Using the default Akira Jazz costume and only swapping the head type made it so that when he did the Stand Still Head Animations, his head would bleed through, if I made his head really small and puffed out the chest, he would be okay but looked weird/out of scale. Sadly, I am not sure if this is a bug so much as an expected clipping issue that we have been long warned about that we would get if Cryptic gave us all the parts we wanted.
YEah, either all helmets are gonna be hella big, or we can't get'em, or there's clipping. I figure the thinking is someone has the option and they can build aorund it if they need that helmet to work.
Some of the costume unlocks from the recognition vendors are male only, and some of them have names that don't clearly match up with what's being unlocked. Either the names of the items, or the names of the unlocks in the tailor should be changed to line up with the other, and if the items that are male only aren't going to also be available to female characters, this should also be marked in the name of the item that unlocks the piece.
Very good point, there's a lot of players who play only one gender, and there needs to be fair warning that a costume is either male only or female only before you find out the hard way.
Very good point, there's a lot of players who play only one gender, and there needs to be fair warning that a costume is either male only or female only before you find out the hard way.
I'd really just prefer all the unlocks work for both male and female models. Some of the discrimination is really, really, REALLY stupid. Like, you can't use the Maniacs skull boots with a female character stupid. :l
They can't care about it too much, their display character has been doing it since they put him up as a vendor, I just forgot about it until I tried it on that costume.
When they came for munitions i said nothing because I was not a munitions player.
When they came for telepathy i said nothing because i was not a telepathy player.
When they came for.. wait are there any players left?
Hee hee. Well, to be honest the main reason I didn't voice up with Muni is that there seemed to be a lot of voices already and since I don't play one I can't properly judge how the changes affected the set. I'm a stickler for tossing in an opinion on things only if I feel I have knowledge of what is being talked about.
Like how I disclaimed that my opinions were on a PvE viewpoint since I don't PvP. As it is, these changes trash holds (especially Ego Storm) from a PvE standpoint. My poor telepath... Wonder what I can replace Ego Storm with? (And stay in concept.)
Holds need to work on a sliding scale of debuffs/disables of random powers until the target is completely held. Perhaps I may not be able to completely hold that Supervillain, but perhaps I could shut down his big attacks or make it so he can't fully charge them. It also shouldn't be our damage that is the main thing that frees enemies - make them have to struggle out of a hold just as we do - have them struggle at a rate similar to an average player, (and perhaps make them better at breaking free if they're a higher tier enemy).
Ina sense, a hold should actually be easier to pull off than a regular attack; think of it this way - if player A only uses attacks powers, and player B uses attacks plus holds, then it will most likely take player B longer to defeat their enemies. Even a held enemy could potentially be a danger to a player, while a defeated one cannot.
Also keep in mind that the enemies that most players "need" to hold are the ones that are more resistant to them in the first place. Villains and up are the ones that are more dangerous, yet they are the ones that are more resistant. Yeah, they may have more HP and thus take longer to defeat with direct attacks, but many builds can dish out enough damage to make the incoming damage from the henchmen inconsequential so they can focus on the dangerous enemies.
Enemies should have a sort of morale system, and seeing an enemy mezzed and beaten up should inherently make the other nearby enemies reconsider attacking you so fiercely - perhaps some will flee, others will surrender, etc...
On that note, it'd be cool if using a hold on an enemy could in fact get them to surrender instead of you having to still defeat them conventionally.
Bug: In Character Creator, when choosing an Archetype, the full progression chart doesn't display correctly until the AT is clicked. Otherwise, things are normally displayed as -1 in place of level.
1st let me just say i am really happy that my bug was fixed and the game isn't annoying anymore. just wanted too get that out there. as For the CC update.... gah, you should just make all CC stuns and knocks because that the only things the mobs and Pvpers respect now. a 2-4 sec knock down is going too be way more useful then a 1 sec hold that just goes on CD. a sad time for CC indeed
BUG: All ego blade powers are still scaling with strength.
The description of each of these powers indicate:
"Instead of gaining bonus damage from your Strength stat like most melee powers, this power gains that bonus damage from your Ego stat."
How To Test:
1) Do a full retcon on your character so that you have no superstats, talents, etc...
2) Buy any Ego Blade powers.
3) Check how much damage the Ego Blade power does.
4) Equip a piece of gear that has only +Strength, no +Offence.
5) Check how much damage the Ego Blade power does - you'll see that it does more damage with strength.
Side Note:
The Ego Blade powers are using both Strength and Ego to boost damage.
Well, players with LR will easily reach 100% dodge now, so, i don't see why mobs couldn't.
That's the reason why I'm not assuming it's immediately unintentional. I mean players can do it. Though if it was unintentional, well, I'm throwing it up there so they now know.
I hate the new art for the load screen. Get whoever did the art for the others and the site to redo that picture. It screams amateur Photoshop illustration.
I apologize to the artist, but you know this is not a good piece of art. It looks too realistic and not "jim lee" enough like every other art piece used in the game. STAY CONSISTENT. I like the concept of the Champions together now just redo that piece with the old Champions style.
My take on CC.
WoW. Enough said. Make holds like ROOTS, SAPPING, POLYMORPH...christ this crap was done like 8 years ago for you.
BUG: All ego blade powers are still scaling with strength.
The description of each of these powers indicate:
"Instead of gaining bonus damage from your Strength stat like most melee powers, this power gains that bonus damage from your Ego stat."
How To Test:
1) Do a full retcon on your character so that you have no superstats, talents, etc...
2) Buy any Ego Blade powers.
3) Check how much damage the Ego Blade power does.
4) Equip a piece of gear that has only +Strength, no +Offence.
5) Check how much damage the Ego Blade power does - you'll see that it does more damage with strength.
Side Note:
The Ego Blade powers are using both Strength and Ego to boost damage.
Confirmed, It is scaling off Strength as well. Please let this be an actual bug.
