Why, yes. Read your ToS. Joining an SG, stealing from its vault, and leaving isn't a violation - it's rude, but it's not in violation. Calling someone out by name on the forums, however, as you have here, is clearly a violation of the forum regulations, and can result in an infraction.
Most SGs deal with this by granting no or limited access to their SG bank until a player has, by whatever criteria they use, proved him/herself to them. Heck, Meteor has been a member of his SG for quite some time, but still can't remove items from any but the first tab, and can't deposit to any but the first two tabs (out of six).
Most SGs deal with this by granting no or limited access to their SG bank until a player has, by whatever criteria they use, proved him/herself to them. Heck, Meteor has been a member of his SG for quite some time, but still can't remove items from any but the first tab, and can't deposit to any but the first two tabs (out of six).