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Issues with reserved names not working?

florghhhflorghhh Posts: 52 Arc User
edited September 2012 in Champions Online Discussion
So hi, first to avoid any questions like "why does this matter, you already merged now, you can't change even if you do find out" i'm using a second account, because i had faith that somehow, somewhere along the line there would be a massive screw up

So, a while back, Cryptic had reserved names in their database that were vacant. Finally i decided to try and merge account.

I find, that their claim that in the FAQ, i would get access to the reserved info for my own name, i have yet to find this, and sincerely believe it to be bugged or non-existant.

for this account, before this merge issue, the name was Florgh for everything, very simple and easy to understand.

This account has never been used for playing STO (I mention this because i believe there is relevance)

Anyway, after several attempts on my main account to merge, every single time it tells me my own name is taken and suggests i add a 1 next to my name, i decide to cancel for another time, and now it wants a 2, it seems just attempting to take your name makes a ghost of it not to be taken anymore, without even entering the data attempt.

i even try to take my name florgh on my main, and it's taken, so finally, being curious i log into this one to try and it looked like it was working, the red box outline finally stopped appearing, implying i could take my name, but then it claims again the name is taken, which is nonsense because it is NOT taken.

I suspect that somehow, when cryptic reserved all these names it inadvertantly locked users out of re-using their own name on a new account.

Also, it seems if you played CO and STO, it reserves the name twice, which is odd since it should still be the same account, meaning if i also played on STO with florgh, if i wanted to just add a 1 to the end, it would also be taken and result in being florgh2. it's silly

Honestly, after Cryptic's blunder about resetting peoples passwords if their account was around since beta, becaus they learnt of a security breach which did not go anywhere, resulting in people with out of date email address being locked out of their own account, i'd rather not have anyone do anything of this nature for me, if i was one of those people affected, i'd rather be warned to change my own password, and do it in my own time rather than a mass of passwords changed to flood the server and crash it for a while, same as i'd rather not have my name reserved, since it's easier for me to make it myself if it doesn't get taken by the reserver.

At least, that is how it seems like the reserve system is acting up. I don't think i made a mistake in trying to get my name back, seeing multiple forum people with a 1 after their name suggests to me it's not just me, or something is very vague on how to get it.

If anyone does have their name back from this reserve thing though and knows how to fix it i'd very much like to know.

Also, it annoys me to no end how our names can't start with a capital. My name should be Florghhh, not florghhh.
Post edited by florghhh on


  • liphook2liphook2 Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Yep, I had same problem.. they said names had been reserved, but when I went to link PWE account, I had to create a new username and display name.

    I emailed support and got a reply saying create a new account name for pwe then link to cryptic account.


    customise: avatar or signature
    (thanks to r9xchaos for the tip!)

    >Profile options editor< (including timezones, posts-per-page, etc.) - thanks to jonsills
  • florghhhflorghhh Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    liphook2 wrote: »
    Yep, I had same problem.. they said names had been reserved, but when I went to link PWE account, I had to create a new username and display name.

    I emailed support and got a reply saying create a new account name for pwe then link to cryptic account.

    I see... thanks, but sadly... even when i try on PWE to make an account first, then link it. it is taken, yet searching on their database gives no results of it being taken, and ye cryptics FAQ says to log in via cryptic first and follow their link flow process... =\
  • fosagfosag Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I read something about it only working if you made a new account using a link in the faq they posted.
    Of course the faq doesn't have a link for CO.
  • zebellezebelle Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    fosag wrote: »
    I read something about it only working if you made a new account using a link in the faq they posted.
    Of course the faq doesn't have a link for CO.

    i used one of the links they provided, and was still unable to keep either my account or display name.

    personally, i think there's a glitch or something that's preventing people from accessing their reserved names. it's either that, or there's a whole lot of people with pwe accounts that just happened to use the same names at one point or another.


    60% of the time, it works every time...since August 2009.
  • bdragon4cobdragon4co Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    zebelle wrote: »
    it's either that, or there's a whole lot of people with pwe accounts that just happened to use the same names at one point or another.