PTS update FC.26.20120404a.2
[*]Crowd Control: Incapacitate: (New!) All Maintained Paralyze powers (Binding of Aratron, Heatwave, Crippling Coils, Ego Choke, and Ego Storm) are now considered Incapacitates instead of Paralyzes. The behavior of this type of hold has changed. In addition to their durability and duration diminishing based on the rank of the target (like Paralyzes), they now all require being maintained for 1 second before the hold takes effect, they all deal damage (which does not affect the hold durability/duration), they all have a maximum maintain time of 5 seconds, and if the target breaks free while you are maintaining the power then the power is interrupted.C24
Why?!? WHY?!? WHY!!!!!
You guys have just completely gutted what was left of Telepathy. The power set was already cherry picked as it was, now you've just killed the last decent power in the set.....Ego Storm.
So now it takes an entire second for the "incapacitate" to take hold and if any npc breaks it the maintain is interrupted???!!!! What a joke. I was trying to understand why it kept stopping when I was in the battlestation but I didn't understand until I read the patch notes.
The only reason I can see for doing this is because of pvp. I could be mistaken but you haven't provided a reason for me to think otherwise. I am a firm believer that pvp and pve should always be separated. What happens to one should not effect the other.
You guys have just completely gutted what was left of Telepathy. The power set was already cherry picked as it was, now you've just killed the last decent power in the set.....Ego Storm.
So now it takes an entire second for the "incapacitate" to take hold and if any npc breaks it the maintain is interrupted???!!!! What a joke. I was trying to understand why it kept stopping when I was in the battlestation but I didn't understand until I read the patch notes.
The only reason I can see for doing this is because of pvp. I could be mistaken but you haven't provided a reason for me to think otherwise. I am a firm believer that pvp and pve should always be separated. What happens to one should not effect the other.
GET RID OF COMPETITIVE PVP PERIOD. They can go play COD or LoL or whatever the new PVP craze is until the PVE content is fixed.
Right now it is obvious that Cryptic needs to stay focused and can't be dealing with PVPer gripes.
GET RID OF COMPETITIVE PVP PERIOD. They can go play COD or LoL or whatever the new PVP craze is until the PVE content is fixed.
Right now it is obviosu that Cryptic needs to stay focused and can't be dealing with PVPer gripes.
Actually, they should get rid of the PVE aspect and make it a strictly PVP game since all they do is balance passes and im sure they make more money off of the PVPers with all of the retcons that they buy since just about any build is viable in pve, so retcons on PVE builds arent really necessary... :rolleyes:
This game isnt just for one side or another. This game is comprised of both PVErs and PVPers, and no one should say that one side is more important than the other, because theyre both a factor of the game and the people playing either side are keeping the lights on so to speak. I agree with your sentiment that they need to focus on content more so than the constant power passes but saying that people who enjoy a certain aspect of the game should be forced to go else where, in a game that already has a dwindling population is absurd.
What this game however not is, and never will, is "balanced" for PvP. With the freeform system this simply
never will happen.
I really wonder however why no other games than Everquest 2 where so wise, to seperate balancing of
skills for PvE and PvP. I expected that at least in Rift, since Scott Hartsman came from EQ2, but even there
they haven't done it.
What this game however not is, and never will, is "balanced" for PvP. With the freeform system this simply
never will happen.
I completely agree and i've been saying that forever and day now, though this patch certainly isn't going to help.
To be honest, i'm not really sure what the spec trees are suppose to accomplish unless of course theyre trying to make an already easy game, easier and break pvp even more than it already is.
The Crafting I get, they need a massive time and money sink. I disagree with it, but I see the purpose. I see no purpose in the spec trees myself, other than over complicating an already complicated and un-perfected system.
In the end, they are going to have to not only constantly do power balances and going back to fix broken powers, but now they're going to end up having to do spec tree passes and fix broken specs on top of it.
While the trees are new, fun and exciting, I feel like they are completely unnecessary and I may be wrong in this sentiment, but i feel like that will likely cut into them giving us more content, more so than it already does.
I completely agree and i've been saying that forever and day now, though this patch certainly isn't going to help.
To be honest, i'm not really sure what the spec trees are suppose to accomplish unless of course theyre trying to make an already easy game, easier and break pvp even more than it already is.
The Crafting I get, they need a massive time and money sink. I disagree with it, but I see the purpose. I see no purpose in the spec trees myself, other than over complicating an already complicated and un-perfected system.
In the end, they are going to have to not only constantly do power balances and going back to fix broken powers, but now they're going to end up having to do spec tree passes and fix broken specs on top of it.
While the trees are new, fun and exciting, I feel like they are completely unnecessary and I may be wrong in this sentiment, but i feel like that will likely cut into them giving us more content, more so than it already does.
Mostly agree with you. However i see one thing personal in the spec trees .. as beeing a big infernal fan
i can now even have more Infernals with nearly the same powers but different specs without feeling too bad
that these characters are just total clones of my others
Super Villains (Specifically Viper-X, in Serpent Lantern, on Elite) can be Incapacitated. Hopefully this is working as intended.
Used Ego Choke R3 on a Support role character with Int/pre superstats, a piece of hold strength gear, the Int talent that makes Int give hold strength and the Torment Talent from the Sentinel Tree.
On a full maintain, Viper-X would be Incapacitated about halfway through the maintain bar. This would interrupt any chargeups he was in the process of doing (like Chest Beam) and prevent him from attacking from a few seconds afterwards.
If this is working as intended, then I think all you need to do to fix Crowd Control for PvE is to remove the "maintains are interrupted if the target breaks free".
I ran through Serpent Lantern Elite up to the end of the first bunker with a character using Aura of Arcane Clarity (and the above setup), and only died once, at Viper X, due to a chest beam/knock/generator combo when I was typing. That was with only 4.5k HP.
Ego Sleep, Ego Sprites, Soul Mez (with adv) and Ego Choke are quite a good combination. It's just slow. Glacially slow. Memories-of-solo-leveling-in-City-of-Heroes-as-a-Mind Control/FF-Controller slow. Part of that's the build, though.
What this game however not is, and never will, is "balanced" for PvP. With the freeform system this simply
never will happen.
I really wonder however why no other games than Everquest 2 where so wise, to seperate balancing of
skills for PvE and PvP. I expected that at least in Rift, since Scott Hartsman came from EQ2, but even there
they haven't done it.
This reminds me of a time when a kid suggested that I design a card game with no limit on the number of copies of any cards in the decks.
My reaction? :eek: Talk about a balance nightmare. Instead I gently showed him how that would just turn the card game into a rich vs richer tourney scene.
I completely agree and i've been saying that forever and day now, though this patch certainly isn't going to help.
To be honest, i'm not really sure what the spec trees are suppose to accomplish unless of course theyre trying to make an already easy game, easier and break pvp even more than it already is.
The Crafting I get, they need a massive time and money sink. I disagree with it, but I see the purpose. I see no purpose in the spec trees myself, other than over complicating an already complicated and un-perfected system.
In the end, they are going to have to not only constantly do power balances and going back to fix broken powers, but now they're going to end up having to do spec tree passes and fix broken specs on top of it.
While the trees are new, fun and exciting, I feel like they are completely unnecessary and I may be wrong in this sentiment, but i feel like that will likely cut into them giving us more content, more so than it already does.
I completely agree and i've been saying that forever and day now, though this patch certainly isn't going to help.
To be honest, i'm not really sure what the spec trees are suppose to accomplish unless of course theyre trying to make an already easy game, easier and break pvp even more than it already is.
The Crafting I get, they need a massive time and money sink. I disagree with it, but I see the purpose. I see no purpose in the spec trees myself, other than over complicating an already complicated and un-perfected system.
In the end, they are going to have to not only constantly do power balances and going back to fix broken powers, but now they're going to end up having to do spec tree passes and fix broken specs on top of it.
While the trees are new, fun and exciting, I feel like they are completely unnecessary and I may be wrong in this sentiment, but i feel like that will likely cut into them giving us more content, more so than it already does.
I think that the concept of Specs was a cool idea and I originally wanted them to succeed. But I sadly have to agree with all of this and have also considered the possibility that Specs could end up having a wide reaching impact in the game as well, affecting further development due to having additional balancing issues to address by adding an extra layer of ability selection and benefits.
I think that the concept of Specs was a cool idea and I originally wanted them to succeed. But I sadly have to agree with all of this and have also considered the possibility that Specs could end up having a wide reaching impact in the game as well, affecting further development due to having additional balancing issues to address by adding an extra layer of ability selection and benefits.
I think the specs are a cool idea too, and would love to fix the balance. The devs seem to actually be listening, I can tell Robobo has for sure from his last few posts. We all need to keep tracking bugs and imbalances in these new trees and reporting when we can. Youtube videos like Falchion made are a great way to demonstrate problems. I think if all us testers keep up this level of passion for the game, and keep up our efforts to improve the game, that it will eventually be an awesome system.
I think the specs are a cool idea too, and would love to fix the balance. The devs seem to actually be listening, I can tell Robobo has for sure from his last few posts. We all need to keep tracking bugs and imbalances in these new trees and reporting when we can. Youtube videos like Falchion made are a great way to demonstrate problems. I think if all us testers keep up this level of passion for the game, and keep up our efforts to improve the game, that it will eventually be an awesome system.
You have a little to much faith sir..
I used to be like you..then I took a WTK to the knee for 6 months -_-
You have a little to much faith sir..
I used to be like you..then I took a WTK to the knee for 6 months -_-
I was going to say something regarding his "new car smell", but i'll let Cryptic break his spirit so the blame isn't falling on me. It shouldn't take too long.
I think the specs are a cool idea too, and would love to fix the balance. The devs seem to actually be listening, I can tell Robobo has for sure from his last few posts. We all need to keep tracking bugs and imbalances in these new trees and reporting when we can. Youtube videos like Falchion made are a great way to demonstrate problems. I think if all us testers keep up this level of passion for the game, and keep up our efforts to improve the game, that it will eventually be an awesome system.
More choices of powers are always a chance for even more imbalance, so how do you expect a system
that gives us even more choices to fix balance ? It was crystal clear to me that this will only widen the gap
even more.
More choices of powers are always a chance for even more imbalance, so how do you expect a system
that gives us even more choices to fix balance ? It was crystal clear to me that this will only widen the gap
even more.
Well at least in theory there is a possibility. I'm not saying I trust this is how it will work, but...
If spec trees promote and reward you for focusing into certain type of build (ranged-/melee offense/defense/support, or even more specific like maintains, charge attacks, combos and such), then the number of truly viable builds can diminish instead of expand. It would lead to spec trees sort of dictating the builds, and leve you to picking a set of powers that works with the specs you take - more or less.
It could also potentially mean that in some ways the archetypes COULD get closer to freeform in power level. Not equal, no.. but a bit closer. Spec trees can allow them to gain some of the properties they lack (self heal, defense etc), and in theory the archetypes could be examples of 'viable builds' for their spec trees - although in practice this might not be true with their current powersets.
Disclaimer: by 'viable' above, I mean 'optimized' to certain degree. Consequently this kind of thing could also be a kick to the shin for 'concept builds'.. but honestly in a 'free style' system conocept builds always will be weaker. That's just unavoidable - unless you make dozens and dozens of powers that are pretty much perfect copies of eachother, with only visuals changed (or use the 'create a power' system noted in suggestions box forum).
If we only talk about "optimized" builds than we never had any imbalance at all, since everyone could build
the same optimized FoTM build, so everyone has the same chances in PvP.
I was going to say something regarding his "new car smell", but i'll let Cryptic break his spirit so the blame isn't falling on me. It shouldn't take too long.
I don't expect the system to fix the balance, I expect the community to help fix the system. I like how Demon, Skare, and Kenpo all took the time to add to this conversation with such powerful statements, like "lol." Save the pessimism for a thread that needs it. If you guys don't think you are accomplishing anything on the test server or you don't like the game, then you don't really have to play but seriously you guys need to quit acting like schoolyard bullies on the forums and develop a better since of community. Maybe the devs don't listen to you guys in particular because of the way you act on here; just saying. It's normal to have gripes about a system in development and to be upset about feeling like you're not being heard, but none of this is productive towards anything the PTS was designed for.
