your Maximized toon? As I mentioned earlier, how about you make a regen toon, since so far these days I don't see anyone sporting that passive at all.
Yes you know what you can do with your maximized toon, I'll give you the benefit of a doubt, but I doubt you can take a regen passive toon and make it GodMode without using any of the powers your using in your current "build".
And yes of course, you don't have to prove it, I know what I know, you know what you know, and perhaps you just really don't give a rat's tush what I think since utlimately from your view you know what you can do.
So perhaps It can be left at that and let me just feel sorry for you that you can't do what you know you can do with any other build but your maximized build. Oh maybe, another maximized build your fellow game geniuses have devised, or do we really want to hasstle the secret society of elite gamers over something so trivial.
Good day Junior superheroes, say hello to Arthur for me.
My bestial set is a highly maximized toon? Oh and I am a regen tank, you know, the defensive you just claimed can't do it. I am pure bestial except for block, offensive click, unleashed rage, and masterful dodge, and only have masterful dodge because I had a spare power pick. My build isn't even closed to highly maximized. You can even take a look for yourself here and see my stats here. If you call a regen build highly maximized, you're reaching because you were just proven wrong and now trying to back peddle.
It is generally accepted in academic circles that when one makes a claim about being able to accomplish a certain *thing* that he or she must prove said feat. One need not provide proof in order to argue against a claim. In fact, repeated failures to provide said proof is basically the same as admitting that the claim is untrue, (until such time as proof can be produced). Additionally, a realistic time frame needs to be established. If a certain enemy does not regen health, and one can withstand their attacks, then yes, you can *eventually* defeat them 1-on-1. Similarly, if certain aspects of their behavior - for instance, not being able to fly and having much weaker ranged attacks, can be exploited, or said enemy can be caught on terrain, then it is those factors, not the build, which has truly lead to the enemy's downfall.
Regardless, and as someone else pointed out, if the way to achieve these feats is to follow a fairly strict build path, then that character isn't really "Freeform" - they are a set build that just taps into more power sets than an AT...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
It is generally accepted in academic circles that when one makes a claim about being able to accomplish a certain *thing* that he or she must prove said feat. One need not provide proof in order to argue against a claim. In fact, repeated failures to provide said proof is basically the same as admitting that the claim is untrue, (until such time as proof can be produced). Additionally, a realistic time frame needs to be established. If a certain enemy does not regen health, and one can withstand their attacks, then yes, you can *eventually* defeat them 1-on-1. Similarly, if certain aspects of their behavior - for instance, not being able to fly and having much weaker ranged attacks, can be exploited, or said enemy can be caught on terrain, then it is those factors, not the build, which has truly lead to the enemy's downfall.
Regardless, and as someone else pointed out, if the way to achieve these feats is to follow a fairly strict build path, then that character isn't really "Freeform" - they are a set build that just taps into more power sets than an AT...
And I already stated how they can see it and the fact that there are many who have seen these feats done and done it themselves. And as another person pointed out, doing it again isn't exactly at the top of our agenda, no matter how much someone kicks and screams because it is very long and boring process. If someone doesn't want to accept something, so be it, that's their loss. And it isn't academia to prove something, especially when so many are stating tot eh fact that it can be done and without having to follow any hard coded build path.
My bestial set is a highly maximized toon? Oh and I am a regen tank, you know, the defensive you just claimed can't do it. I am pure bestial except for block, offensive click, unleashed rage, and masterful dodge, and only have masterful dodge because I had a spare power pick. My build isn't even closed to highly maximized. You can even take a look for yourself here and see my stats here. If you call a regen build highly maximized, you're reaching because you were just proven wrong and now trying to back peddle.
Ok, wow, I was editing my post that you quoted, if you read it again, some new stuff on it, I was mentioning, that I recognize your name on a toon that went against Gravitar for a hell of a long time. I was watching your status' quite hard and I could have sworn you were defiant, but yeah as I can see, and can only admit, and I do believe that was you I saw on a Gravitar run, though you succumbed eventually after a long marathon with Gravitar, that you speak of a truth when it comes to your build, and indeed it is regen build.
Atlhough indeed your gear must be up there, because your superstats are insanely intimidating, geebuz. I can safely conclude that gear may bring things into perspective for me, since I've been insisting on regen passive with range damage since i've returned to CO.
I shall silence myself for now until i have acquired ample gear to support my theme build, to yes, walk all over a legendary. That's what i signed up for in this game after all.
