Hello all, some of you might know me as that odd man in the red cowboy hat. Others may know me as Mister Oppression, Mr. Eldritch, Mr. Five (Noticing a pattern here.) Designator, Paranoia, Aram Parker, The Blazing Beetle, or as of last night Robin Voss. Not counting my other characters that are not active. And of course a few may have had the misfortune of meeting Hate.
Anyway, I decided to post on here while having lunch, as I am doing important SG boss related activities (And by that I mean I'm hiding from my SG.) Anyway, if you see me around always feel free to say hello, RP or cuss me out. Some folks have even done all three.
I am, of course, joking.
Haha, feel free. It would be welcome considering most folks tend to ignore my characters.