Removing travel powers in costly and time consuming since you have to remove every other power you got after it before you can remove the travel power. Please make it so there is an option to remove the travel power without messing with your other powers
The option is already there. It's called RetCon. And if you're not sure about your travel power... choose it last. If, when it's time to choose a new power, rank or advantage, you're still not sure about your travel power: undo it, choose your new power, and choose your travel power last again.
Always choose your TP last. If you're not sure about/ saving Q to buy new TPs, remove it and pick it last again every few levels so it's at the top and thus you can afford it when you hit the cap and have to make a final decision.
But yeah, pick and choose power removal would be nice.
There's also travel power unlocking, which falls outside the example of "you're not sure which TP you want, so keep re-picking it last." For example, prior to the 4th of July event, nobody had any reason to want to use Flag Speed because it didn't exist. So there you are, leveling up your guy like normal, and you've picked regular old Super Speed because it's there, and now you're level 22 and there's a new travel power. What sense does it make to have you unlock the power, then have to either retcon, pay a crapton of resources to undo everything up to your travel power (and then re-do it), or just wait for 35?
There's really no reason for travel powers to be locked into the stack of regular powers. They have no dependencies that would preclude them from being selected out of order. They should be separated in the same way that talents have been, since they, too, have nothing to do with power framework dependencies, which is the only real reason for the stack in the first place.
I was Dubsy on the Old Forums. I am still @Dubsy in-game. Also, lol.
The option is already there. It's called RetCon. And if you're not sure about your travel power... choose it last. If, when it's time to choose a new power, rank or advantage, you're still not sure about your travel power: undo it, choose your new power, and choose your travel power last again.
Always choose your TP last. If you're not sure about/ saving Q to buy new TPs, remove it and pick it last again every few levels so it's at the top and thus you can afford it when you hit the cap and have to make a final decision.
But yeah, pick and choose power removal would be nice.
Both of you are well aware that this is not how the system should function. Not everyone who changes their travel power is "uncertain" or "planning to change" stuff happens like new powers being added to the game or a decision later on that the power selected doesn't suit their hero properly or frustration with a power such as tunneling gets to them.
Both of you are well aware that this is not how the system should function. Not everyone who changes their travel power is "uncertain" or "planning to change" stuff happens like new powers being added to the game or a decision later on that the power selected doesn't suit their hero properly or frustration with a power such as tunneling gets to them.
People make mistakes, and learn from them.
We're offering them the opportinity to learn from OUR mistakes early.
Don't chastise us for trying to help, it's bad form
Another way would be just to don't rank up your primary TP before level 35, so its not
so expensive if you later want just to replace the 35 TP with another and rank that one
up to R3
It has been stated previously that the reason the retcon system is the way it is, is to actually discourage retcons.
The reasoning is, let's say you're reading wolverine #114, and everything is as expected. Then you go buy wolverine #115, the episode where wolverine is going to fight iron man.... and suddenly you notice that wolverine can fly...apparently the author thought the battle would be too one-sided with only iron man being able to fly, so he gave wolverine flight. Next episode he's going to be fighting the hulk, so in that episode he won't be able to fly anymore and will instead have super speed.
It seems the intent is that our characters aren't just a pile of powers, and that in a way as we were leveling we were playing out the story of our hero growing into their powers. Should this be optional? Who knows, but that's what it is.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
a TP is nothing more then a way to transport you from one place to the other, the way you do this defines your character.
the way it is now you're forced to use a godawful TP until you unlocked something better, but now you're forced to retcon your character because the system isn't flexible.
they need to make the TP something else, it should have it's own slot and you should be able to remove it at any time without even using a retcon.
i can understand a retcon when skills are completely changed or some skills are removed for balance reasons but a TP should not be locked behind a ton of non-sense, for how i see this situation it forces the player to pay way more then intended.
you don't only pay for a new TP, you also pay for a retcon which is way more expensive then the TP, this is just sad....
People make mistakes, and learn from them.
We're offering them the opportinity to learn from OUR mistakes early.
Don't chastise us for trying to help, it's bad form
Exactly. I've been in the same boat many times. I have a character who's essentially a clone of Julie Powers, created shortly after beta. I was constantly changing her travel power because nothing fit 100%. Teleport. Superspeed. Flight. After the first change, I started keeping her TP at the top of the list until Rainbow Flight came out.
