I have no idea if this will work... I have never done a healer and need some help. what ss do I need to use? what am i missing? is it a waste to have both compassion (for group settings) and concentration (for solo settings)? please some advise would be great!
PRE boosts your heals, CON so you are not so squishy (can't heal is dead), DEX, so you crit more. Heals can crit.
I like Dark Displacement on Shadow Embrace. For nice knockdown.
I'd add a pet like Summon Shadows. Nice fire&forget power. So you do some damage while healing, bubbling.
Two forms? Neh, i'd just stick to Compassion and take a pet there (Shadows, Pyro blades).
| The Phoenix - A Fiery Jack of All Trades | The Nightmare - Dark Summoner | The Ranger - Archery/DB DPS |
| The Packleader - Bestial Petmaster |