Ok, this came from a new (or returning) player on F2P forums.
Hello there. Can anyone explain me what happened to the character creation of Champions Online?
There used to be so many options and, yes, I'm aware that you had to pay for most options, but that's not the point.
What I'm saying is that I can't even find most of the hairs. I have like 7 hair options only. Couldn't I just put on any hair and any helmet however I wanted? What's with the "Full Helmets", "Heads and Hairs" stuff now?
I am completely lost at how to create the loving character that I had. Can anyone tell me if I'm doing something wrong?
P.S I used 'Randomize' a few times and I got the hair I wanted, but it's not even on the list, most good hairs appear only when I'm randomizing, what's happening?
Thank you for your time. meow~!
And this:
I'm sorry, but finishing the tutorial doesn't do anything at all. I still have all the same hairs that I had before.
So can anyone answer meow where did all the free hair options go? Or any costume options at that matter? It seems that no one even complains about this at all.
I would like to be able to customize my character to some extent.
So, do I need to pay money and be silver or gold or whatever there is? Thank you for your time.
So, what's up?
Is full access to the character creation now limited for the new players, or it requires even more additional playtime?
I don't have such problems with my account but what about new players?
I hope this is bug, beacuse limiting single true advantage which CO has is suicidal move.
Without its character creation this is very average MMO.
But I hope someone else will explain it better.
contest crowds from making new accounts every time they have a new RP idea or contest to compete it.
Well the official reason was 'streamlined character creation'.
Also not sure if it's an account-wide or a per-character unlock, though I'm guessing it's closer towards the former then the latter. I haven't really made that many new characters lately (oddly - normally I'm doing this all the time).
EDIT: Also why they made it so you can key your costume off the AT image at the start instead of the default blank-slate if you're so inclined.
Yeah, but its Cryptic. Just look at my current signature picture*
*ingenious moves like the recent changes to retcon costs for stats/specs wasn't the only thing that prompted me to create it, I was also thinking about "streamlined character creation", and other dumb moves, as well
I'm pretty sure its account-wide. I've made a couple of toons since they made this change and I've had access to all my pieces.
A choice. Between getting right into the game or fiddling around with an awesome character creator.
You know sometimes I want to know who made this dumb decisions to do this? Also the people around this person didn't even tell him/her to not do that..
Are you still talking about PWI or WOW??
... (or hair atleast, so i've heard)
Really? They do? It's been a looooong time.
*crawls back under her bridge*
I want a hulk-like girl in a skirt
True. Or a plaid workshirt, hard hat with five o'clock shadow, and huge knockers.
Don't make Hey Baby angry, you wouldn't like her when she's angry.
Sorry. I was in agreement and then the thought traiin rolled.
tchoo tchoo.
Something like this?
I'm having the same problem with hair. I can't even select any of the hair my character already has due to previous costumes. I'm limited to 7.
I'm obviously well beyond level 10. What's going on?
Simple solution - for a new player, have a dialogue box pop up upon entering the Creation page, saying "full Character Customization unlocked after your first Level 10 character." or somesuch.
Have you finished the new tutorial with a new toon, and raised that character beyond level 10??
That's like asking Cryptic to teach new people how to Block in Tutorial.
No. I guess I'll have to do that.
Every new character I have made was not limited in options. I havent touched the tutorial in forever. Maybe because I bought lifetime before the major changes, left for awhile and when I came back nothing on my account was changed because it stayed active. Could be very different for a hold who let their sub lapse before these changes.
DO WANT!!! :eek:
That's a bug: the bone armor (among many others) are purchased sets - and, when you first log in from the launcher, the game will pretend you have access to most of the purchased sets even when you don't.
If you log out and then back in from the game's front screen, or log into an existing character and then go back to the character select screen, then you should get the costume creator properly showing which parts you do or do not own.
(Also, if new to the game: run a character through the tutorial once; there's another bug that'll hide most of the costume options until you've done that.)
