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SG Recruiting: DarkCiters!

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
NOTE: "Citers is just what we are called, and Dark doesn't mean that its only Dark Powered peoples who can join, all can join. Gadgeteers, freeforms, Impulses etc. lv 6-40. EVERYONE! ^^

We are currently recruiting peoples who:

1. Are active.
2. Are Social and friendly.
3. Can be RP friendly as we are a SG who focus on missions and RP.

Also we need some experienced persons to organize events and admins to help me with controlling persons who is acting like *******s. Don't kick them if they use cruel words like f*** and dam* and shi*. Only if they use it in rage.

Hope all viewers will reply here or send a mail to @_Anibal.N.Co_. or search The Thorn Prince.

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