    That's what I assumed happened with mine. Given that PWE has about 10 games now, I figured that my name would be reserved except that someone else is already using it.
  • notsleestacknotsleestack Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I used the account linking path they provided, created an account with my old name, and got sent the activation email. When I tried to activate my account I got an error message saying the activation failed. So I tried again...and now my old name is unavailable. I contacted their support and was told to log into the account that I created with my old name. but I CAN'T LOG INTO THAT ACCOUNT, BECAUSE THE ACTIVATION FAILED!! And my old name is "taken"...by the account I tried to set up and PWE's INCREDIBLY CRAPPY account linking system messed up.

    Let's hear it for our (im)Perfect World overlords, who apparently desire conformity more than profits. Because I'm seriously considering dropping this game and going back to the City, where I'll at least have content with an actual story, rather than the disjointed (at best) random encounters that pass for content here.
    I used to be sleestack but now, due to PWE's screwed-up account linking system, I'm notsleestack. Yay!
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 980 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It's more of a 'your CO/STO board name was already taken' more than anything else I'd think. PW has been around for years and has millions upon millions of users. If your name is anything remotely common, it was already gone.
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  • florghhhflorghhh Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    bdragon4co wrote: »
    That's what I assumed happened with mine. Given that PWE has about 10 games now, I figured that my name would be reserved except that someone else is already using it.

    Yeah, except the thing is, no where in the PWE search does it show anyone with the name i had, so it's gotta be a reserve issue this is all just extremely frustrating :(
  • inhibbittor42inhibbittor42 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Same problem for me. I followed the link in the FAQ, although with no champions link I used the Star Trek one. It let me keep my account name, but said my display name was taken.

    I suppose there is a posibility that it was already taken, although I haven't had this issue anywhere else I have used it and can't find it in the PWE search. I suspect there some sort of issue with the reservations.
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It's bull****, don't bother wasting your time trying to figure it out, just try it and maybe you'll get lucky. There's no rhyme or reason to this crap. Just give up your forum name and be prepared to change your account name just in case (I know I had to for some reason).
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,318 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Actually, it's quite possible your favorite name was taken, given the sheer number of people in the PW database. I did get to keep this name, for instance (although I had to use some leetspeak to get a similar account name), but on my secondary account, since the name was derived from a popular song, it was, as I expected, unavailable, in every sensible variation; what surprised me was when I tried to go to my usual backup, which is my initials and area code - and that one was in use as well! :smile: Fortunately, I found a name derived from another song by the same band, and was able to use that one...

    Just remember, the account name has to be different from the display name, and you can use numbers and letters, just no other characters. Not as restrictive as some criteria I've known, really...
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • florghhhflorghhh Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    Actually, it's quite possible your favorite name was taken, given the sheer number of people in the PW database. I did get to keep this name, for instance (although I had to use some leetspeak to get a similar account name), but on my secondary account, since the name was derived from a popular song, it was, as I expected, unavailable, in every sensible variation; what surprised me was when I tried to go to my usual backup, which is my initials and area code - and that one was in use as well! :smile: Fortunately, I found a name derived from another song by the same band, and was able to use that one...

    Just remember, the account name has to be different from the display name, and you can use numbers and letters, just no other characters. Not as restrictive as some criteria I've known, really...

    Except the thing is. Every name i had which i used as an account name, is mystically taken, and there's no sign of it in their own search database, so no sign of it actually being taken other than being stick in reservation limbo denying me from taking back my own name when it was reserved specifically for me.

    Why do i get the feeling that when cryptic reserved our names, they also assigned the reserved names randomly across the entire database?

    like someone can be called jade, and someone is carl, and another if larry and a bob. their names get reserved successfully, but instead of reserved the name specificalyl for them, jade gets assigned bob, bob gets assigned larry, larry gets assigned bob, and carl was the only one lucky to get sent his name correctly?