When you unlock a travel power, your options are to retcon, make a new character, or wait for level 35. That's the way it is and the way it's meant to be. It WOULD be NICE if you could just select whichever powers you want to undo instead of having to remove the most recent additions first - just tickmark a box or two and hit undo - but that would undoubtedly get abused. The whole point of power selection is to choose the power which best suits your character - not choose "the best power", like the noobs who get bored with WoW & decide to crash CO try to play it. Someone stated earlier than the power defines the hero. Wrong. The hero defines the power. Make it your own. I never heard Superman complain when Green Lantern started surrounding himself with glowy energy when he flew. lol
Besides, there are so few uses for resources in the game anyway. And if you don't have enough, just RetCon & move on. They hand 'em out like candy around here as it is. Or play another character & transfer some funds.
This has been brought up before. Yes it would be nice to have TPs seperate from the rest of the powers. New TPs are always the big one here. Everyone is simply offering their way of dealing with this problem based on how it currently works and the suggestion of the OP, in my opinion, is still valid as well.
While this would be a nice addition, the grab alerts have already made it unnecessary to implement it for now. It should be added eventually, it just wouldn't make that big of a difference currently. I'll /sign it anyway because I like the idea, but we just don't need it right now.
One of the saddest moments in a new players experience: "I just bought a travel power from the c-store/q-store, how do I use it?... Oh, I have to pay to retcon too? :-("
Talk about turning an exciting impulse buy into feeling like you're getting scammed!
The TP suggestion has been around since launch, I doubt Cryptic will change it any time soon. At this point we should just ask them to put in a crystal clear disclaimer whenever you attempt to purchase a travel power that flashes all over the screen saying you ALSO NEED TO RETCON.
This is really only a new player issue, but it's one of those issues where communication needs to be clearer or the method of swapping TP's needs to be easier, otherwise the new player's experience with the game is tainted.
There is absolutely no reason why this should not be implemented. Anyone who says otherwise is simply looking to argue.
The argument that Devs want to avoid Retconning being common is utter crap. If I want to change from dull, dreary superspeed to the newly released, shiny, awesome superspeed skin that fits my character concept better, which is the case with most travel-power switches, by the way, then the 'retcon' argument doesn't hold water. It'd be more like the artist adding better effects to the Flash's superspeed visualization.
ok that is just plain rude, please play nice or just don't post.
Sorry for sticking my head in, but maybe you dont know that, "word to your mother," is just American slang for, "I agree with you." It doesn't mean anything bad.
Probably means that guy is older too, because no one uses it anymore...Well except him.
Yeah, I agree, something needs to be done with it. I pretty much stopped buying new travel powers because it became such a pain to have to keep retraining everyone to use em. And, yeah, I keep em up top. It still gets expensive to have to keep switching that out every time you get a new power. It's a shame that we have to dump resources into a character just to negate a deficiency in the system.
I'm just glad we got free retcons out of the power changes, because when they put out athletics and made me no longer look like tripping over a rock would make me slide across the ground for a quarter mile? I'd have been rather mad if I had to retcon all of my characters that used acro just to get a better animation.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
Problem solved.
But yeah, pick and choose power removal would be nice.
Wait? Whaaaa..?
There's really no reason for travel powers to be locked into the stack of regular powers. They have no dependencies that would preclude them from being selected out of order. They should be separated in the same way that talents have been, since they, too, have nothing to do with power framework dependencies, which is the only real reason for the stack in the first place.
I was Dubsy on the Old Forums. I am still @Dubsy in-game. Also, lol.
Both of you are well aware that this is not how the system should function. Not everyone who changes their travel power is "uncertain" or "planning to change" stuff happens like new powers being added to the game or a decision later on that the power selected doesn't suit their hero properly or frustration with a power such as tunneling gets to them.
We're offering them the opportinity to learn from OUR mistakes early.