I don't expect the system to fix the balance, I expect the community to help fix the system. I like how Demon, Skare, and Kenpo all took the time to add to this conversation with such powerful statements, like "lol." Save the pessimism for a thread that needs it. If you guys don't think you are accomplishing anything on the test server or you don't like the game, then you don't really have to play but seriously you guys need to quit acting like schoolyard bullies on the forums and develop a better since of community. Maybe the devs don't listen to you guys in particular because of the way you act on here; just saying. It's normal to have gripes about a system in development and to be upset about feeling like you're not being heard, but none of this is productive towards anything the PTS was designed for.
those same people that you listed that are being pessimistic are some of the people who have been doing a lot of the testing on PTS and helping compile the list of things that they need to fix... mostly of which are "this will likely go unchanged". Thats a HUGE part of our pessimism... the fact that we ARE giving them feed back and DOING THEIR JOB FOR THEM and we're being blown off and screwed over for it.
those same people that you listed that are being pessimistic are some of the people who have been doing a lot of the testing on PTS and helping compile the list of things that they need to fix... mostly of which are "this will likely go unchanged". Thats a HUGE part of our pessimism... the fact that we ARE giving them feed back and DOING THEIR JOB FOR THEM and we're being blown off and screwed over for it.
I have been lurking for a while, and remember seeing you guys post on my old account too. The game is changing a lot now; this newest version is a completely different game than what is on Live! I also think that the devs are listening a little better now as well, which is why I have become so much more invested in it. I know that all 3 of you have put way more time into the game than myself as well, and it is actually very disappointing seeing posts made like that to me. Acting like spoiled kids, playing smartasses, and whining are not methods the devs seem to pay attention to or care about. The reason I mentioned Falchoin earlier is because he is a good example of someone who knows how to post in a way the devs will listen to, even if he does have to explain a few points twice :P I see a lot of posts like "Oh the bags are stupid and big now, cya Champions I quit!" That's the kind of post that goes nowhere.
Ok, this is not usually my forte but this needs to be said, Gob.
1. The three people you are basically "calling down"...well...if you started now until the end of this game you won't catch up to their attempts, contributions, and free work that they've put into this game. It's not just you but alot newbs(not a derrogatory term) that need need to learn to look through the forums and maybe dig into the post history just a little bit before they make posts like this one. I believe, in your case, that your heart was in the right place...your head was just a little off course.
2."productive towards anything the PTS was designed for"
Ok, ignore what you're reading from people and simply do this...
-Read through all the PTS patch notes for this month and last month(they're all the BGU Update).
-Now read through all the Live patch notes that hit Live in that time period.
-Now read the threads on all the C-store releases in that time period.
-Take note that the patch notes that hit live and the C-store items did not even TOUCH PTS at any point.
-Now, armed with this information, wait until Friday, patch Live, and log in.
-Play and take particular notice of the things that were mentioned by the tester, how many times they were mentioned, whether they're small like "multiple light posts in Westside" or larger issues cause by this particular set of patches like "Power X does no damage" or "Spec Y infinately stacks ontop of itself."
Once you have all this information and have assembled them into your own conclusion on the overall process....Multiply it by 30(ballpark number) months and maybe...just might begin to understand where some of the older players are coming from at this stage in the process. Now I'm not trying to insult you nor do I think you're thick or something. it's all a matter of perspective and some people's perspective at this point is kinda beaten and tired. I, personally, have done everything in my personal power to try to help the process along and remain as objective as possible but it's not easy and others are better at it than I am.
The PTS process is never perfect on any game and some of the devs go to great lengths to work with the testers in the process BUT there are practices involving the PTS process that have been mentioned, complained about, debated, with mostly crickets for replies that simply do not stack up to my personal experiences in other PTS programs....especially some of the end results.
I hope this clears things up a touch. In the end if you're still enjoying this game then more power to you. At the momment I'm trying to continue to enjoy the game and this stuff hasn't hit Live yet. Some people are packing and running for the hills. For you, only your results are what truly matters though. The vets will either adapt or abandon.
I have been lurking for a while, and remember seeing you guys post on my old account too. The game is changing a lot now; this newest version is a completely different game than what is on Live! I also think that the devs are listening a little better now as well, which is why I have become so much more invested in it. I know that all 3 of you have put way more time into the game than myself as well, and it is actually very disappointing seeing posts made like that to me. Acting like spoiled kids, playing smartasses, and whining are not methods the devs seem to pay attention to or care about. The reason I mentioned Falchoin earlier is because he is a good example of someone who knows how to post in a way the devs will listen to, even if he does have to explain a few points twice :P I see a lot of posts like "Oh the bags are stupid and big now, cya Champions I quit!" That's the kind of post that goes nowhere.
And that is exactly why I give my bug reports to Falchoin, So I can continue my snarky comments and not have to worry about the Devs removing or nerfing something based on its source.
I think you should go take a look at the "what problems do we need to fix thread??".
Then you can tell me how well they've been listening.
That's only partially the reason actually. Hes kind of a fact checker, I find the broken, he finds the source of the broken since he has more of an understanding of what's going on behind the scenes than I do.
Ok, this is not usually my forte but this needs to be said, Gob.
Well now, I totally gave the guys credit in my last post as well. I know they are vets and I appreciate their past contributions, but now they really seem more set on being snarky than actually helping. I think their attitudes are a detriment to their goals at this point, and I understand that feeling unheard may even be why. As far as your second point I will say that because I have read over these forums like a hawk this past month and seen what the devs have heard, and what they ignored, that I am making these statements. I spend all my time in game trying to test bugs and the balance of new specs, so anyone who is willing to join up with me at anytime and give me some help, or even if you'd like to play devil's advocate against something I may think is a balance issue then please join me.
Well now, I totally gave the guys credit in my last post as well. I know they are vets and I appreciate their past contributions, but now they really seem more set on being snarky than actually helping. I think their attitudes are a detriment to their goals at this point. As far as your second point I will say that because I have read over these forums like a hawk this past month and seen what the devs have heard, and what they ignored, that I am making these statements. I spend all my time in game trying to test bugs and the balance of new specs, so anyone who is willing to join up with me at anytime and give me some help, or even if you'd like to play devil's advocate against something I may think is a balance issue then please join me.
Looking over your own posts, I see a lot of pessimism in your posts as well, perhaps not in this particular thread, but it's definitely there. So if nothing else, I know you get it.