It is generally accepted in academic circles that when one makes a claim about being able to accomplish a certain *thing* that he or she must prove said feat. One need not provide proof in order to argue against a claim. In fact, repeated failures to provide said proof is basically the same as admitting that the claim is untrue, (until such time as proof can be produced). Additionally, a realistic time frame needs to be established. If a certain enemy does not regen health, and one can withstand their attacks, then yes, you can *eventually* defeat them 1-on-1. Similarly, if certain aspects of their behavior - for instance, not being able to fly and having much weaker ranged attacks, can be exploited, or said enemy can be caught on terrain, then it is those factors, not the build, which has truly lead to the enemy's downfall.
Regardless, and as someone else pointed out, if the way to achieve these feats is to follow a fairly strict build path, then that character isn't really "Freeform" - they are a set build that just taps into more power sets than an AT...
Hooray! That is indeed my point against the "Freeform" claim. It is really just Pseudo Freeform. hehe.
I am not against being supri"z"ed, try me. But until then, such a reality is beyond my fathoming with respect to all the nerf patches that keeps on coming.
Nerf patches ?
On Alert brought massive buffs to characters in CO.
What have you seen to be nerfed to below pre-On Alert status ?
It is generally accepted in academic circles that when one makes a claim about being able to accomplish a certain *thing* that he or she must prove said feat. One need not provide proof in order to argue against a claim. In fact, repeated failures to provide said proof is basically the same as admitting that the claim is untrue, (until such time as proof can be produced). Additionally, a realistic time frame needs to be established. If a certain enemy does not regen health, and one can withstand their attacks, then yes, you can *eventually* defeat them 1-on-1. Similarly, if certain aspects of their behavior - for instance, not being able to fly and having much weaker ranged attacks, can be exploited, or said enemy can be caught on terrain, then it is those factors, not the build, which has truly lead to the enemy's downfall.
Regardless, and as someone else pointed out, if the way to achieve these feats is to follow a fairly strict build path, then that character isn't really "Freeform" - they are a set build that just taps into more power sets than an AT...
The initial claim was not made by anyone claiming that something can be done, it was made by someone claiming that something cannot be done.
Choosing to not disprove someone else's claim is not the same as admitting that their claim is true.
Is it considered a fairly strict build path when many builds can achieve the result ?
I never look at what various villains are called. Is that despair-demon-thing at the end of Aftershock issue 2 a "legendary"? Because I soloed that one on a Savage AT just fine. Didn't take long at all - which was a good thing, because the longer it takes, the worse he gets...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Perhaps but I dispute your claims on freeform toons that can solo a legendary of the same level and in the least a cosmic, how about proof.
and even if there is such a thing, it is highly probable that only one kind of build maximized specifically for such a feat and far from a themed toon. It's not "freeform" if you are forced to take only the powers that are effective for a singular purpose in maximization to an end. Say goodbye to your so called freeform because you have just been forced to create a toon into a specific configuration just to beat a legendary or worst PVP.
My knowledge of CO is of my experience, i like to build themed and story based toons, but the fact that i can mix and match powers is as far as I give credit to Freeform. It's useless, it's not true Freeform. It's still bound by the holy trinity.
And no, MMO need not be forced co-op. MMO should just mean exactly that.. Massively Multiplayer Online.. it doesn't say Forced Co-op online doesn't it. Just because all MMOs that have come so far has treated it that way, doesn't necessitate that's the only color stripe a tiger can have.
And as for soloing a Legendary, that is of course subjective and all dependent of what kind of MMO concept you subscribe to, I for one think there should be a boundary that players should be allowed to surmount and cross the threshold of junior superheroes to becoming a legendary themselves and essentially to be able to take on a legendary mano a mano. Now the same goes for cosmic, but i can accept it if they keep the cosmic threshold off limits to players.
And if you consider your statement carefully, i think it is you who is lacking the understanding of the "full" potential of the freeform system. You choose the shackles of Cryptic over true freeform potential.
Have a good day Junior superheroes, say hello to Arthur for me.
Wait, what? You want proof? Just go to Youtube and search for Champions Online solo. I found two videos without even trying; one was someone I didn't recognize soloing a Mega-Destroid; another was someone (iirc it was Kali) soloing Mandragalore Elite. Frankly a room full of Toughs hits as hard or harder than a same-level cosmic.
You're complaining about freeform characters being weak unless they take powers that make them not weak? That just seems silly. Freeform does not mean every power combination is effective. It means you can choose to build what you want. Want to build for effectiveness, then do so. Want to build for concept, then do so. Want both, do so.