Don't chastise us for trying to help, it's bad form
| ME | A "Guide" Book" | | I, have a "DREAM! | ( Member since Feb 2008 ) ... ?
so expensive if you later want just to replace the 35 TP with another and rank that one
up to R3
The reasoning is, let's say you're reading wolverine #114, and everything is as expected. Then you go buy wolverine #115, the episode where wolverine is going to fight iron man.... and suddenly you notice that wolverine can fly...apparently the author thought the battle would be too one-sided with only iron man being able to fly, so he gave wolverine flight. Next episode he's going to be fighting the hulk, so in that episode he won't be able to fly anymore and will instead have super speed.
It seems the intent is that our characters aren't just a pile of powers, and that in a way as we were leveling we were playing out the story of our hero growing into their powers. Should this be optional? Who knows, but that's what it is.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
the way it is now you're forced to use a godawful TP until you unlocked something better, but now you're forced to retcon your character because the system isn't flexible.
they need to make the TP something else, it should have it's own slot and you should be able to remove it at any time without even using a retcon.
i can understand a retcon when skills are completely changed or some skills are removed for balance reasons but a TP should not be locked behind a ton of non-sense, for how i see this situation it forces the player to pay way more then intended.
you don't only pay for a new TP, you also pay for a retcon which is way more expensive then the TP, this is just sad....
a damage power is nothing more than a way to damage enemies. a healing power is nothing more than a way to heal yourself and your allies.
all powers are powers, wether it be the power to run really fast or shoot lightning.
The travel power powerset is just another powerset.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Exactly. I've been in the same boat many times. I have a character who's essentially a clone of Julie Powers, created shortly after beta. I was constantly changing her travel power because nothing fit 100%. Teleport. Superspeed. Flight. After the first change, I started keeping her TP at the top of the list until Rainbow Flight came out.
When you unlock a travel power, your options are to retcon, make a new character, or wait for level 35. That's the way it is and the way it's meant to be. It WOULD be NICE if you could just select whichever powers you want to undo instead of having to remove the most recent additions first - just tickmark a box or two and hit undo - but that would undoubtedly get abused. The whole point of power selection is to choose the power which best suits your character - not choose "the best power", like the noobs who get bored with WoW & decide to crash CO try to play it. Someone stated earlier than the power defines the hero. Wrong. The hero defines the power. Make it your own. I never heard Superman complain when Green Lantern started surrounding himself with glowy energy when he flew. lol
Besides, there are so few uses for resources in the game anyway. And if you don't have enough, just RetCon & move on. They hand 'em out like candy around here as it is. Or play another character & transfer some funds.
My Characters on PRIMUS
Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
[SIGPIC]Too late![/SIGPIC]
Talk about turning an exciting impulse buy into feeling like you're getting scammed!
The TP suggestion has been around since launch, I doubt Cryptic will change it any time soon. At this point we should just ask them to put in a crystal clear disclaimer whenever you attempt to purchase a travel power that flashes all over the screen saying you ALSO NEED TO RETCON.
This is really only a new player issue, but it's one of those issues where communication needs to be clearer or the method of swapping TP's needs to be easier, otherwise the new player's experience with the game is tainted.
The argument that Devs want to avoid Retconning being common is utter crap. If I want to change from dull, dreary superspeed to the newly released, shiny, awesome superspeed skin that fits my character concept better, which is the case with most travel-power switches, by the way, then the 'retcon' argument doesn't hold water. It'd be more like the artist adding better effects to the Flash's superspeed visualization.
@Maekada in-game
Formerly MaekadaFolay on the forums.
To your mother, even.
Wait? Whaaaa..?
no it doesn't, so it should not be seen as any other power.
ok that is just plain rude, please play nice or just don't post.
Sorry for sticking my head in, but maybe you dont know that, "word to your mother," is just American slang for, "I agree with you." It doesn't mean anything bad.
Probably means that guy is older too, because no one uses it anymore...Well except him.
Yeah, I agree, something needs to be done with it. I pretty much stopped buying new travel powers because it became such a pain to have to keep retraining everyone to use em. And, yeah, I keep em up top. It still gets expensive to have to keep switching that out every time you get a new power. It's a shame that we have to dump resources into a character just to negate a deficiency in the system.
I'm just glad we got free retcons out of the power changes, because when they put out athletics and made me no longer look like tripping over a rock would make me slide across the ground for a quarter mile? I'd have been rather mad if I had to retcon all of my characters that used acro just to get a better animation.
RIP Caine