That being said I criticize those deserving of criticism and I am not a happy camper by any means, but that should go without saying. I'm still testing and im still reporting, but i'm not going to suck it up and pretend everything's ok when something is wrong.
I personally like the specifications. They allow me flexibility to differentiate between my Kung-Fu master's Xtreme crits, and my Karate master's endurance form. I can focus on building an immovable unstoppable singular juggernaut tank, or a team friendly tanking sentinel.
I don't think crowd control is accurately represented in this game (and as such, I don't use it anymore), but considering the amount of overhauls they've done since inception, I'm guessing they'll get it right 3 major overhauls from now.
Maybe they should just make a PVP server where everyone is given Teleport as a travel power as soon as their toon is generated in the server. That should be fun!
Usually, I'd just ignore this...but the newbies like you getting snarky and taking shots at me is getting old.
Yes, I responded to something I found funny with an LOL because I did, in fact, laugh out loud reading it. If that's a problem I'm sorry for you and make no apologies for me being amused by SkaReKr0.
When you decide to spend the number of hours I've spent contributing here then, and only then, will I take your questioning something I ever post seriously. I've forgotten more about this game, its history, its lore, its triumphs and its failures than you currently know given the misinformation you've posted recently which is made more laughable by the claims of the "older account" while posting stuff up that someone who's been here as long as you attempt to claim would surely know better than to state. I've put up more guides, videos, help and feedback than you have made posts (all 104 of them). Lastly, go through your own posting history before talking about anyone else being pessimistic. It helps to have a leg to stand on when handing out criticism like that.
You got a problem with myself, or anyone, being less than amused at the current state of the game? It's because we've been here, we know what's going, we understand the changes and more importantly the history of changes we've had. We can, and will, post when we don't like something same as we do when we do like something. Got that much of an issue with things I post that don't fit your palate? Use your ignore function, but don't call me out by name when the ink on your sub is still wet while I have to look for what archive I filed mine in.
Edit: What's the world coming to? I remember when I was criticized for being a Cryptic Cheerleader I get guff like this from people who just showed up about a month ago. An amusing shift to say the least...
Usually, I'd just ignore this...but the newbies like you getting snarky and taking shots at me is getting old.
Yes, I responded to something I found funny with an LOL because I did, in fact, laugh out loud reading it. If that's a problem I'm sorry for you and make no apologies for me being amused by SkaReKr0.
When you decide to spend the number of hours I've spent contributing here then, and only then, will I take your questioning something I ever post seriously. I've forgotten more about this game, its history, its lore, its triumphs and its failures than you currently know given the misinformation you've posted recently which is made more laughable by the claims of the "older account" while posting stuff up that someone who's been here as long as you attempt to claim would surely know better than to state. I've put up more guides, videos, help and feedback than you have made posts (all 104 of them). Lastly, go through your own posting history before talking about anyone else being pessimistic. It helps to have a leg to stand on when handing out criticism like that.
You got a problem with myself, or anyone, being less than amused at the current state of the game? It's because we've been here, we know what's going, we understand the changes and more importantly the history of changes we've had. We can, and will, post when we don't like something same as we do when we do like something. Got that much of an issue with things I post that don't fit your palate? Use your ignore function, but don't call me out by name when the ink on your sub is still wet while I have to look for what archive I filed mine in.
Edit: What's the world coming to? I remember when I was criticized for being a Cryptic Cheerleader I get guff like this from people who just showed up about a month ago. An amusing shift to say the least...
Usually, I'd just ignore this...but the newbies like you getting snarky and taking shots at me is getting old.
Yes, I responded to something I found funny with an LOL because I did, in fact, laugh out loud reading it. If that's a problem I'm sorry for you and make no apologies for me being amused by SkaReKr0.
When you decide to spend the number of hours I've spent contributing here then, and only then, will I take your questioning something I ever post seriously. I've forgotten more about this game, its history, its lore, its triumphs and its failures than you currently know given the misinformation you've posted recently which is made more laughable by the claims of the "older account" while posting stuff up that someone who's been here as long as you attempt to claim would surely know better than to state. I've put up more guides, videos, help and feedback than you have made posts (all 104 of them). Lastly, go through your own posting history before talking about anyone else being pessimistic. It helps to have a leg to stand on when handing out criticism like that.
You got a problem with myself, or anyone, being less than amused at the current state of the game? It's because we've been here, we know what's going, we understand the changes and more importantly the history of changes we've had. We can, and will, post when we don't like something same as we do when we do like something. Got that much of an issue with things I post that don't fit your palate? Use your ignore function, but don't call me out by name when the ink on your sub is still wet while I have to look for what archive I filed mine in.
Edit: What's the world coming to? I remember when I was criticized for being a Cryptic Cheerleader I get guff like this from people who just showed up about a month ago. An amusing shift to say the least...
I love you, and kro too
Also gob, shut up, you'd make yourself look a lot less stupid.
I'll say it again; I am thankful for the contributions that you and your buddies have given us, Kenpo. My post wasn't an attempt to call you out or be a jerk, but rather I was hoping you could see where I was coming from and hopefully shift your attitude just a little. I see that this was completely for naught. I apologize to whomever I offended, I would really like to just see all of us get along for the sake of making this a better game. It's sad to me that an internet forum has turned you into such a bitter person, as you seem like quite an interesting person IRL from your youtube videos.
I also looked through my posts, and maybe it's these rose-colored glasses of mine, but I couldn't find my pessimism. I think in all of the posts in which I griped I also tried to offer a solution instead of just being like "kill it!" If I missed something please let me know in a pm, or on here if you care to waste the space, and I'll do my best to explain
I'll say it again; I am thankful for the contributions that you and your buddies have given us, Kenpo. My post wasn't an attempt to call you out or be a jerk, but rather I was hoping you could see where I was coming from and hopefully shift your attitude just a little. I see that this was completely for naught. I apologize to whomever I offended, I would really like to just see all of us get along for the sake of making this a better game. It's sad to me that an internet forum has turned you into such a bitter person, as you seem like quite an interesting person IRL from your youtube videos.
