Primus Maximum is a PvE guild created for members of the advanced levels who seek elite missions through any Adventure packs, Nemcon and more, as well as cosmic villain hunting. Also created to be a socially active and friendly group.
--==Code of Conduct==--
Gold and Silver players are welcomed, we are seeking members of levels 35 to 40. Active players who are socially mature are wanted. RPers are highly welcomed too.
All fights will be set to Elite, so be ready for a fight.
We do not take kindly to people who spams on "Need" for the sake of selling the items the enemies drop, before going into an instance of begin a fight with a Cosmic, I do ask that you say what high stat item you seek for that current character.
Stealing Nemcon chests is also frowned upon, if you are caught(And you will), exile is imminent.
No based genres here, no coordinated costumes required, no fancy shmancy handshakes either, just come as you are in this group.
Here are some runs Primus has had so far
Two Teams of 5<--
Being able to sneak passed the campers, the early members were able to take him down in no time.
Vikorin The Blind
Prepping for battle.<--
Running with a group, ready to face Vikorin The Blind.
Toons in order from left to right:
The Epic Slug(rear)
Vikorin Defeated<--
No Doubt, a team as great as this, Vikorin had no chance against us.
Photo Opp<--
A team of 4 deciding to show a little boasting after a fight with Kigatilik
... Some more than others... *Points up*
This team also made a new time record of taking out Kigatilik on this run too, I'm so proud of them.
We hope to have more members for this growing guild soon, if you enjoy elites, cosmic and nemcon runs as much as we do, then Primus Maximum if the guild for you.
Left to right: Chetara@alvar_m, Acedia@RedTyger, Keshaerys (myself).
Image 1
Image 2
What a team, along with help from an outside guild member.
We did have a full team, but two of them left too soon for the image, this has been one of my better runs granted that I only went through Therakiel's Temple twice.
Time is yet to be determined.
This was thought of by one of my officers, this seems like a fun idea for the guild to promote, Here is the mail sent by her to give an idea for the event. We are still working on kinks and what nots.
**Premise and start of Primus Maximum Run!**
Participants will race as a team (in pairs). Each team will meet up at a designated area that will be preclosed to gamers that want to participate in "Primus Maximum Run". It will be at this location that participants will meet the first Quest Giver (QG) and get registered (A list of participating teams will be drafted). Without registration your team will not be officially a participant in the race. Once everyone is registered the (QG) will announce to everyone in the local area what the first clue is. Clues will lead you ultimately to another (QG) who will give you another clue leading to another (QG) and so forth until the race is completed. The idea is to keep the race under 15 minutes long so it won't be extremely tiresome.
**Rules for Primus Maximum Run!**
1) You must register as a team of 2 participants. You cannot play with any larger teams than this.
2) Follow the instructions of the (QG) strictly, there will be people watching to make sure no one is "cheating". For example, if the instructions say that you need to follow a certain road without flight powers, then you cannot use flight powers and you must follow that road. Keep in mind that this race is designed to provide fun to the gamers, so we won't have you do anything that is too boring (hopefully).
3) Any time a (QG) gives you instructions, you may ask for a hint. There is a one hint cap per (QG)! This hint may be directional advice, or other, but the hints should help you find your way if you are lost. Keep in mind that all participating teams will receive the same hint. (Hints are received through whisper, ask the (QG) for a hint and he will respond in whisper your hint)
4) Have fun! That is the whole point of this race, just to have fun. Grinding and playing the same content over and over can be tiring. This will help break that.
** Rewards **
Rewards will be announced, but generally speaking we are looking to give 50G-100G to the winning team.
Before 1
After 1
Left-to-right in after pic: Helpy Helperton (me), Freya, Zanshi, The Servant of Thought, GOD OF BOW
After 2
Left-to-right there: Sarah Sparkles, Freya, Zanshi, Ataraxia Vail (me), Mercy
That kill only took about 3 minutes, if that.
Was Zanshi's head always that small? I never noticed...
The run has been moved to next monday, it will be on the 17th at 1:00PM server time.