im` looking `for `good `ppl `that` are `nice` wanna `be` friends` with` hellp` me `with `quest and` join `sg` everybody` time ` i `ask` in` zone `chat `nobody` don't `say `nothing` they` just `ingore` me `ok `on `my` devastator `i `have `beaten` demonflame `pack` by `my` self `nobody` to `help `me `until` he `got `mess `up `with` my `stats `so` i` delete `him `and `create` crusher` storm `the `punisher` them `the `ones` im working` on `now` is `crusher `still `working `on `picking` best `class `for `like `soloing` and `tanking` and` make` the` best `costume` but `right `now` im` not `makeing` best `costume `ever` for` costume` contest` if `you` wanna` help `me `add `me ]
I am sorry that you have had some bad experiences here. I truly hope that things improve for you. I try to help others when I can so feel free to ask if you see me around.
[COLOR="Yellow"ok im going my post short im not mad are anything its gets on my nerves when ppl ingore when i need help or looking for sg and friends and ppl that don't kick you from group understand what im saying i mean this the truth ^_^ [/COLOR]
ah come ppl you be friends everybody else and not me stop ingoreing this post im trying to get friends and help with best char class and tank and soloing i need help with createing good cosutme to ^_^
Kind of hard to read.
Are you looking for people to team with? Or do you just want to blow off some steam?