We wish they were so clever to pull that trick on us
=^ _ ^= Kitty Lives!
You'll be back once you see their character creator. :biggrin:
Haha true. :biggrin:
Omicron - Lvl 4x - Mind
Emerald Myst - Lvl 2x - Claws/Fighting Hybrid
Epsilon - Lvl 2x - Blade
Asterius - Lvl 1x - Electric/Void Hybrid
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
But I do have a problem:
Textures Jumpsuit02 and 01 no longer show out in the open. Only in tailor and log-in screen
"Good can be found in heights, even in the deepest pits of evil" but "The valleys of evil always exist in the mountains of good."
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I've said it before, I'll say it again: This artificial restriction is the worst idea to ever happen to this game. I've met *40s* who still have the default costumes because they didn't know they had more options. That's just silly.
I mean, hell. We already *have* default costumes. If people wanna just jump in, they can. Why limit everyone for the convenience of a few?
RIP Caine
It's just foolish.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Check the box in the tailor that says Hide Unowned Costume Parts, and don't worry.. you'll unlock new costume options by level 10.
It is a lame restriction though and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense
...maybe it was done as an extra intentive to level or something..
Don't worry, though, the next costume set that we gate behind a random chance box you pay to open will be pretty cool!
TL;DR: Is it true what's been said in this thread? That you unlock the full customization after completing the tutorial and reach lvl 10? If it IS true, I can live with that (even though I think it's really, really stupid). I'm really on the fence of bailing because of this.
It is true.
When you first sign in from the launcher, many z-store costume sets will show up as being things you own... even though you don't. If you don't realize this, and use any part from such a set, then you'll get exactly that "character creation failed" and forced-logout message.
It's a pretty horrible set of bugs to hit new players with, and you're not the first who's showed up on the forums complaining about it. I shudder to imagine how many new players just get turned away entirely by the combination of hidden parts you ought to have, and non-hidden parts you don't actually have.
Point was, that new players can jump into the game fast, without need of stumbling thru the Most Awesome Character Creator In Any MMO!
No, i'm not being sarcastic. For once. Ok, maybe just a lil' bit. A tiny itsy bitsy bit.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Level 10 on your first character. Tutorial alone is not enough.
On the bright side, unlocking character creator is accountwide.
You have to cope with this mediocrity only once.
Now, as a silver/F2P, I'm told in the character creator that I've unlocked those same options and they're available from the C-Store and showing as selectable, but a good half of the ones I try to select do nothing.
I don't really give one rat's a$$ what the devs were trying to do to streamline this and pigeonhole that...I PAID REAL MONEY FOR THOSE OPTIONS. Whether I'm currently subscribing or not, those options are paid for, mine, and should be fully available anytime I want to put them on any character, past, present, or future. While I understand my previous freeform toons are locked out due to not being currently subscribed, the costume options should still be fully available for any new character I make as a silver/F2P account.
I have many previous toons that are still in my list above level 10, though they're all freeform and locked out as a silver. I did play them, however, and have earned whatever "criteria" I'm hearing about unlocking character creation after level 10/tutorial blah blah bull$hit blah. There is no excuse for not having full capability to customize any character's appearance during creation how I choose.
Let me be honest. It's the options in costuming and creating your character and customizing it throughout the game that drew me to CO, not the gameplay mechanics themselves. In that regard, I'd rather play DCUO.:eek:
:mad:And here's a hint...you want me to be a gold again? This is NOT how to do it!:mad:
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Nothing has changed. You go back to Gold and you get options that YOU PAY REAL MONEY back again. It's like renting a house. Once you stop paying rent, you DON'T get to keep the house....Quite simple.
Stuff you BOUGHT from the C-store are available still as a Silver.
Like one wise person once said: 'Free For All, Not All For Free'.
Keep on playing, playa.
And yes, the 'Streamlined Character Creator' sukz bawls.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber