everytime i think of a champion idea i leave my current champ and build another, i want to stick to want champ but i cant, either because they powers i chose are to weak or my champ concept is not what i have imagined
i have tried range, melee, tank, and a healer champ, but it never sticks with me
it seems range sticks with me the longest, so what is a strong range powerset, is it archery? i havnt tried that powerset yet
it seems range sticks with me the longest, so what is a strong range powerset, is it archery? i havnt tried that powerset yet
No. Archery's some weird... Controller/Utility/Tank thing that does comparatively bad damage. If you're talking 'strong' in the sense of not dying, it's pretty solid, but if you're looking for damage, try something else.
I'd suggest looking at fire, electricity, or infernal. Fire can completely ruin enemies in a tight ring formation, while Electricity does a pretty good job of mopping up enemies in general and has extreme single-target damage in the right situation. Infernal just never runs out of energy and does a great job of both killing things quickly over time and keeping them locked down.
Electricity. Does high damage, looks cool, has cool (for me) sound effect. Fire and Toxic is also good, but don't like sound effects so much. Plus toxic looks like you eat to much tacos
So electricity. Take Lightning Arc and Lightning Storm (plus other powers to keep you alive and fuel you Arc/Storm) and zap everything that moves, fast.
Well, if the problem is getting bored fast, no powerset can help you
If you want to kill mobs by sneezing on them, yeah, fire/electricity/infernal is what you want
And yes, keep away from Archery, it's worse than Might, worse than Celestial, in fact it's worse than everything, I'd rather [insert Angry Video Game Nerd curses here]. It's THAT bad
Telekinetic has some nice ranged attacks. TK burst, TK assault and TK lance can be really good fun in the open world or on normal setting. The only flaw with this set up is no maintained mob slayer so it's harder work on elite. Supplementing this with a nasty pet or two, Ego Blade frenzy or Skarns Bane should work if you really wanna go elite all the way.
Ego form, Mental Discipline, crit building and 5 x stacks of ego leech have enabled me to one shot master villains on occasions with TK Lance and that always makes me smile. TK Burst in normal or open world will kill 5 x smaller baddies at once on full power.
The one who can't shut up formerly known as 4rksakes
About the @handle - it's a long story.
Profound quote.. "I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing."
Electricity is great. It has Gigabolt, Lightning Arc, and Lightning Storm.
Gigabolt is a massively damaging power that can cost alot. It can also be spammed without charging it.
Lightning Arc is a long-range single-target Maintain attack that does good damage; and can even take the Crippling Challenge Advantage if you are going to be a tank.
Lightning Storm is an awesome aoe attack.
Electric Form buffs Electric, Sonic, and Particle damage so it opens up some interesting possibilities.
With any DPS, dont forget to grab a self-heal, like Bionic Shielding from Gadgets or Support Drones.
Toxic is awesome. Take Regeneration, Devour Essence for melee range, Epidemic for crowds, Supernatural Power for energy return, and Rebirth to come back from dying.
Munitions is also great for ranged combat. Assualt Rifle has great single-target damage, but Plasma Beam Rifle is better. Submachine Gun Burst is a great aoe. Gatling Gun is awesome. Killer Instinct is Munitions Energy Return and it works off of Crits and Dex.
IMHO the posts above are good advice. For raw damage, I like electricity and for damage plus survivability, I like infernal. My experience with fire is limited but if it is anything like electricity it will be good too.
I'm finding Elec can do ridiculous damage with little to no set up.
But the truth is, even the "weakest" powerset can do enough damage to get you through the content. IMHO, the game content is pretty easy, so unlike some other MMOs, you don't need to play the "best" powerset to be successful, you just have to have a "well-built" powerset from something you enjoy.
If you want things dead, you can't go wrong with Infernal or Electricity.
Electricity, with Lightning Arc/Lightning Storm and Ball Lightning/Triplicity has intense damage output while having a steady stream of energy. Depends on what situation you're in - Single target, drop the Ball and lean on Lightning Arc until the button breaks. If it's a mob group, use Lightning Storm instead. Gigabolt is almost entirely superfluous, but it can provide some crazy burst damage if you need it.