I also looked through my posts, and maybe it's these rose-colored glasses of mine, but I couldn't find my pessimism. I think in all of the posts in which I griped I also tried to offer a solution instead of just being like "kill it!" If I missed something please let me know in a pm, or on here if you care to waste the space, and I'll do my best to explain
Hes not a bad person, just difficult speaking to someone who is a noob and thinks hes knows everything already.
My post wasn't an attempt to call you out or be a jerk
I don't expect the system to fix the balance, I expect the community to help fix the system. I like how Demon, Skare, and Kenpo all took the time to add to this conversation with such powerful statements, like "lol." Save the pessimism for a thread that needs it. If you guys don't think you are accomplishing anything on the test server or you don't like the game, then you don't really have to play but seriously you guys need to quit acting like schoolyard bullies on the forums and develop a better since of community. Maybe the devs don't listen to you guys in particular because of the way you act on here; just saying. It's normal to have gripes about a system in development and to be upset about feeling like you're not being heard, but none of this is productive towards anything the PTS was designed for.
The only thing worse than someone thinking they know everything is someone who lacks the conviction to stand behind their own words. I have no patience for people like you so don't call me out, tell me how to post, or tell me about a sense of a community I've been there for for years now when you've done exactly zero for it in your month here.
Type twenty plus detailed guides with your own time
Answer the PMs those guides generate with your own time to help people build
Spend hours on vent and on the phone helping people understand the game
Maintain a list of guides for newcomers and vets alike
Test stuff that you'll never use for hours just so you can explain it to someone else who will use it
Make over a hundred videos about the game to show people stuff in it
Moderate on a forum where Silvers are allowed, when they weren't allowed here
Run a supergroup and open it up to newcomers the day of relaunch to help them learn game and try to keep them in the game.
Maintain a vent server with your own resources
Participate in this games community by playing the game with them for over 3000 hours over the years
Do something, anything for this community...THEN you can address me about having a sense of it. Until then, don't step to me on that level. You are not in the same league. And when you're trying and succeeding at being a jerk by calling someone out, stick with what you said.
YEah, either all helmets are gonna be hella big, or we can't get'em, or there's clipping. I figure the thinking is someone has the option and they can build aorund it if they need that helmet to work.
Very good point, there's a lot of players who play only one gender, and there needs to be fair warning that a costume is either male only or female only before you find out the hard way.
I'd really just prefer all the unlocks work for both male and female models. Some of the discrimination is really, really, REALLY stupid. Like, you can't use the Maniacs skull boots with a female character stupid. :l
Hee hee. Well, to be honest the main reason I didn't voice up with Muni is that there seemed to be a lot of voices already and since I don't play one I can't properly judge how the changes affected the set. I'm a stickler for tossing in an opinion on things only if I feel I have knowledge of what is being talked about.
Like how I disclaimed that my opinions were on a PvE viewpoint since I don't PvP. As it is, these changes trash holds (especially Ego Storm) from a PvE standpoint. My poor telepath... Wonder what I can replace Ego Storm with? (And stay in concept.)
Ina sense, a hold should actually be easier to pull off than a regular attack; think of it this way - if player A only uses attacks powers, and player B uses attacks plus holds, then it will most likely take player B longer to defeat their enemies. Even a held enemy could potentially be a danger to a player, while a defeated one cannot.
Also keep in mind that the enemies that most players "need" to hold are the ones that are more resistant to them in the first place. Villains and up are the ones that are more dangerous, yet they are the ones that are more resistant. Yeah, they may have more HP and thus take longer to defeat with direct attacks, but many builds can dish out enough damage to make the incoming damage from the henchmen inconsequential so they can focus on the dangerous enemies.
Enemies should have a sort of morale system, and seeing an enemy mezzed and beaten up should inherently make the other nearby enemies reconsider attacking you so fiercely - perhaps some will flee, others will surrender, etc...
On that note, it'd be cool if using a hold on an enemy could in fact get them to surrender instead of you having to still defeat them conventionally.
Well, players with LR will easily reach 100% dodge now, so, i don't see why mobs couldn't.
Minidrive is being triggered by energy builder
The description of each of these powers indicate:
"Instead of gaining bonus damage from your Strength stat like most melee powers, this power gains that bonus damage from your Ego stat."
How To Test:
1) Do a full retcon on your character so that you have no superstats, talents, etc...
2) Buy any Ego Blade powers.
3) Check how much damage the Ego Blade power does.
4) Equip a piece of gear that has only +Strength, no +Offence.
5) Check how much damage the Ego Blade power does - you'll see that it does more damage with strength.
Side Note:
The Ego Blade powers are using both Strength and Ego to boost damage.
That's the reason why I'm not assuming it's immediately unintentional. I mean players can do it. Though if it was unintentional, well, I'm throwing it up there so they now know.
Edit: Scratch that, rechecked my math. It auto-completed the fusion I was on. It was a 100% success rate anyway, but still.
Not sure what caused it yet.
I apologize to the artist, but you know this is not a good piece of art. It looks too realistic and not "jim lee" enough like every other art piece used in the game. STAY CONSISTENT. I like the concept of the Champions together now just redo that piece with the old Champions style.
My take on CC.
WoW. Enough said. Make holds like ROOTS, SAPPING, POLYMORPH...christ this crap was done like 8 years ago for you.
Confirmed, It is scaling off Strength as well. Please let this be an actual bug.
Why?!? WHY?!? WHY!!!!!
You guys have just completely gutted what was left of Telepathy. The power set was already cherry picked as it was, now you've just killed the last decent power in the set.....Ego Storm.
So now it takes an entire second for the "incapacitate" to take hold and if any npc breaks it the maintain is interrupted???!!!! What a joke. I was trying to understand why it kept stopping when I was in the battlestation but I didn't understand until I read the patch notes.
The only reason I can see for doing this is because of pvp. I could be mistaken but you haven't provided a reason for me to think otherwise. I am a firm believer that pvp and pve should always be separated. What happens to one should not effect the other.
GET RID OF COMPETITIVE PVP PERIOD. They can go play COD or LoL or whatever the new PVP craze is until the PVE content is fixed.
Right now it is obvious that Cryptic needs to stay focused and can't be dealing with PVPer gripes.