I been a long time leaving but I'm going to be a long time gone.
Willie Nelson
T.U.F.K.A.S. (the user formerly known as Scarlyng)
Wrong on the CO forums since November, 2008
Wait, what? You want proof? Just go to Youtube and search for Champions Online solo. I found two videos without even trying; one was someone I didn't recognize soloing a Mega-Destroid; another was someone (iirc it was Kali) soloing Mandragalore Elite. Frankly a room full of Toughs hits as hard or harder than a same-level cosmic.
You're complaining about freeform characters being weak unless they take powers that make them not weak? That just seems silly. Freeform does not mean every power combination is effective. It means you can choose to build what you want. Want to build for effectiveness, then do so. Want to build for concept, then do so. Want both, do so.
Concept will always suffer in lieu of effectiveness in CO, you can't have both, unless your concept is effectiveness that is.
Pfft might was hardly OP to begin with there were plenty worse things than might but that was not the question the question was name a set that had been recently nerfed.
Might fits that bill though its also going to get buffed back up to a more reasonable level at some point if its not happened already.
Pfft might was hardly OP to begin with there were plenty worse things than might but that was not the question the question was name a set that had been recently nerfed.
Might fits that bill though its also going to get buffed back up to a more reasonable level at some point if its not happened already.
Yes, because bestial wasn't "nerfed" when it lost it's multiplier either. The sets about as nerfed as bestial is. And Mights in a far better position.
Mega-Terak is not Teliosaur, he is just a lvl 36 Legendary and really not that hard to solo.
Legendarys also only have maybe 150k hitpoints while Cosmics have over a million, so even
since it is for example no problem to fight solo against Mega-D, the problem is the time.
Aspect of the Bestial was a multiplier like Aggressor and was maybe used also together
with Enrage by Bestial players, so they also now only have 1 additive damage buff now
instead of an additive + a multiplicative.
With On Alerts SPec Trees might can generate damage every bit as good as was possible pre-On Alert. You just have to be willing to use the tools provided (crits).
This is in addition to better defenses, better energy management, and better self healing.
Mega-Terak is not Teliosaur, he is just a lvl 36 Legendary and really not that hard to solo.
Legendarys also only have maybe 150k hitpoints while Cosmics have over a million, so even
since it is for example no problem to fight solo against Mega-D, the problem is the time.
The claim put forth was that legendaries cannot be solo'ed, not so much cosmics.
Uhhh, there are multiple builds that can solo cosmic level critters.
Personally for me i think, the real problem for a Cosmic would be the time, and keep
your concentration up for so long. I know i couldn't do that. 10-15 minutes maybe but
not over an hour or how long it may take to solo a Cosmic.
still no proof, all I see is bragging. if you've done it before, do it again, and frap it. and you have to be the same level of each of the legendary.
Really now - you make claims that you feel things should be a certain way, and can't believe that Silverspar can solo this or that.
As long as she's not talking pvp, I've seen firsthand what she's capable of on Silverspar, and yes she can solo plenty.
But let's take it up a notch
A soldier can solo quite a few legendary/cosmic level types - without having the "freedom" of a freeform. A soldier can even top the takofanes open mission or his deathlord, even against an army of freeforms.
It's not even bragging here, you're claiming the limitations are within your limited perspective when people are clearly pointing out things can be done beyond your expectations.
All I'm seeing is someone who's set in their opinion, that proof could be right in front of his/her eyes and he/she'd still be arguing a point already refuted.
You can have both. I've been having both for three years now.
It's very possible to have a very potent build and then apply a reasonable concept for it.
Yes, that's just it, it's just reasonable, since you sacrifice having your full concept for effectiveness.
I'm still enamored with this game's character creation however, at least that part of it lets me realize partly a full concept, until it falls on its face with the powerset one is forced to take just to keep it survivable.
Really now - you make claims that you feel things should be a certain way, and can't believe that Silverspar can solo this or that.
As long as she's not talking pvp, I've seen firsthand what she's capable of on Silverspar, and yes she can solo plenty.
But let's take it up a notch
A soldier can solo quite a few legendary/cosmic level types - without having the "freedom" of a freeform. A soldier can even top the takofanes open mission or his deathlord, even against an army of freeforms.
It's not even bragging here, you're claiming the limitations are within your limited perspective when people are clearly pointing out things can be done beyond your expectations.