Infernal can operate much the same way with Devour Essence and Epidemic (with Supernatural Power). However, that's a bit more 'close in' then some people may be comfortable with, as are a lot of it's powers (beyond Defile, which hits like a truck).
Fire is also good for raw numbers, but it tends to be a bit less efficient on single targets (due to an almost complete lack of buttons that even have a single target tag, and the ones it DOES have aren't as good). You can of course fix that by picking up Defile from Infernal later (they're all Elemental damage, and thus share most passive-based damage buffs).
Power Armor isn't that bad, but it's very hard for most people to get into. Darkness can also do some incredible damage potential and is easily sustainable. It trades a bit of damage for 'safety' though.
I have to agree with most of the above, with one addition...
Infernal Supernatural - Devour Essence, Defile, and Epidemic will make you happy. Supernatural Power will keep your abilities running, and with Pestilence as your slotted passive, you will be a death machine.
I liked my wind character. Hurricane is the base of this, and Wind Reverb does a good job of keeping energy coming in. I really didn't stray a lot beyond Hurricane, but there's some great DPS there.
Fire does great DPS - when they say Conflagration melts opponents, they're speaking almost literally.
I just 40'ed* an elec character, based on Lightning Arc and Lightning Storm. Ridiculously high DPS. (I also like Sparkstorm with that, but I've been a big fan of toggles... which the adv makes Sparkstorm.)
Right now, my main toon is a Munitions toon. Assault Rifle, Gatling Gun, and Rocket are making it work nicely. I'm using Lead Tempest if they get close. Quarry is a good slotted for that (add the adv for getting life back for a nice little boost) and Killer Instinct gets great energy returns - but it works on crits, so you need to base a Muni toon on Dex (or at least my Muni type toon.) Imbue probably won't suck either, although I don't use it - just start shooting and tell the innocent bystanders to duck!
Good luck! If you do decide what set you want to go with, please let us know if you need help with a build!
*Hey, did I just coin a phrase? I'm a etymologizer! WOOT!!! :rolleyes:
Grind. Grind never changes.
If you're playing CO and reporting any bugs, you're STILL an unpaid QA technician.
"Because we're not satisfied until you're not satisfied" - message from PW customer service.
Probably, the highest dps is power armor, because you can have 3 attacks going on at once if built right. But it's actually fairly hard to make it work, and it's kind of slow early on. Honestly, I could never get it to work well until I caved and just copied a Pulsewave build (his builds are awesome and actually well tested and optimized).
Or maybe it's because the first character I leveled to 40 was infernal. Infernal spoils you. It's not the absolute highest dps, although it is pretty good (especially in long fights where the poison dots can really make a difference). But it's just fricking the easiest. If you stay in set, supernatural power will keep you fueled FOREVER, easily. It also has a great PBAOE in epidemic, a great 100 foot single target attack in defile, and a good cone in venomous breath. And if you're soloing or you get boss aggro, you can live off of the healing from Devour Essence unless it's Gravitar, in which case fuhgedaboudit. DE is astonishingly good; even as a ranged infernal, you'll make it easier for yourself if you get it as soon as possible. You can supplement it with fire snake to debuff targets. Really, the biggest downer to infernal is the sound and look of the powers =P
So, yeah. Different ways to spec the different powersets makes them fluctuate a lot, so in terms of actual strength, they're fairly close together. But in terms of ease of play, definitely the easiest is infernal, and probably highest overall dps is power armor.
I'd have to say that the worst is force. The powers don't do that much damage except for force cascade, and fc costs so much energy it takes some quirky builds to make it useable more than a couple of times per fight (plus, everyone will hate you if you're using knockback powers in alerts, and that's all force has).