    I don't get why they banned capital letters in names? i know that PW inc is a chinese company and doesn't want western culture in their own national games but is that any reason to forbid punctuation?
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    Actually, it's quite possible your favorite name was taken, given the sheer number of people in the PW database. I did get to keep this name, for instance (although I had to use some leetspeak to get a similar account name), but on my secondary account, since the name was derived from a popular song, it was, as I expected, unavailable, in every sensible variation; what surprised me was when I tried to go to my usual backup, which is my initials and area code - and that one was in use as well! :smile: Fortunately, I found a name derived from another song by the same band, and was able to use that one...

    Just remember, the account name has to be different from the display name, and you can use numbers and letters, just no other characters. Not as restrictive as some criteria I've known, really...

    Right, and that's exactly why it's bull****.

    There is no Pion in their system except for one that was created a month before mine and has literally no activity in any system of PWEs.

    There is no account in existence that has my initials except one that was linked to my email address that when I attempted to log in with or retrieve the password for it said it didn't exist.

    Others have managed to get their names or some variation because it was reserved for them.

    Yet others managed to get their names because it was not.

    There is literally no consistency beyond blind luck and no matter what rationalization you can make for the reasons your alternate names were/were not taken, it doesn't apply to all/most/some of the others involved.

    And that is bull****.

    But I'm glad you got yours tho, and I mean that. It sucks having your identity taken away, and your account name forcibly changed by a company you never agreed to do business with.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,619 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    My original name was taken by some random two weeks before we heard about the Cryptic/PWE merger, who did a couple things only to leave and become inactive to this day.
  • hidingcathidingcat Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    I believe there was a glitch - I contacted tech support and they've managed to make it work for me (hence my delay in replying). It did take a week or two though.

    The best way to find out if your display name has been taken is to go search for it on CORE, the PWE social network thingy.
  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,074 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    *just points at his signature* :mad:
  • neuraldamageneuraldamage Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    hidingcat wrote: »
    The best way to find out if your display name has been taken is to go search for it on CORE, the PWE social network thingy.

    LOL. My old name was taken by a player who's "Last Achievement" was in 2009. Strangely there is a guild with the same name who's last member joined in 2010.

    Damn I wish I'd tried for the name "thissucksmuchly"... but its probably already taken. :(

    People are broken. - Lum the Mad
  • hidingcathidingcat Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    *just points at his signature* :mad:

    Did you contact tech support? Because they were fairly helpful, if a little slow.
  • rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,074 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    hidingcat wrote: »
    Did you contact tech support? Because they were fairly helpful, if a little slow.

    Yes. They mailed me an automatical answer that had nothing to do with my problem and called it a day. :rolleyes:
    Response Via Email (PennDragon) 07/05/2012 03:43 PM

    In order to link your existing Cryptic account to a Perfect World account with the same @Handle, please follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to the Star Trek Online website (http://sto.perfectworld.com/)
    2. Click on "Register/Login" in the upper right corner of the screen
    3. Click on "Are you a Cryptic user?" above the User Name and Password fields
    4. You'll be directed to a different login page. Highlight the "Cryptic" radio button
    5. Enter your Cryptic User Name and password
    6. When asked f you have a Perfect World account already, click "No" and you will be taken through the steps to create one

    Thank you so much for your patience, and we look forward to seeing you back in the game!

    Customer Support
    Cryptic Studios / Perfect World Entertainment
    Customer By Email 07/04/2012 02:55 AM
    Game: Champions Online
    Category: Account & Billing Services
    Cryptic Account: RokuroCarisu

    Summary: You reserved my account name, but I can't take it.
    Many people have this probelm these days:

    I cannot create a Perfect World account from my Cryptic account because "my handle is taken". But the only @rokurocarisu there is amongst the PW accounts is the one you reserved for me!
    Would you please do something so I can get my reserved account.

