- Prologue -
The black van stopped in front of the run-down warehouse. The passenger door opened and a man in a dark coat got out of the van slowly. He watched the surrounding buildings and the abandoned streets of the shady outskirts of Millenium City's Westside closely, then reached back into the van and pulled a large metal briefcase out and nodded to the driver. The driver was a young man wearing a simple looking, dark uniform and stared at the man anxiously. "Will you be okay, doctor?", the driver asked and stared the street up and down nervously. "Wilson... Please. I've been doing this since twelve years. I can handle this.", the man in the coat answered and adjusted the crimson-tinted shades he was wearing. Wilson gulped and watched the other man lighting a cigarette. "So you dont think it's a trap, doctor?" The man blew out a small cloud of smoke and stared at the warehouse for a moment. "Of course it's a trap. But I'm willing to take the risk if we are talking about THAT much money. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful. That's why I want you and your team ready all the time, got it?" Wilson nodded eagerly. "Of course, doctor. We'll be ready to bust the place up on your signal!" The man sighed, slicked his hair back, adjusted his tie and checked the result in the side mirror of the car before nodding to the driver again: "Let's hope that wont be necessary." He closed the car door, grabbed the briefcase and started walking towards the entrance of the warehouse, carefully avoiding the puddles on the street, while the van behind him drove down the road and disappeared around a corner.
Dr. Kaufmann pulled the fur collar of his coat up against the cold wind which blew over the courtyard of the warehouse. Normally he wouldn't have agreed to a job like this, but the company needed money badly after the recent changes in the fragile balance of power in Millenium City. Too many new supervillains had appeared recently, followed by just as many new superheros and old heros and villains had begun to step their game up. There was no way Dr. Kaufmann would let Kaufmann Inc., the company he had worked so hard to establish be left behind in terms of power and influence. If that meant doing things he wouldn't do normally, well so be it. He looked around again. Again, no sign of hero, villain or anyone actually. He sighed and finished his cigarette before looking at the door of the warehouse closer. Someone had rigged it up with a small electronic lock and a terminal with a numpad and an intercom was built into the wall next to the door. "15 million, here I go...", Kaufmann mumbled and typed the code he had received into the numpad. The intercom sprung to life and a mechanic voice blared out of it: "Good evening. What can we do for you?" Kaufmann raised an eyebrow, then whispered into the intercom: "The DEMON got bitten by the VIPER. Paging Dr. Destroyer. It's ARGENT." Behind his shades, Kaufmann rolled his eyes at the silly code, while the security system worked. A second later the voice blared at Kaufmann again: "Code correct. Voice identified: Dr. Pascal Hugo Kaufmann aka The Freeshooter. Welcome contestant 7." With that the warehouse door opened with a squeak. "Contestant 7, huh?", Kaufmann mumbled and entered the warehouse cautiously.
((A new story. The prologue is short, but I plan to continue with full chapters. Should you have feedback/critque (you should) just post them directly here.

For a second, Dr. Kaufmann expected to be shot at by some kind of turret or automated gun, but nothing happened, except that the door of the warehouse automatically closed behind him. He gritted his teeth and spend a few seconds ensuring that he could open it from the inside, just in case things got out of hand. Then he turned around and stared into the twilight before him. It was a corridor, leading further into the warehouse with all kinds of crates stacked on either side. Kaufmann squinted his eyes, but he couldn't see anything suspicious, so he slowly started to made his way through the corridor. His footsteps echoed slightly, which made him quite anxious, because it would be easier for someone to sneak up on him using the echoes as cover. Kaufmann stopped in his tracks. The echoes stopped too. Kaufmann shook his head annoyed.
"Kaufmann, stop making an idiot out of yourself. You're acting like you're on your first mission...", he thought angrily and straightened up, adjusted his tie and shades again and walked further into the warehouse.
A few seconds later he could hear voices coming from further inside. He stopped in his tracks again, but the only thing he could tell for sure was that it was a group of people. Kaufmann hesitated for a moment and pondered if he shouldn't just go back, then shook his head again. No, if it was a trap he'd just kill them. If it was no trap, well, all the better. He continued and checked the silenced guns he had hidden on the inside of his coat. Locked, loaded, ready. He would have ppreferred his sniper rifle, but that would have been silly in here, no matter his new skills. Kaufmann noticed a small light in the perpetual twilight. Apparently he was getting somewhere. The corridor had also led down a small slope for quite some time already, so Kaufmann guessed he was underground now, probably in one of the many cavities which once were the buildings of old Detroit. When Millenium City was built many of those cavities were simply ignored and the new, shiny buildings were just built on top of them. Kaufmann could see from where the light came very clearly now. A few feet further, the corridor ended into a large room. The light was not enough to make out anything in the room though. Kaufmann pondered for a moment, then he noticed something else. The voices had stopped. Kaufmann pulled one of the guns out of his coat. Apparently they - whoever they were - were expecting him. Kaufmann sneaked to the entrance of the room. He heard something. Someone was waiting right on the other side of the entrance, probably on the right side. Kaufmann waited if he could hear something else, but to no avail.