All I'm seeing is someone who's set in their opinion, that proof could be right in front of his/her eyes and he/she'd still be arguing a point already refuted.
Nothing has been refuted or proven with respect to your point.
Yes certain legendaries can be soloed, i've soloed some, some legendaries are easier than some. Try soloing Gravitar.
I've already checked out the youtube videos as most have suggested, and it still goes to show , that you need a specific build, but as I have already ammended earlier in my statement, when I viewed SilverSpar's stats, that her Gear is the balancing factor that make such a feat possible.
You saying this or that doesn't prove anything.
And the soloing of that dino robot isn't a feat, specially when your max level and it is only level 36...
In this day and age of CO imo, the true legendary npc, starts with Gravitar, everyone else is all outdated.
Your point is truly mind-boggling, acquixian. It seems what you are asking for is to be able to take any mishmash of powers that fits a concept you happen to be interested in and solo Gravitar. Of course you have to build effectiveness into a concept.
This reminds me of a similar situation in PNP Champions after a player's character had been successfully mind controlled by a villain.
Player: My character's concept is that he is strong-willed. Puppet Master should not have been able to affect him with mind control!
GM: If Uberman's concept is that he is strong-willed, why did you not buy mental defense?
Player: My concept is strong-willed, not mental shields!
GM: You only bought him an 11 Ego! "Mental shields" is only one explanation for the Mental Defense power. Strong willed is another. Concept is not just deciding what your character is capable of, you have to think what the concept means in game mechanics and build for what you want.
Character concept is not just, "I am able to regenerate damage." You need to look at your concept, look at the game's mechanics, and build for what you want. The alternative to this is either to buff every power into a win button or nerf the opposition into even more of a laugh fest than it already is.
I been a long time leaving but I'm going to be a long time gone.
Willie Nelson
T.U.F.K.A.S. (the user formerly known as Scarlyng)
Wrong on the CO forums since November, 2008
Nothing has been refuted or proven with respect to your point.
Yes certain legendaries can be soloed, i've soloed some, some legendaries are easier than some. Try soloing Gravitar.
I've already checked out the youtube videos as most have suggested, and it still goes to show , that you need a specific build, but as I have already ammended earlier in my statement, when I viewed SilverSpar's stats, that her Gear is the balancing factor that make such a feat possible.
You saying this or that doesn't prove anything.
And the soloing of that dino robot isn't a feat, specially when your max level and it is only level 36...
In this day and age of CO imo, the true legendary npc, starts with Gravitar, everyone else is all outdated.
I have solo'd grav - and she can be done by a soldier - if you don't see how that's feasible, you have far too little understanding of the game mechanics to be complaining. Actually, that should be pretty clear since for some reason you believe being equal or higher level to these legendary or cosmic bosses matter.
In Grav's current state, every soldier entering that instance is automatically given all the required powers to solo by default (3), 4 if you count the travel power. However, soldiers are much more vulnerable as they're very much glass cannons and a misstep can easily lead to being one-shot.
But yes, I've solo'd grav, and definitely not the only one. I think it's kinda sad that I feel it necessary to only take certain characters into the instance that I know can reliably solo her if necessary or risk a high chance of failure.
There is a really easy way to solo her, and then there's ayona's way, which is far more impressive and far less mind numbing since her grav tank setup was melee and fully capable of dealing with all her tools, including the yellow bubble of DOOM, whereas the whole point of the easy way is preventing her from using her tools at all.
If you're under the impression throwing any random combination of powers should perform at the same level - you're in denial. You might as well start saying stuff like a ford fiesta should perform at the same level as an F1 Race Car, or better yet, that a Prius should be as fast as a Lamborghini.
To those saying concept toons lack powers you all talking BS and should learn to build properly .
I have seen Silverspar take an orange Gravatar attack to the chin and not die.
Champions has so many variations of certain types of powers that concept building is an absolute joy.
I Happen to have a concept PA that took a Gravitar orange sphere and lived to tell!
Concept toons sometimes perform 100% better than PvP and PvE centered builds and besides,wheres the fun in making a toon for PvE or PvP only and forgetting about his/her story?
I Happen to have a concept PA that took a Gravitar orange sphere and lived to tell!
Concept toons sometimes perform 100% better than PvP and PvE centered builds and besides,wheres the fun in making a toon for PvE or PvP only and forgetting about his/her story?
Indeed. I have found that concept toons tend to be less squishy than say the current BoTM pvp toons. I have both types of toon the concept ones can handle PvE better.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
To those saying concept toons lack powers you all talking BS and should learn to build properly .
I have seen Silverspar take an orange Gravatar attack to the chin and not die.
Champions has so many variations of certain types of powers that concept building is an absolute joy.
Well I did die on teleiosaurus just now, but that was due to my own negligence and not that she was impossible.
Note to self: Don't sit there and try to hold several conversations or see who the person was that just showed up, you tend to miss important tells. Though that might be also because the fights so booooring to. -.-
Your understanding of the full potential of CO's freeform system seems somewhat lacking.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
1- The Freeform system does allow for some INSANE builds that can flatten the hell out of people in PvP (Which is why I avoid it like it's made of Hitler's butthole). Some of these builds are flat-out nonsense, and they've completely destroyed the point of PvP for some, including myself.
2- However, if, say, you want a munitions build and focus on that as a theme: You're not going to do well. Any sort of build that has a theme is VERY likely to be worthless in PvP. To say one has no 'skill' makes no difference at all when you're being one-shotted for 15k damage. It's like saying a Formula 1 racer is slow and sucks because an F-16 just outran it.
So, yes- there are some INSANE builds. But should you be able to solo a legendary? No. It's an MMORPG, and it requires teamwork.
What makes CO different for me? Honestly?
The Character Creation. Sometimes, I see other creations and I say 'Holy Crap! That's friggin' amazing!'
I tried 'the other Superhero games'. They fell far, far short of what I wanted.
CoX is outdated, and it has a LOT of content (I think, I didn't go too far into it) but Champs's graphics and character creation spoiled me. CoX was just fugly in comparison. Make all the excuses you want, but the toons in that game look like they've been beaten down with a sock full of hot nickels after a bad breakup. You can tell me how much more 'missions and content and features' a stack of cat turds has, but in the end- it looks like I'm playing with cat turds and I don't want it.
CO could take a note from this game with its mountains of content, but keep in mind that Champs is much younger.
DCUO was pretty, I will give it that and won't deny it at all. But when making a character, I wasn't too impressed with the options.
CO could take another note from this one, and give us time with their heroes- it'd take a whole rewrite of the game, but some characters would make sense working with specific champions.
In short, CO promised to let me be 'the hero I want to be'. I get to do that. The ONLY way I'd turn my back on it is if someone made a fantasy AND sci-fi MMORPG with the same degree of CO's character customization- and even then, I like superheroes better than Swords or Space Ships.
Perhaps but I dispute your claims on freeform toons that can solo a legendary of the same level and in the least a cosmic, how about proof.
and even if there is such a thing, it is highly probable that only one kind of build maximized specifically for such a feat and far from a themed toon. It's not "freeform" if you are forced to take only the powers that are effective for a singular purpose in maximization to an end. Say goodbye to your so called freeform because you have just been forced to create a toon into a specific configuration just to beat a legendary or worst PVP.
My knowledge of CO is of my experience, i like to build themed and story based toons, but the fact that i can mix and match powers is as far as I give credit to Freeform. It's useless, it's not true Freeform. It's still bound by the holy trinity.
And no, MMO need not be forced co-op. MMO should just mean exactly that.. Massively Multiplayer Online.. it doesn't say Forced Co-op online doesn't it. Just because all MMOs that have come so far has treated it that way, doesn't necessitate that's the only color stripe a tiger can have.
And as for soloing a Legendary, that is of course subjective and all dependent of what kind of MMO concept you subscribe to, I for one think there should be a boundary that players should be allowed to surmount and cross the threshold of junior superheroes to becoming a legendary themselves and essentially to be able to take on a legendary mano a mano. Now the same goes for cosmic, but i can accept it if they keep the cosmic threshold off limits to players.
And if you consider your statement carefully, i think it is you who is lacking the understanding of the "full" potential of the freeform system. You choose the shackles of Cryptic over true freeform potential.
Have a good day Junior superheroes, say hello to Arthur for me.
Uhhh, there are multiple builds that can solo cosmic level critters. Considering I have, despite I keep telling myself no more, solo'd Gravitar down, with multiple witnesses, and I know others have to, as well as solo'd Teleiosaurus, Qwyjibo, Kigatilik and putzed around with Grond, the fact that people can solo cosmics is not and has not been anything new.