Actually, they should get rid of the PVE aspect and make it a strictly PVP game since all they do is balance passes and im sure they make more money off of the PVPers with all of the retcons that they buy since just about any build is viable in pve, so retcons on PVE builds arent really necessary... :rolleyes:
This game isnt just for one side or another. This game is comprised of both PVErs and PVPers, and no one should say that one side is more important than the other, because theyre both a factor of the game and the people playing either side are keeping the lights on so to speak. I agree with your sentiment that they need to focus on content more so than the constant power passes but saying that people who enjoy a certain aspect of the game should be forced to go else where, in a game that already has a dwindling population is absurd.
What this game however not is, and never will, is "balanced" for PvP. With the freeform system this simply
never will happen.
I really wonder however why no other games than Everquest 2 where so wise, to seperate balancing of
skills for PvE and PvP. I expected that at least in Rift, since Scott Hartsman came from EQ2, but even there
they haven't done it.
I completely agree and i've been saying that forever and day now, though this patch certainly isn't going to help.
To be honest, i'm not really sure what the spec trees are suppose to accomplish unless of course theyre trying to make an already easy game, easier and break pvp even more than it already is.
The Crafting I get, they need a massive time and money sink. I disagree with it, but I see the purpose. I see no purpose in the spec trees myself, other than over complicating an already complicated and un-perfected system.
In the end, they are going to have to not only constantly do power balances and going back to fix broken powers, but now they're going to end up having to do spec tree passes and fix broken specs on top of it.
While the trees are new, fun and exciting, I feel like they are completely unnecessary and I may be wrong in this sentiment, but i feel like that will likely cut into them giving us more content, more so than it already does.
PvP only gear? So players that like PvE can't ever enter a PvP match without being pwned now?
Mostly agree with you. However i see one thing personal in the spec trees .. as beeing a big infernal fan
i can now even have more Infernals with nearly the same powers but different specs without feeling too bad
that these characters are just total clones of my others
Used Ego Choke R3 on a Support role character with Int/pre superstats, a piece of hold strength gear, the Int talent that makes Int give hold strength and the Torment Talent from the Sentinel Tree.
On a full maintain, Viper-X would be Incapacitated about halfway through the maintain bar. This would interrupt any chargeups he was in the process of doing (like Chest Beam) and prevent him from attacking from a few seconds afterwards.
If this is working as intended, then I think all you need to do to fix Crowd Control for PvE is to remove the "maintains are interrupted if the target breaks free".
I ran through Serpent Lantern Elite up to the end of the first bunker with a character using Aura of Arcane Clarity (and the above setup), and only died once, at Viper X, due to a chest beam/knock/generator combo when I was typing. That was with only 4.5k HP.
Ego Sleep, Ego Sprites, Soul Mez (with adv) and Ego Choke are quite a good combination. It's just slow. Glacially slow. Memories-of-solo-leveling-in-City-of-Heroes-as-a-Mind Control/FF-Controller slow. Part of that's the build, though.
This reminds me of a time when a kid suggested that I design a card game with no limit on the number of copies of any cards in the decks.
My reaction? :eek: Talk about a balance nightmare. Instead I gently showed him how that would just turn the card game into a rich vs richer tourney scene.
Exactly so !!!!!
Thank you for expressing this so eloquently.
I think that the concept of Specs was a cool idea and I originally wanted them to succeed. But I sadly have to agree with all of this and have also considered the possibility that Specs could end up having a wide reaching impact in the game as well, affecting further development due to having additional balancing issues to address by adding an extra layer of ability selection and benefits.
I think the specs are a cool idea too, and would love to fix the balance. The devs seem to actually be listening, I can tell Robobo has for sure from his last few posts. We all need to keep tracking bugs and imbalances in these new trees and reporting when we can. Youtube videos like Falchion made are a great way to demonstrate problems. I think if all us testers keep up this level of passion for the game, and keep up our efforts to improve the game, that it will eventually be an awesome system.
You have a little to much faith sir..
I used to be like you..then I took a WTK to the knee for 6 months -_-
I was going to say something regarding his "new car smell", but i'll let Cryptic break his spirit so the blame isn't falling on me. It shouldn't take too long.
Not like any power bugs gonna be fixed... but w\e.
More choices of powers are always a chance for even more imbalance, so how do you expect a system
that gives us even more choices to fix balance ? It was crystal clear to me that this will only widen the gap
even more.
Well at least in theory there is a possibility. I'm not saying I trust this is how it will work, but...
If spec trees promote and reward you for focusing into certain type of build (ranged-/melee offense/defense/support, or even more specific like maintains, charge attacks, combos and such), then the number of truly viable builds can diminish instead of expand. It would lead to spec trees sort of dictating the builds, and leve you to picking a set of powers that works with the specs you take - more or less.
It could also potentially mean that in some ways the archetypes COULD get closer to freeform in power level. Not equal, no.. but a bit closer. Spec trees can allow them to gain some of the properties they lack (self heal, defense etc), and in theory the archetypes could be examples of 'viable builds' for their spec trees - although in practice this might not be true with their current powersets.
Disclaimer: by 'viable' above, I mean 'optimized' to certain degree. Consequently this kind of thing could also be a kick to the shin for 'concept builds'.. but honestly in a 'free style' system conocept builds always will be weaker. That's just unavoidable - unless you make dozens and dozens of powers that are pretty much perfect copies of eachother, with only visuals changed (or use the 'create a power' system noted in suggestions box forum).
the same optimized FoTM build, so everyone has the same chances in PvP.
those same people that you listed that are being pessimistic are some of the people who have been doing a lot of the testing on PTS and helping compile the list of things that they need to fix... mostly of which are "this will likely go unchanged". Thats a HUGE part of our pessimism... the fact that we ARE giving them feed back and DOING THEIR JOB FOR THEM and we're being blown off and screwed over for it.
I have been lurking for a while, and remember seeing you guys post on my old account too. The game is changing a lot now; this newest version is a completely different game than what is on Live! I also think that the devs are listening a little better now as well, which is why I have become so much more invested in it. I know that all 3 of you have put way more time into the game than myself as well, and it is actually very disappointing seeing posts made like that to me. Acting like spoiled kids, playing smartasses, and whining are not methods the devs seem to pay attention to or care about. The reason I mentioned Falchoin earlier is because he is a good example of someone who knows how to post in a way the devs will listen to, even if he does have to explain a few points twice :P I see a lot of posts like "Oh the bags are stupid and big now, cya Champions I quit!" That's the kind of post that goes nowhere.