"Alright...", he thought, "...3,2,1!" He stepped into the room turned around immediately and pointed his gun at whoever was waiting behind the door.
"YOU!", Kaufmann yelled.
"YOU?", the woman yelled back.
Kaufmann gritted his teeth and pointed the gun straight at her face.
"Take that thing out of my face!", he snapped at the woman.
"Only if you take yours down first!", the woman said and pulled the string of her high-tech bow back even further. Kaufmann scoffed.
"Sure, so you can put an arrow in my skull? Do you think I'm stupid?", he said and gave the woman a - he hoped - dismissing look. The green eyes of the woman flashed with amusement.
"Do you really want an answer to that, doctor?" Kaufmann and the woman continued their stand-off for another few seconds, before a hoarse voice cut in, almost like the lungs and vocal cords were already rotting:
"YO! Devana! Doc! Stop it you two, alright! Chill out, at least for now!" Kaufmann still stared at the woman with contempt and Devana Hawke returned his glare equally.
"Come on, guys.", the other man said and stepped out of the shadows. Kaufmann slowly lowered his weapon and Devana did the same. Then Kaufmann risked a side glance at the newcomer.
"You too? What the hell is going on here?", he asked while glancing back at Devana who put her bow on her back reluctantly. The man sighed, which sounded like water rattled through his lungs.
"We have no idea, alright. We also just arrived. We were discussing what this was about, when we heard someone in the corridor.", Deadman Walkin' said and crossed his arms. Kaufmann looked at the zombie for a second, then scoffed.
"Who's we? You and the bi..."
"Watch what you say Kaufmann, or YOU will need a doctor!"
"Oh, yeah? Well how about it then? Here and now? Once and for all?"
"Oh, it'll be a pleasure to shut you up for good!"
"Try it, Hawkie!"
Kaufmann and Devana looked at Deadman Walkin' annoyed.
"...oh, come on, DW. Why dont you just let them? At least we would've had some entertainment!"
"Yeah, I had THE bet running here! Two cannisters of stolen Draysha on Kaufmann."
"You would've lost the bet, like you always do."
Kaufmann looked at the people stepping out of the shadows, then grimaced.
"Okay, someone has some serious explaining to do now."
Deadman Walkin' sighed again and sat down on a crate. Kaufmann looked around at the other people in the room. Something was definately going on, if all of the most dangerous mercenaries, hitmen and assassins of the world were in one place. Devana Hawke just walked past him, not without sending another glare in his direction. Deadman Walkin' pulled a piece of rotten flesh from his arm and started gnawing on it musing. Mechassassin and Steel Commando, both in full armor stood left of him and talked to each other quietly. The ex-MI6 agent Lethal leaned on a support pillar and grinned at him seductively and still half in the shadows, Kaufmann could see the trademark body armor of Hard Target. Deadman Walkin' stopped gnawing on the piece of flesh and looked up.
"Yeah, guys. The doctor is right, we..."
"The DOCTOR is never ri..."
"As I said: The doctor is right. We need some answers, now. Why would anyone want all of us in this place?"
Mechassassin shrugged , at least the shoulder pads of his armor twitched.
"Well, I'm here for the 15 million. I got an encrypted message about a 'special mission'..."
Steel Commando and Lethal agreed.
"Yeah, me too."
Deadman Walkin' gnawed on the flesh a bit more, then looked from one to the other.
"Yeah, right. I got one of those too, so I guess everyone of us did..."
Kaufmann laughed humorless and lit a cigarette, but didn't let anyone in the room out of his field of view while doing so, especcialy not Devana Hawke, who had sat down next to Deadman Walkin'. He didn't trust anyone of them. After all, this could still be some kind of trap.
"Well, I'm really glad we all have so much in common, but that still doesn't explain anything..."