Infernal is one of the easiest "really good" sets. Make Con one of your Super Stats. Devour Essence will keep you alive whether or not you take Regeneration. Resurgence is good emergency heal and Rebirth is a self-rez. If you want to max your dps take Pestilence or Fire or Ice Form. Toxic is considered Elemental damage. Taking Dex and Rec for your other Super Stats will put you into a deadly build that can survive some trouble.
Electric and Power Armor can be more challenging to create a good build.
I found fire lackluster, I actually took chernobyl to an at to get the hell away from it. Great at mopping up trash, a damn machine at it really. But, well, anyone can mop up trash. It's pretty awful at hurting a single target.
Electricity hits like a truck. Ranged TK takes some setup, but I've seen numbers come out of that set that I didn't even think possible. Those 2 have my vote. But, if you're ok with not hitting like the fist of an angry god, archery is probably the most fun ranged set, for my money. The versatility is engaging, you've got a bit of everything at your disposal.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
I found fire lackluster, I actually took chernobyl to an at to get the hell away from it. Great at mopping up trash, a damn machine at it really. But, well, anyone can mop up trash. It's pretty awful at hurting a single target.
Lolwat. There are not many ranged attacks in the game that can hope to outDPS Conflagration, single target or otherwise.
Lolwat. There are not many ranged attacks in the game that can hope to outDPS Conflagration, single target or otherwise.
Yeah .. key here is simple the strong Debuff from Fireball and maybe also Firesnake, but
Fireball with Adv. alone is enough already to turn Conflag into a strong single target attack.
Electric and Power Armor can be more challenging to create a good build.
I call bunk on Electric being 'challenging' to create a 'good' build for.
You only need 4 powers to get maximum 'base' effectiveness out of the set - Lightning Arc, Lightning Storm (or Gigabolt), Ball Lightning (preferably with Triplicity), and Ionic Reverbation.
Proceed to throw buffs at the situation until you're doing about as much damage as you want. Going primary DEX, exceptional END/EGO also provides a significant damage base to work from (as your two main damage powers benefit from high critical hit/severity). If you want something more survivable, drop EGO for CON (you lose out on trivial damage).
Early on until you can get Lightning Storm (or Gigabolt), you can rely entirely on Thunderstrike for AoE (even with it's cooldown, it will one-shot most minions or put them low enough that a few stray Arcs from LA will kill it while you focus on the 'bigger' problem that's already reeling).
If you need 'filler' later on to get to Lightning Storm, you can pick up Electric Sheathe (with the advantage, it becomes a very useful holdbreak/defensive cooldown as well). If you also get Electric Form, that gives you the 5 you need to unlock Tier 3 (EB, LA, Sheathe, Ionic Reverb, Electric Form) while not giving you any bloat or wasted powers at all.
Fill with other things to taste. If you don't want Electric Form (say, going for something more defensive), you can take Electrocute (for the -Resist debuff) or Electric Shield (provided you don't want a better block). Thunderstrike and Sparkstorm (especially with the advantage that makes it a toggle that you can use other powers during) are also not bad choices for 'filler'.
No challenge involved. Power Armor, however, can legitimately get tricky.
Only "challenge" is energy managment, especially if you don't use electric form you also
would need quite some REC.
Else you could also throw in Hurricane with Perfect Storm if you want an Epidemic-like AoE
for groups where you can't hit all with Lightning Storm :cool:
Only "challenge" is energy managment, especially if you don't use electric form you also
would need quite some REC.
Else you could also throw in Hurricane with Perfect Storm if you want an Epidemic-like AoE
for groups where you can't hit all with Lightning Storm :cool:
:P My main is DEX/end/ego with no REC to speak of and only Ionic Reverbation and Ball Lightning to keep my energy up. Seriously - Ionic Reverbation + Ball Lightning/Triplicity = Unending stream of energy attached to a one-tap power that does some alright damage. Moreso if you're actively attacking the target as well (bonus, Lightning Arc gets a damage bonus if your target has Negative Ions... which BL applies like crazy).
It's way more then enough, I assure you (Note: Don't have Concentration either - not sure what I want to give up for it at this point, and I'm not exactly in any rush).
And my passive is Invulnerability (running Hybrid role).
EDIT: My Tempest puts her energy output to shame, though. Electric Form OP.
Only "challenge" is energy managment, especially if you don't use electric form you also
would need quite some REC.
Else you could also throw in Hurricane with Perfect Storm if you want an Epidemic-like AoE
for groups where you can't hit all with Lightning Storm :cool:
Go Int or End primary and you can avoid Rec (the End-to-equilibrium talents).
:P My main is DEX/end/ego with no REC to speak of and only Ionic Reverbation and Ball Lightning to keep my energy up. Seriously - Ionic Reverbation + Ball Lightning/Triplicity = Unending stream of energy attached to a one-tap power that does some alright damage. Moreso if you're actively attacking the target as well (bonus, Lightning Arc gets a damage bonus if your target has Negative Ions... which BL applies like crazy).
It's way more then enough, I assure you (Note: Don't have Concentration either - not sure what I want to give up for it at this point, and I'm not exactly in any rush).
And my passive is Invulnerability (running Hybrid role).
EDIT: My Tempest puts her energy output to shame, though. Electric Form OP.
I'm DEX / CON / END with Invuln .. but when i level a Build like that with Heirloom Gear,
i first have to use my Energy Builder a while to cast Lightning Ball, since with Flight, Drones
and Form of the Tempest active and no Energy Discount gear it costs 96 Energy :eek:
And still with 40 and max Energy Discount gear i prefer to have around 120 REC
You may have to tap the energy builder every now and then to get the Perpetual Tesla Coil going, but once it starts, as long as you keep throwing Ball Lightning out, it'll refuel itself.
Or you can do what I do and tap Thunderstrike -> Lightning Arc to start the ball going. Works great on Sturmgeist (who still has Electrocute for PVP reasons - I keep hoping PVP will become a thing again, and the -Resist advantage helps in Alerts).
S'nowhere near as bad a situation as some other sets have it (Earth).
EDIT: Also, this thread is making me want to make another Electricity character. I keep resisting the Will save to avoid Altoholism, but man. Thinking about all of this stuff again has me jonesing to do it.
S'nowhere near as bad a situation as some other sets have it (Earth).
Must say .. i don't find Earth that bad. Play it with DEX / CON / REC and FotT and even
without an energy unlock i can spam Cave In with maybe just 1-2 shots of the EB, and
that happens mostly automatically after releasing the key and before pressing it again
It's not horribawful, but it's not fantastic either. The energy cost ramp up makes it a little wonky to get down (also, I'm using Concentration instead of FotT - I've been careful about making sure that most/all of my powers are on the Ranged damage tag with this character).
No easy Energy unlock exacerbates the issue, as well - you have to rely on other power interactions. Which isn't really the case with Infernal, Electricity, or Fire (who all have some of the better energy unlocks in the game, and some high damage to go along with it).
Just makes me sad knowing how much more I can get out of other sets sometimes, but meh. It's entertaining and effective. As long as it fulfills those two criteria, I really don't care beyond that how 'awesome' my yellow numbers are. :U
My heavy dps toon is using force even in alerts if I use force snap to start up knock resistance then force cascade to bring hell. In PvE crushing wave will destroy most mobs. I also use force bubbles and shields to make him highly survivable.
It might depend on the style of play. Do you like support or hitting people from extreme range or just jumping in head first into the battle face to face.
I myself favor support toons and pet masters. If your are free-form then there are a lot of possibilities for mixing power-sets to create something that can be truly unique to your play-style.
If you are freeform, I would look through the free-form build directory that Kenpo up-keeps and see if anything looks interesting. There is quite a selection and mix from all the power-sets.
For myself my hardest hitting toon is electric. I based it on one of Kenpo's builds and it is by far my most effective and survivable DPS.
For leveling in the game content I really liked the infernal set with Venomous Breath as well.
Yeah .. key here is simple the strong Debuff from Fireball and maybe also Firesnake, but
Fireball with Adv. alone is enough already to turn Conflag into a strong single target attack.