1. The three people you are basically "calling down"...well...if you started now until the end of this game you won't catch up to their attempts, contributions, and free work that they've put into this game. It's not just you but alot newbs(not a derrogatory term) that need need to learn to look through the forums and maybe dig into the post history just a little bit before they make posts like this one. I believe, in your case, that your heart was in the right place...your head was just a little off course.
2."productive towards anything the PTS was designed for"
Ok, ignore what you're reading from people and simply do this...
-Read through all the PTS patch notes for this month and last month(they're all the BGU Update).
-Now read through all the Live patch notes that hit Live in that time period.
-Now read the threads on all the C-store releases in that time period.
-Take note that the patch notes that hit live and the C-store items did not even TOUCH PTS at any point.
-Now, armed with this information, wait until Friday, patch Live, and log in.
-Play and take particular notice of the things that were mentioned by the tester, how many times they were mentioned, whether they're small like "multiple light posts in Westside" or larger issues cause by this particular set of patches like "Power X does no damage" or "Spec Y infinately stacks ontop of itself."
Once you have all this information and have assembled them into your own conclusion on the overall process....Multiply it by 30(ballpark number) months and maybe...just might begin to understand where some of the older players are coming from at this stage in the process. Now I'm not trying to insult you nor do I think you're thick or something. it's all a matter of perspective and some people's perspective at this point is kinda beaten and tired. I, personally, have done everything in my personal power to try to help the process along and remain as objective as possible but it's not easy and others are better at it than I am.
The PTS process is never perfect on any game and some of the devs go to great lengths to work with the testers in the process BUT there are practices involving the PTS process that have been mentioned, complained about, debated, with mostly crickets for replies that simply do not stack up to my personal experiences in other PTS programs....especially some of the end results.
I hope this clears things up a touch. In the end if you're still enjoying this game then more power to you. At the momment I'm trying to continue to enjoy the game and this stuff hasn't hit Live yet. Some people are packing and running for the hills. For you, only your results are what truly matters though. The vets will either adapt or abandon.
And that is exactly why I give my bug reports to Falchoin, So I can continue my snarky comments and not have to worry about the Devs removing or nerfing something based on its source.
I think you should go take a look at the "what problems do we need to fix thread??".
Then you can tell me how well they've been listening.
That's only partially the reason actually. Hes kind of a fact checker, I find the broken, he finds the source of the broken since he has more of an understanding of what's going on behind the scenes than I do.
Well now, I totally gave the guys credit in my last post as well. I know they are vets and I appreciate their past contributions, but now they really seem more set on being snarky than actually helping. I think their attitudes are a detriment to their goals at this point, and I understand that feeling unheard may even be why. As far as your second point I will say that because I have read over these forums like a hawk this past month and seen what the devs have heard, and what they ignored, that I am making these statements. I spend all my time in game trying to test bugs and the balance of new specs, so anyone who is willing to join up with me at anytime and give me some help, or even if you'd like to play devil's advocate against something I may think is a balance issue then please join me.
Looking over your own posts, I see a lot of pessimism in your posts as well, perhaps not in this particular thread, but it's definitely there. So if nothing else, I know you get it.
That being said I criticize those deserving of criticism and I am not a happy camper by any means, but that should go without saying. I'm still testing and im still reporting, but i'm not going to suck it up and pretend everything's ok when something is wrong.
I don't think crowd control is accurately represented in this game (and as such, I don't use it anymore), but considering the amount of overhauls they've done since inception, I'm guessing they'll get it right 3 major overhauls from now.
Maybe they should just make a PVP server where everyone is given Teleport as a travel power as soon as their toon is generated in the server. That should be fun!
Usually, I'd just ignore this...but the newbies like you getting snarky and taking shots at me is getting old.
Yes, I responded to something I found funny with an LOL because I did, in fact, laugh out loud reading it. If that's a problem I'm sorry for you and make no apologies for me being amused by SkaReKr0.
When you decide to spend the number of hours I've spent contributing here then, and only then, will I take your questioning something I ever post seriously. I've forgotten more about this game, its history, its lore, its triumphs and its failures than you currently know given the misinformation you've posted recently which is made more laughable by the claims of the "older account" while posting stuff up that someone who's been here as long as you attempt to claim would surely know better than to state. I've put up more guides, videos, help and feedback than you have made posts (all 104 of them). Lastly, go through your own posting history before talking about anyone else being pessimistic. It helps to have a leg to stand on when handing out criticism like that.
You got a problem with myself, or anyone, being less than amused at the current state of the game? It's because we've been here, we know what's going, we understand the changes and more importantly the history of changes we've had. We can, and will, post when we don't like something same as we do when we do like something. Got that much of an issue with things I post that don't fit your palate? Use your ignore function, but don't call me out by name when the ink on your sub is still wet while I have to look for what archive I filed mine in.
Edit: What's the world coming to? I remember when I was criticized for being a Cryptic Cheerleader I get guff like this from people who just showed up about a month ago. An amusing shift to say the least...
Well said good sir, well said.
I love you, and kro too
Also gob, shut up, you'd make yourself look a lot less stupid.
I also looked through my posts, and maybe it's these rose-colored glasses of mine, but I couldn't find my pessimism. I think in all of the posts in which I griped I also tried to offer a solution instead of just being like "kill it!" If I missed something please let me know in a pm, or on here if you care to waste the space, and I'll do my best to explain
Hes not a bad person, just difficult speaking to someone who is a noob and thinks hes knows everything already.
The only thing worse than someone thinking they know everything is someone who lacks the conviction to stand behind their own words. I have no patience for people like you so don't call me out, tell me how to post, or tell me about a sense of a community I've been there for for years now when you've done exactly zero for it in your month here.
Do something, anything for this community...THEN you can address me about having a sense of it. Until then, don't step to me on that level. You are not in the same league. And when you're trying and succeeding at being a jerk by calling someone out, stick with what you said.