Suddenly all weapons in the room were pointed at Kaufmann. He cursed and jumped to the side while dropping his briefcase and pulling two guns out of his coat.
"I knew it, you... Hey... Hey! I'm over here?"
Kaufmann had jumped to the side, but all of the other assassin's weapons were still pointed at the door in front of which he had just stood. A large man with gas mask, black kevlar vest and grey military pants was standing there.
The mercenary looked around. Kaufmann guessed that if his face was visible, it would've held a look of confusion.
"What are you all doing here?"
Kaufmann dusted himself off, stood up and put his weapons back, which everyone else also did after a few moments.
"I'd also like to know that. NOW."
Suddenly a voice echoed through several hidden speakers.
"And you will get your answers, ladies and gentlemen."
A hidden holographic projector sprung to life and a shadowed figure appeared. The hologram twitched a few times, before it was stable enough.
"Welcome... To the world's first Assassin Championship."
The Doctor on the PDB
Fahrenheit on the PDB
"Assassin... Championship?"
"Yes Howitzer. Is something wrong with the speakers?"
Kaufmann looked at the faces of the other mercenaries, but could read confusion on everyone. That either meant that this was a really elaborate trap or that this was for real. Kaufmann crossed his arms and turned back to the holographic projection. The figure was hooded and the bad quality of the transmitted image did the rest to hide the identity of whoever was speaking to them. Slowly the eight mercenaries lined up in front of the projection - Kaufmann noticed with grim satisfaction that Devana Hawke choose the other end of the line, as far away from himself as possible - and waited for the figure to continue.
"Anyway, ladies and gentlemen. The World's First Assassin Championship. You all have received an invitation to this revolutionary competition, because you are THE elite of mercenaries, hitmen and hired guns of the world..."
Kaufmann chuckled and gestured towards Devana.
"Why is she here then? Catering?"
Before Devana could shoot back a storm of insults - or an arrow - the figure continued unimpressed.
"Yes, doctor. Please let me continue. You are THE elite and that's why I - an influential person of great resources and renown - have taken an interest in every single one of you and your careers. And the thought that came to my mind: Who IS the greatest one of you all?"
Some of the mercs chuckled.
"Easy answer to that, baby."
"Obvious, isn't it?"
Kaufmann remained silent this time and pondered. It would be foolish to agree to something like this, even if this was for real. The profits would barely justify the dangers of this championship. The figure waited patiently until the boasting stopped, then continued just as unfazed.
"Yes, ladies and gentlemen, your eagerness is appreciated. Now I'm sure some of you ask themselves what else, apart from the prestigious title of World's Best Assassin is in for you: The answer is simple: Money, influence, money, contacts in high places, money, more high-paying contracts and... money. Lots of it. In fact, the promised 15 million are just the prize for winning the first round of this competition. Much more money awaits you if you manage to win the competition itself. Ah, I see I do have gotten you all interested."
All of the mercenaries were at least interested now and started to whisper to each other. Kaufmann leaned over to Hard Target who stood next to him.
"What do think about this?"
"Fishy. No trap."
"...Uh-huh... So... Are you going to..."
"Yes. Will win too. You should leave. Will kill you if necessary."
"Oh... Uhm... Well then, good luck I guess."
"Not necessary. Enough skill available."
Kaufmann raised an eyebrow and stopped this lively conversation by leaning back and focusing on the holograph again. Again the figure waited for silence before it held out its arms in a friendly gesture and continued.
"So, ladies and gentlemen... Who's in for the ride?"
"I am."
"Bet on it, baby!"
"Count me in."
"Hey, why not?"
The eyes of everyone in the room started to dart from Devana to Kaufmann and back who were both still pondering about it. Kaufmann risked a quick glance on the other end of the line where Devana was nervously playing with her bowstring while thinking about the offer, then she noticed his glance and locked her light green eyes with his brown ones for a short staredown, before both tore their eyes away almost simultaneously.
"I'm in!"
"I'm in!"
The figure laughed and puts its hands on its hips.
"Great! I'm glad you all accepted! Now the World's First Assassin Championship, from now on known as the WFAC can begin. Listen up, ladies and gentlemen, the rules:
Rule number 1: The WFAC is a very private competition, which means that telling anything about it to the authorities, be it MCPD, PRIMUS, UNTIL or any superhero will result in an immediate disqualification. You may give out information to your contacts, henchmen or associates in order to help you with the tasks at hand. They are also forbidden from telling anything to the authorities of course. Any other difficulties which arise from giving out information are your own problems to overcome. See them as additional challenges to compensate for your lack of discretion."
