Hullo! I've seen this topic before in the past, but just updating it with my personal..angle, heh. "Angle"? Talking about "cameras"?
...I tried.
Anywho, are you interested in a over-the-shoulder camera, similar to what's seen in games like
Gears of War and
Mass Effect? Well check out the
/camoffset command! It allows you to slide the camera across the
horizontal (x) axis, placing the camera over your shoulder or off further to the side!
Just check out these groovy screenshots (Photoshop effects not-included with use of the command)!
Over-Shoulder Camera Example #1
Over-Shoulder Camera Example #2Interested? Then you're almost there, read on!
To enable the camera offset, you need to use the
/camoffset <#> command, where
<#> represents the offset distance you prefer. I find
1.5 to be comfortably similar to the offset in Gears of War, but you can experiment. Be wary of going past
7 however, as the camera will begin to swing ahead of your character and render your view useless. You can also use negative numbers to move the camera to your character's opposite shoulder (e.g.,
/camoffset -1.5).
IMPORTANT: When you enter a new zone, re-log, or do anything that changes the map you're on, the camera will reset to the centered position (
/camoffset 0). To prevent this, you'll need to manually reapply the offset. This can be done by binding the offset command to a key, and pressing that key whenever you log. If, however, this gets annoying, you can always bind it to a key you commonly use, such as moving forward, or rotating the camera; that way, when you rezone, actions you immediately use will automatically reapply the offset.
I set my
Middle Mouse button to rotate camera, and added the offset command to it as well, so that after I zone, I simply need to turn the camera to apply the offset. My bind looks like this:
/bind Middledrag "+CamRotate$$camoffset 1.5"Remember, it's completely up to you what
key you want to bind it to, as well as what
value you want the
/camoffset command to use.
So! Just re-sharing that bit of information, and I have to say, I am pleased beyond word or expression that
Champions Online has such commands open to be used. The more and more I play it, and discover it's little details, the more I like it. There are games that give you no freedom and make you feel limited, and there are games that give you all sorts of freedom, and end up with little purpose.
Champions Online takes both, and makes the best decision in balancing freedom with structure, and for that I can't thank the developers enough.
But darn. Guess now that I'm a subscriber, I should start reading future patch notes. Silly me.
Much better then the option they added to PTS recently.
Yes, but will it have an X/Y axis for Growth/Shrunken characters?
Well, after doing a little look-see with this new On-Alert stuff...I'm kinda disappointed. I don't want to sound like a drama poster though, so here's what's up:
The "Enable Over-The-Shoulder Camera" option is found under Options > Controls...and it only works when the camera is at the 1st zoom-level in third person. What do I mean by that? Zoom in until you're first person, then zoom out one 'notch'. There's the over the shoulder camera. Zoom out one more notch and you're back to the centered camera. Zooming in or out automatically re-centers the camera to "0" offset.
This means my above method of over-shoulder-camera no longer works if you frequently zoom in/out, because the game will automatically re-center it according to its own algorithms. The auto-centering seems to occur...I don't know, sometimes it's instantly, sometimes it's 20 seconds, I don't get it yet.
This means:
a) The /camoffset command no longer has much use, as its properties reset.
b) The over-shoulder camera option has no effect whatsoever if you play at intermediate levels of zoom.
Now, I said I didn't want to post drama, buuuut I gotta say... way is better. far, at least. After all, On Alert just came out! This was a huge amount of effort for the developers to put together, and I for one am interested in seeing just what kind of changes have been done throughout the entire game--not just the one or two aspects of it that appeal to me. So even though I'm kinda disappointed with the camera thing, I'm hoping that in the future, once people have played it enough and the developers go from 'New Release' mode to "Patch and Fix" mode, they'll restore a bit of freedom back to the camera controls.
...I hope!
So I toggled on OTS, and when I got it to work, it seemed to be aligned on the z-axis (I think that's the one, vertically) for a sort of mid-height shoulder for female models (3D models, not runway models). Which is fine, if your character is that height or less, but mine is... well, super-tall. So it ended up being a by-the-hip camera, more than over-the-shoulder.