But, that is my personal bone to pick on the matter that things of that level can be solo'd when they shouldn't be able to be solo'd. Personally I hope that the cosmics get buffed up to at minimal Gravitar level strength, because they are a fairly big joke right now.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Which cosmic are you talking about, my heavy weapons tank has only lost to gravitar, and that was when the rest of the team all died. And I think she is also very much possible to solo (also for non 'devour essence tanks'), I'd just need to make a few unwanted changes.
still no proof, all I see is bragging. if you've done it before, do it again, and frap it. and you have to be the same level of each of the legendary.
Exactly my point, the active word is "unwanted", yes you can min max the helll out of your toon, but is it really the toon that you want it to look and play like? Maybe if your just a hard core elitist min maxer, that's exactly what you want, but you're the minority.
Can you solo a cosmic with a Regen passive? doubt it.
Can you be a full blaster and solo a legendary or a cosmic, the only theme build that if even possible and make such a thing probable is a maximized theme. woah look at that, 90 percent of pvpers these days are sporting
Aura of Primal Majesty, yeay for the cloned boxers.
The Freeform is broken, not because you can make a godmode character (what patch are yall living in?), but because all the powers that boast free form isn't really free form, and you can't make a godmode character just like that, you have to be a particular character build to be a godmode, if you call that godmode, that's only godmode to pvpers, God mode is when you can walk all over a cosmic in under a minute, solo.
Godmode? puhhhlease.
But definitely , character creation in this game is by far its only virtue that no other superhero game can ever match, in fact it sets the bar on all other character creation systems, even Eve's for now is inferior, because you will never see your avatar other than the lounge and a mugshot.
You would be surprized.
Comments above.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
I don't need to frap it. I know what I can do, I know what my build can do. Sorry you don't believe that people have been doing this a very long time, and sorry you think that it's impossible; it isn't. And yea, it might sound like bragging, but hell it's just a plain fact to. If you want proof I can take you to test server if you don't want to see me bother in game. My build is right there on my PRIMUS page, with my stats in fact, and several people have witnessed me doing such things. And I am not the only one in game who can solo cosmics. In fact I can also solo most of the lairs, with the exception being Therakiels since you need multiple people to break the statues.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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I am not against being supri"z"ed, try me. But until then, such a reality is beyond my fathoming with respect to all the nerf patches that keeps on coming.
Nerfing what power sets? So far they've gotten huge buffs, and the enemies keep getting weaker for it.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Of course you can. I'm sure your highly "maximized" toon can decimate all the cosmics one on one. You're highly specialized character with your fellow specialized toonsters can run circles around all the content in CO, how about you make another toon using all other powers excluding the ones you have on your Maximized toon? As I mentioned earlier, how about you make a regen toon, since so far these days I don't see anyone sporting that passive at all.
Yes you know what you can do with your maximized toon, I'll give you the benefit of a doubt, but I doubt you can take a regen passive toon and make it GodMode without using any of the powers your using in your current "build".
And yes of course, you don't have to prove it, I know what I know, you know what you know, and perhaps you just really don't give a rat's tush what I think since utlimately from your view you know what you can do.
So perhaps It can be left at that and let me just feel sorry for you that you can't do what you know you can do with any other build but your maximized build. Oh maybe, another maximized build your fellow game geniuses have devised, or do we really want to hasstle the secret society of elite gamers over something so trivial.
But seriously, I know you can probably do it with your maximized toon, because i recognize you, i saw you in an instance of Gravitar, and was quite impressed by your build, it endured for quite sometime after all have fallen, in fact you knocked gravitar's health all the way to the last bar of health. In the least i think that was you, it had silver in the beginning of the name and was also a Bestial, anyway, whatever build you had, was great, but personally I'm not into Bestial builds or melee builds as much as i am for energy builds and range builds.
I can appreciate a maximized build, but that is a build that i can't behind because it's a build you are forced to wear due to the nature of CO mechanics, not because it is a superhero themed toon.
Good day Junior superheroes, say hello to Arthur for me.
My bestial set is a highly maximized toon? Oh and I am a regen tank, you know, the defensive you just claimed can't do it. I am pure bestial except for block, offensive click, unleashed rage, and masterful dodge, and only have masterful dodge because I had a spare power pick. My build isn't even closed to highly maximized. You can even take a look for yourself here and see my stats here. If you call a regen build highly maximized, you're reaching because you were just proven wrong and now trying to back peddle.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Regardless, and as someone else pointed out, if the way to achieve these feats is to follow a fairly strict build path, then that character isn't really "Freeform" - they are a set build that just taps into more power sets than an AT...