I have to agree, my healer who also uses fire for attacks, does awesome dps. All you need is fireball for debuff, conflag for damage and flashfire or pyre to fuel thermal reverberations. Firesnake also provides a further nice debuff. I also find the 'hold' from heatwave to be very good on tough mobs. It also provides yet another debuff. Whilst fire has no real spike damage, its DOTs and maintains are simply awesome.
everytime i think of a champion idea i leave my current champ and build another, i want to stick to want champ but i cant, either because they powers i chose are to weak or my champ concept is not what i have imagined
i have tried range, melee, tank, and a healer champ, but it never sticks with me
it seems range sticks with me the longest, so what is a strong range powerset, is it archery? i havnt tried that powerset yet
If you aren't hitting 40 with these trials, then it shouldn't be too surprising that they're feeling "weak".
Really, it's a matter of finding what you enjoy - I myself have always preferred squishy ranged damage since my days playing CoH. I don't mind risking survivability for the better damage output.
But as you're discussing powersets - I would assume you're building as FF. As a pvper, I'll generally grab powers across all of the powersets to cover needs. Even if building to theme, one shouldn't feel completely restricted to just one powerset.
Yeah, there isn't much that can out dps conflag. Except a properly built cascade spammer, a giga spammer, ego lance, ebon ruin, or defile. I metered it on pts before I switched, and all of those were hitting harder than my fire toon, even considering fireball/debuff, fire snake.
There's a reason that fire tends to get laughed out of pvp. Conflag is great crowd dps, but the damage it puts out is pathetic compared to a properly stacked giga spammer, on a single target. I'm talking a difference of 1k dps or more.
That's not to say fire isn't a hoot to play, because it is hella fun. But I rocked a fire dpser for a year and a half, and tried about 100 bucks worth of retconning and testing to optimize it. It's simply lackluster.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
Among my toons, it has to be my Ego/Con/Dex Electricity in Ranged role with the Rush of Battle specialisation in Vindicator tree.
-Solo a bloodmoon boss with zombies attacking you from 360 with persistent full health- Checked
-Consistently score well among the top end of of open missions- Double checked
I just have to brush off the ~20% less damage compared to my Tempest AT, consoling myself with my enhanced survivability.
No. Archery's some weird... Controller/Utility/Tank thing that does comparatively bad damage. If you're talking 'strong' in the sense of not dying, it's pretty solid, but if you're looking for damage, try something else.
I'd suggest looking at fire, electricity, or infernal. Fire can completely ruin enemies in a tight ring formation, while Electricity does a pretty good job of mopping up enemies in general and has extreme single-target damage in the right situation. Infernal just never runs out of energy and does a great job of both killing things quickly over time and keeping them locked down.
So electricity. Take Lightning Arc and Lightning Storm (plus other powers to keep you alive and fuel you Arc/Storm) and zap everything that moves, fast.
If you want to kill mobs by sneezing on them, yeah, fire/electricity/infernal is what you want
And yes, keep away from Archery, it's worse than Might, worse than Celestial, in fact it's worse than everything, I'd rather [insert Angry Video Game Nerd curses here]. It's THAT bad
Big guide of power DPS
Ego form, Mental Discipline, crit building and 5 x stacks of ego leech have enabled me to one shot master villains on occasions with TK Lance and that always makes me smile. TK Burst in normal or open world will kill 5 x smaller baddies at once on full power.
The one who can't shut up formerly known as 4rksakes
About the @handle - it's a long story.
Profound quote.. "I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing."
| The Phoenix - A Fiery Jack of All Trades | The Nightmare - Dark Summoner | The Ranger - Archery/DB DPS |
| The Packleader - Bestial Petmaster |
Gigabolt is a massively damaging power that can cost alot. It can also be spammed without charging it.
Lightning Arc is a long-range single-target Maintain attack that does good damage; and can even take the Crippling Challenge Advantage if you are going to be a tank.
Lightning Storm is an awesome aoe attack.