Kaufmann smiled slightly. Being able to use the resources of Kaufmann Inc. would put him way ahead of Howitzer, Mechassassin, Steel Commando, Hard Target, Deadman Walkin' and Devana. Kaufmann glanced at Lethal who noticed it and winked at him. He ignored it and focused on the holograph again. As far as he knew she was the only contestant except him who also had a network of agents and henchmen. Oh, well enough time to worry about that later.
"Rule number 2: Killing you contestants IS NOT ALLOWED and will get you disqualified immediately. At least not in the first rounds of the WFAC. In later rounds, this rule will be abolished."
After the announcement of this rule, a grim silence came over the room. Kaufmann could practically feel the tension, even if he expected that to come up sooner or later. He could also feel Devana's stare.
"Rule number 3: The tasks given to you during the WFAC have priority and must be carried out over anything else. This means that all your available equipment, training, skills, powers and abilities are allowed. No limitations."
Kaufmann gritted his teeth as he heard Deadman Walkin's chuckle.
"Do you all acknowledge and understand these rules?"
Everyone agreed and the figure laughed again happily.
"Great! Then let's start with task number one! This will be a simple assassination mission, but with a twist: You will be partnered in teams of two for this task."
Kaufmann and several other of the attendee's groaned in frustration. He was used to working alone and hated teaming up with anyone. This surely complicated things. Kaufmann sweared that if the figure would have a visible mouth, it would be grinning.
"The teams will be drawn by lot after the briefing. Every team will be assigned a specific target which they have to take out as fast as possible. After the target has been taken out, the team returns here and confirms the kill with a DNA sample at this console."
The figure pointed on a nearby pillar, where a hidden computer console extended from the stone.
"You have some time to gather information about your target and plan your strategy with your partner. The targets are free to terminate tomorrow at 3 PM. Well, then let's start with getting the teams together, shall we? Please step to the console and put in your name!"
While he lined up behind Deadman Walkin' and tried to ignore the smell, Kaufmann pondered over the information. This wasn't good. At all. But worrying about it now was no use. After Deadman Walkin' was done, he stepped to the console and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the bits of flesh Deadman Walkin' left on the keyboard away and put in his name. He was last in line, so he turned around and looked at the figure again who seemed not to have moved at all in the meantime.
"Great, ladies and gentlemen! Now the teams will be assigned randomly! Let's see..."
The monitor of the console showed two names in blue.
"Team blue: Mechassassin and Steel Commando!"
Kaufmann grimaced while Mechassassin and Steel Commando both laughed and started chatting. How fitting. Kaufmann knew they both had worked together already, mostly for ARGENT. The fact they had experience together made them a serious competition. Kaufmann looked at the monitor again, where the next team was announced.
"Team green: Deadman Walkin' and Lethal!"
Deadman Walkin' just shrugged and pulled a worm out of his chest, eyed it for a moment and ate it, while Lethal sighed and threw a longing glance at Howitzer's muscles. Lethal's contacts and Deadman Walkin's abilities were another strong competition. As soon as he had time, he'd need to devise a counter-strategy for both, probably starting with... Kaufmann looked up suddenly. He had been pondering and the figure already announced the next team.
"Team yellow: Hard Target and Howitzer!"
Kaufmann shrugged. As far as he could tell they were as competent as they were talkative which meant... WAIT!
"And that means team red is Dr. Kaufmann and Devana Hawke! Congratulations everyone!"
Kaufmann stared at the figure for a moment then threw a glance at Devana who had the same expression as he did: Somewhere between shock, disgust and disbelieval.
"Wait, wait, wait... You're kidding, right? I can?t work with that, that... that..."
He felt Devana's glare.
"I am sure as hell not working with that jerk! He's obnoxious, wimpy, arrogant, a control freak..."
The figure interrupted Kaufmann and Devana.
"So you two rather wish not to partake in the WFAC?"
Kaufmann gritted his teeth and threw an angry glance towards Devana who did the same, but both of them didn't say anything else.
The figure laughed.
"I thought so! I'm sure you will get along fine! Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, you will receive your first target now..."
Another secret compartment in the pillar opened, containing four color-coded envelopes.
"Within these envelopes you will find anything you need to know! Remember, the targets are free to terminate tomorrow 3 PM! The WFAC begins... NOW! I wish everyone the best luck! May the best team win!"
The Doctor on the PDB
Fahrenheit on the PDB