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And I already stated how they can see it and the fact that there are many who have seen these feats done and done it themselves. And as another person pointed out, doing it again isn't exactly at the top of our agenda, no matter how much someone kicks and screams because it is very long and boring process. If someone doesn't want to accept something, so be it, that's their loss. And it isn't academia to prove something, especially when so many are stating tot eh fact that it can be done and without having to follow any hard coded build path.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Ok, wow, I was editing my post that you quoted, if you read it again, some new stuff on it, I was mentioning, that I recognize your name on a toon that went against Gravitar for a hell of a long time. I was watching your status' quite hard and I could have sworn you were defiant, but yeah as I can see, and can only admit, and I do believe that was you I saw on a Gravitar run, though you succumbed eventually after a long marathon with Gravitar, that you speak of a truth when it comes to your build, and indeed it is regen build.
Atlhough indeed your gear must be up there, because your superstats are insanely intimidating, geebuz. I can safely conclude that gear may bring things into perspective for me, since I've been insisting on regen passive with range damage since i've returned to CO.
I shall silence myself for now until i have acquired ample gear to support my theme build, to yes, walk all over a legendary. That's what i signed up for in this game after all.
Hooray! That is indeed my point against the "Freeform" claim. It is really just Pseudo Freeform. hehe.
Nerf patches ?
On Alert brought massive buffs to characters in CO.
What have you seen to be nerfed to below pre-On Alert status ?
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
The initial claim was not made by anyone claiming that something can be done, it was made by someone claiming that something cannot be done.
Choosing to not disprove someone else's claim is not the same as admitting that their claim is true.
Is it considered a fairly strict build path when many builds can achieve the result ?
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Wait, what? You want proof? Just go to Youtube and search for Champions Online solo. I found two videos without even trying; one was someone I didn't recognize soloing a Mega-Destroid; another was someone (iirc it was Kali) soloing Mandragalore Elite. Frankly a room full of Toughs hits as hard or harder than a same-level cosmic.
You're complaining about freeform characters being weak unless they take powers that make them not weak? That just seems silly. Freeform does not mean every power combination is effective. It means you can choose to build what you want. Want to build for effectiveness, then do so. Want to build for concept, then do so. Want both, do so.
I been a long time leaving but I'm going to be a long time gone.
Willie Nelson
T.U.F.K.A.S. (the user formerly known as Scarlyng)
Wrong on the CO forums since November, 2008
Concept will always suffer in lieu of effectiveness in CO, you can't have both, unless your concept is effectiveness that is.
Elite Mandragalore Solo:
Solo'ing Mega-Terak:
Uhh, my build is 100% concept. So... wut?
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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You can have both. I've been having both for three years now.
It's very possible to have a very potent build and then apply a reasonable concept for it.
Yea, mights no longer OP. The horror. :rolleyes:
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Pfft might was hardly OP to begin with there were plenty worse things than might but that was not the question the question was name a set that had been recently nerfed.
Might fits that bill though its also going to get buffed back up to a more reasonable level at some point if its not happened already.
Yes, because bestial wasn't "nerfed" when it lost it's multiplier either. The sets about as nerfed as bestial is. And Mights in a far better position.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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How exactly did bestial loose its multiplier?
Mega-Terak is not Teliosaur, he is just a lvl 36 Legendary and really not that hard to solo.
Legendarys also only have maybe 150k hitpoints while Cosmics have over a million, so even
since it is for example no problem to fight solo against Mega-D, the problem is the time.
Aspect of the Bestial was a multiplier like Aggressor and was maybe used also together
with Enrage by Bestial players, so they also now only have 1 additive damage buff now
instead of an additive + a multiplicative.
With On Alerts SPec Trees might can generate damage every bit as good as was possible pre-On Alert. You just have to be willing to use the tools provided (crits).
This is in addition to better defenses, better energy management, and better self healing.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
The claim put forth was that legendaries cannot be solo'ed, not so much cosmics.
Hm .. ok he also said Legendarys here, but Silverspar said explicit Cosmics.
Personally for me i think, the real problem for a Cosmic would be the time, and keep
your concentration up for so long. I know i couldn't do that. 10-15 minutes maybe but
not over an hour or how long it may take to solo a Cosmic.
Really now - you make claims that you feel things should be a certain way, and can't believe that Silverspar can solo this or that.
As long as she's not talking pvp, I've seen firsthand what she's capable of on Silverspar, and yes she can solo plenty.