    I could create a PW account there, but it still didn't let me take my reserved name. Whoever wrote this, man or more likely machine, ignored my question and treated it as a general problem with the accont creation!
  • angelofcaineangelofcaine Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    PW has the ability to "unlink" accounts from Cryptic.
    Have you tried asking them to track down your "reserved" name, then asking them to unlink/link the correct one?:confused:
    I've seen it done, it's possible, and can't hurt to ask :redface:
    | ME | A "Guide" Book" | | I, have a "DREAM! | ( Member since Feb 2008 ) ... ?
    Were there any specific reason for that personal attack other than that your opinion differs from mine?
  • hidingcathidingcat Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    PW has the ability to "unlink" accounts from Cryptic.
    Have you tried asking them to track down your "reserved" name, then asking them to unlink/link the correct one?:confused:
    I've seen it done, it's possible, and can't hurt to ask :redface:

    Yes, please ask them. I basically replied to them again saying that this display name is definitely not taken, and they eventually followed up on it. Like I said, takes a bit of time.
  • mersenneprimemersenneprime Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    hidingcat wrote: »
    Yes, please ask them. I basically replied to them again saying that this display name is definitely not taken, and they eventually followed up on it. Like I said, takes a bit of time.
    How do you know if the display name is taken or not?

    In the game, I'm @Knickknacks.
  • hidingcathidingcat Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    How do you know if the display name is taken or not?
    As mentioned, I used CORE to search for displaynames.
  • foradainprimeforadainprime Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    hidingcat wrote: »

    I believe there was a glitch - I contacted tech support and they've managed to make it work for me (hence my delay in replying). It did take a week or two though.

    The best way to find out if your display name has been taken is to go search for it on CORE, the PWE social network thingy.

    How did you contact tech support?
  • foradainprimeforadainprime Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    hidingcat wrote: »
    As mentioned, I used CORE to search for displaynames.

    And what is CORE and how do you use it to search for displaynames?
  • angelofcaineangelofcaine Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    And what is CORE and how do you use it to search for displaynames?
    If you click on ANY "avatar" it will take you to a page where you can search for people's displaynames :wink:
    | ME | A "Guide" Book" | | I, have a "DREAM! | ( Member since Feb 2008 ) ... ?
    Were there any specific reason for that personal attack other than that your opinion differs from mine?
  • foradainprimeforadainprime Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    If you click on ANY "avatar" it will take you to a page where you can search for people's displaynames :wink:

    So I go there (or at the bottom of the "Community" tab above, I found), enter "Foradain", and I find out that there is no other Foradain at this time. Thanks, Angelofcaine.

    Now how do I contact tech support to tell them to give me my name back? The Help button next to that search window leads to a 404 error page, and the Submit a Ticket page seems to require a product name that must be taken from a pull-down list that doesn't pull down.

    NM, found a post on the PWE forums that pointed to a post http://techsupport.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=2131 with an email address ^_^. Now to try persistence and patience.
  • foradainforadain Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Many thanks to Angelofcaine and Hidingcat. As you may note, I have dropped the "prime" ^_^. I've also noted that the login window is now remembering the correct name (because my account names now match!).

    Rokurocaris, it is your turn. Reclaim your U!

    After I received notice that my accounts were unlinked (it only took three emails), I changed the email associated with the PWE account, then logged out and logged back in with my Cryptic ID, following the links to create a new PWE account. This time my ID and display name were not red bordered, and I created and link the account!

    Now to decide what I shall do with the Prime account...:biggrin:
    Keep your powder dry.
  • corruptsoljaacorruptsoljaa Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    i dont know what u guys are talking about lol sorry but prob prob im having now its putting a 1 after my account name so i guess i dont have my chars i worked hard on i had chars that look just like duke nukem and spawn and so on like WTF
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Posts: 4,504 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    i dont know what u guys are talking about lol sorry but prob prob im having now its putting a 1 after my account name so i guess i dont have my chars i worked hard on i had chars that look just like duke nukem and spawn and so on like WTF

    There is simply so much wrong with this. That I just don't even know where to start.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    So the problem is you putting 1 in your account name? Or someone else put 1 in your account name?

    And i see the another problems, but i think Cryptic now has staff to take care of those. And raising that matter here, would be derailing this thread into a trip to place noone dares to enter willingly.
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