Electric Form buffs Electric, Sonic, and Particle damage so it opens up some interesting possibilities.
With any DPS, dont forget to grab a self-heal, like Bionic Shielding from Gadgets or Support Drones.
Toxic is awesome. Take Regeneration, Devour Essence for melee range, Epidemic for crowds, Supernatural Power for energy return, and Rebirth to come back from dying.
Munitions is also great for ranged combat. Assualt Rifle has great single-target damage, but Plasma Beam Rifle is better. Submachine Gun Burst is a great aoe. Gatling Gun is awesome. Killer Instinct is Munitions Energy Return and it works off of Crits and Dex.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Yes, but its best attack (Hurricane) is almost melee-range.
Then again, so's Epidemic.
The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
butyeah, Infernal Supernatural has everything a ranged DPSer could ever want.
no wait...
@Quincy-St-Moth's PRIMUS page
I'm like Dr. Silverback.
Um...because we are both gorillas and stuff.
But the truth is, even the "weakest" powerset can do enough damage to get you through the content. IMHO, the game content is pretty easy, so unlike some other MMOs, you don't need to play the "best" powerset to be successful, you just have to have a "well-built" powerset from something you enjoy.
The finest in pantless, drunk and exploit free gaming!
Electricity, with Lightning Arc/Lightning Storm and Ball Lightning/Triplicity has intense damage output while having a steady stream of energy. Depends on what situation you're in - Single target, drop the Ball and lean on Lightning Arc until the button breaks. If it's a mob group, use Lightning Storm instead. Gigabolt is almost entirely superfluous, but it can provide some crazy burst damage if you need it.
Infernal can operate much the same way with Devour Essence and Epidemic (with Supernatural Power). However, that's a bit more 'close in' then some people may be comfortable with, as are a lot of it's powers (beyond Defile, which hits like a truck).
Fire is also good for raw numbers, but it tends to be a bit less efficient on single targets (due to an almost complete lack of buttons that even have a single target tag, and the ones it DOES have aren't as good). You can of course fix that by picking up Defile from Infernal later (they're all Elemental damage, and thus share most passive-based damage buffs).
Power Armor isn't that bad, but it's very hard for most people to get into. Darkness can also do some incredible damage potential and is easily sustainable. It trades a bit of damage for 'safety' though.
Assuming freeform anyway.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
Infernal Supernatural - Devour Essence, Defile, and Epidemic will make you happy. Supernatural Power will keep your abilities running, and with Pestilence as your slotted passive, you will be a death machine.
I liked my wind character. Hurricane is the base of this, and Wind Reverb does a good job of keeping energy coming in. I really didn't stray a lot beyond Hurricane, but there's some great DPS there.
Fire does great DPS - when they say Conflagration melts opponents, they're speaking almost literally.
I just 40'ed* an elec character, based on Lightning Arc and Lightning Storm. Ridiculously high DPS. (I also like Sparkstorm with that, but I've been a big fan of toggles... which the adv makes Sparkstorm.)
Right now, my main toon is a Munitions toon. Assault Rifle, Gatling Gun, and Rocket are making it work nicely. I'm using Lead Tempest if they get close. Quarry is a good slotted for that (add the adv for getting life back for a nice little boost) and Killer Instinct gets great energy returns - but it works on crits, so you need to base a Muni toon on Dex (or at least my Muni type toon.) Imbue probably won't suck either, although I don't use it - just start shooting and tell the innocent bystanders to duck!
Good luck! If you do decide what set you want to go with, please let us know if you need help with a build!
*Hey, did I just coin a phrase? I'm a etymologizer! WOOT!!! :rolleyes:
Grind. Grind never changes.
If you're playing CO and reporting any bugs, you're STILL an unpaid QA technician.
"Because we're not satisfied until you're not satisfied" - message from PW customer service.