But let's take it up a notch
A soldier can solo quite a few legendary/cosmic level types - without having the "freedom" of a freeform. A soldier can even top the takofanes open mission or his deathlord, even against an army of freeforms.
It's not even bragging here, you're claiming the limitations are within your limited perspective when people are clearly pointing out things can be done beyond your expectations.
All I'm seeing is someone who's set in their opinion, that proof could be right in front of his/her eyes and he/she'd still be arguing a point already refuted.
Yes, that's just it, it's just reasonable, since you sacrifice having your full concept for effectiveness.
I'm still enamored with this game's character creation however, at least that part of it lets me realize partly a full concept, until it falls on its face with the powerset one is forced to take just to keep it survivable.
Nothing has been refuted or proven with respect to your point.
Yes certain legendaries can be soloed, i've soloed some, some legendaries are easier than some. Try soloing Gravitar.
I've already checked out the youtube videos as most have suggested, and it still goes to show , that you need a specific build, but as I have already ammended earlier in my statement, when I viewed SilverSpar's stats, that her Gear is the balancing factor that make such a feat possible.
You saying this or that doesn't prove anything.
And the soloing of that dino robot isn't a feat, specially when your max level and it is only level 36...
In this day and age of CO imo, the true legendary npc, starts with Gravitar, everyone else is all outdated.
This reminds me of a similar situation in PNP Champions after a player's character had been successfully mind controlled by a villain.
Player: My character's concept is that he is strong-willed. Puppet Master should not have been able to affect him with mind control!
GM: If Uberman's concept is that he is strong-willed, why did you not buy mental defense?
Player: My concept is strong-willed, not mental shields!
GM: You only bought him an 11 Ego! "Mental shields" is only one explanation for the Mental Defense power. Strong willed is another. Concept is not just deciding what your character is capable of, you have to think what the concept means in game mechanics and build for what you want.
Character concept is not just, "I am able to regenerate damage." You need to look at your concept, look at the game's mechanics, and build for what you want. The alternative to this is either to buff every power into a win button or nerf the opposition into even more of a laugh fest than it already is.
I been a long time leaving but I'm going to be a long time gone.
Willie Nelson
T.U.F.K.A.S. (the user formerly known as Scarlyng)
Wrong on the CO forums since November, 2008
I have solo'd grav - and she can be done by a soldier - if you don't see how that's feasible, you have far too little understanding of the game mechanics to be complaining. Actually, that should be pretty clear since for some reason you believe being equal or higher level to these legendary or cosmic bosses matter.
In Grav's current state, every soldier entering that instance is automatically given all the required powers to solo by default (3), 4 if you count the travel power. However, soldiers are much more vulnerable as they're very much glass cannons and a misstep can easily lead to being one-shot.
But yes, I've solo'd grav, and definitely not the only one. I think it's kinda sad that I feel it necessary to only take certain characters into the instance that I know can reliably solo her if necessary or risk a high chance of failure.
There is a really easy way to solo her, and then there's ayona's way, which is far more impressive and far less mind numbing since her grav tank setup was melee and fully capable of dealing with all her tools, including the yellow bubble of DOOM, whereas the whole point of the easy way is preventing her from using her tools at all.
If you're under the impression throwing any random combination of powers should perform at the same level - you're in denial. You might as well start saying stuff like a ford fiesta should perform at the same level as an F1 Race Car, or better yet, that a Prius should be as fast as a Lamborghini.
I would if it wasn't a shambles
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Yeah, there's no denying its downright horrid in its current state, was at least bearable pre-alert.
Was horrid all around, why I generally go to other games for my PvP fix
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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I have seen Silverspar take an orange Gravatar attack to the chin and not die.
Champions has so many variations of certain types of powers that concept building is an absolute joy.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I Happen to have a concept PA that took a Gravitar orange sphere and lived to tell!
Concept toons sometimes perform 100% better than PvP and PvE centered builds and besides,wheres the fun in making a toon for PvE or PvP only and forgetting about his/her story?
Consolidate currency!
Munitions additions
Petition to take in game report spam function out
Why not to do surveys and free offers
Indeed. I have found that concept toons tend to be less squishy than say the current BoTM pvp toons. I have both types of toon the concept ones can handle PvE better.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Well I did die on teleiosaurus just now, but that was due to my own negligence and not that she was impossible.
Note to self: Don't sit there and try to hold several conversations or see who the person was that just showed up, you tend to miss important tells. Though that might be also because the fights so booooring to. -.-
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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