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The Multiversal Bank of Plurality

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
Have you ever felt that you'd like to switch your cash from one world to another?
Do you have money in an old mmo that's free to play as well (so our bankers can provide assets over there too without too much hassle irl, XD), that you have a lot of money in that you're not using?
What if there was a way of transferring money from world to world without it actually transferring in any actual way that would anger the creators?
What if... There was an investment bank in many different realities, that traded cash (and, in some cases, equivalent items, if an equivalent evaluation can be made, I guess) between players more like real banks did?
What if you could be given an investment, with the only downside meaning that you'll owe the bank twice that in profit if you do not pay it back by the agreed upon deadline?
I give you... the MBP. Which may change its name eventually as that sounds rather dull when abbreviated. It needs something that's an actual word but still means multiversal bank.

The idea is basically, in every video game that's free and multiplayer, or owned by many and is multiplayer, a player holds the bank's money. ... In Champions, this can be shared somewhat in the Supergroup Bank, so yeah.
The main feature is security: as in some mmos, when you die you lose what items you have, which is somewhat of a downer,
But also, there's the cool feature of being able to transfer money between worlds... With a comission.
Basically, you give the money to the banker, tell him your username and what game it'll be in, then he gives you the money in that world.

I'm still working out the kinks in the idea before I actually test it, but I think this'd be quite fun to try out, especially as it's basically just controlling different currencies on a spreadsheet and just keeping sure the money in-game is enough to allow withdrawers and depositors.
Also, through having a valid exchange process like this, it might mean more people play these games, as there'll be a provision for, say, for example, Lord of the Rings Online players to come over here to Champions, as their money over there can be converted into money over here. And more players means that there can be more subscriptions and more subscriptions means the game lasts longer with more features.
So yeah. Like the idea? See any flaws? I've only got one that I haven't been able to figure out yet, which is: how to ensure that people actually do pay up if I go the investment route? Or is the only investment possible for our characters is going to be minor profit-making on the Auction House... I do want to be able to give depositors a proportional amount of interest in accordance to a percentage of total profits made...

Should I just stick to one world, as would be simpler, or should I go for my ideal goal of a multiversal transferral bank?
Give suggestions, as this'll be quite fun, as it's a relatively realistic simulation of a bank (think of each video game as being a country heavily divided by some political problem, and you've pretty much got a IDEAL simulation of these things)... Hell, I can probably submit the monthly profit and loss accounts as extra credit at uni, as I'm doing Business Studies...

I decided to stick with free to play games... and maybe minecraft servers, as practically everyone has a minecraft account, so that anyone can transfer money to anywhere.
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    this is one hell of an idea..i dont have any money in any other MMO's as champs is the only MMO i see thats worth playing (apart from ToR ofcourse) but this idea is pretty damn awesome
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    It is actually an interesting idea, though I suspect it is against the rules, even if it is not RMT in the traditional sense. The few Terms of Services I remember having read in one way or other, forbid trading of in-game items for out-of-game services/items.

    Still, it's a very enterprising idea. Nicely done.



    P.S. It also made me lol quite a bit, when I started wondering which game would be the most likely source of "Nigerian Letter" equivalents, for scamming costumers of this Multiversal Bank.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I've been experimenting with banks in Minecraft, which is what spurred all this... Not sure if I'm ever going to try and do it, especially as it is pretty much against the rules in most games, as you say. It would be pretty cool though if there was a decent exchange rate between games, as they are sorta realish economies, and it would be nice if one could ensure that if you do well in one game, you can further your success in others...

    Eh, what the hell. I'll make a bank supergroup next time I play. It'll just be in-CO for the time being, with maybe some unadvertised conversion facility into other games later but nothing mentioned directly, very hush hush wink wink secret handshake.
    If nothing else, I could use the data for banking coursework (anonymised a bit and never, ever mentioning that it's from a video game... I will call it a "simulation of the banking industry", only elaborating on where this simulation is if the lecturer when I ask him to review it for me tells me it needs better referencing...), and it'd be fun to practice doing some investment banking to give a interest-like return to depositors... A little hobby within the game.

    Now to make a really classic Golden/early Silver Age hero to be the ex-superhero coming out of his retirement in which he was a civilian banker to be a banker for superheroes... (Am tempted to steal one of the money-related pun names from the NPC bankers... Or just call him Moolahman.)
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