Or maybe it's because the first character I leveled to 40 was infernal. Infernal spoils you. It's not the absolute highest dps, although it is pretty good (especially in long fights where the poison dots can really make a difference). But it's just fricking the easiest. If you stay in set, supernatural power will keep you fueled FOREVER, easily. It also has a great PBAOE in epidemic, a great 100 foot single target attack in defile, and a good cone in venomous breath. And if you're soloing or you get boss aggro, you can live off of the healing from Devour Essence unless it's Gravitar, in which case fuhgedaboudit. DE is astonishingly good; even as a ranged infernal, you'll make it easier for yourself if you get it as soon as possible. You can supplement it with fire snake to debuff targets. Really, the biggest downer to infernal is the sound and look of the powers =P
So, yeah. Different ways to spec the different powersets makes them fluctuate a lot, so in terms of actual strength, they're fairly close together. But in terms of ease of play, definitely the easiest is infernal, and probably highest overall dps is power armor.
I'd have to say that the worst is force. The powers don't do that much damage except for force cascade, and fc costs so much energy it takes some quirky builds to make it useable more than a couple of times per fight (plus, everyone will hate you if you're using knockback powers in alerts, and that's all force has).
Electric and Power Armor can be more challenging to create a good build.
Electricity hits like a truck. Ranged TK takes some setup, but I've seen numbers come out of that set that I didn't even think possible. Those 2 have my vote. But, if you're ok with not hitting like the fist of an angry god, archery is probably the most fun ranged set, for my money. The versatility is engaging, you've got a bit of everything at your disposal.
RIP Caine
Wind _ Hurricane / Typhoon / Stormbringer
TK _ TK Telekinetic Assault / TK Lance / Ego Form
I like these.
Lolwat. There are not many ranged attacks in the game that can hope to outDPS Conflagration, single target or otherwise.
| The Phoenix - A Fiery Jack of All Trades | The Nightmare - Dark Summoner | The Ranger - Archery/DB DPS |
| The Packleader - Bestial Petmaster |
Yeah .. key here is simple the strong Debuff from Fireball and maybe also Firesnake, but
Fireball with Adv. alone is enough already to turn Conflag into a strong single target attack.
I call bunk on Electric being 'challenging' to create a 'good' build for.
You only need 4 powers to get maximum 'base' effectiveness out of the set - Lightning Arc, Lightning Storm (or Gigabolt), Ball Lightning (preferably with Triplicity), and Ionic Reverbation.
Proceed to throw buffs at the situation until you're doing about as much damage as you want. Going primary DEX, exceptional END/EGO also provides a significant damage base to work from (as your two main damage powers benefit from high critical hit/severity). If you want something more survivable, drop EGO for CON (you lose out on trivial damage).
Early on until you can get Lightning Storm (or Gigabolt), you can rely entirely on Thunderstrike for AoE (even with it's cooldown, it will one-shot most minions or put them low enough that a few stray Arcs from LA will kill it while you focus on the 'bigger' problem that's already reeling).
If you need 'filler' later on to get to Lightning Storm, you can pick up Electric Sheathe (with the advantage, it becomes a very useful holdbreak/defensive cooldown as well). If you also get Electric Form, that gives you the 5 you need to unlock Tier 3 (EB, LA, Sheathe, Ionic Reverb, Electric Form) while not giving you any bloat or wasted powers at all.
Fill with other things to taste. If you don't want Electric Form (say, going for something more defensive), you can take Electrocute (for the -Resist debuff) or Electric Shield (provided you don't want a better block). Thunderstrike and Sparkstorm (especially with the advantage that makes it a toggle that you can use other powers during) are also not bad choices for 'filler'.
No challenge involved. Power Armor, however, can legitimately get tricky.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
Only "challenge" is energy managment, especially if you don't use electric form you also
would need quite some REC.
Else you could also throw in Hurricane with Perfect Storm if you want an Epidemic-like AoE
for groups where you can't hit all with Lightning Storm :cool:
:P My main is DEX/end/ego with no REC to speak of and only Ionic Reverbation and Ball Lightning to keep my energy up. Seriously - Ionic Reverbation + Ball Lightning/Triplicity = Unending stream of energy attached to a one-tap power that does some alright damage. Moreso if you're actively attacking the target as well (bonus, Lightning Arc gets a damage bonus if your target has Negative Ions... which BL applies like crazy).
