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kazimakakazimaka Posts: 4 Arc User
Been a long time champions online player. Ive watched it grow and evolve. Made alot of friends. Had alot of good times. But lately. Since all this pwe business. Which is supposedly good for us. Ive felt this sense of dread mostly on the top of content.

I realize they add alot of costumes and ats once in awhile. But im talking about substantial content like the adventure packs and comic issues. I like alerts but it feels like they put it in there just to distract us from the fact we arent getting substantial content like Ive mentioned. Although im thankful for whatever you can throw towards us in content. It just feels like it isnt what it used to be. I feel worried about that future of champions online content.

I also feel dread about devolpers. They seem to all be going to pwe and other games. I sincerly miss the days when devs would hang out with us in game and talk to us and help us. And start ingame events. And not much dev responses on the forums. i said not much. Not none.

I love champions online and im just concerned is all.

We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
Post edited by kazimaka on


  • forutnefireforutnefire Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I agree. However, I believe that the ridiculous amount of bugs, glitched, and whatnot need Cryptic's full attention first. Get those fixed before adding new content, imo.
    ~ Flare@Lectrohm (In-Game)

    Flare's guide to hosting and judging costume contests!
    (link under construction)
  • khoraxgatorkhoraxgator Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Actually, both are needed, and have been needed for a very long time. This game is at a state that I expected it to be a year ago. It needs a MAJOR update, to keep the players engaged. It needs a new zone (I could argue it needs more than one), it needs more casual areas, it needs Supergroup bases.

    It also needs to have a bug sweep. In otherwords, this game needs more love and attention than PWE seems willing to give it, and PWE seems to realize this as they've given up on responding, largely, to these requests. We don't even get a 'updates are on the way' posts like we once did. There's no excitement for the future, and speculation has run rampant.

    If something isn't done soon, the game will start losing players, reducing the chance that PWE will see proper attention return to Champions. They seem to be more focused on retaining users in STO, and developing Neverwinter than working on Champions.
  • vitalityprimevitalityprime Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I agree. However, I believe that the ridiculous amount of bugs, glitched, and whatnot need Cryptic's full attention first. Get those fixed before adding new content, imo.

    I absolutely agree with this.

    New content should never take priority over fixing old content.

    I recently resubbed to the game...and when I got to the right level...I went to run the "Bullet Bound for Biselle" open mission...and I came to find that it's been bugged for over a month now. (source: someone in zone chat)

    If that's true...that's absurd.

    Sure, it's just one mission that you're not required to complete in game...but these types of bugs should always take top priority...in my opinion.

    "Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

    -Abraham Lincoln-
  • vikaernesvikaernes Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited July 2012

    If something isn't done soon, the game will start losing players

    I don't know if I really need to add anything to that, to make it clear why I highlighted it.
  • canadascottcanadascott Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    A good solid round of bug fixes would help. Judging by one of the Cryptic threads in the PTS forums, they know it too.
  • dagconfaraday#1221 dagconfaraday Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I absolutely agree with this.

    New content should never take priority over fixing old content.

    I recently resubbed to the game...and when I got to the right level...I went to run the "Bullet Bound for Biselle" open mission...and I came to find that it's been bugged for over a month now. (source: someone in zone chat)

    If that's true...that's absurd.

    Sure, it's just one mission that you're not required to complete in game...but these types of bugs should always take top priority...in my opinion.

    Here's a question:

    Who here could see themselves setting up and prepping for Open Mission runs? I'm very curious about this one as I see potential here for an event calender expansion. And wanted to know if this is something other people could see as a potential way to focus attention to the fixing issues on this type of activity in general.

    Like for instance, if all the open missions were given the "level-scaling skull icon" treatment like how it is for the special holiday event content; and then providing bonuses for doing Open Missions at different times of the day.

    The guy who formally posted as @Sky_Commander. Now posts as: "劫"
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Like for instance, if all the open missions were given the "level-scaling skull icon" treatment like how it is for the special holiday event content; and then providing bonuses for doing Open Missions at different times of the day.

    That would definitely get people going to them more, I'd imagine. Throw in some good drops for each of them, and I'd be all over them.
  • youganyougan Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I agree. However, I believe that the ridiculous amount of bugs, glitched, and whatnot need Cryptic's full attention first. Get those fixed before adding new content, imo.

    maybe if they listened to the closed beta testers in the first place they released the game a bit later but with much less bugs, but that's cryptic for you.....
  • kazimakakazimaka Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Im in agreement. Theres alot of bugs that need to be smacked around in champions online before adding new content. But honestly new content is way overdue. Substantial content like comic issues. New areas and whatnot. They do a good job adding new powers and ats but that can only keep players intrested for so long before they wonder about substantial content.

    I speak only of this in my original post. Cause I love champions online and dont want it to go downhill. It has good potential. But right now its lacking alot of content. That should of been added by now. Its just long overdue.

    Hopefully we will see some light on the horizon.
    We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
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