It's way more then enough, I assure you (Note: Don't have Concentration either - not sure what I want to give up for it at this point, and I'm not exactly in any rush).
And my passive is Invulnerability (running Hybrid role).
EDIT: My Tempest puts her energy output to shame, though.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
Go Int or End primary and you can avoid Rec (the End-to-equilibrium talents).
The user formerly known as Dr. Sage.
I'm DEX / CON / END with Invuln .. but when i level a Build like that with Heirloom Gear,
i first have to use my Energy Builder a while to cast Lightning Ball, since with Flight, Drones
and Form of the Tempest active and no Energy Discount gear it costs 96 Energy :eek:
And still with 40 and max Energy Discount gear i prefer to have around 120 REC
Or you can do what I do and tap Thunderstrike -> Lightning Arc to start the ball going. Works great on Sturmgeist (who still has Electrocute for PVP reasons - I keep hoping PVP will become a thing again, and the -Resist advantage helps in Alerts).
S'nowhere near as bad a situation as some other sets have it (Earth).
EDIT: Also, this thread is making me want to make another Electricity character.
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
Must say .. i don't find Earth that bad. Play it with DEX / CON / REC and FotT and even
without an energy unlock i can spam Cave In with maybe just 1-2 shots of the EB, and
that happens mostly automatically after releasing the key and before pressing it again
No easy Energy unlock exacerbates the issue, as well - you have to rely on other power interactions. Which isn't really the case with Infernal, Electricity, or Fire (who all have some of the better energy unlocks in the game, and some high damage to go along with it).
Just makes me sad knowing how much more I can get out of other sets sometimes, but meh. It's entertaining and effective. As long as it fulfills those two criteria, I really don't care beyond that how 'awesome' my yellow numbers are. :U
[SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
I myself favor support toons and pet masters. If your are free-form then there are a lot of possibilities for mixing power-sets to create something that can be truly unique to your play-style.
If you are freeform, I would look through the free-form build directory that Kenpo up-keeps and see if anything looks interesting. There is quite a selection and mix from all the power-sets.
For myself my hardest hitting toon is electric. I based it on one of Kenpo's builds and it is by far my most effective and survivable DPS.
For leveling in the game content I really liked the infernal set with Venomous Breath as well.
Apathy is on the rise, but nobody seems to care.
I have to agree, my healer who also uses fire for attacks, does awesome dps. All you need is fireball for debuff, conflag for damage and flashfire or pyre to fuel thermal reverberations. Firesnake also provides a further nice debuff. I also find the 'hold' from heatwave to be very good on tough mobs. It also provides yet another debuff. Whilst fire has no real spike damage, its DOTs and maintains are simply awesome.
If you aren't hitting 40 with these trials, then it shouldn't be too surprising that they're feeling "weak".
Really, it's a matter of finding what you enjoy - I myself have always preferred squishy ranged damage since my days playing CoH. I don't mind risking survivability for the better damage output.
But as you're discussing powersets - I would assume you're building as FF. As a pvper, I'll generally grab powers across all of the powersets to cover needs. Even if building to theme, one shouldn't feel completely restricted to just one powerset.
There's a reason that fire tends to get laughed out of pvp. Conflag is great crowd dps, but the damage it puts out is pathetic compared to a properly stacked giga spammer, on a single target. I'm talking a difference of 1k dps or more.
That's not to say fire isn't a hoot to play, because it is hella fun. But I rocked a fire dpser for a year and a half, and tried about 100 bucks worth of retconning and testing to optimize it. It's simply lackluster.
RIP Caine
-Solo a bloodmoon boss with zombies attacking you from 360 with persistent full health- Checked
-Consistently score well among the top end of of open missions- Double checked
I just have to brush off the ~20% less damage compared to my Tempest AT, consoling myself with my enhanced survivability.